How everbody,
I have an intriging scenario with Xtext and I am out of ideas, so I like to ask you.
I am actually using cross references from two different DSLs in my project but I can't figure of how to deal with following scenario,.
grammar com.test.DSL1 with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
import "" as ecore
generate DSL1 ""
ID ('.' ID)*;
QualifiedName '.*'?;
'base' name=ID
'something' '=' (something=STRING)
grammar com.test.DSL2 with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
import "" as ecore
generate DSL2 ""
import "" as dsl1
ID ('.' ID)*;
QualifiedName '.*'?;
'ceiling' name=ID
'otherthing' '=' (otherthing=STRING)
'plan' name=ID
'element' element=[dsl1::Base|Ceiling]
As you might guess
'element' element=[dsl1::Base|Ceiling]
is not working.
If the Base and Ceiling would be in the same DSL, I would do the following and it will work..
Base | Ceiling;
'plan' name=ID
'element' element=[AbstractBaseCeiling]
dsl1::Base| Ceiling;
'plan' name=ID
'element' element=[AbstractBaseCeiling]
is also not working...
Don't understand me wrong my cross reference Setup is working because if I do the following everything works fine..
'plan' name=ID
'element' element=[dsl1::Base]
But I could not figure out a way to use another Rule from another DSL and element can be either "dsl1::Base" or DSL2 Ceiling.
What am trying to do, is it possible? If yes, how?
Thx for answers....
I think there is two way to go around this:
Either you want to share a grammar rule between DSL1 and DSL2, in that case see grammar mixins
Or you want to reference from DSL2 an element defined using DSL1, in that case you need to setup an import mechanism (see e.g. a tutorial here but I'm sure there are others somewhere in the documentation)
My apologies for the bad title, but couldn't express it in better words.
I'm writing a parser using ANTLR to calculate complexities in dart code.
Things seem to work fine until I tried to parse a file with the following Method Signature
Stream<SomeState> mapEventToState(SomeEvent event,) async* {
//someCode to map the State to Event
Here the mapEventToState(SomeEvent event,) creates an issue because of the COMMA , at the end.
It presents 2 params to me because of the trailing COMMA (whereas in reality it's just one) and includes some part of the code in the params list thus making the rest of the code unreadable for ANTLR.
This is normal in flutter to end a list of parameters with a COMMA.
The grammar corresponding to it is:
: declaredIdentifier ('=' expression)? (','initializedIdentifier)*
: identifier ('=' expression)?
: initializedIdentifier (',' initializedIdentifier)*
The full grammar can be checked at
What should I change on the grammar so that I don't face this issue and the parser can understand that functionName(Param param1, Param param2,) is same as functionName(Param param1, Param param2)
The Dart project maintains a reference ANTLR grammar for the Dart language (mostly as a tool for ourselves, to ensure new language features can be parsed).
It might be useful as a reference.
The "dart2" grammar you are linking to in the ANTLR repository is probably severely outdated. It was not created by a Dart team member, and if it doesn't handle trailing commas in argument lists, it was probably never complete for Dart 2.0. Use with caution.
I do not believe that the rule you mentioned (initializedVariableDeclaration) is the grammar corresponding to the problem. That's for an ordinary variable declaration (with an initializer).
I believe you actually want to change formalParameterList. The Dart grammar is provided by the language specification, and we can compare the grammar listed there to the grammar from the ANTLR repository.
The ANTLR file has:
: '(' ')'
| '(' normalFormalParameters ')'
whereas the Dart 2.10 specification has, from section 9.2 (Formal Parameters):
<formalParameterList> ::= ‘(’ ‘)’
| ‘(’ <normalFormalParameters> ‘,’? ‘)’
You should file an issue against ANTLR or create a pull request to fix it.
That file also does not appear to have been substantially updated since May 2019 and seems to be missing some notable changes to the Dart language since that time (e.g. spread collections (spreadElement), collection-if (ifElement), and collection-for (forElement) from Dart 2.3, and the changes for null safety).
I am building on an initial Xtext project build using gradle.
ext.xtextVersion = '2.20.0'
I have following xtext grammar:
grammar com.exampe.Rule with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals hidden(WS, ML_COMMENT, SL_COMMENT)
import "" as ecore
generate rule ""
{Number} (other?='o')? number=INT
This does NOT parse o19.
Then, the Rule is changed to following:
{Number} (other?='*')? number=INT
This DOES parse *19.
I did not find any special treatment in letters versus symbols.
