Gatling: How to pass jsonPath saved variable to another exec - scala-gatling

I am new to Gatling and scala. facing issue on passing jsonpath saved variable from one repeat section to another forEach repeat section.
following variable "dcIds" is not able to pass to forEach section. Also please direct me to make the below code more better.
var dcIdd = ""
val r = new scala.util.Random
def orderRef() = r.nextInt(100)
def getCreateRequest: String = {
val data = s"""
"location":"Seattle, Washington, USA",
def createAppRequest: String = {
val data = s"""
val scn = scenario("Add DC")
.repeat(DcIterations, "index") {
.get(uri2 + "?plan_id=")
http("DC add")
.body(StringBody(session => getCreateRequest))
.foreach("${dcIds}", "dcId") {
dcIdd = "${dcId}"
repeat(AppIterations, "index") {
exec(http("Add Application")
.post(uri1 + "/applications/${dcId}")
.body(StringBody(session => createAppRequest))


Convert google sheet Row and column in JSON using app script

Is there any way to convert this=> google sheet into the below given JSON object using AppScript. I'm new to AppScript I dont have idea how to make this row and column in the below given object. Thanks in advance.
function data2json() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
var values = sh.getRange('A1').getDataRegion().getValues()
// Logger.log(values)
var jsn = {}
jsn['data'] = []
var n = -1
var m = 0
values.forEach(function (r, i) {
if (i > 0) {
if (r[1] != '') {
jsn['data'][n] = {}
jsn['data'][n]['insurer'] = r[1]
jsn['data'][n]['products'] = []
m = -1
jsn['data'][n]['products'][m] = {}
jsn['data'][n]['products'][m]['name'] = r[2]
jsn['data'][n]['products'][m]['UIN'] = r[3]

Spawning an Object with State TTS

I would like to combine two and more objects in the TabletopSimulator. Wenn I spawn the objects I can combine like this page I would like this create with Lua. So I need help... I spawn the objects like here, but I didn`t get two objects with 2 states.
function SpawnLevel1(Obj1, ID)
spawnparamslvl = {
type = 'Custom_Assetbundle',
position = Obj1.getPosition(),
rotation = Obj1.getRotation(),
scale = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
paramslvl = {
assetbundle = data[CID].assetbundle,
type = 1,
material = 0,
Obj2 = spawnObject(spawnparamslvl)
obj_name = data[CID].display_name
function deploy(PID)
display_name = data[PID].display_name
spawnparams = {
type = 'Custom_Assetbundle',
position = self.getPosition(),
rotation = self.getRotation(),
scale = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
params = {
assetbundle = data[PID].assetbundle,
type = 0,
material = 0,
Spawning(spawnparams, params, display_name, PID)
function Spawning(spawnparams, params, display_name, PID)
Obj1 = spawnObject(spawnparamsmain)
Level1 = SpawnLevel1(Obj1, ID)
Thank you for your help
You have to use spawnObjectData or spawnObjectJSON. The format of the "object data" follows the format of the save file.
Rather than hardcoding the large data structures needed to build an object, I'll use existing objects as templates. This is a common practice that's also reflected by the following common idiom for modifying an existing object:
local data = obj.getData()
-- Modify `data` here --
obj = spawnObjectData({ data = data })
The following are the relevant bits of "object data" for states:
{ -- Object data (current state)
-- ...
States = {
["1"] = { -- Object data (state 1)
--- ...
["3"] = { -- Object data (state 3)
-- ...
["4"] = { -- Object data (state 4)
-- ...
-- ...
So you could use this:
function combine_objects(base_obj, objs_to_add)
if not objs[1] then
return base_obj
local data = base_obj.getData()
if not data.States then
data.States = { }
local i = 1
while data.States[tostring(i)] do i = i + 1 end
i = i + 1 -- Skip current state.
while data.States[tostring(i)] do i = i + 1 end
for _, obj in ipairs(objs_to_add) do
data.States[tostring(i)] = obj.getData()
i = i + 1
return spawnObjectData({ data = data })

Insert Additional data into Lua table at index

I have a table called "inventory", initialized like so:
inventory = {}
inventory[1] = { qty = 0 }
I want to add more data to this table, at the index 1, eg:
val = { id = "example" }
inventory[1] = inventory[1], val
Is there a way I can do this while preserving the data that is already in this table at this index?
The final result should be something like:
inventory[1] = { qty = 0, id = "example" }
But if I try to print the id after trying this code I get:
print(inventory[1].id) == Nil
inventory[1].id = "example"
inventory[1]["id"] = "example"
this other SO answer with first_table being inventory[1] and second_table being val.
FWIW, you'd need 2 variables on the left side of the expression for inventory[1] = inventory[1], val to work: a, b = x, y.
You need to take the first key in the table and use it:
local inventory = {}
inventory[1] = { qty = 0 }
local val = { id = "example" }
local KeyName = next(val)
inventory[1][KeyName] = val[KeyName]
-- or

