Microsoft Graph translateExchangeIds not returning the same id as EWS - microsoft-graph-api

I am working with both EWS and the Graph API.
I would like to create events (online meetings with skype/teams) in an calendar that is already available via EWS.
To match the calendar to the one available via Graph API i try to use
The calendar i created has this id when returned by the FindFolder call:
<t:FolderId Id="AAMkAGNiY2YxMjY3LTUxYjgtNGI1Yy1hOTM2LTU4MTM5OTZiNjdjYgAuAAAAAABW2gY0kRG1SqggDTNZN6i8AQAPJkKZ1XJkQ6huFmcVa6XaAAGixNZ3AAA=" ChangeKey="..."/>
I create a request to the graph api:
"inputIds": [
"sourceIdType": "ewsId",
"targetIdType": "restId"}
and get the result
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.convertIdResult)",
"value": [
However, if i call i get a different id
"name": "Test",
Is there a way to match the (ews) calendar i already have to the one returned by the Graph API?

This is a shot in the dark, because I've never dug this deeply into the weeds on the Graph Ids, but you might try calling Graph with the header that selects "immutable ids." I tried to find some details on what this actually means without much luck.
The header is:
request.Header("Prefer", "IdType=\"ImmutableId\"");
HTH, and if not, sorry for guessing.


How can I filter calendar events with a specific email address or name using Microsoft graph api and OData?

I'm using the Microsoft graph api to fetch calendar events.
Now I would like to only fetch events where one of the attendees has a specific name or email address.
An example response describing such an event is
"subject": "General meeting",
"attendees": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Peter Pan",
"address": ""
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Captain Hook",
"address": ""
According to Microsofts documentation the likely way to achieve this is using OData and the any operator. However I can't find a way to access nested properties like name and address using query parameters.
I was hoping I could do something like this$select=attendees,subject&$filter=attendees/any(var:var/emailAddress/address eq '')
but using subparam (emailAddress/address) like that leads to bad request.
If the emailAddress field was just an actual email and not another entity, filtering would work.$select=attendees,subject&$filter=attendees/any(var:var/emailAddress eq '')
Is it possible to achieve what I want?
According this comment Graph API doesn't support drilling down multiple levels of relationships.

Microsoft Graph Calendar CTAG/Changekey Not Changing

I'm trying to synchronise 365 Calendar appointments with our internal CRM software calendar using the Graph API however the CTAG or changekey on the calendars do not change to signify an update has been made regardless of how many events I create/change/delete on 365.
Ideally I would just do a list calendars API call which returns the list of calendars and CTAG/changekeys so i know which calendars have been updated. I really don't want to have to get all of the events and compare the individual ETAG/changekeys every sync occurrence.
Tried via custom script and using Microsoft Graph Explorer, identical JSON response every time regardless of how many changes i make in my calendar.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users('4d591251-dd02-4bb8-9e80-9c66c526c7fe')/calendars",
"value": [
"name": "Calendar",
"color": "auto",
"changeKey": "ZqOtKvQcnUym2xGHcFiCNQAC7AE=",
"canShare": true,
"canViewPrivateItems": true,
"canEdit": true,
"owner": {
"name": "Liam Hill",
"address": ""
The changeKey that you are expecting to change will be reflected by this end point:
Also if you want to track a calendar for any changes that happen in specific period of time then you should work with Delta Query and resource you would use in this case will be CalendarView which also needs a date range.
Let me know if you need a working sample or if you requirement is some thing else.

ErrorItemNotFound when trying to retrieve room calendar via MS Graph API

Next to retrieving calendar views of a user's calendar (on behalf of the user), we are trying hard to also get the calendar view of rooms via the Graph API using It's a painful process since we've been running into many problems and are currently stuck with the following 404 response:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorItemNotFound",
"message": "The specified object was not found in the store.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "358a003a-57a4-4f0e-91da-edc17c1fa2d8",
"date": "2018-12-12T07:38:33"
The email address of the room has been double checked and the resource exists, since we can create appointments with it and it is even being returned in the response when we retrieve the calendar of the user who has an appointment in that location.
App permissions and OAuth2 scopes are set to: openid email profile offline_access, so that should not be an issue, judging by the documentation.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I've tried all possible ways, but there is no way to get access.
This is what I've tried out the following in the Graph explorer: -> DelegatedCalendarAccessDenied -> ErrorItemNotFound -> ErrorItemNotFound
All three on both the v1.0 and the beta.
It isn't an issue with rights, because for my testing I granted the Graph Explorer the Directory.ReadWrite.All scope. Resulting in the following scp claim.
The first requests seems the most promising (because of the different error), I also made myself a delegate with full control of the rooms-mailbox. That still didn't help.
A request to gives a result, as in a result describing the meetingroom.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity",
"businessPhones": [],
"displayName": "Meeting room 1",
"givenName": null,
"jobTitle": null,
"mail": "",
"mobilePhone": null,
"officeLocation": null,
"preferredLanguage": null,
"surname": null,
"userPrincipalName": "",
"id": "3e0a7b7e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxcxxxx120"
After doing all these tests, I can only conclude that you cannot access the events in a rooms mailbox. This is either intended (as in only use the scheduling assistant) or a bug.
Maybe some of the Microsoft guys around here could clarify this?
FINALLY! After going through this with countless Microsoft support people, each of whom said this was not their territory and did not know where to forward the question, I got in touch with somebody from the Exchange team. He suggested the one thing that worked for us: the user on behalf of which you are retrieving the room resource calendar needs to be a delegate of that room resource!
In addition, to retrieve the list of room resources which the user can select from, we needed to use the findRooms endpoint but this only works on the beta API. The only drawback of this is that you cannot seem to filter for rooms of which the user is a delegate. So the user will get a list of rooms for which he might or might not be able to retrieve the calendar.
A final drawback of the room resource calendarView response is that the response does not contain the names of the meetings planned in the rooms. The description of each event only contains the name of the meeting organizer.