What is going wrong here? How can I make o19 getting parsed.
o19 is parsed by the rule ID which you imported by inheriting from org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals. In Xtext, the Lexer runs independent from the parser (context insensitive) and tokenizes the text into keywords and terminal rule calls.
You have to add a terminal rule for such cases.
terminal PREFIXED_INT:
'o' INT;
But I don't know whether it's a good idea in terms of readability if you keep the ID rule as well. Readers of your code might be mislead.
I have this simple DSL, inspired from the mini-java example but based on XBase.
See below to take a quick look at my grammar.
Package returns Package:
name = QualifiedName
(importSection = XImportSection)?
(classifiers += Classifier)*
Classifier returns Classifier :
| DataType
| Enum
Class returns Class:
((abstract?='abstract'? 'class') | interface?= 'interface') name = ID
('<' typeParameters+=JvmTypeParameter (','
typeParameters+=JvmTypeParameter)* '>')?
('extends' superType=JvmParameterizedTypeReference)?
; ...
My question is as follows:
How can I extend the XBase type system in order to recognize type conformance between a super-class and a sub-class defined with this simple DSL?!
I've spent a couple of days looking for examples out there, but I couldn't put my hands on one clear example.
Thanks you in advance for any hint, help!
you can have a look what xtend does about that e.g.
I am running into a problem with ambiguity in a rather complicated grammar I have been building up. It's too complex to post here, so I've reduced my problem down to aid comprehension.
I am getting the following error:
error(201): ../org.xtext.example.mydsl.ui/src-gen/org/xtext/example/mydsl/ui/contentassist/antlr/internal/InternalMyDsl.g:398:1: The following alternatives can never be matched: 2
From this grammar:
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate myDsl ""
Field | Assignment | Static | Class
"static" type=TypeDef name=ID
"class" name=ID "{"
"var" type=TypeDef name=ID
{Primtive} ("String" | "int") |
{Object} clazz=[Class]
{StaticField} static=[Static] (withDiamond?="<>")?
{DynamicField} field=[Field]
reference=Reference ({} '.' reference=Reference)*
field=ObjectReference "=" value=ObjectReference
I know the problem relates to Reference, which is struggling with the ambiguity of which rule to chose.
I can get it to compile with the following grammar change, but this allows syntax that I deem to be illegal:
ref=[RefType] (withDiamond?="<>")?
Where my use-case is:
static String a
class Person {
String name
Person paul
// This should be legal = a<>;
// This should be illegal, diamond not vaild against non-static vars =<>;
// This sohuld be legal =
Your second grammar is the way to go. The fact that diamond is only legal for static variables can be handled in your language's validator.
Generally, make your grammar loose and your validation strict. That makes your grammar easier to maintain. It also gives your users better error messages ("Diamand is not allowed for non-static vars" instead of "Invalid input '<'")
I started to work with antlr a few days ago. I'd like to use it to parse #include macros in c. Only includes are to my interest, all other parts are irrelevant. here i wrote a simple grammar file:
... parser part omitted...
INCLUDE : '#include';
FILE_NAME: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'.'|' ')+;
MACROS: '#'('if' | 'ifdef' | 'define' | 'endif' | 'undef' | 'elif' | 'else' );
//MACROS: '#'('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+;
OPERATORS: ('+'|'-'|'*'|'/'|'='|'=='|'!='|'>'|'>='|'<'|'<='|'>>'|'<<'|'<<<'|'|'|'&'|','|';'|'.'|'->'|'#');
... other supporting tokens like ID, WS and COMMENT ...
This grammar produces ambiguity when such statement are encountered:
output: mismatched character ';' expecting '>'
Seems it's trying to match INCLUDE_FILE_ANGLE instead of treating the ";" as OPERATORS.
I heard there's an operator called syntactic predicate, but im not sure how to properly use it in this case.
How can i solve this problem in an Antlr encouraged way?
Looks like there's not lots of activity about antlr here.
Anyway i figured this out.
INCLUDE_MACRO: ('#include')=>'#include';
VERSION_MACRO: ('#version')=>'#version';
This only solves first half of the problem. Secondly, one cannot use the INCLUDE_FILE_ANGLE to match the desired string in the #include directive.
The '<'FILE_NAME'>' stuffs creates ambiguity and must be broken down to basic tokens from lexer or use more advanced context-aware checks. Im not familiar with the later technique, So i wrote this in the parser rule:
include_statement :
INCLUDE_MACRO include_file
-> ^(INCLUDE_MACRO include_file);
Though this works , but it admittedly looks ugly.
I hope experienced users can comment with much better solution.