How to pass arbitrary data between the C module callbacks in FreeRADIUS - freeradius

What is the proper/recommended method to pass data between the callbacks in a C module in FreeRADIUS?
For example, I want to create a unique request_id for the request and use it for all log entries during that request. If I create this value inside mod_authorize, how do I pass it over to mod_authenticate on the same request thread, and how do I retrieve it?
static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_authorize(void *instance, REQUEST *request)
// Generate uuid
uuid_t uuid;
// Convert to a string representation
char *request_id = talloc_array(mem_ctx, char, UUID_STR_LEN);
uuid_unparse(uuid, request_id);
// Do stuff and log authorize messages
radlog(L_INFO, "request_id inside mod_authorize: %s", request_id);
// How do I pass request_id to mod_authenticate callback
// ?????????????
static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_authenticate(void *instance, REQUEST *request)
char *request_id = NULL;
// How do I retrieve the request_id value
// ???????????????????
// Do stuff and log authenticate messages
radlog(L_INFO, "request_id inside mod_authenticate: %s", request_id);
Attaching the value to the request object seems like a logical thing, but I don't see a way of doing it, other than adding a value pair to the request->reply (and I don't want to return this value to NAS).
Thank you.

Apparently, there is a range of "Temporary attributes, for local storage" (defined in the dictionary.freeradius.internal file) that can be used with one of the requests object's collections (request->config, request->reply->vps and request->packet->vps). You can find the start of this range by searching dictionary.freeradius.internal file in the FreeRADIUS repository for
ATTRIBUTE Tmp-String-0
In this case I found request->packet->vps to be appropriate, and used Tmp-String-3 to add my request_id to it while inside MOD_AUTHORIZE callback:
pair_make_request("Tmp-String-3", request_ctx->request_id, T_OP_EQ);
where pair_make_request is a macro defined as
fr_pair_make(request->packet, &request->packet->vps, _a, _b, _c)
I then retrieved it, while inside MOD_AUTHENTICATE callback:
VALUE_PAIR *vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_TMP_STRING_3, 0, TAG_ANY);
The numerical values of these attributes change between the versions, you must use macro definitions instead
The macros for these attributes, such as PW_TMP_STRING_3 in the esample above, are located in the file "attributes.h" which is auto-generated during the build. Here is a quote from Arran Cudbard-Bell, that I found here:
If you really want to know where each one is used, download,
configure, build the source. Then see src/include/attributes.h for the
macro versions, and grep -r through the code. That'll at least tell
you the modules, and if you're familiar with C you should be able to
figure out how/when they're added or checked for. – Arran Cudbard-Bell
Apr 12 '15 at 20:51
In my case, the resulting file is located at /usr/include/freeradius/attributes.h
I must say that it took me unreasonable amount of effort to track this information down. There is no other trace, none whatsoever, of these attribute macros. Not in the code, not in the FreeRADIUS documentation, not in Google search results.


Jena read hook not invoked upon duplicate import read

My problem will probably be explained better with code.
Consider the snippet below:
// First read
OntModel m1 = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();,uri0);
// Second read (from the same URI)
OntModel m2 = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();,uri0);
where uri0 points to a valid RDF file describing an ontology model with n imports.
and the following custom ReadHook (which has been set in advance):
public String beforeRead(Model model, String source, OntDocumentManager odm) {
System.out.println("BEFORE READ CALLED: " + source);
Global FileManager and OntDocumentManager are used with the following settings:
processImports = true;
caching = true;
If I run the snippet above, the model will be read from uri0 and beforeRead will be invoked exactly n times (once for each import).
However, in the second read, beforeRead won't be invoked even once.
How, and what should I reset in order for Jena to invoke beforeRead in the second read as well?
What I have tried so far:
At first I thought it was due to caching being on, but turning it off or clearing it between the first and second read didn't do anything.
I have also tried removing all ignoredImport records from m1. Nothing changed.
Finally got to solve this. The problem was in ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(). Ultimately, this gets translated to ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF,null).
All ontology models created with the static OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF will have their ImportsModelMaker and some of its other objects shared, which results in a shared state. Apparently, this state has blocked the reading hook to be invoked twice for the same imports.
This can be prevented by creating a custom, independent and non-static OntModelSpec instance and using it when creating an OntModel, for example:
new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), new OntDocumentManager(), RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

Language-ext: chain Either<L, R> with Option?

