Updating hours with text and dashes in Google Sheets - google-sheets

I am trying to figure out how to add +8hours to a schedule formatted with a text in front and a dash in between the hours. Please see example below:
Training 01:45AM - 02:45AM
Convert that time to +8 hours.
Training 09:45AM - 10:45AM.
I just cant seem to figure out the best formula to use in this scenario.

Supposing the raw data string from your post were in A2, this should work:
In short, this formula uses REGEXEXTRACT to pull each time from the string, convert it to a value, add eight hours, convert it back to TEXT and finally reinsert that transformed substring back into the original string with REGEXREPLACE. Because this happens twice, you'll see two such setups, one wrapped within the other.


Paste number in Google Sheets recognizing the proper format

I've changed my locale in Google Sheets (Settings > Locale) to use the Italian format, with the comma as decimal separator, and dot as thousands separator (thus 1.173,00 means one-thousand-one-hundred-seventy-three).
I'm trying to figure out how to paste correctly in a cell a number which comes from the origin as "1.173" and Google Sheets is interpreting that as 3.53.00
Everything works fine if I include the decimals (pasting "1.173,00") but the source does not includes them, therefore I'm stuck with this problem.
Thank you
Google Sheets is automatically interpreting 1.173 as a duration rather than a number. It reads it as 1 hour and 173 minutes, and automatically corrects it to 3 hours and 53 minutes instead.
Based on my own experimentation, it doesn't seem like there's a fix for this: regardless of what number format is applied to a cell or range before inputting 1.173, Sheets still treats it as a duration. Formatting as plain text allows the cell to display 1.173, but trying to convert that text to a number for use in any sort of calculation (through the use of =VALUE, for example) seems to have issues.

Why is this Google Sheets Concatenate Formula giving me weird results?

I'm trying to use Google Sheets to concatenate a bit of data. It works 90% of the time, however on certain numbers, I get an odd result. I have to copy the result of this data and paste it into a financial program in a specific format and am using the concatenate formula to do this. The format the program requires is that each field be separated by one period, even if it is a dollar amount as the program will automatically move the decimal point two places to the left while it is evaluating the information. The issue is that on some numbers the formula adds two periods between the fields, which stops the evaluation of the data in our financial program.
Here is a screenshot including the formula
You can see that it works with most numbers in the amount column, but with two of the amounts and several others, it adds two periods after the amount.
Would you please take a look at this and see if you can help me find the issue?
Thank you!!!!
Looks like it's an existing floating point calculation error in Google Sheets, the multiplication by 100 did not return exact value for certain numbers but with extra very small decimal. That's why there's an additional period on the result.
As a workaround, use ROUND() upon multiplying by 100 to "snap" it to an integer.
Floating Point Calculation Error
use just:

Google Sheets - Split Data

I have these data in Google Sheets
I want them to be split into different columns.
However, when I do so using Data > Split Data into Different Columns, it separates $71 and 675_x000d_ but I need the $71,275 and remove the xoood
Please note that the last number doesn't have those extra characters.
Please help.
Your post says you want to "remove the x000d (that is, extract only the dollar amounts). That said, let's say your raw data starts in A2 (i.e., the data is in A2:A). Place the following formula into the first cell of another otherwise empty column (e.g., B1):
How It Works:
ArrayFormula(...) signifies that we'll be processing an entire range and not just one cell.
The outer curly brackets {...} signify that a virtual array will be formed from non-like or non-contiguous pieces.
The first piece of the virtual array is the header. Here, that is "Extracted"; but you can change it as you like.
The semicolon means "place the next information below the previous part."
IF(A2:A="",, ...) is a standard check that basically says "Don't try to process any blank cells in Column A"; or alternatively worded, "If any cell in A2:A is blank/null, do nothing."
Skipping the REGEXEXTRACT for now, A2:A&"_" appends an underscore to every entry in A2:A. This allows entries in A2:A that are just a dollar amount (e.g., from the post, $116,878) to have a consistent symbol following them if not already there. (And adding the underscore to anything that already has an underscore won't matter, because we won't be extracting that far out.)
Now that we've got the new strings, we SUBSTITUTE every comma for a null (i.e., delete all commas).
Finally, REGEXEXTRACT will take all of the virtually modified strings and extract \d+, which means only digits (\d) in an unbroken sequence of any length greater than 0 (+). Note that REGEXEXTRACT will only return the first such match it encounters as written, so 000 will not be extracted.
An IFERROR wrap is placed around the REGEXEXTRACT, just in case you have any situations in real life that don't have any sequence of numbers at all. In these cases, nothing will be returned (whereas, without the IFERROR, an error would have been returned).
Once the extraction is done, you can apply Format > Number > Currency (rounded) to the entire column.
After an additional comment (below), it appears that the raw data is in Column T, that all five entries are in one cell and that the OP would like all five amounts extracted across each row. That being the case, assuming that Columns U:Y are empty to start, place the following in cell U1 (not U2):
This works much the same way as the previous formula. The differences:
There are five headers now.
You'll see REPT(...,5) here. This is an easy way to repeat the same extraction five times.
That repeated extraction is now the following:
The backslash in front of the dollar signs means to treat those symbols as literals instead of as their usual meaning (i.e., end-of-string). So the extraction reads as follows:
\$ anything that starts with a dollar sign
(\d+) extract what is between the ( ), which is any group of digits [^$]*` followed by any number (including 0) characters that are not dollar signs
As I said, the REPT will repeat this five times; so five groups matching this pattern will be extracted.
Understand that if you have any groups that don't follow the pattern exactly, resulting in five matching extractions, nothing will be returned.
Be sure to format U:Y as currency rounded, or you will wind up with some of those numbers translating as raw dates and therefore being completely off.
Please use the following formula and format cells to your needs.
The big advantage of the above formula compared to others is that it works for any number of lines included within a single cell (as shown in the image below).
Functions used:
You can use SPLIT function:

