How to access params body of a webhook post request - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to send myself an email with the details of a post request received from a webhook
p = params.permit!
However this only send me an email with the content:
{"controller"=>"custom/send", "action"=>"create"}
I tried to call .inspect on the params but not much changed, this is what I got:
"#<ActionController::Parameters {\"controller\"=>\"custom/send\", \"action\"=>\"create\"} permitted: true>"
In the log I can see clearly the parameters passed, there are many, but above is all I get! so how can I access them?

wow! I haven't thought about it, it seems that I made my app to redirect to, so basically when the webhook request arrived to the www url it was redirected, that's why I wasn't seeing the post params!
I just adjusted the webhook url by removing the www and now it's working


No action in params in github webhook payload

I am sending to an organization webhook the pull_request payload as described here :
But while in my script i can get any parameter from the payload using
i cannot get the first param which is the action using
it's not giving anything
i am reading here that it should be there under params[:action] :
I don't know what i am doing wrong the webhook is sending the pull_request even as expected but the param is just not there, when i check the dump is starts with the pr number not the action.

Using Webhooks with Rails

I am unfamiliar with Webhooks but I feel like they are the right thing for my app.
I have the following documentation for FluidSurveys webhook
I understand how I can make the webhook through a POST request to their API, but I don't know how can I tell where the webhook is actually going to send the response.
Can I pass any subscription url I want? e.g. and is that where webhook will send the data? Also, after the webhook is created I'm not sure how to ensure my Rails app will receive the response that is initiated.
I assume a controller method that corresponds with the url I provide to the webhook.
If I'm correct on the controller handling the webhook, what would that look like?
Any guidance is appreciated.
Webhooks hook into your app via a callback URL you provide. This is just an action in one of your controllers that responds to POST requests and handles the webhook request. Every time something changes to the remote service, the remote service makes a request to the callback URL you provided, hence triggering the action code.
I'll exemplify with the survey created event. You start by defining a callback action for this event, where you handle the request coming from the webhook. As stated here the webhook responds with the following body:
Let's leave the headers for now, they don't contain important information. The available body parameters (survey_creator_name, survey_name etc.) will reflect all details regarding the new survey available on the remote service. So let's write a callback action that handles this request:
class HooksController
def survey_created_callback
# If the body contains the survey_name parameter...
if params[:survery_name].present?
# Create a new Survey object based on the received parameters...
survey = => params[:survey_name]
survey.url = params[:survey_url]
survey.creator_email = params[:survey_creator_email]!
# The webhook doesn't require a response but let's make sure
# we don't send anything
render :nothing => true
Let's add the route for this (in config/routes.rb):
scope '/hooks', :controller => :hooks do
post :survey_created_callback
This will enable the POST /hooks/survey_created_callback route.
Now you'll need to subscribe this callback URL to the Webhooks API. First you'll want to know which hooks are available to you. You do this by placing a GET request at /api/v2/webhooks/. In the response you'll find the event name, survey and collector parameters.
Finally, you subscribe to one of the previously listed hooks by placing a request to the POST /api/v2/webhooks/subscribe/ URL with the following contents:
"subscription_url": "",
The response to this will be a code 201 if the hook was created successfully, or code 409, if a webhook for the same callback URL already exists. Or something else, if this went bad :)
You can now test the hook, by creating a survey on the remote service and then watch it getting replicated in your Rails app.
Hope this helps...

Rails impossible to get post response in rack middleware

I made a rails 3 rack middleware to log users actions with request =
So i send to my database the request.fullpath and request.user_agent, as detailed below:
My issue appears I want to get the POST response too (to get ids, people name extracted from the JSON payload ...).
So i get the response = But when i print response.body, i have only my request.path, and the request.params does not contain anything ...
By looking at the response with Firebug, I can see all the data I want.
Thanks for your responses.
Problem resolved !
I finally add status, headers, body = to my middleware and send the body variable to my service. For each POST request, body contains all the post response I want.

Ruby on Rails 3: How to retrieve POST and GET params separately?

I know you can get parameters using params, but the thing is that it merges all parameters whether they were sent via GET or POST:
If you send a request via GET, no problem, the parameters can only be squeezed in the URL.
But if you send a POST request that has a URL like /blabla?foo=bar&foo2=bar2, is there a way to tell the difference between the variables sent via the URL and the variables sent through the actual POST method?
Yes, in your controller you can get the GET parameters using request.GET and the POST parameters with request.POST

Sending POST requests from Rails controller for authentication

I am quite new to Ruby and RoR, and have been struggling with a problem and am not getting anywhere.
Basically I am building a "proxy" webservice that will handle certain requests, passing them to a third party website. The response received from the third party website is in HTML, which will then be parsed and an appropriate XML response will be given.
I'm at a point where I need to send POST requests via my controller in Rails to authenticate a user, which I'm doing using this code:
require "net/http"
require "uri"
uri = URI.parse("")
http =, uri.port)
request =
request.set_form_data({"email_login" => "", "password_login" => "password"})
response = http.request(request)
My problem lies on the response I am receiving. This specific POST request, when successful (i.e. user has successfully authenticated), is returning a 302 redirect. That in itself is not an issue, as I can follow the redirect by getting the 'location' header value:
redirectLocation = response['location']
Where I'm getting stuck is in keeping myself authenticated when following the redirect with the following line:
redirectResponse = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(redirectLocation))
This follows the redirect but return a response showing I am not authenticated??
I don't really understanding why this is happening. I can see there is an authentication cookie being returned with my original response by reading:
So finally my question is what do I need to do to get the server to recognise my authentication status? Pass the cookie with my second request somehow? If so, how do I do it?
Many thanks in advance for your time!
Yes you need to set the cookie. I think it probably give you some kind of a session id. Which you need to pass with every request.
look at this code snippet for a example on how to pass on a cookie that you get as a response with your new requests.