I am just starting with language-ext, trying to use it in my Azure Function.
In this function, I first parse/validate the POSTed data from the HTTP request using some validator.
This validator returns an Either<ValidationErrors, RequestModel>.
Then I would like to chain onto the either result a service call that should use the request model to grab some data from an API an return an Option.
At the end of the chain I would then like to return an IActionResult BadRequest if there were ValidationErrors in the first step, or otherwise perform a Match on the result of the service call Option to either return a NotFoundResult or ObjectResult.
The issue I run into is that if I want to chain my service call (using Bind, or BiBind) after the Either<ValidationErrors, GetRequestModel>, then the signature of my service method must be some Either<ValidationErrors, ...>, which is incorrect, since my service method has nothing to do with ValidationErrors. It should just return an Option.
So I guess my question is how can preserve any ValidationErrors until the end of the chain, and be able to chain my service call with a Option signature onto an Either?
You have to decide what the result of your chained expression is.
var maybeResult = from validated in GetValidationResult(...).ToOption()
from apiResult in ApiCall(...)
select apiResult;
var resultOrError = from validated in GetValidationResult(...)
from apiResult in ApiCall(...).ToEither(*LEFT*)
select apiResult;
You have to replace *LEFT* by some error value or error generating function returning same type like left type of GetValidationResult.
Replace above pseudo code with your own code and look at the return types of the functions used above to see what's going on.
The reason why you need a common left type is that the bind operation can return some left (error) of first (GetValidationResult) or second (ApiCall) function call -- or right of your last (ApiCall) function if your reach successful end of your chain.
Recommendation: If you mix different left (error) return types you might want to use some thing like LanguageExt's built-in Error type or maybe just a plain string (or Exception).
Either with string as error type:
var resultOrError = from validated in GetValidationResult(...).MapLeft(Prelude.toString)
from apiResult in ApiCall(...).ToEither("api call failed")
select apiResult;
Additional note: I use LINQ style here, you can use method style:
var resultOrError = GetValidationResult(...)
.Bind(validated => ApiCall(...)
.ToEither("api call failed"));

Testing for GVfs metadata support in C

I am trying to add support for per-directory viewing settings to the Thunar file browser of the Xfce desktop. So for example if a user chooses to view the contents of a directory as a list rather than as a grid of icons, this setting is remembered for that directory and will be used whenever that directory is viewed.
Now Thunar is built on GLib, and the mechanism we have chosen to use to implement this is to store metadata using GFile attributes, using methods like g_file_set_attributes_async to store
keys with names such as "metadata::thunar-view-type". The per-directory feature can be turned on or off by the user via a checkbox in a preferences dialog. My knowledge of GIO and GLib is pretty limited, but I have now managed to get this all working as desired (you can see my merge request here if you are interested).
Now as I understand it, the functionality that I am using here relies on something called "GVfs metadata", and as I understand it this might not be available on all systems. On systems where GVfs metadata is not available, I want to turn this functionality off and in particular make the checkbox in the preferences dialog insensitive (i.e. greyed out). Thus I need to write a function to detect if gvfs metadata support is available, by which I mean whether I can use functions like g_file_set_attributes_async to successfully save metadata so that it will be available in future.
Thunar is written in C, so this function needs to be written in C using the C API for GLib, GIO, etc.
The function I have come up with (from much reading of API documentation, modifying code scraps I have found, and experimentation) is as follows.
thunar_g_vfs_metadata_is_supported (void)
GDBusMessage *send, *reply;
GDBusConnection *conn;
GVariant *v1, *v2;
GError *error = NULL;
const gchar **service_names;
gboolean metadata_found;
/* connect to the session bus */
conn = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
/* check that the connection was opened sucessfully */
if (error != NULL)
g_error_free (error);
return FALSE;
/* create the message to send to list the available services */
send = g_dbus_message_new_method_call ("org.freedesktop.DBus",
/* send the message and wait for the reply */
reply = g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync (conn, send, G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE,
-1, NULL, NULL, &error);
/* release the connection and the sent message */
g_object_unref (send);
g_object_unref (conn);
/* check if we got a sucessful reply */
if (error != NULL)
g_error_free (error);
return FALSE;
/* extract the GVariant with the array of strings describing the available services */
v1 = g_dbus_message_get_body (reply); /* v1 belongs to reply and must not be freed */
if (v1 == NULL || !g_variant_is_container (v1) || g_variant_n_children (v1) < 1)
g_object_unref (reply);
return FALSE;
v2 = g_variant_get_child_value (v1, 0);
g_object_unref (reply);
/* check that the GVariant we have been given does contain an array of strings */
if (!g_variant_is_of_type (v2, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY))
g_variant_unref (v2);
return FALSE;
/* search through the list of service names to see if gvfs metadata is present */
metadata_found = FALSE;
service_names = g_variant_get_strv (v2, NULL);
for (int i=0; service_names[i] != NULL; i++)
if (g_strcmp0 (service_names[i], "org.gtk.vfs.Metadata") == 0)
metadata_found = TRUE;
g_free (service_names);
g_variant_unref (v2);
return metadata_found;
As you can see, this function uses DBus to query service names to see if the necessary service is available. Now, as far as I have been able to test it, this function works as I want it to. However, during a code review it has been questioned whether this can be done without relying on DBus (which might itself not be available even though GVfs metadata is).
Thus (at last!) my question: what is the best (i.e. most robust and accurate) way to test for GVfs metadata support via the C API for GLib, GIO, etc?. As I said above, by "GVfs metadata support" I mean "can I use functions like g_file_set_attributes_async to successfully save metadata so that it will be available in future?".
One method I have considered is looking at the list of running processes for the name "gvfsd-metadata", but that seems a bit kludgy to me.
Also, as mentioned above I am very much a novice with these technologies, so I is absolutely possible that I have misunderstood stuff here, so if you spot any errors in the assertions I have made above, please let me know.
(And yes, usual story, I'm a long time reader of SO & co, but a first time asker, so please feel free to edit or let me know if I've done something wrong/bad)
Call g_file_query_settable_attributes() and g_file_query_writable_namespaces() on the GFile, as described in the GFileInfo documentation:
However, not all attributes can be changed in the file. For instance, the actual size of a file cannot be changed via g_file_info_set_size(). You may call g_file_query_settable_attributes() and g_file_query_writable_namespaces() to discover the settable attributes of a particular file at runtime.

