Changing image size in README.Md file on Bitbucket - bitbucket

I have added an image in file something like this
The image displayed on Bitbucket is too large and I want to be able to resize the image. Following is what I have tried which didn't work
![Logo](./images/Logo-doc.png =320x)
Can someone please help me with a solution to resize the image in file?

You can always use HTML in a MarkDown document.
The equivalent code would be:
<img src="./images/Objy-InfiniteGraph-doc.png" alt="InfiniteGraph Logo" width="320">


Need to add an image asset through HTML using src in Flutter web view

Do we need to write the path of the asset from the asset folder or it saves somewhere else when it generate apk or ipa? Tried with using path from asset but didn't work.
String s="<img src="file:///asset/images/test.png" width="42" height="42" align="right">"
We are using this as a string and passing it in web view but web view is not showing the image.
<img src=\"file:///android_asset/flutter_assets/assets
the above code works for me in with this package -> flutter_inappbrowser
but i think it will work only for android.
You need to define your images in pubspec.yaml file as follows:
- assets/your_image.png
then you can use your images in code using their path.

Xcode how to specify inline images in a Markdown file

I'm thinking of creating a help file in Markdown, to add to an Xcode project.
I'd prefer to include image files in the project, rather than refer to urls.
I know for example that I can do this:
![my image name](,
but I'd like to do something like this:
![my image name](file://myImage.png)
![my image name](myImage.png)
Any ideas on what to try, or am I barking up the wrong tree trying to use Markdown?
![image alt text](myImage.png)
is correct. However, the path (myImage.png) is relative to your markdown file, so in this case, myImage.png would be in the same directory as the markdown file. If, for instance, it's in its own folder called images, you'd do ![my image name](images/myImage.png)

Path to the images folder is not found

I want to display an image in one of my view. I have set the path to the image as followed:
imSettings.ImageUrl = "~/Content/images/AquaHeader.png";
But in the browser I get a "ressource not found"-error. Which is because there is no images-folder inside the content folder when running the application. So why is this folder not available? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Rails Images not showing, code looking for images with file name ._image.jpg

In my application I show a selection of images on the home page. These images are all the same size and are named new1.jpg - new17.jpg and are stored in /public/images/rotate
I'm using some code found online to display a random selection of the images. This is what I'm using:
def random_image
image_files = %w( .jpg .gif .png )
files = Dir.entries(
).delete_if { |x| !image_files.index(x[-4,4]) }
And then in my partial:
<img src="/images/rotate/<%= random_image %>"/>
This works perfectly running locally on my mac with rails server, when I push code up to my server on the web half of the images load, and the other half (number seems to change) display a broken image.
When viewing the source code, all images that work are looking at /public/images/rotate/new1.jpg etc, all the broken images are looking at /public/images/rotate/._new10.jpg etc
They all have a '._' before the file name.
Can anyone please shed any light on this for me?
Many thanks
Try like this:
def random_image
Since Dir takes a glob, * will match all files, but excludes dotfiles. Then you can ask for any allowed extension. See here:
Ended up creating some code that deletes all of the hidden files beginning with ._ from the directory. Then it only outputs the correct images.

value of #docRoot in grails project

Using #docRoot annotation as javadoc annotation, i want to add logo of our company on each documentation , so i add this snippet :
<img src="{#docRoot}/logo.png">
However,Preview of javadoc don't display logo image.
Where should i put logo.png image to be displayed in javadoc :
1. ./myproject/
2. ./myproject/web-app/
3. ./myproject/web-app/images/
4. or where...
i try to put it at ./myproject/ but in vain
I believe you would want to stick it in an images folder located under web-app. An example path would be:
myproject/web-app/images/skin/<YOUR LOGOS>
That should enable url(../images/skin/<YOUR LOGOS>) to work.
edit: The above solution assumes you are calling for logos and images from your CSS.
