I'm using C++ Builder and my locale is European, so I have a comma as a decimal separator.
I need to convert a double to a decimal point value with a DOT as separator.
I can't find an answer anywhere.
DecimalSeparator is a global variable, simply set it to the desired character before formatting the double, eg:
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
System::String FormatWithDot(double value)
System::Char old = Sysutils::DecimalSeparator;
Sysutils::DecimalSeparator = _D('.');
System::String s = Sysutils::FloatToStr(value);
Sysutils::DecimalSeparator = old;
return s;
System::String s = FormatWithDot(123.45);
Or, if you need to do this in multiple threads, use the thread-safe version, TFormatSettings::DecimalSeparator:
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
System::String FormatWithDot(double value)
Sysutils::TFormatSettings fmt = Sysutils::TFormatSettings::Create();
fmt.DecimalSeparator = _D('.');
return Sysutils::FloatToStr(value, fmt);
System::String s = FormatWithDot(123.45);
Just note that DecimalSeparator only applies to Delphi-based RTL functions like FloatToStr(), Format(), etc. It does not apply to C++-based functions like std::(s)printf(), std::to_string(), std::ostream::operator<<, etc. For those, you need to use C++ locales instead.
I solved it in the wee hours of the morning myself. You can use:
TFormatSettings fmt = TFormatSettings::Create();
fmt.DecimalSeparator = '.';
and then format a double like that:
FloatToStr(price, fmt);
I hope it helps someone. I was going crazy.
I know this this is a very old thread, but I was facing this problem today. In my case, my solution is this:
String DotFormatted(long double value, int numberOfDecimals=2) {
String result = Format("%." + IntToStr(numberOfDecimals) + "f", ARRAYOFCONST((value)));
result = StringReplace( result, ",", ".", TReplaceFlags() << rfReplaceAll);
return result;
It's equivalent to another one I had in a different language. For me, it's useful because of the numberOfDecimals argument.
I'm a beginner in dart.
void main() {
var abf = '+37.4054-122.0999/';
var abf2;
abf2 = abf.replaceAll("+"," ");
var abf1 = abf2.split(RegExp('(?=[+-])'));
print (abf1[0]);
print (abf1[1]);
The above code splits abf into two values for me
I want to remove the ending '/'. I tried many split methods using other variables but it's not removing the '/' even though its removing the '+'.
It's not really clear what you're trying to do with the split.
But if you're looking the remove the / this should work:
String number = '+37.4054-122.0999/';
number = number.replaceAll("/"," ");
You can create substring from this while you like to remove last element.
String abf = '+37.4054-122.0999/';
final result = abf.substring(0, abf.length - 1);
Dart's List class has a built-in removeLast method. Maybe you can try to split the string and then removing the last element:
String str = "str";
String newStr = str.split(''). removeLast().join('');
I'm trying to create a variable format specifier for use in $display/$write. I've tried a large number of things, but here is what I have at the moment.
What I want to end up with is: $display(format_var,data_1,data_2), where the format string is pre-calculated using $sformatf or other.
module test;
function void pprint(input int data_1,input int field_1,input int data_2,input int field_2);
string format;
format = $sformatf("%0d'h%%%0dx,%0d'h%%%0dx",field_1,field_1/4,field_2,field_2/4);
$display("format = %s",format);
The output I expect is:
format = 8'h%2x,128'h%32x
The output I get is:
format = 8'h%2x,128'h%32x
8'h%2x,128'h%32x 5 73737229
What do I need to do? The simulator is Vivado 2020.3
Trying more things, the following function does do what I want. My conclusion is that $display/$write can't take a variable as the format string, but $sformatf can.
function void pprint(input int data_1,input int field_1,input int data_2,input int field_2);
string format;
string outstr;
format = $sformatf("%0d'h%%%0dx,%0d'h%%%0dx",field_1,field_1/4,field_2,field_2/4);
$display("format = %s",format);
function void pprint(
input logic [4095:0] data_1,
input int field_1,
input logic [4095:0] data_2,
input int field_2 );
string format;
format = $sformatf("%0d'h%%%0dh,%0d'h%%%0dh",
field_1, (field_1+3)/4,
field_2, (field_2+3)/4 );
$display("format = %s",format);
This should give you the output:
format = 8'h%02h,128'h%032h
Adding a zero between the % and digit could tells the simulator to pad the upper bits with zeros.
For some reason $display(format,data_1,data_2) did not use the format on simulators on edaplayground, but it did work with $sformatf so I simply nested it.
I needed to increase the bit width of the input data otherwise it would show leading zeros over 8 digits. Adjust if necessary.
Adding 3 to the field is for handling non multiples of 4. It will always round down after division.
According to section 21.3.3 Formatting data to a string of the SystemVerilog LRM, only $sformat and $sformatf have a specific formatting argument that can be a string literal or string variable. All other output tasks like $display treat any string literal argument as format specifiers and do not interpret the strings inside string variables for formatting.
