Can the text description at the lower left of the configurator be changed to show nothing? - roomle

At the lower left hand side of the Configurator screen there is Text that is driven from the Catalogue name and the name of the ROOT component, is there anyway of removing the text that appears from the ROOT Component? Ideally I want this is only show the Catalogue name

There is no native way of doing this in the standard implementation. You could delete the database label using CSV import (RuAd won't accept empty label field via UI):
I also tried using whitespace as a database label - see, which works, but the catalogue label is not "promoted" to the place of the component label. Also it might not work as expected when pricing is used.
There is a pending update on 2021-03-20 on this article, should you have interest in more details on how this works:


Firemonkey styles - duplicate a certain style lookup to customize

In a Firemonkey project, I have a TListBox with numerous items. Depending on the state of any given item, I intend to show the Detail as either red or white (on a black background). Of course I need to use the styles to do this.
I right-click one of the TListBoxItem controls and choose "Edit Custom Style...". It's my understanding that it's supposed to produce a new copy of whatever the current style lookup is just for this one control. In my case, I had already set it to listboxitemrightdetail prior to trying to customize it. What I would expect is that when I make a change to the font color in this style and "Apply and Close", that one single list box item should get that change.
However, instead of that one, ALL of the items in this list box got that change. The change I made actually modified the listboxitemrightdetail rather than producing a copy of it just for that one control.
In the end, I intend to have two style lookups, for example listboxitemreddetail and listboxitemwhitedetail which I can toggle on each list item in runtime.
What am I doing wrong, and what's the appropriate way to duplicate a style lookup to have two different versions?

Create node in Cypher

I have a query I am working on neo4j making my first queries in Cypher, I noticed that when the graph is generated, when establishing the names of the properties, the generated graph only shows the id, to save this difficulty I noticed that for example for a person node instead of placing the property nom (with this name the problem already mentioned is presented) I put name and in that case if I can see the node, attached image. Why does this happen?
CREATE (Peter:Persona {nombre:'Peter Sagan', fechanac:'26-01-1990', pais:'Slovaquia'})
CREATE (Peter:Person {name:'Peter Sagan', fechanac:'26-01-1990', pais:'Slovaquia'})
I want to be able to establish my own names of nodes and properties and that in the graph view the textual value of the first property appears. How do I do it?
I hope you understand my query from now thank you very much :slight_smile:
The Neo4j Browser UI Guide should be helpful in learning how to use the neo4j browser.
The neo4j browser allows you to change the caption for each node label. If you click the red Persona(1) button at the top of the result panel, you will see several options appear at the bottom, including the available Captions. You can then select the caption you want to use for all Persona nodes.
Click on a node for which node you want to change the view.
Go to the top as shown in the image and click the label
Then you can select the color, size and the caption listed.

Embedding other widgets in a GTK+ text entry

I would like to embed another widget in one end of a GTK+ 3 text entry box, a bit like many browsers do with search or protocol security "chips":
I know I can set an icon on a text entry with
entry = Gtk.Entry()
entry.set_icon_from_icon_name(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, icon_name)
Even if I pass my own GdkPixbuf to set_icon_from_pixbuf this still limits me to icon sizes, when I want some arbitrary size (at least horizontally) depending on the "chip" content.
I also tried to "shunt" the text over with set_margin_left, but this moved the left edge of the whole entry box over, rather than the text within the box.
What would be an effective way to embed some other GTK+ widget (hopefully of any complexity, so I can make the chip more interactive) within a text entry?
GtkEntry is not a container, so it cannot have child widgets.
The appropriate way to implement what you see in the screenshot is to use a separate container and style it appropriately.
Have you considered putting the entry inside a frame, and restyling stuff to make it look like it was inside an entry? Then you could use standard containers to put whatever widgets next to the text entry spaces that you wanted.
The downside is that clicking your "icon" doesn't focus the entry automatically, but it makes that action totally configurable.

How can I make a non-required field always show in a JIRA screen?

I want to make two fields always visible on JIRA screens, but not be required.
That way I don't have to open the edit dialog to add story points, but can add/edit/read stories before they're estimated.
How can I make a non-required field always show in a JIRA screen?
You should go to Admin>issues>Field Configuration section. Once here you have to choose your current Scheme and open it.
You will see a screen with all your fields. There are 3 columns, Field name, Screens, and operations.
Go to the field you want to make visible and optional. Set the screens where you want to have it present (i assume that at least you need to add it on "View issue screen", or the custom name you gave it).
Finally make sure that at Operations column, you have correctly set it for been shown (If it allows you the "Show operation" means that it is hidden, and if it shows you "Hide" operation, means that it is gonna be shown)
On the same Field configuration screen, you can make a field Requiered or optional at operations column

xxforms:tree view of xforms:select1 control

I am trying to display items retrieved from an XML DB using xforms:select1 control using appearance=xxforms:tree. The items appear collapsed or expanded automatically and the behaviour is not the same for all the items retrieved. I have the following questions regarding xxforms:tree view:
how to make sure this view shows sub-nodes (those expandable/collapsable using +/- icon) as collapsed or expanded always, irrespective of, for example, the no. of nodes covered by the + icon?
how to render select1 with tree appearance without making any of the items hyperlinks?
how to make sure no item is highlighted/selected by default?
...and although the docs say xxforms:menu is also a possible appearance (URL, the details are not available...
About which branches of the tree should be open — By default all the nodes leading to selected nodes are open, this so the selected values are all visible. But you can change this default behavior and specify which nodes should be open using the xxforms:open attribute. For more on this, see the section "Controlling which tree nodes are initially open" on Selection Controls. Note that this feature was added in October 2010, so it is not included in Orbeon Forms 3.8, and until Orbeon Forms 3.9 is released, you'll need to get a nightly build for this.
About using links in the tree — At this point, the nodes you can click on in the select1 appearance="xxforms:tree control are rendered as links, so users know that this is something they can click on to make a selection. I assume that you don't want them to show as links because the tree might be "read-only" in your case (for information only, not to make a selection). This isn' supported at this point. As a workaround, you could use CSS to change the pointer and appearance of links in the tree so to users they don't even notice that this those are links.
About the menu appearance — It works very much like the tree appearance. See for instance this example using the menu.
