I'm using a native ios sdk. I have created an envelope and signed it. For creating and signing the envelope I was using the documentation and suggestions that were given on this topic.
Now, I want to download my signed document. In Android mobile sdk there is a DSEnvelopeDelegate which has a method downloadCompletedEnvelopeDocument (description here).
But in iOS SDK I can't find any methods which make the same work.
How to download the completed envelope document using iOS SDK?
In case if it not available in iOS SDK how to do this (maybe use some API etc)?
How to download completed envelope using DocuSign iOS SDK
For now, it's best to use the API to download the envelopes as current iOS-SDK version doesn't support downloading the completed envelopes from server. It's on the roadmap for iOS-SDK to have this functionality after summer (anticipated release Aug 2021). With API, there is an option to download individual, zip-archive or combined documents of a signed envelope.
I am creating a project in Xamarin and in that, I want to use MobilePay as a payment option. And I have checked many more references and videos about the implementation and I'll complete the android version(with the deep link) but I can't able to do it for the IOS version
Can you please get me some idea about these things, How to pass data and receive data from the app delegate (controller to appdelegate file)
I have implemented it in android and ios also I'll go with platform-specific
Below the image, I get the response in the android version after the complete the payment process from the MobilePay
But when I am implementing IOS I'll use UIApplication(UIKit package) and it also works but when the app center generate build APK (after committing code) for the android it's getting me below error
means it's the effect on the android app building
I don't have an idea how to pass data controller to app delegate file and use response data that getting from the google pay response
I want to integrate PayPal express checkout sdk in one of my application as my client requirements. Initially I was trying to add new Braintree iOS sdk but Braintree rejected my client's business purpose as the application is an open marketplace. I am in a confused state whether iOS app or iTunes supports this Paypal Express checkout and it suits to my app as well. Following are the links that I have referred.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
PayPal express checkout is currently in .js so you need to use PhoneGap/Cordova for the plugin detail see the link
For android
Don't forget to read detail is in the README file
Am using Google maps SDK in my app and I had to support 5.0 also but Google maps does n't support 5.0. How to implement my app for 5.0
Is there any link to download Google Maps SDK 1.4.x?
Thanks in advance,
There's a "Releases" webpage for the GoogleMaps SDK which list what's changed from version to version.
They do allow downloading releases from one or two versions back, but there's no actual link there for 1.4.X.
However, when I tried manually typing in a link of "https://dl.google.com/geosdk/GoogleMaps-iOS-1.4.3.zip", it successfully downloaded. Grab it now, because it is likely to be gone within the next month or two.
I want to implement Google Double Click into my iPad.
I am following
In setup section doc specify to copy GADDoubleClickParameters.h file.
I have searched a lot but could not get this file in SDK .
Sdk that i get is
Can somebody guide me how can i implement double click in ios if i follow above guide.
I think there is a mismatch between Google AdSense Mobile and Google AdMob Ads; GADDoubleClickParameters.h is required by the formed, while you are downloading the latter.
It seems that Google AdMob Ads supersedes AdSense Mobile:
The new SDK provides numerous advantages over the previous AdMob and AdSense for Mobile Applications SDKs and lays the framework as we work towards a single, comprehensive app monetization solution. Key features include access to the latest ad units, tablet formats for Android, iOS 4.3, and Windows Phone 7 support. (source)
If you want to use Google AdMob Ads, I would suggest having a look at the sample projects that Google provides.
Hope it helps.
I have experience building iPhone applications, however I'm new to the facebook API for iOS. Does anyone know of a good example of an iOS app that will post to user's facebook wall? I'm trying to integrate this functionality into an existing app that I'm working on. Thanks!
Check out the following open-source project:
It's an open-source library to let you post to Facebook from your own iOS app.
They have posted code for a sample ViewController here as well. Unfortunately this doesn't do an explicit wall update, but it does read the users' status and request them to log in. And underneath this you can retrieve the source for the entire demo application:
You can check our documentation for iOS SDK 3.0.8 here at
Download the SDK package here at
Then try the samples/ folder for the existing samples.
Specially you can look at Scrumptuous and Hackbook for latest examples.