casting a List<object> into NancyFx response

I am trying to build an Nancy OData support app using LinqToQuerystring. I got below sample code. it is working for any query url like:
http:/test/?$filter=Recommended eq true
Get["/test"] = _ =>
var dict = (IDictionary)Request.Query.ToDictionary();
new List<Movie>
new Movie
Title = "Matrix (The)",
ReleaseDate = new DateTime(1999, 3, 31),
DurationInMinutes = 136,
MetaScore = 73,
Director = "Wachowski Brothers",
Recommended = true
new Movie
Title = "There and Back Again, An Unexpected Journey",
ReleaseDate = new DateTime(2012, 12, 14),
DurationInMinutes = 169,
MetaScore = 58,
Director = "Peter Jackson",
Recommended = false
return dict;
You can solve this by calling ToDictionary first.
var dict = (IDictionary<string, object>) Request.Query.ToDictionary();
This is probably because of the way LinqToQuerystring handles Dictionary under the hood, outputting them in an intermediate window causes:
(IDictionary<string, object>) Request.Query
[Nancy.DynamicDictionary]: {Nancy.DynamicDictionary}
Keys: Count = 2
Values: Count = 2
(IDictionary<string, object>) Request.Query.ToDictionary()
Count = 2
[0]: {[one, one]}
[1]: {[two, 2]}
Based on your comment I assume you want to ALWAYS return JSON.
If that's the case the way you would do that is to return:
return Response.AsJson(dict);
This will serialize the dictionary as JSON for you.

Copy Object Properties to a Map by Value not by Reference

I'm not sure where i'm going wrong, but it seems that I'm not able to copy properties from an object instance and assign them to a map without the values being changed after saving the instance.
This is a sample class:
class Product {
String productName
String proudctDescription
int quantityOnHand
Once the form is submitted and it's sent to my controller, I can access the values and manipulate them from the map that is available from the instance. I want to copy the properties to another map to preserve the values before committing them during an edit. So let's say we are editing a record and these are the values stored in the db: productName = "My Product", productDescription = "My Product Description" and quantityOnHand = 100.
I want to copy them to:
def propertiesBefore =
This did not work, because when I save the productInstance, the values in propertiesBefore change to whatever the instance had.
So I tried this: { k,v -> propertiesBefore[k] = v }
Same thing happened again. I am not sure how to copy by value, it seems no matter what I try it copies by reference instead.
As per the request of Pawel P., this is the code that I tested:
class Product {
String productName
String productDescription
int quantityOnHand
def productInstance = new Product(productName: "Some name", productDescription: "Desciption", quantityOnHand: 10)
def propertiesBefore = [:] { k,v -> propertiesBefore[k] = (v instanceof Cloneable) ? v.clone() : v }
productInstance.productName = "x"
productInstance.productDescription = "y"
productInstance.quantityOnHand = 9
println propertiesBefore.quantityOnHand // this will print the same as the one after the save()
println propertiesBefore.quantityOnHand // this will print the same as the one above the save()
Without cloning, copying hash-map [:]'s values to a new hash-map [:]'s space can also be done by "pushing" the first one over, which would achieve the same result that you desired (copy by value)!
def APE = [:]
APE= [tail: 1, body: "hairy", hungry: "VERY!!!"]
def CAVEMAN = [:]
CAVEMAN << APE //push APE to CAVEMAN's space
//modify APE's values for CAVEMAN
CAVEMAN.tail = 0
CAVEMAN.body = "need clothes"
println "'APE': ${APE}"
println "'CAVEMAN': ${CAVEMAN}"
Output ==>
'APE': [tail:1, body:hairy, hungry:VERY!!!]
'CAVEMAN': [tail:0, body:need clothes, hungry:VERY!!!]
The problem is that you actually copy references to variables. To obtain copy of variable you should use clone(). Take a look:
class Product {
String productName
String productDescription
int quantityOnHand
def productInstance = new Product(productName: "Some name", productDescription: "Desciption", quantityOnHand: 10)
def propertiesBefore = [:] { k,v -> propertiesBefore[k] = (v instanceof Cloneable) ? v.clone() : v }
productInstance.productName = "x"
productInstance.productDescription = "y"
productInstance.quantityOnHand = 9
println propertiesBefore
It prints:
[quantityOnHand:9, class:class Product, productName:x, productDescription:y]
[quantityOnHand:10, class:class Product, productName:Some name, productDescription:Desciption]
A simpler example for groovy using Hash-Map [:] can be like this:
def APE = [:]
APE= [tail: 1, body: "hairy", hungry: "VERY!!!"]
def CloneMe = APE //*APE as clone*
def CAVEMAN = [:] //*copy APE's values over thru mapping the clone*
CloneMe.each { key,value -> CAVEMAN[key] = (value instanceof Cloneable) ? value.clone() : value }
println "'CloneMe': ${CloneMe}"
//change some of the clone's values for CAVEMAN
CAVEMAN.tail = 0
CAVEMAN.body = "need clothes"
println "'APE': ${APE}"
println "'CAVEMAN': ${CAVEMAN}"
Output ==>
'CloneMe': [tail:1, body:hairy, hungry:VERY!!!]
'APE': [tail:1, body:hairy, hungry:VERY!!!]
'CAVEMAN': [tail:0, body:need clothes, hungry:VERY!!!]