Using filter on /me/joinedTeams not working

I'm implementing a search for a user's joined Teams unsing Microsoft Graph. The idea is to make a call to /beta/me/joinedTeams and use a ?$filter=startswith(description,'searchterm') filter.
So for example when I try the request$filter=startswith(description,'Business') in the Microsoft Graph Explorer it ignores the filter and I get these results:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#groups",
"value": [
"id": "02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315",
"displayName": "HR Taskforce",
"description": "Welcome to the HR Taskforce team.",
"isArchived": false
"id": "13be6971-79db-4f33-9d41-b25589ca25af",
"displayName": "Business Development",
"description": "Welcome to the BizDev team.",
"isArchived": false
"id": "8090c93e-ba7c-433e-9f39-08c7ba07c0b3",
"displayName": "X1050 Launch Team",
"description": "Welcome to the team that we've assembled to launch our product.",
"isArchived": false
Am I doing something wrong with my request?
Your request is right, but the joinedTeams does not support filtering or ordering results. So although we pass the filter/orderby parameter, when Microsoft Graph sees a query parameter it doesn't expect, it simply ignores the unknown filter/orderby parameter and returns an unfiltered/default-sorted result.
I have tried the api with odata query parameters for trial O365 account and real account.
Not all parameters are supported across all Microsoft Graph APIs, and
support might differ significantly between the v1.0 and beta
The only suggestion for you is to vote up the existing feature request in User Voice or submit a new one.
Thanks for pointing this out. As Seiya points out, /me/joinedTeams does not support the OData query parameters. The documentation suggested otherwise, I've made a doc fix that should propagate in the next day or two.

Unable to access the Sharepoint List using Microsoft Graph API--

Working with the Microsoft graph api and especially the sharepoint beta api and i am constantly running into issues. I know its beta, but still;)
SO the issue is When i tried to access the sharepoint list using Graph API in graph explorer
URL is: GET{site-id}/lists/{list-id}
So SiteID i am passing my site tenant GUID and List ID as Sharepoint List GUID
and i am facing the error continously in Response
"error": {
"code": "invalidRequest",
"message": "Provided id is not suitable for the current host",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "61efc5b1-88f8-442c-a41d-7213b587318e",
"date": "2017-05-10T07:38:04"
IF any one also has faced this issue please let me know the solution you have resolved
The format of the ID's for sites have changed as part of a set of updates to the API this week. The new format is documented here, but it includes the SharePoint hostname, SPSite.ID, and SPWeb.ID as a triplet:,fc016e3c-d8ae-4ee0-a10c-de6d26788b6a,9a4ea7a5-c3c4-44ae-9f80-273bd67431b8
If you add the hostname into your IDs, your calls should start working again. You can discover the hostname by making a request to:
You can also search for sites now using the following search syntax:{keyword}
#Ryan Gregg has the correct answer
The SiteId is not just one GUID but a combination of <HostName,SPSite.ID,SPWeb.ID>.
Example: <,fc016e3c-d8ae-4ee0-a10c-de6d26788b6a,9a4ea7a5-c3c4-44ae-9f80-273bd67431b8>
The whole string in the above example is what you should pass for {SiteId} in your request
If you dont have the SPSite.ID but have the URL for the site, you can make a GRAPH API call with relative path to the site
This call will return all the properties for the site and you can grab the full SiteId from here:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#sites/$entity",
"createdDateTime": "2020-04-23T12:18:48.653Z",
"description": "Documentation",
"id": ",fc016e3c-d8ae-4ee0-a10c-de6d26788b6a,9a4ea7a5-c3c4-44ae-9f80-273bd67431b8",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-12-09T19:17:21Z",
"name": "Documentation",
"webUrl": "",
"displayName": "Documentation",
"root": {},
"siteCollection": {
"hostname": ""
You can find these ids from
