I have around 1000 targets that are probed using HTTP.
job="http_2xx", env="prod", instance="x.x.x.x"
job="http_2xx", env="test", instance="y.y.y.y"
job="http_2xx", env="dev", instance="z.z.z.z"
I want to know for the targets:
Rate of failure by env in last 10 minutes.
Increase in rate of failure by env in last 10 minutes.
Curious what the following does:
rate(probe_success{job="http_2xx", env="prod"}[5m]) * 100
The closest I have reached is with following to find operational by env in 10 minutes:
avg(avg_over_time(probe_success{job="http_2xx", env="prod"}[10m]) * 100)
Rate of failure by env in last 10 minutes. The easiest way you can do it is:
sum(rate(probe_success{job="http_2xx"}[10m]) * 100) by (env)
This will return you the percentage off successful probes, which you can reverse adding *(-1) +100
Calculating rate over 10m and increase of rate over 10m seems redundant adding an increase function to the above query didn't work for me. you can replace the rate function with increase if want to.
The first query was pretty close it will calculate the increase of successful probes over 10m period. You can make it show increase of failed probes by adding == 0 and sum it by the "env" variable
sum(increase(probe_success{job="http_2xx"} == 0 [10m])) by (env)
Your second query will return percentage of successful request over 5m for prod environment
I would like to use K6 in order to measure the time it takes to proces 1.000.000 requests (in total) by an API.
Execute 1.000.000 (1 million in total) get requests by 50 concurrent users/theads, so every user/thread executes 20.000 requests.
I've managed to create such a scenario with Artillery.io, but I'm not sure how to create the same one while using K6. Could you point me in the right direction in order to create the scenario? (Most examples are using a pre-defined duration, but in this case I don't know the duration -> this is exactly what I want to measure).
Artillery yml
target: 'https://localhost:44000'
- duration: 1
arrivalRate: 50
- flow:
- loop:
- get:
url: "/api/Test"
count: 20000
K6 js
import http from 'k6/http';
import {check, sleep} from 'k6';
export let options = {
iterations: 1000000,
vus: 50
export default function() {
let res = http.get('https://localhost:44000/api/Test');
check(res, { 'success': (r) => r.status === 200 });
The iterations + vus you've specified in your k6 script options would result in a shared-iterations executor, where VUs will "steal" iterations from the common pile of 1m iterations. So, the faster VUs will complete slightly more than 20k requests, while the slower ones will complete slightly less, but overall you'd still get 1 million requests. And if you want to see how quickly you can complete 1m requests, that's arguably the better way to go about it...
However, if having exactly 20k requests per VU is a strict requirement, you can easily do that with the aptly named per-vu-iterations executor:
export let options = {
discardResponseBodies: true,
scenarios: {
'million_hits': {
executor: 'per-vu-iterations',
vus: 50,
iterations: 20000,
maxDuration: '2h',
In any case, I strongly suggest setting maxDuration to a high value, since the default value is only 10 minutes for either executor. And discardResponseBodies will probably help with the performance, if you don't care about the response body contents.
btw you can also do in k6 what you've done in Artillery, have 50 VUs start a single iteration each and then just loop the http.get() call 20000 times inside of that one single iteration... You won't get a very nice UX that way, the k6 progressbars will be frozen until the very end, since k6 will have no idea of your actual progress inside of each iteration, but it will also work.
I'm doing a parametric sweep of some Abaqus simulations, and so I'm using the waitForCompletion() function to prevent the script from moving on prematurely. However, occassionally the combination of parameters causes the simulation to hang on one or two of the parameters in the sweep for something like half an hour to an hour, whereas most parameter combos only take ~10 minutes. I don't need all the data points, so I'd rather sacrifice one or two results to power through more simulations in that time. Thus I tried to use waitForCompletion(timeout) as documented here. But it doesn't work - it ends up functioning just like an indefinite waitForCompletion, regardless of how low I set the wait time. I am using Abaqus 2017, and I was wondering if anyone else had gotten this function to work and if so how?
