I'm using the Image class from the package image. I have to download a image from internet and save it in my local storage. Then modify this image and save the changes. I have done the first 2 steps, but when i'm saving the file, this is corrupted and the Image Viewer dont recognizit as a image file. This is the code where the image is saved after the changes.
var response = await client.get(urlToImage);
var img = await File('./network_image.jpg').writeAsBytes(response.bodyBytes);
Image image = decodeImage(img.readAsBytesSync())
var f = await File('./image.jpg').writeAsBytes(image.getBytes()); // this doesnt work
// var f = await File('./image.jpg').writeAsBytes(image.data); // this doesnt work
The File.writeAsBytes expects a List<int> bytes, and the Image.data and Image.getBytes() returns Uint32Listand Uint8List respectively.
I'm not using Flutter, only dart for a command line program.
The image object stores the image data in an unencoded format. Remember you decoded it with decodeImage. It stores the raw colors of the image. You need to re encode the image data or your image viewer needs to handle whatever image format of data getBytes returns.
The easier solution is probably to re encode. You seem to want a JpegEncoder.
var f = await File('./image.jpg').writeAsBytes(JpegEncoder().encodeImage(image));
I have used PDFTron to update/edit PDF files. I have followed the documentation for opening the PDF file which came from server, but I am not sure how to save the edited PDF file with this SDK (PDFTron).
I have referred below links to save PDF, but did not succeed.
I want to send XFDF file formats to server.
PDFTron saves PDF with annotation automatically after some time interval, but I want it to be saved by save button press. I am stuck on this saving process.
I have below code to import annotation and I don't know how to import this XFDF file and where do to get this XFDF file.
// Import annotations from XFDF to FDF
let fdf_doc: PTFDFDoc = PTFDFDoc.create(fromXFDF: xfdf_filename)
// Optionally read XFDF from a string
let fdf_doc: PTFDFDOc = PTFDFDoc.create(fromXFDF: xfdf_string)
// Merge FDF data into PDF doc
let doc: PTPDFDoc = PTPDFDoc(filepath: filename)
I don't want it to be customisations by myself, I just want it to be saved by me on pressing button.
Below is my query
How do I save the applied annotation on PDF by myself?
Once you've applied changes to the document data you'll probably want to do something with the updated PDF like letting the user download it or sending it back to your server.
If you just want to let the user download the edited file then no extra changes are necessary as pressing the download button will save the modified PDF to the user's computer.
To add a custom save button, here is a code sample.
If you want to get the modified PDF as an ArrayBuffer then you can use the
getFileData function on Document.
For example:
.then(instance => {
const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', async () => {
const doc = documentViewer.getDocument();
const xfdfString = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations();
const options = { xfdfString };
const data = await doc.getFileData(options);
const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
const blob = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
// upload blob to your server
I have followed the documentation for opening the PDF file which came from server
There are a few ways to do this - could you share which API you are using?
The main point of your question seems to be how to save the PDF via a button press (after you've merged in XFDF annotation data). Is this the case?
You can control where a remote document is shared by implementing the relevant delegate methods, likely specifically https://www.pdftron.com/api/ios/Protocols/PTDocumentControllerDelegate.html#/c:objc(pl)PTDocumentControllerDelegate(im)documentController:destinationURLForDocumentAtURL:
You can then save the document using this method:
I need to store image file to SQLite database using SQLite.
I used this method,
var image = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source: imageSource);
List<int> bytes = await image.readAsBytes();
- what is the type when create table?(CREATE TABLE registerTable(image ?,)
- how to convert to again File?
If you have a List<int> that represents a list of 8-bit bytes and want to write it to a file, you can simply use File.writeAsBytes. (It's the inverse of File.readAsBytes, which you're already using.)
await File(desiredDestinationPath).writeAsBytes(bytes);
All that said, why do you need to write to a File? If you already have the image data and want to show it, you can create a MemoryImage (or use Image.memory if you need an Image widget).
I make a image proxy (to download a image not open) use node and koa.
the url /proxy/image code is :
const PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough
let query = qs.parse(url.parse(ctx.request.url).query)
let passThroughStream = new PassThrough()
ctx.body = request(query.src).pipe(PassThrough())
The image downloaded name is image, but I want to rename the image, how could I do?
If I understand your question correctly, you should be able to do this by using ctx.attachment() which is an alias for ctx.response.attachment(). So you can do something like:
This attachment method is basically a shorthand of the following header:
ctx.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=my-image.png');
I've seen some Groovy code that lets you combing images and text, but not images and images ...
Essentially, I need to overlay symbols at certain coordinates on maps: I have some maps and symbols as .png files. I can do the coordinate calcs no problem, so the issue is more a case of, given two transparent pngs how do I combine them without losing transparency? (Both the map and the symbol may need to retain their transparency).