Google spreadsheets - how to handle duration: store and use in calculations?

I've got a lot of "duration" values - basically a race duration - in a format m:ss.millis [4:03.810 for example].
Currently GS handles it as text, but I would like to use those values for comparison and create some statistics.
Is this possible? I have read this: How to format a duration as HH:mm in the new Google sheets but even though I have created a custom formats like:
but neither with one nor with another I cannot use those values for calculations. GS always complains about the values beeing stored as text.
I guess I'm just doing something wrong, but I definitely need to be able to provide values in this format and be able to use them in calculations.
How can I do that?
I regret that Duration seems to be a useless abomination and Sheets appears to offer no relatively easy way to convert text representation to values. Pending a better answer I suggest you convert all your durations as below:
format as Number:
and then apply your formulae.
(Change , to ; if required by your locale.)
A shorter formula might be used to cajole TIMEVALUE to work by including an hour value of 0:
A happy coincidence brought me back here because only very recently have I found that Google Sheets does offer a way to convert Text to Number (or I was having another aberration when I claimed otherwise). However, this still seems not to apply to Duration. Maybe there is yet hope though.

Find a time in some text, allowing for multiple formats

I have the following formula.
The idea is to pick up the time for a certain item from an email (already parsed into google sheets). The emails come in various formats so I'm unable to specify the location in the the text string to look at specifically.
The times are not always written in a conventional time format either so as you can see from the formula there are 726 possibilities that I work with. For example, sometimes the time could be written as 13:15 and others as 1:15 or even 1.15 or 1-15 etc etc.
The issue I have is that the above formula seems to start with the smallest string possible and work 'upwards', therefore picking up 3:15 from the email string rather than the full time string which is 13:15. Is there a way I can amend the formula to search for the longest string first, in that example looking for 13:15 and then only searching for 3:15 if the prior is not found.
Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
One way is to reorder those 726 possibilities so that you have the longer ones first. You can do it by creating another column with =len(L1), copying that formula down, and sorting the range by this new column in descending order.
But it would be easier to use regexextract instead, because regular expressions are designed to solve the problem you are facing. For example,
=regexextract(L1, "\b\d{1,2}[:.-]\d{1,2}\b")
picks up all of the variants 1:15, 13:15, 1-15 or 13.15. (It looks for the following sequence: word boundary, 1-2 digits, one of characters :, ., -, then 1-2 digits, and another word boundary.) The match is greedy, so it will find 13:15 when it's there, not just 3:15.
A more complex form
=regexextract(L1, "(?i)\b\d{1,2}[:.-]\d{1,2} ?(?:am|pm)?\b")
also supports "am" or "pm" after the time, case-insensitive and possibly separated by a space from the digits.
This can be refined further, for example the hours part would be more precisely stated as [0-2]?\d instead of \d{1,2}, and the minutes part as [0-6]?\d.