While I could use a workaround like adding a custom timeout function and using the kill() function on the job, I would prefer to use the built-in functionality of the Abaqus API, so any help is much appreciated!
It seems like starting from a certain version the timeOut optional argument was removed from this method: compare the "Scripting Reference Manual" entry in the documentation of v6.7 and v6.14.
You have a few options:
From Abaqus API: Checking if the my_abaqus_script.023 file still exists during simulation:
import os, time
timeOut = 600
total_time = 60
# whait untill the the job is completed
while os.path.isfile('my_job_name.023') == True:
if total_time > timeOut:
total_time += 60
From outside: Launching the job using the subprocess
Note: don't use interactive keyword in your command because it blocks the execution of the script while the simulation process is active.
import subprocess, os, time
my_cmd = 'abaqus job=my_abaqus_script analysis cpus=1'
proc = subprocess.Popen(
and checking the return code of the child process suing poll() (see also returncode):
timeOut = 600
total_time = 60
# whait untill the the job is completed
while proc.poll() is None:
if total_time > timeOut:
total_time += 60
or waiting until the timeOut is reached using wait()
timeOut = 600
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
print('TimeOut reached!')
Note: I know that terminate() and wait() methods should work in theory but I haven't tried this solution myself. So maybe there will be some additional complications (like looking for all children processes created by Abaqus using psutil.Process(proc.pid) )
According to the syntax of ie.waitforcomplete command, it takes input in terms of milliseconds but while I was running this code, it does for 10 seconds as it should.
ie.open google.com nowait true
window ✱internet✱
ie.seturl g1ant.com
ie.waitforcomplete 1000
ie.seturl duckduckgo.com
As manual suggests, ie.waiforcomplete "suspends script execution until a webpage is loaded". The first argument is timeout which "specifies time in milliseconds for G1ANT.Robot to wait for the command to be executed". It simply means that when you have:
ie.waitforcomplete 1000
It will wait for maximum time of 1000 milliseconds (1 second) for a webpage to load, if it fails, an exception will occurr.
And the following code means that it will wait for maximum time of 10 seconds.
ie.waitforcomplete 10000
I'm getting unexpected results streaming in the cloud.
My pipeline looks like:
.apply("Get UniqueCounts", ApproximateUnique.perKey(.05))
.apply("Window hack filter", ParDo(
If that filter isn't there, I get 60 windows per output. Apparently because the pubsub sink isn't window aware.
So in the examples below, if each time period is a minute, I'd expect to see the unique count grow until 60 minutes when the sliding window closes.
Using DirectRunner, I get expected results:
t1: 5
t2: 10
t3: 15
tx: growing unique count
In dataflow, I get weird results:
t1: 5
t2: 10
t3: 0
t4: 0
t5: 2
t6: 0
tx: wrong unique count
However, if my unbounded source has older data, I'll get normal looking results until it catches up at which point I'll get the wrong results.
I was thinking it had to do with my window filter, but removing that didn't change the results.
If I do a Distinct() then Count().perKey(), it works, but that slows my pipeline considerably.
What am I overlooking?
[Update from the comments]
ApproximateUnique inadvertently resets its accumulated value when result is extracted. This is incorrect when the value is read more than once as with windows firing multiple times. Fix (will be in version 2.4): https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/4688
My computing cluster monitoring data is stored in an influx DB with the following shape (minus a few columns):
time number parti user
---- ------ ----- ----
2017-06-02T06:58:52.854866584Z 59 gr01 user01
2017-06-02T06:58:52.854866584Z 6 gr01 user02
2017-06-02T06:58:52.854866584Z 295 gr02 user03
2017-06-02T06:58:52.854866584Z 904 gr03 user04
data points are every 10 minutes. Right now I am plotting the sum for each "parti" with:
select sum(number) from status_logs where time > now() - 1h group by time(10m), parti
However, this becomes very slow when I show more than a few days due to the time(10m). I cannot use a varying time window because the sum() would not make sense anymore.
My question : would there be a way to take the average of the sum over a (variable) time window ?
Thanks !