Riverpod StreamProvider access the stream - dart

I am using socket_client_io and Riverpod. Socket client uses events for updates which I want to propagate in a StreamProvider.
What I currently have is the following. It gets the job done but... I would like to write directly to the stream within StreamProvider so I don't need to create an extra stream just to go from events to yield.
final downloadProgressProvider = StreamProvider.autoDispose<Progress>((ref) async* {
// open socketio
final Server host = ref.read(configProvider).talkServer;
final String jwt = ref.read(userProvider).jwt;
IO.Socket _socket = IO.io('${host.uri.toString()}/?token=$jwt', IO.OptionBuilder()
StreamController<Progress> _stream = StreamController<Progress>();
ref.onDispose(() {
// close socketio
_stream = null;
_socket = null;
_socket.on('download-update', (message) {
print('download-update incoming');
await for (final value in _stream.stream) {
yield value;


Dart Socket one at a time

Hi i am building a blockchain and am trying to sync a list of connected peers,
but if the following code is called twice from different nodes the first call is still busy while the second call kicks in does anyone know how i could wait for the first message to be complete
class Peer {
{required this.us,
required this.peers,
required this.allPeers,
required this.myPeers});
String us;
Map<String, int> peers;
Map<String, List<Online>> allPeers;
Map<String, List<Online>> myPeers;
List<String>? keep;
Map<String, List<NewNodePeerMessage>> nnpms = {};
//listen should never trigger a response to connect we will give the address / ip
// so your ndoe two will only sync when a thrid node joins the network
Future listen() async {
ServerSocket ss =
await ServerSocket.bind(us.split(':')[0], int.parse(us.split(':')[1]));
print('listening on ${us.split(':')[1]}');
// List<ReceivePort> lrp = [];
ss.listen((client) {
// ReceivePort rp = ReceivePort();
utf8.decoder.bind(client).listen((data) async {
final PeerMessage pm =
PeerMessage.fromJson(json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>);
print('recieved msg from ${pm.from}');
switch (pm.type) {
case 'new-node':
// rp.listen((_) async {
final NewNodePeerMessage nnpm = NewNodePeerMessage.fromJson(
json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>);
peers[pm.code] ??= 3;
allPeers[pm.code] ??= [];
final List<Online> news = [];
print('apl ${allPeers[pm.code]!.length}');
// ,maby a list would let me know
// maby we should have a simple check to the loop bool that it doesnt start looping when it is adjusting the peers
'allpeers before looping ${allPeers[pm.code]!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList()}');
for (Online one in allPeers[pm.code]!.where((element) =>
element.address != pm.from &&
element.address != us &&
!nnpm.recieved.contains(element.address))) {
'i am still loopin current one ${one.toJson()} current from ${pm.from}');
try {
final Socket ones = await Socket.connect(
// if we would only move ones out of the for loop maby the program wont work at the same point in time
// we could have a bool that keeeps track of the msg is working on printstatement you inside off the msg
// so 8787 trigger 5442 because it has him in the list
// mabe a bool can be added to list if you is inished with listening
// isbusy knows iff its stuck in the loop if we write from here we are
// if we write ffrom connect we arent or this write could know if it is busy
// is busy shoudl be from down
// because if we wirte from here or we write from you is busy is true and false
// so if we write from below can isbusy stop us
// is isusy is true herewe can go into listen but on you we can not
isBusy: false,
max: peers[pm.code]!,
peer: nnpm.peer,
type: 'new-node',
from: us,
code: pm.code,
recieved: nnpm.recieved)
print('propablywrote ${one.toJson()} from ${nnpm.from}');
ones.listen((ppmru) async {
print('listentedtoppmru ${one.toJson()}');
final PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr =
'abouttoaddnewonlines ${ppmr.onlines.map((e) => e.toJson())} and from ${ppmr.from}');
// news.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
await ones.close();
} catch (err) {
one.online = false;
// break;
print('abouttoloopagain ${one.toJson()} from ${nnpm.from}');
print('gothereagainactuallydonelooping ${pm.from}');
// its actually that new node only should write to the client again only if its the first time maby
allPeers[pm.code]!.removeWhere((element) => !element.online);
print(allPeers[pm.code]!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList());
/// the problem occurs because of client clients response will shut down base or we could wrap it inside o try an catch
/// we need to know if this message will send the code up here or down to printstatement you to ones.listen or to s that listen
/// one global bool could say like will go down maby even when it goes up herte to printstatement abouttoaddnewonlines
/// how do we know here below that it will go to the you printstatement or down
/// so we need a message from up
allPeers[pm.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: nnpm.peer));
// print('abouttowriteto ${client.address.address} ${client.port}');
print('abouttorespondto ${pm.from}');
isBusy: true,
peer: nnpm.peer,
onlines: allPeers[pm.code]!
.where((element) => element.address != pm.from)
code: pm.code,
from: us)
// await client.close();
// rp.sendPort.send(null);
// });
case 'new-node-through':
case 'is-online':
case 'is-test':
// client.destroy();
}, onDone: () {});
bool loop = false;
// Future connect(List<dynamic> args) async {
// is busy shoudl bee ffrom down
Future connect(String bootnode, String code) async {
final Socket s = await Socket.connect(
"${bootnode.split(':')[0]}", int.parse(bootnode.split(':')[1]));
print('connected to ${bootnode}');
isBusy: true,
max: 3,
peer: us,
type: 'new-node',
code: code,
from: us,
recieved: []).toJson()));
s.listen((pmmru) async {
print('whatwas first');
PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr = peersPeerMessageResponse(pmmru);
allPeers[ppmr.code] ??= [];
allPeers[ppmr.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
await s.close();
}, onDone: () {
//because off up being triggered ffrom this msg we know it will go down because off client that write
// and client that write is up their and it m
// final somekindloop;
//if we would just never listen here would it relay on up might solve problem because up might be busy we could also ssst the isolate
// s.listen((ppmru) async {
// loop = true;
// // whenever we recieve here the ppmru could have the isbusy instead
// // print('you');
// // isBusy
// // while (!loop) {}
// PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr = peersPeerMessageResponse(ppmru);
// print(ppmr.toJson());
// allPeers[ppmr.code] ??= [];
// allPeers[ppmr.code]!.addAll(ppmr.onlines);
// allPeers[ppmr.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
// print(allPeers);
// await s.close();
// });
PeersPeerMessageResponse peersPeerMessageResponse(Uint8List resp) {
final PeersPeerMessageResponse ppm = PeersPeerMessageResponse.fromJson(
json.decode(String.fromCharCodes(resp).trim()) as Map<String, dynamic>);
return ppm;
// Future isOnline(String code) async {
// for (Online p in allPeers[code] ??= []) {
// try {
// final Socket peer = await Socket.connect(
// p.address.split(':')[0], int.parse(p.address.split(':')[1]));
// await peer.close();
// } catch (err) {
// p.ischis = false;
// }
// }
// }
its about the new node function inside of the switch statement while the first call is inside off the for loop the second call does not loop but increments the allPeers with new peers which because off the first call evolves into
Unhandled exception:
Concurrent modification during iteration: Instance(length:3) of '_GrowableList'.
#0 ListIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:336:7)
#1 WhereIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:438:22)
#2 Peer.listen.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:gov/peer/peer.dart:180:53)
<asynchronous suspension>
how can is use the on done event to wait or the first call to be complete?

