I am not getting value set offset in walmart API - walmart-api

I want to get different offset items but i am getting always items with 0 index while i have set starting offset value 5 in the walmart get all items api


Match 3 cells pair with other 3 cells pair. Google Sheets

I'm using Google Sheets for our production price calculation and we are getting new orders with different data every week.
I have all the price calculations sorted out but sometimes there are the same data in orders that already been in the past and I have to manually search for it and use the same price if it exists.
As you can see in the example above, when I enter in the selected cell data "100", I have to check if it already exists in cells above (all three cell in the same row) and if it does enter its price on the cell on the right("=" sign), if it doesn't it could say "new" or be left empty.
I looked at the INDEX and MATCH functions but they don't seem to do the trick.
Do you have any suggestions? Of course the formula should be easily copied to every next cell down when new data and orders come in.
In this case it's useful to have an index for your table. I created a simple one that concatenates the 3 values you have with the & operator. You can see in the table below for the complete formula. Just drag it down to the whole table to make it automatic.
For the price calculation then I am using a VLOOKUP. It will search for the index generated by the three values in the new row and get the corresponding Price if ti exists. If not, it will print NEW. That's just a placeholder of course, you can edit it as you want. I put the first cell of your table as absolute reference in the VLOOKUP formula so you can drag it down and it will always get its upper (already filled) portion.
11010030 110 100 30 1
500300100 500 300 100 2.3
12030010 120 300 10 1.2
500300100 500 300 100 2.3
12030010 120 300 10 1.2
11010030 110 100 30 1
3004510 300 45 10 NEW
11010030 110 100 30 1
=B10&C10&D10 =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A10, $A$2:I9,5,0), "NEW")
Based on the correct initial thought by Alessandro, please use the following single arrayformula in cell E2
VLOOKUP(A2:A&B2:B&C2:C, {A2:A&B2:B&C2:C,D2:D},2,0),"new"),""))
The formula works as a helper column, only showing you what price to use in column D (if it previously exists) or lets you know that you need to calculate a new one.
Functions used:

How can I get the total count for a single column in a controller?

Test table has been country column it has been multiple values.
USA,ENGLAND,SPAIN === This 3 Count mean
TURKEY,ITALY === this 2 count mean
17,288,9,15 = this 4 count mean
so what can ı do in controller for this get count ?

Google Spreadsheet Last X Rows

I'm using charts in Google Spreadsheet to plot the last 90 days of data. However, when adding new data it's outside the charts currently selected range of A1:A90. Is there a function I can use to select the last 90 rows of data in a column of a Google Spreadsheet?
You can create a new sheet and use the QUERY function to get the last 90 rows:
If column A is unique and sortable, you simply sort your data in reverse order and take the top 90 rows, and then reverse sort it again:
=SORT(QUERY(Sheet1!A:Z,"order by A desc limit 90"),1,1)
If that is not the case, then you need to calculate the offset by finding the last row and subtracting 90 from it, and then query the data to return 90 rows starting from that offset:
=QUERY(Sheet1!A:Z,"limit 90 offset "&(COUNT(Sheet1!A:A)-90))
You can then use this sheet to generate your chart.
No to my best knowledge, unless you write own google spreadsheet script and use ranges. Script can programatically feed chart with data by
opening Spreadsheet & Sheet
getting data
isolating range, e.g. last 90 rows
feeding with that range the chart component
You can also use the SORTN function to achieve the required result if one or more of your columns are sortable.
In the example below the last 90 rows are listed in descending order with the first sort reverse sorting them back to ascending order:
If you wish to list the last 90 rows after filtering on a particular attribute you can combine the above with a filter function:
SORT(SORTN(FILTER(Sheet1!A:Z,filter to be applied),90,0,1,0),1,1)
If required you can also list the second last 90 records (91 to 180 from last) by applying two SORTN functions as follows:

What is the meaning of max and offset pagination params in createcriteria?

In the Grails documentation, we read:
def results = Book.list(max: 10, offset: 100)
max - The maximum number to list
offset - The offset from the first result to list from
Also, from this MySQL tutorial, we read: the offset specifies the offset of the first row to return.
Is max the maximium number of rows per page?
Could you give me an example about the offset meaning?
Hello GORM, when you return me a list of Books give me only 10 (max) results but do not start from the Zeroth (offset = 0) place, instead start listing results from 100th (offset) result.

how to get yahoo search result according to page number in YQL/pipes?

we can get only the first 10 urls result using
select url from search.web where
how can i get results accorridng to page numbers like result from 60 to 70, or 90 to 100 and son on..??
The answer to your question is:
SELECT url FROM search.web(0,60) WHERE query="stackoverflow"
Replace 60 with whatever other number your desire. Max is 500 afaik for the search.web YQL table because that is the limit of Yahoo BOSS which is used in this table.
You can also replace the 0 with e.g. 10, to skip the first 10 results. So using search.web(10,60) would still give you 60 results while skipping the first 10.
Also see the YQL documentation on remote limits - thats how this search.web(0,60) syntax is called.
