I'm new to Apple and have developed an App. After submitting the App to Apple, I got the following errors after submitting my build to Apple.
ITMS-90117: Missing routing app coverage file: You must upload a routing app coverage file in App Store Connect if you register as a routing app.
The status of your app has changed to Invalid Binary.
After researching the routing coverage file, I found how to create one and submit it in Apple Connect. I submitted the file with the .geojson for the whole world as shown below:
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [
But, after choosing the Routing App Coverage file for submission, the section keeps loading and not even giving me an error of some sort even a notification, nothing. I wanted to know if I am doing anything wrong and if there is something wrong I am doing, I am kindly asking for help with the .geojson file coordinates that cover the whole world and the file submission in Apple Connect.
Below is a screenshot of what's happening in Apple Connect after submitting the file.
It has been more than 3 hours whilst it's like that. Kindly asking for help, it's now frustrating.
I am working on a feature that implementing of 3rd party sdk (Firebase etc) to handle Universal Links in iOS and my apple-app-site-association file is like below.
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "teamid.bundleid",
"paths": [
"NOT /auth",
Everything is working fine but in a domain like myappsite.com/deeplink/live-chat it goes directly to the AppStore but the problem here is my application is already installed on the phone, when I go to AppStore, there is a button named Update for updating application then nothing changed, do you have any idea of this problem?
Our app has enabled deeplinking using universal links
This is what the AASA file on the server looks like
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [{
"appID": "team.com.company.product",
"paths": ["/dashboards/*", "/lakes/*", "/dashboards-next/*", "/embed/lakes/*"]
This is the manifest file
The "/dashboards/*", "/lakes/*", "/dashboards-next/*" seem to working fine with the app but
"/embed/lakes/*" urls don't seem to working
https://base.dev.company.com/lakes/jCzwyW924vnnh4k5Yx7B8t9H99j4Rhd9 works fine
https://base.dev.company.com/embed/lakes/jCzwyW924vdnhFk5Yx7B8t9H99j4Rhd9 doesn't work
The issue turned out to be that the manifest file was updated and hosted on the subdomain but it wasn't updated on the main domain.
Universal link was working fine till iOS 12.1. It has stopped working in iOS 12.2. I was using XCode 10.1 swift 4, to debug code in 12.2 updated my xcode to 10.2 , swift 4.
I have checked the apple-app-site-association which is fine. Application is downloading it perfectly. Path, activitycontinuation, details looks fine. Associated domains are present in entitlements files.
This code works/setup fine when running < 12.2.
"activitycontinuation": {
"apps": [
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": “teamID.bundleidentifier”,
"paths": [ "/validate", "/redirect", "NOT /*" ]
Apple has added some changes related to security, is this the reason of not working.
Apple has asked me to create a bug for them. They think it’s most likely a bug I am running up against.
Can you try by replacing teamID with the app prefix in the appID under details of apple-app-site-association file. also keep the apps section empty.
I implemented Universal Links in my app, and it works like charm.
But after the iOS 9.2 Update it stopped working.
When the app is already installed, and I tap on the link which in iOS9.1 open my app, in iOS9.2 it isn't.
Does anyone have the same problem?
My problem was an old format for the apple-app-site-association.
The old format was:
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": {
"1234ABCDE.com.app.myapp": {
"paths": [
Update the format fixed the problem, and the new format is:
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "1234ABCDE.com.app.myapp",
"paths": ["*"]
Can check if the format is right here:
If it says: recommended - old format, so it won't work on iOS9.2, So update to the new format.
Hope it help someone.
This is a known issue introduced with iOS 9.2. Please see https://blog.branch.io/ios-9.2-redirection-update-uri-scheme-and-universal-links for a full description of the issue.
TLDR - It's not known if this was intentional or a bug on Apple's part. What is known is that with the update to iOS 9.2, the model dialog which was previously used to prompt the user to open the app (associated with the URL scheme) is no longer modal. This means that javascript execution continues and if you were previously counting on the modal dialog to prevent redirecting the user to the app store, that no longer works. The end user experience for most apps using URL schemes is that they are ALWAYS redirected to the app store where the button says "open" instead of "get" for the app.
When I run forge run ios , I get this:
[ ERROR] Provisioning profile and application ID do not match
Provisioning profile ID:
G85A58Y2F3.io.trigger.forge4afef416b8a111e1910212313d1 adcbe
Application ID: G85A58Y2F3.co.uk.nearbyapp.* Please see "Preparing
your apps for app stores" in our docs:
My local config looks like this
"general": {
},"ios": {
"device": "device",
"profiles": {
"provisioning_profile": "nearby.mobileprovision",
"developer_certificate_path": "nearby_certificate.pfx",
"developer_certificate_password": "xxxxx"
Any ideas of what could be wrong? I don't understand where the trigger provision id is coming from.
Edit: Ok , I changed the provisioning profile to be a wildcard one - I assume this is needed for running on the device? anyway, that resolved the error I was getting. Now, I get quite a bit further...
It seems to install on the device but I get this in the command window:
Launching -
4/device-ios.app Could not start com.apple.debugserver!
The app doesnt start automatically but it is installed on the device.
To give a bit more information on the original question: Trigger automatically generate an app ID if one is not specified. You can then either use that app ID when creating provisioning profiles, etc., or you can override the app ID with an existing value.
I've updated our documentation to be more explicit here - it was a bit unclear before! http://docs.trigger.io/en/v1.3/modules/package_names.html
For your follow-on question, we've not quite handled running the app automatically on iOS from Windows: we're hoping to add that soon, in a future sprint.