Dart Web Request and Response as a Stream of data

I have been trying to setup an HTTP connection from a Dart client to a Dart Server using the HttpServer and HttpClient classes respectively.
I want to use this connection to transmit event updates to the client whenever the server feels necessary, so the connection needs to be continuous and the response needs to be sent in chunks, not buffered.
I tried this approach using two different server configurations (once with HttpServer, once with Shelf), but both times the response awaited closing and then the data was printed by the client.
Here is my server code:
var httpsServer = await io.HttpServer.bind("", 4001);
httpsServer.listen((request) {
request.response.bufferOutput = false;
request.response.headers.add("Content-Type", "text/event-stream");
request.response.headers.add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
request.response.headers.add("Connection", "keep-alive");
// asynchronously write "Hello" every 100 ms
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 100), (Timer timer) {
try {
} catch (_) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));
And another using shelf:
var handler = const Pipeline().addMiddleware(logRequests()).addHandler(_echoRequest);
var server = await serve(handler, '', 4000);
server.autoCompress = true;
FutureOr<Response> _echoRequest(Request request) {
Stream<List<int>> stream = Stream.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 100), (int i) {
return utf8.encode("Hello\n");
return Response.ok(stream);
However, on the client, I only receive the data once the connection has been closed:
HttpClient client = HttpClient()..badCertificateCallback = ((X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) => true);
HttpClientRequest request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse('https://---/'));
request.headers.add('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream');
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
// use startChunkConversion to convert the stream of bytes to a stream of strings
Stream<String> stream = response.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter());
await for (String line in stream) {
Am I doing something wrong or would I be better off with a different library / approach?

flutter socket.io client not working ~~~ helpme

I am making a chat app using flutter.
However, the socket connection does not work.
Port 80 is all connected locally, but sockets using aws are not connected.
I've tried both http and https, but no response. Help me!
Only the app does not connect, but the web connects.
The version of socket io client is 1.0.2, and the version of socket io is 2.3.0.
class _WebrtcState extends State<Webrtc> {
late final IO.Socket socket;
// late final SocketIO socketIO;
final _localRenderer = RTCVideoRenderer();
final _remoteRenderer = RTCVideoRenderer();
MediaStream? _localStream;
RTCPeerConnection? pc;
String check = "aafafasdfs";
void initState() {
Future init() async {
await _localRenderer.initialize();
await _remoteRenderer.initialize();
await connectSocket();
await joinRoom();
Future connectSocket() async {
socket = IO.io('http://********', IO.OptionBuilder().setTransports(['websocket']).build());
socket.onConnect( (_){
setState(() {
check = "11111111111111111111ㅈ111";
socket.on('joined', (data) {
socket.on('offer', (data) async{
data = jsonDecode(data);
await _getOffer(RTCSessionDescription(data['sdp'], data['type']));
await _sendAnswer();
socket.on('answer', (data) {
data = jsonDecode(data);
_getAnswer(RTCSessionDescription(data['sdp'], data['type']));
socket.on('ice', (data) {
data = jsonDecode(data);
_getIce(RTCIceCandidate(data['candidate'], data['sdpMid'], data['sdpMLineIndex']));
To open a WebSocket connection, we need to create a new WebSocket using the special protocol ws in the URL:
final channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(
There's also encrypted wss:// protocol. It's like HTTPS for WebSockets.
Please change the URL to something like the below form :

