Excel interop adds # sign to formulas - excel-interop

when creating a spreadsheet using Excel interop's and VB.NET I need to add a formula to a cell.
for example the filter formula. I add it as =Filter but when it appears on the spreadsheet it appears as =#Filter
this means that only the cell that I added the formula to will bring back the data in the filter, whereas without the # it would bring back the array in the corresponding cells.
is there a way of stopping the # symbol appearing?

Use wSheet3.Range("C5").Formula2 = and then the formula instead of
wSheet3.Range("C5").Formula =


Output array formula, ignoring cells in output area that already contain data

I'm trying to work on a Google Sheet and make it as user friendly as possible, so when I'm not around others can't screw it up. I have previously copied the formula down the column, but I'm trying to do it in an array formula, that is in the header of the column so people don't need to copy the formula to other cells.
The formula is simply a VLOOKUP, comparing a cell to the left with the code, and retrieving the title and other information later. (I've had this working happily via copying the formula down the column.)
VLOOKUP($F$2:F, 'Lessons NEW'!$E$2:$F,2,false)
My problem comes when trying to do this using an array formula in the header. This also works properly, but doesn't allow me to do somethings needed.
VLOOKUP($F$2:F, 'Lessons NEW'!$E$2:$F,2,false),
Again this works happily.
HOWEVER. my issue is that on some rows I need to manually enter some info.
What I want to happen, is rows in the column that have data, in the array formula's destination to get skipped over and simply ignored during the array formula's output and end up containing what's been manually entered in them. (Some rows in the column will just be random manual entry stuff)
I've tried doing this via checking if there is a code in the cell to the left, and try to make it skip if so, or check if the destination cell has contents already and skip if so. but it seems that if I have anything in the output area of the array formula, it breaks it completely.
Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can accomplish this? Thanks!
Unfortunately there's no direct solution within ARRAYFORMULA. If you can, and ideally there are no in between rows added, you can add a column to the left to be hidden, and contain the formula adapted:
={"",VLOOKUP($F2, 'Lessons NEW'!$E$2:$F,2,false)}
Without ARRAYFORMULA it will be able to expand at any row that doesn't have a handwritten value. You may also protect that whole hidden column (that will mean also that no in between rows will be added by noon authorised people, may be also useful for you)
Sample script for copying the formula. Adapt the ranges and name of the sheet:
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
.addItem("Copy Formula","copyformula")
function copyformula(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var sh = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet3")
var range = sh.getRange("D1")
what you describe contradicts the intended usage of arrayformula. arrayformula is designed to roll out and for that, it needs an empty space. any manual input in that empty space will render the arrayformula out of the game. there are only two solutions for your issue:
not use arrayformula but VLOOKUP formula in every cell
use a script that will inject the formula only if there is no manual input
and one more hybrid solution - have your arrayformula in one column and your manual input in the next column, and then have 3rd column that will gather the data like if manual column is empty output vlookup otherwise output manual input

Edit data after FILTER in Google Docs

I have FILTER some range like "=FILTER(E1:M11;E1:M1=B1)" but I use FILTER for simple access to the cell-data, that must be edit, trying to wright something in to FILTER celLs given an a formula FILTER error...
google sheets does not support editing cells where the output of the formulas rolls out. this is a feature by design, not a bug. if you wish to re-write a print from a formula that formula needs to be inserted with a script, not as an in-cell function

Google Forms changes cell reference on different sheet in Google Sheets

I'm building a spreadsheet to track my macronutrients and calories. I made a google form for inputting information and it populates a "responses" sheet on google sheets. I made a different sheet within the same spreadsheet to perform all the calculation and generate graphs.
But every time I enter a new response into the form, it creates a new row and changes all the cell references in the calculations sheet. For example, I reference cell A2 from the responses
='Form Responses'!A2
and when I actually fill out the form and it populates, A2 in the responses sheet is filled in but the reference in my calculations sheet has been changed to A3.
='Form Responses'!A3
I tried using $ but it did the same thing, automatically changes the cell that I referenced.
Any way to have my calcuations sheet reference the newly created rows automatically?
In a new tab use for example, = {'Form Responses'! A: Z} and use this data to do your calculations and you will have no problems!
To avoid the row value to change reference when adding a new response, you will need to add the $ next to the number instead of next to the column value (A):
='Form Responses'!A$2
Moreover, an easy way to reference your whole column is to reference a range instead such as:
='Form Responses'!A:A
And then just drag it through your column. If you want it to be more specific (select the range you want):
='Form Responses'!A2:A999
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)

How do I make Google Sheets ignore my data in certain cells?

Here is a link to an example spreadsheet that demonstrates my problem. Feel free to edit it.
In cell B1, the value I am trying to scrape is there. However, data below B1 (all the way to B31) is shown and I don't want it to exist on my sheet. How can I get rid of it? Column A is an example of how I would want to paste the scraped value "18.39" in a previously existing list.
Add a +-sign before your formula. This will limit the output to the first value of the array.
=+importxml("https://www.fantasysp.com/nba_player_news/Willie_Cauley-Stein/", "//td[7]")
An alternative method would be to use INDEX()
=index(importxml("https://www.fantasysp.com/nba_player_news/Willie_Cauley-Stein/", "//td[7]"), 1, 1)

Using CONCATENATE with Google forms and sheets

I have a survey going out with Google Forms, but to analyse the results, I would need to concatenate some cells. However, due to the nature of Google Forms, whenever a new response is recorded, a new row is added. I've read around, looking at different forums and tutorials, but can't seem to find anything that works.
Some of the places I've looked are:
concatenate column values for each row that gets added after google form submission
So what I would need help with is if it's possible to concatenate results from a Google Form without having to manually copy the formula in the cells whenever there are new responses. I've tried ArrayFormula, but I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated!
ArrayFormula(A2:A & B2:B) should do the trick.
Note that the formula will persist even if you put it directly at the end of the form and then add a new field.
It will just be shifted to the right, so you don't need to worry about taking care of that when you modify your form.
The CONCATENATE function is a Google spreadsheet function that combines two or more text strings into a single string. It appears in the dropdown menu for functions above cell A1, and when you select it, it places an =CONCATENATE()= formula in the selected cell.
Note that you may need to replace spaces with "&" if your text has spaces.
In order to perform this operation on Google Forms though, you will need to set up Form Embeds by making sure you have the input type of "google form embed." When embedded forms are enabled, there is no need for individual cells within a google sheet workbook with custom formulas next to each question result button as they're all being calculated.
You can find more info on CONCATENATE by referring to this.
