Is there a way to change timezone through React Native app? - timezone

I am working on a React Native app and wanted the user to be able to change device's timezone. I found this post but it's really old and I was unable to use TimeZone in the component screen itself. I have added 'SET_TIME_ZONE' permission in the Manifest but don't know how I can use it. If there are any libraries or any methods that I am unaware of, please let me know. Thank you!


Is it possible to handle a file to another App without displaying the Share Screen in IOS?

I've never written any code with Objective-C and I'm as lost as you can be.
My App is in React Native but I couldn't find a way to achieve this so I had to start to search for a solution using Native Code.
What I basically need to do is taking a file I downloaded in my app's sandbox and open it in other app (PowerPoint) without actually showing the Share Screen Modal where the user selects the other App.
I know that when "Sharing" the file is copied into the PowerPoint's folder but I'm not sure if I'm able to do this kind of actions.
I was told to use this -> UIDocumentInteractionController but like I said, I'm not sure if it allows me to do that.
Any suggestion is welcome !
Thanks in advance !

Allow user to change App Icon in React Native

Apple specifies that users can change their icon to give a more personalised experience. See docs here:
My question is regarding using this functionality in React Native. Building an app in React Native is it possible to access this setAlternateIconName method and provide the user with alternate app icons? Does React Native provide a nice way to interact with this IOS method?
I am currently trying to build this out. This package seems designed to do what we both are looking for, but I haven't tried on anything that I have actually deployed yet.
use can use this module react-native-alternate-icons, it allows to access to setAlternateIconName method

where to write the code that does force on an iPhone user to update iOS application in his iPhone?

I need how Can I force on an iPhone user to update iOS application in his iPhone?
after searching I get the answer of this issue the fallowing link:
Can I force an iPhone user to update iOS application
But I do not have any idea where to write this code and I want to display the message that says the new version is ready at the first time the application runs before launch page.
can any help me this issue.
please help me.
I added a viewController which behave as a splash screen. In this viewController I get current application version and sent to server for validation and show alert to user if his application is not updated. If user click on update then redirect user to appStore.
For reference image is attached.
I suggest you to use This library where you can use in both Objective C and Swift. And you can use it by using CocoaPods and manually.
And it supports
A three number versioning system (e.g., 1.0.0)
Also supports two-number versioning (e.g., 1.0)
And also supports four-number versioning (e.g.,
Check the link for more features.

Document Picker in React Native

Scenario: Say end-user got a attachment in mail app in ios. And user wants to upload this file in my app.
In React native is there any good working component? I want to use it to create facility where my user can upload files( not images).
Any help would be appreciated.
As suggested by #jaineshdoshi, component hosted at can be used as document picker..
ps: since ios 11 has file app, this solution might work differently on older ios version

How to check if one of my app is installed in IOS device using corona sdk

How am I going to get a returned value that allows me to know whether my app was installed in IOS. In android, we can use "" by placing it in a display.newImage if it is not a nil value then I know one of my app was installed. We can't use that in an IOS device. I searched a link about using a url scheme
But the information was not that clear enough for me to understand and was not detailed at all. Is there another way to do it? I want to know the code. Thanks
The system.openURL() will return false if it can't open your app using a URL Scheme.
