Is there a method in quickfix for returning execution report acknowledgement message? - quickfixj

I have initiator and acceptor applications in Java. I'm using FIX 4.2 protocol.
I'm sending Execution Reports via acceptor and getting them with initiator. There's no problem in here. What I need is, return an execution report acknowledgement message(type: BN) for the acceptor. In FIX 4.2 standarts there are no BN messages. I will probably add those fields to datadictionary myself.
I checked user manual of quickfix. There are some example methods for sending messages.
void sendOrderCancelRequest() throws SessionNotFound
quickfix.fix41.OrderCancelRequest message = new quickfix.fix41.OrderCancelRequest(
new OrigClOrdID("123"),
new ClOrdID("321"),
new Symbol("LNUX"),
new Side(Side.BUY));
message.set(new Text("Cancel My Order!"));
Session.sendToTarget(message, "TW", "TARGET");
Should i write a method like above and call it inside of onMessage method? How can I response these messages?

QF does not automatically do this for you.
You will need to implement your own logic to create the ack message and send it.
And yes, you are correct that you will need to add BN and its fields to your DataDictionary. I would then recommend that you re-generate the QF/j source and rebuild the library so that you can have proper BN message/field classes. (The QF/j documentation should be able to guide you with this.)


The getEntityAttributes() function in Thingsboard

I am trying to use the attributeService.getEntityAttributes function to obtain some server attributes of my device. I was using the .getEntityAttributesValues function when working with the 2.x version of Thingsboard and it was working fine. With the current version I am using the following code:
var conf = {
ignoreLoading: false,
ignoreErrors: true,
resendRequest: true
var myattr = attributeService.getEntityAttributes(entityID,'SERVER_SCOPE',["myattribute"],conf);
But I get no data or error back. I was using the .getEntityAttributesValues with .then() method but it doesn't seem to work anymore. It says ".then is not a function".
What am I doing wrong? Please help and tell me how to use the new function properly. I am using TB v.3.1.1 CE.
Thingsboard 2.x UI was made with AngularJS.
Thingsboard 3.x UI now uses Angular.
One of the key differences between these frameworks in regards of your problem is the move from Promise based services, to Observable based services.
Let's look at the source of the getEntityAttributes function:
It's mostly a thin wrapper around a network call made with the http.get method from Angular.
Therefore, if we have a look at the official documentation:, it is mentioned that we must subscribe to the observable in order to handle the response. So something along the lines of:
attributeService.getEntityAttributes(entityID,'SERVER_SCOPE',["myattribute"],conf).subscribe((attributes) => {…})

How to consume websockets

How do I consume data from, and push data to a websocket using Fable? I found this github issue which suggests that it can be done, but cannot find any documentation or examples of how to achieve this.
For anyone who finds this question later via Google, here's the response that #Lawrence received from Maxime Mangel when he asked this question on Gitter:
Hello #lawrencetaylor you can find here an old sample using websockets with FableArch.
Don't consider the code 100% correct because it's from an older version of fable-arch.
This code should however show you how to use websockets with fable-arch logic.
First you create the websocket here.
Here you can see how to send a message over a websocket.
And here how to listen on a websocket.
I've copied the code he mentioned below, so that anyone who finds this question later will be able to read it without having to follow those links. Credit for the code below goes to Maxime Mangel, not me.
Websocket creation
let webSocket =
Sending a message over a websocket
webSocket.send("Hello, socket!")
Listening on a websocket
let webSocketProducer push =
Func<_,_>(fun e ->
push(ReceivedEcho (unbox
createApp Model.initial view update
|> withProducer webSocketProducer
|> start renderer
NOTE: ReceivedEcho in the above code is one of the cases of the Action discriminated union, which is a standard pattern in the fable-arch way of doing things. And withProducer is a function from fable-arch. See for a simple example of how to use withProducer.

