Google Oauth2 Consent Screen "Allow" button disabled for DELPHI app - delphi

Can someone please help me why the button "Allow" in the screen below is disabled? WE are using a Delphi application in order to have user single sign on with google using the TWebBrowser built in delphi to start the process. Here is what our payload looks like: (Is there a way to bypass this check? maybe send other parameters to the url request? or other ideas how can we authenticate google using the client_id..etc. )
We have been reading similar posts in Stackoverflow, but no solutions.

You need to make sure that you are opening the browser window on the users installed browser.
You cant open the consent screen from any type of embeded browser or iframe . You need to open a new window in the users installed browser

I had that same problem before. Google is detecting an old and insecure browser and will not allow the authorization to proceed.
I ended up creating a TCustomAuthenticator descendent class for this. This should work on older versions of Delphi.
It implements a OAuth2 Authenticator:
Allows authorization via externel browser
Uses PKCE flow for added security
Generates new tokens when they expire (using the refresh token)
In the repository there's a Demo app too.
Feel free to use it if you like:

We stopped using embedded browsers...we used the common Google services in order to have the pop up from default browser in order to login. The current DELPHI version uses Internet Explorer 11 as internal browser, i believe that New versions of delphi have Edge as internal browser which this will not have the disabled button on.


Azure AD authentication not working as expected for mobile devices

I have built an authentication system for Microsoft Teams tab -( angular application) using Authentication for tabs using Azure Active Directory - Teams and it is working fine on desktop (app and browser) but when I am trying to run on the mobile app and then press Authenticate(seen below in image) button it takes me to the sign-in popup after signing in it returns back to same authenticate page.
Now, when I try it a second time it lands me on the page where I want to but with missing data and also, not as responsive it should be.
The below screenshots taken from the iOS device will help further: I am on Version: 2.4.0
Desktop View:
Major Queries:
Is the Azure AD ( authentication will not work for mobile devices?
If I switch to a Single sign-on( , are there any limitations to using it and also, will it support all the platforms ?
Is the Azure AD ( authentication will not work for mobile devices?
It should work on mobile devices.
If I switch to a Single sign-on( , are there any limitations to using it and also, will it support all the platforms ?
Single sign-on doesn't solve anything because if it fails you have to fallback to the default auth flow.
Looks like this is an angular issue, not a Microsoft's auth issue.
The problem is interesting because in general it is working but from the second attempt.
I think it might be the issue with synchronization, when some part of the code is running outside of the Angular but is trying to do something with the variables in the Angular's zone.
I don't know how exactly microsoftTeams.getContext and microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate work but they are async and if they use setInterval/setTimeout they definitely will work outside of your Angular app.
And if they set data into your angular variables you will have the issues like you described.
So that's what happens in my opinion:
You are clicking auth button, everything is fine you are redirected, authenticated and redirected back to your final page.
On that final page your app is trying to save your token into the local angular variable.
Code that is setting the token works outside the Angular and Angular doesn't see this change. So from the angular's perspective nothing has changed, you are still not authenticated.
Your app is redirecting you to your private page, Angular doesn't see token and redirects you back to the auth page.
<Here something happend, for example ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges, or other sync things>.
You click auth again and you end up authenticated on your private page, but without the apiKey and UserID (which have the same issue as token)
So to fix this you need to notify angular manually by using ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges or wrap your async code with the

Configure browser cache in SFSafariViewController using Swift iOS

In my application I am implementing a feature where for some part I need to open my website using SFSafariViewController. For this I don't want the user to login again in the web application as well, so before I open the SFSafariViewController I want to pass some token, mail and other required information. So is this feasible and would allow me to use browser cache.
SFSafariViewController is very limited in what you can configure, as seen by the documentation: Apple intentionally keeps cookies and safari configuration separate from apps that are using it for security and privacy reasons.
I don't know if this is exactly what you're seeing, but I faced a similar issue where, if a user logged in via SFSafariViewControler, then logged out (not using SFSafariViewController), then logged in again, it wouldn't ask for a login/pass because it was still cached in the browser.
Pretty much the only 2 options for this are:
Have the logout flow take place within SFSafariViewController so that you can clear the cookies that way.
Apple has a new auth flow class ASWebAuthenticationSession (docs here) which has a new property you can set called prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession which essentially opens the browser in private mode. This keeps any cookies from being stored in the browser. The only downside to this, is the prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession property is only available in iOS 13+.
If this is the same issue you're facing and you can limit your app to iOS 13+, then I would suggest the ASWebAuthenticationSession route, otherwise you may need to find another solution.

office add-in MVC Application cannot Authenticate against AzureAD getting error: IDX10311