Disable Node in CANoe using CAPL

I am trying to disable a CAN node from sending messages. I have a function defined in CANoe:
long ILNodeControlStop(char aNodeName[])
When I try to use this in my CAPL script it shows type of parameters do not match. The error might be a very simple one, but I am not able to find it.
Suppose my node name is BECM. So I will use it as,
on start
//some variables;
on key 'a'
This throws an error 'Type of parameters do not match'. Do I have to declare something in variables section ? (Using Node layer IL functions)
Pay attention to the parameter type. It is not dbNode, it is char array.
So you have to pass it as a char array (string in common language).
Also, consider using the ILStartSim(), ILStopSim() variants, check out their help and their availability.

Linux module: being notified about task creation and destruction

for Mach kernel API emulation on Linux, I need for my kernel module to get called when a task has been just created or is being terminated.
In my kernel module, this could most nicely be done via Linux Security Modules, but a couple of years ago, they prevented external modules from acting as a LSM by unexporting the needed symbols.
The only other way I could find was to make my module act like a rootkit. Find the syscall table and hook it in there.
Patching the kernel is out of the question. I need my app to be installed easily. Is there any other way?
You can use Kprobes, which enables you to dynamically hook into code in the kernel. You will need to find the right function among the ones involves in creating and destroying processes that give you the information you need. For instance, for tasks created, do_fork() in fork.c would be a good place to start. For tasks destroyed, do_exit. You would want to write a retprobe, which is a kind of kprobe that additionally gives you control at the end of the execution of the function, before it returns. The reason you want control before the function returns is to check if it succeeded in creating the process by checking the return value. If there was an error, then the function will return a negative value or in some cases possibly 0.
You would do this by creating a kretprobe struct:
static struct kretprobe do_fork_probe = {
.entry_handler = (kprobe_opcode_t *) my_do_fork_entry,
.handler = (kprobe_opcode_t *) my_do_fork_ret,
.maxactive = 20,
.data_size = sizeof(struct do_fork_ctx)
my_do_fork_entry gets executed when control enters the hooked function, and my_do_fork_ret gets executed just before it returns. You would hook it in as follows: =
(kprobe_opcode_t *) kallsyms_lookup_name("do_fork");
if ((ret = register_kretprobe(&do_fork_probe)) <0) {
// handle error
In the implementation of your hooks, it's a bit unwieldy to get the arguments and return value. You get these via the saved registers pt_regs data structure. Let's look at the return hook, where on x86 you get the return value via regs->ax.
static int my_do_fork_ret(struct kretprobe_instance *ri, struct pt_regs *regs)
struct do_fork_ctx *ctx = (struct do_fork_ctx *) ri->data;
int ret = regs->ax; // This is on x86
if (ret > 0) {
// It's not an error, probably a valid process
In the entry point, you can get access to the arguments via the registers. e.g. on x86, regs->di is the first argument, regs->si is the second etc. You can google to get the full list. Note that you shouldn't rely on these registers for the arguments in the return hook as the registers may have been overwritten for other computations.
You will surely have to jump many hoops in getting this working, but hopefully this note should set you off in the right direction.