Ideally I need a function, something like
combinePngImage(background_src, foreground_src, foreground_x, foreground_y)
that would return a png combination of the two, given the top left, top right coordinates of the foreground image.
[Background: I have some maps and symbols as .png files stored in container fields in FileMaker that I need to combine within a FileMaker solution. I've tried looking in to doing it using ImageMagick and the command line, but it suddenly struck me that this may be something that could be done using ScriptMaster, which uses Groovy to create external functions. ]
Any pointers gratefully received!
Okay, for what it's worth - here's some cobbled together cookbook snippets that seem to do the job - any comments on the (poor) coding style greatfully received.
Given a ScriptMaster call to
combineImage ( backgroundImg ; foregroundImg ; x ; y )
the required code is:
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URL;
// get container data
InputStream bgImgContainer
bgImgContainer = fmpro.getContainerStream(backgroundImg)
throw new Exception('Could not get data from background image container (make sure container field name is passed as text)')
// test if container field is empty
if( bgImgContainer == null ) {
throw new Exception('Background image container field is empty')
bgImgName = fmpro.getContainerFileName(backgroundImg);
InputStream fgImgContainer
fgImgContainer = fmpro.getContainerStream(foregroundImg)
throw new Exception('Could not get data from foreground image container (make sure container field name is passed as text)')
// test if container field is empty
if( fgImgContainer == null ) {
throw new Exception('Foreground image container field is empty')
fgImgName = fmpro.getContainerFileName(foregroundImg);
int xCoord = Integer.parseInt(x);
int yCoord = Integer.parseInt(y);
// load image from container data
BufferedImage result = ImageIO.read(bgImgContainer);
BufferedImage overlay = ImageIO.read(fgImgContainer);
int fgWidth = overlay.getWidth(null);
int fgHeight = overlay.getHeight(null);
Graphics2D graphics = result.createGraphics();
// overlay the foreground at given coordinates and actual size
graphics.drawImage(overlay, xCoord, yCoord, fgWidth, fgHeight, null);
File output = File.createTempFile(bgImgName, ".png");
ImageIO.write(result, "png", output);
return output;
Rather than using the ImageMagick command-line, you could try using Im4java, a pure Java ImageMagick API.
Can someone post an example of how to use the camera, capture the image, preview the image in an image view, compress the image in jpg and upload the bytes to a remote server? The closest I have been able to find is below. We have the camera, and image capture but we need to know how to preview, compress/resize jpg to 640/480px and around 120kb size then upload bytes to a remote server. Thanks to all of you for your help.
Looking at your code there are some things i notice to be wrong:
-[ for the camera functionality ]-
Don't create a file yourself. This is not necessary. Use the ContentResolver.Insert function to give you back a file URI that will contain the picture, just like done here and also take over the isMounted if you want to check if there is external memory present.
You are checking if there's data and then checking if there is a thumbnail. If there's no thumbnail you'll get the full image. That doesn't make sense unless you want to make a thumb of the full version if the thumb is not given back?? Don't you just want to grab the full version or both but not this OR that?
You are retrieving a string value variable to get the URI to the full image? Just save the uri you get from the code in my first point as a property (let's say "myPhotoURI" in the activity class. In the OnActivityResult function that handles your camera intent result just recall that URI and use it as following (Yes, you're seeing it right; i'm not even using the data intent for this just the remembered uri):
Bitmap imageFromCam = MediaStore.Images.Media.GetBitmap(this.ContentResolver, Android.Net.Uri.Parse(myPhotoURI));
To grab an image from the gallery just use the SelectImageFromStorage() function from this question's answer and retrieve the URI of the chosen image in the OnActivityResult check just use:
Android.Net.Uri selectedImageUri = data.ToURI();
That's what worked like a charm for me.
-[sending the data to a webservice ]-
Assuming you're using a WCF or webservice that'll want to receive the image data as a byte array; the approved answer to this question gives a nice example of how to convert your image to an byte array (which is what a WCF webservice wants, anyway)
I think that these directions will get you going.
here is the closest example to date... this brings back Null data when the extra output is used. Still trying to get access to the full image/photo and not a thumbnail.
private void saveFullImage() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Android.Provider.MediaStore.ActionImageCapture);
string file = System.IO.Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDcim.ToString(), "test.jpg");
var outputFileUri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(file);
intent.PutExtra(Android.Provider.MediaStore.ExtraOutput, outputFileUri);
StartActivityForResult(intent, TAKE_PICTURE);
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == TAKE_PICTURE)
Uri imageUri = null;
// Check if the result includes a thumbnail Bitmap
if (data != null)
if (data.HasExtra("data"))
var thumbnail = data.GetParcelableArrayExtra("data");
// TODO Do something with the thumbnail
var outputFileUri = data.GetParcelableArrayExtra("outputFileuri");
// TODO Do something with the full image stored
// in outputFileUri