I created a new ASP.NET MVC WebApplication in Visual Studio 2015 with the options to use School or Work Accounts to authenticate against an AzureAD. This worked fine.
Then I converted the Project to an App for Office Project as an Excel Task-Pane Add-In.
Then when I start the Application it starts an Excel Spreadsheet with a taskpane showing the request to login with Microsoft. When selecting an account or choosing to log-in with another account I get redirected to in a new Browser but receive the following error:
IDX10311: RequireNonce is 'true' (default) but validationContext.Nonce
is null. A nonce cannot be validated. If you don't need to check the
nonce, set OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator.RequireNonce to 'false'.
The URL shown in the new browser is "https://localhost:44300/" since I am debugging locally I take it.
Is this an issue because the authentication originates from the Task-Pane? Is the Task-Pane the same as an iFrame? If so it could be a similar issue as the following problem: OpenIDConnect Azure Website hosted in an iFrame within Dynamics CRM Online
Can I simply set the RequiredNonce to false? If so how?
Please help me to create an App for Office with Authentication against an AzureAD / Office365Domain? The AzureAD I am authenticating against is my private Free MSDN Subscription currently, wanting to use the company's Office365 AzureAD in future.
I am using Office2016, VS2015, Microsoft.Office.js Version
First, it is feasible to do what you are looking for, have a look on my add-in: Keluro Mail Team. Keep on working, you'll manage to make things work^^.
First, start with the most simple scenario: your auth process should work in a standard window we sill see the sandboxed iFrame later. Check your OAUTH flow when browsing your 'app directly', i.e. test your authentication as a plain regular web app which is served in your case at https://localhost:44300/". To avoid javascript errors remove all Office.js related stuffs and the Office.Initialize function.
From the error message dealing with Nonce, I bet you are implementing a code authorization flow. This should be more or less something that looks like this sample. In this code authorization flow, the token and the REST requests are made by your server using an authorization token. Meanwhile authentication between your server and your web app is made with a plain old asp.NET cookie (in the sample above at least). This scenario is OK for our purpose, I use it too. To complete this step, try to request some basic stuff that is not related with Office.js but only with the Office 365 REST api. In one word forget that your developing and Office add-in, image you are developing an Office 365 web app.
Now that you completed Step1 you can go for step 2: make things work in a sandboxed iFrame within Office. Have a look at this blog post from Richard DiZerega. This is the most reasonable approach to handle OAUTH flow in a sandboxed environment. If you are using the sample mentioned in Step 1 above, the authentication between your server and your app is made using an asp.NET cookie. Following, Richard's guideline you could keep it in a server-side cookie dictionary after the popup OAUTH flow is completed and then set it in a request from the original iFrame. To recognize that the two windows correspond to the same user you can generate (cryptographically secure!) an id that you can pass in the two requests (parameters are encrypted in https). Ok that is complicated but it works. The SignalR technique Richard talks about is a plus for user experience but is not mandatory, that could be a Step3.
I solved my issue by adding and to the App Domains in the App Manifest. I dont understand the technology, so I cannot comment on why this works, but the solution works for me.

Phonegap: iFrames and external URLs

I am in the process of creating an iOS app with Phonegap and jQuery, however, I am running into issues trying to allow both iFrames (to load normally) and external URLs (to open in Safari). I decided to choose the path of using iframes as I was not able to send POST and open the resulting page in Safari (i was trying to create a mobile friendly login window that opens to the full site in safari).
I recently updated to v1.5 hoping to resolve the issue, but it still occurs.
I have tried the trick "[url scheme] isEqualToString:#"http"...." however this forces any page in the iframe to load in safari.
So, I would like either to have external URLs and iframes to behave just like it does in a Webapp (add to homescreen button on iOS) or be able to send POST to Safari?
Has anyone got ideas? :)
You could change tactic slightly and login fully using your app, but then create an authentication token which would be passed via a standard link to be opened in safari.
You could generate the token new each time. Tokens are a valid system for access.

Facebook Connect for BlackBerry

I'm looking for a solution similar to the iPhone Facebook Connect ( for the BlackBerry platform. Basically, I need my users to authenticate against Facebook from within a native BlackBerry application (so, not a Web based mobile application). Is there a library I could use, and if not, what will be the correct approach to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
Options for BlackBerry are:
Use Facebook Platform for Mobile
Use REST API approach provided by Eki Y. Baskoro
Try to port JavaFB from J2SE to J2ME
I managed to go through Facebook Connect authentication within my BB app. After cracking my head for three days I realised that it is the URL that is the culprit!
Basically these are what you need (assuming you are developing for 4.5 platform):
Using Browser Field, do a POST to (the mobile version of Facebook) passing all the necessary arguments as per the Desktop application counterparts (one challenge is to get the signature generation correct).
Once the User successfully grants access, capture the URL of the success screen. You will obtain your auth_token.
Do a POST to the REST server to obtain the session key and secret given the auth_token you obtain.
Save the returned session key and secret, persist it, and wholla! your app is up and running.
I am developing a custom LoginScreen and FacebookFacade object to incorporate the first three steps above, if anyone is ever interested to reuse my code. It'll be GPLed, I suppose ;)
Afzal, I had a similar problem and I've found out that I actually had a problem with my connection string. You can look at the following link there is some explanation and code for creating the correct connection string
and just add the connection string to the FetchThread where it opens the connection:
connection = (HttpConnection);