Grails RabbitMQ ImmediateAcknowledgeAmqpException

i am trying to use the RabbitMQ plugin and whatever i do i am getting
a org.springframework.amqp.ImmediateAcknowledgeAmqpException:
message forces ack (if ack mode requires it):...
I am sending AMQP messages using a pure Spring app using the AMQP
template and trying to handle the messages in a Grails 2.0.3 app. Is
there something that i am missing?
What can i do to get rid of this errors?
Kind Regards,
I had a similar problem. But then I realised I named my handleMessage method incorrectly. My listener class (I'm only learning!) now looks like this, and doesn't show the ImmediateAcknowledgeAmqpException.
class ListenerService {
static rabbitQueue = 'sub'
def handleMessage(message) {
println "Message received"

Symfony mailer: Swift_TransportException between message sending

On a current project which I'm currently working, i have a symfony task that runs some mass data insertion to database and runs it for at least half an hour.
When the task starts a mail notification is sent correctly, the problem is that at the of the task execution we can't send another mail to notify about the end of processing.
The mailer factory is currently configured with the spool delivery strategy but, in this specific situation, we desire to fire a notification immediately, using the sendNextImmediately() method.
I'm are getting the exception:
Expected response code 250 but got code "451", with message "451 4.4.2 Timeout - closing connection. 74sm1186065wem.17
and the flowing error on php log file:
Warning: fwrite(): SSL: Broken pipe in /var/www/project/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/vendor/swiftmailer/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php on line 209
Can anyone give some help?
Is there any way that i can perhaps refresh symfony mailer to establish a new connection?
Doing a Symfony2 project, I ran across this failure too. We were using a permanently running php script, which produced the error.
We figured out that following code does the job:
private function sendEmailMessage($renderedTemplate, $subject, $toEmail)
$mailer = $this->getContainer()->get('mailer');
/* #var $mailer \Swift_Mailer */
$sendException = null;
/* #var $message \Swift_Message */
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
//throw $sendException;
For Symfony1 Users
My guess was that the connection was being hold for too long (with no activity at all), causing an ssl connection timeout.
For now, the problem can be solved by stopping the Swift_Transport instance and starting it again explicitly, just before sending the second message.
Here is the code:
I had exactly the same problem and above solutions were very helpful, but there is one thing I had to do differently: order.
It didn't worked for me if I tried to stop Transport before sending message (connection timeout was already hanging). Also You don't need to run getRealtimeTransport()->start() - it will be started automatically.

How to filter messages in Ejabberd

I have Ejabberd up and running with test users, and its working fine. I want to write a module that can intercept messages and modify them, as follows :
intercept "messages"
send them to a php file
get the result from the same php file (immediate)
Modify the message stanza and send it down the wire to the recipient
The ejabberd documentation is weak and tutorials are non-existent. Can you give me some sample code that does this. I can then figure how to configure it for my needs.
Thanks a bundle!
Here's the basic example of such module:
start(Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 0).
on_filter_packet({From, To, XML} = Packet) ->
%% does something with a packet
%% should return modified Packet or atom `drop` to drop the packet
And make sure to add this module into ejabberd's configuration into module section:
{packet_interceptor, []}
Just extend on_filter_packet/1 the way you want and return appropriately modified packet.
gleber's example is excellent. I also wrote a more complex example of packet manipulation that I built for Chesspark called
How can send this XML data to php (via ?xml=) and retrieve the resulting XML and then pass it to the recipient?
If you have a recent version of ejabberd that uses exmpp, you can use exmpp_xml:node_to_binary/1 or exmpp_xml:node_to_list/1 to turn the internal representation of the XML to a binary or a string respectively.
There were similarly named functions in the older ejabberd, but within the xml module.
It seems that what you want to do there is to create an XMPP server component. Lots of things has already been said on that post Which XMPP server to experiment developing a server component.
I can link you some useful links:
Jabber Component Protocol
An Echo-Bot in Python from, a very nice blog from an XMPP guru. This bot listen for any message stanzas and reply to some of them.
Gleber's solution is really "ejabberd" oriented (certainly the easiest one in your case), whereas this one can scale with other XMPP servers.
There is the interface:
which I have used in the past and works well. Once the MyHost is registered with ejabberd, the module will receive the communications intended to MyHost through info messages (assuming gen_server).
As noted by #gleber, don't forget to add your module to the configuration file.