I am new to flutter and I just want to display a list of alphabets in a for loop. I just want to know how can I convert the integer to ascii character. I searched for this and I found dart:convert library, but I don't know how to use it.
I want something like -
for(int i=65; i<=90; i++){
print(ascii(i)); //ascii is not any method, its just to understand my question
It should print the letters from 'A' to 'Z'.
You don't need dart:convert, you can just use String.fromCharCode
More info: https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.0.0/dart-core/String/String.fromCharCode.html
In Dart, use these 2 functions to convert from int (byte) to String (char) and vice versa.
int value = ';'.codeUnitAt(0); //get unicode for semicolon
String char = String.fromCharCode(value); //get the semicolon string ;
This ia exactly what you need to generate your alphabet:
import 'dart:core';
void RandomString() {
List<int> a = new List<int>.generate(26, (int index) => index + 65);
String f = String.fromCharCodes(a);
void main() {
Also You can copy, paste and test it here https://dartpad.dartlang.org/
UnicodeString us = "12345";
Label1->Caption= us.FirstChar();
The caption will show "12345" instead of "1".
Why is that?
The help page for FirstChar is empty:
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional
information. Please help us document this topic by using the
Discussion page!
The declaration is this:
const WideChar* FirstChar() const;
const WideChar* LastChar() const;
WideChar* FirstChar();
WideChar* LastChar();
The UnicodeString::FirstChar() method returns a pointer to the first character (just as the UnicodeString::LastChar() returns a pointer to the last character).
The data being pointed to is null-terminated. So the statement Label1->Caption = us.FirstChar(); is the same as if you had written Label1->Caption = L"12345"; instead. The TLabel::Caption property is also a UnicodeString, which has a constructor that accepts a null-terminated WideChar* pointer as input. That is why you see the result you are getting.
If you want just the first character by itself, use UnicodeString::operator[] instead:
Label1->Caption = us[1]; // UnicodeString is 1-indexed!
Or, using FirstChar(), simply dereference the pointer:
Label1->Caption = *(us.FirstChar());
Note that if the UnicodeString::IsEmpty() method returns true, both approaches will fail. operator[] will throw an ERangeError exception. FirstChar() will return a NULL pointer, which is undefined behavior to dereference. So watch out for that, eg:
if (!us.IsEmpty())
Label1->Caption = us[1];
Label1->Caption = _D("");
if (!us.IsEmpty())
Label1->Caption = *(us.FirstChar());
Label1->Caption = _D("");
A safer option would be to use the UnicodeString::SubString() method instead, which will return an empty string if the requested substring is out of range:
Label1->Caption = us.SubString(1, 1); // also 1-indexed!
Alternatively, you can use the RTL's System::Strutils::LeftStr() function instead:
#include <System.StrUtils.hpp>
Label1->Caption = LeftStr(us, 1);
Very simple issue. I have the useless class:
class Useless{
double field;
I then commit the mortal sin and call new Useless(0);
In checked mode (which is how I run my tests) that blows up, because 'int' is not a subtype of type 'double'.
Now, it works if I use new Useless(0.0) , but honestly I spend a lot of time correcting my tests putting .0s everywhere and I feel pretty dumb doing that.
As a temporary measure I rewrote the constructor as:
class Useless{
double field;
Useless(num input){
field = input.toDouble();
But that's ugly and I am afraid slow if called often. Is there a better way to do this?
Simply toDouble()
int intVar = 5;
double doubleVar = intVar.toDouble();
Thanks to #jamesdlin who actually gave this answer in a comment to my previous answer...
In Dart 2.1, integer literals may be directly used where double is expected. (See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/34355.)
Note that this is syntactic sugar and applies only to literals. int variables still won't be automatically promoted to double, so code like:
double reciprocal(double d) => 1 / d;
int x = 42;
would fail, and you'd need to do:
You can also use:
int x = 15;
double y = x + .0;
use toDouble() method.
For e.g.:
int a = 10
//or store value in a variable and then use
double convertedValue = a.toDouble()
From this attempt:
class Useless{
double field;
Useless(num input){
field = input.toDouble();
You can use the parse method of the double class which takes in a string.
class Useless{
double field;
Useless(num input){
field = double.parse(input.toString()); //modified line
A more compact way of writing the above class using constructor's initialisers is:
class Useless{
double _field;
Useless(double field):_field=double.parse(field.toString());
Since all divisions in flutter result to a double, the easiest thing I did to achieve this was just to divide the integer value with 1:
int x = 15;
double y = x /1;
There's no better way to do this than the options you included :(
I get bitten by this lots too, for some reason I don't get any warnings in the editor and it just fails at runtime; mighty annoying :(
I'm using a combination:
static double checkDouble(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
return double.parse(value);
} else if (value is int) {
return 0.0 + value;
} else {
return value;
This is how you can cast from int to double
int a = 2;
double b = a*1.0;