Headers already sent in .net 5

We have middleware in a web API, which we use to filter the resposne body from a controller
After updating our service to .net 5, replacing the output fails with
System.InvalidOperationException: Headers already sent.
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.Response.CheckResponseStarted()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.FeatureContext.ConsiderEnablingResponseCache()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.FeatureContext.OnResponseStart()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.FeatureContext.CompleteAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.RequestContext.Execute()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.RequestContext.Execute()
Our middleware to filter the output looks something like this
internal class FilterOutput : IMiddleware
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
var originalBodyStream = context.Response.Body;
var tempResponseBody = new MemoryStream();
context.Response.Body = tempResponseBody;
context.Response.OnStarting(async state =>
await FilterResponse(context, tempResponseBody, originalBodyStream);
}, context);
await next(context);
private async Task FilterResponse(HttpContext context, MemoryStream tempResponseBody, Stream originalBodyStream)
if (context.Response.StatusCode == 200)
var output = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tempResponseBody.GetBuffer());
var newOutput = output.Filter(null);
var updatedStream = GenerateStreamFromString(newOutput);
await updatedStream.CopyToAsync(originalBodyStream);
context.Response.Body = originalBodyStream;
await tempResponseBody.CopyToAsync(originalBodyStream);
public static Stream GenerateStreamFromString(string s)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
return stream;
I realize net 5 is propably more asynchronous and sends headers earlier
Is there a way to stop that, so I can modify the output body in middleware?

FlumeRpcClient multithreading

I'm trying to understand the correct way to use the Flume RpcClient in a multithreaded application. Information I have found so far indicates that the components are thread safe, but the example in the Flume documentation clouds the issue when it comes to error handling. This code:
public void sendDataToFlume(String data) {
// Create a Flume Event object that encapsulates the sample data
Event event = EventBuilder.withBody(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
// Send the event
try {
} catch (EventDeliveryException e) {
// clean up and recreate the client
client = null;
client = RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(hostname, port);
// Use the following method to create a thrift client (instead of the above line):
// this.client = RpcClientFactory.getThriftInstance(hostname, port);
If more then one thread calls this method, and the exception is thrown, then there will be a problem as multiple threads try and recreate the client in the exception handler.
Is the intent of the SDK that it should only be used by a single thread? Should this method be synchronized, as it appears to be in the log4jappender that is part of the Flume source? Should I put this code in its own worker and pass it events via a queue?
Does anyone have an example of RpcClient being used by more then one thread (included the error condition)?
Would I be better off using the "embedded agent"? Is that multithread friendly?
With the embedded agent, you get the same case except you don't know what to do:
try {
} catch (EventDeliveryException e) {
// ???
You could stop the agent, and restart it - but you would need a synchronized block (or a ReentrantReadWriteLock, to not block thread while "reading" the client field). But since I'm not a Flume expert, I can't tell you which one is better.
class MyClass {
private final ReentrantReadWriteLocklock;
private final Lock readLock;
private final Lock writeLock;
private RpcClient client;
private final String hostname;
private final Integer port;
// Constructor
MyClass(String hostname, Integer port) {
this.hostname = Objects.requireNonNull(hostname, "hostname");
this.port = Objects.requireNonNull(port, "port");
this.lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
this.readLock = this.lock.readLock();
this.writeLock = this.lock.writeLock();
this.client = buildClient();
private RpcClient buildClient() {
return RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(hostname, port);
public void sendDataToFlume(String data) {
// Create a Flume Event object that encapsulates the sample data
Event event = EventBuilder.withBody(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
// Send the event
readLock.lock(); // lock for reading 'client'
try {
try {
} catch (EventDeliveryException e) {
writeLock.lock(); // lock for reading/writing client
try {
// clean up and recreate the client
client = null;
client = buildClient();
} finally {
} finally {
Beside, the example will lose the event because it is not sent back. Some kind of loop + a max retry would probably do the trick:
int i = 0;
for (; i < maxRetry; ++i) {
try {
} catch (EventDeliveryException e) {
// clean up and recreate the client
client = null;
client = RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(hostname, port);
// Use the following method to create a thrift client (instead of the above line):
// this.client = RpcClientFactory.getThriftInstance(hostname, port);
if (i == maxRetry) {
logger.error("flume client is offline, loosing events {}", event);
That's the idea, but I don't think that should be the task of the user (eg: us), but an option in the client or the agent to store event that could not be processed due to such errors.
