Get GLSL vertex shader positions back to use on cpu event collider functions - kivy

I'm using python kivy to render meshes with opengl onto a canvas. I want to return vertex data from the fragment shader so i can build a collider (to use on my cpu event listeners after doing projection and model view transforms). I can replicate the matrix multiplications on the cpu (i guess that's the easy way out), but then i would have to do the same calculations twice (not good).
The only way I can think of doing this (after some browsing) is to imprint an object id onto my rendered mesh alpha channel (wouldn't affect much if i'd keep data coding near value 1 for alpha ). And create some kind of 'color picker' on the cpu side to decode it (I'm guessing that's not hard to do using kivy).
Anyone has a better idea to deal with this? Or a better approach?

First criterion here is: do you need collision for picking or for physics simulation?
If it is for physics: you almost never want the same mesh for rendering and for physics collisions. Typically, you use a very rough approximation for the physics shape, nearly always a convex shape, or a union of convex shapes. (Colliding arbitrary concave meshes is something that no physics engine can do well, and if they attempt it at all, performance will be poor.)
If it is for the purpose of picking an object with a mouse-click: you can go two different ways for this:
You replicate the geometry on the CPU, and use the mouse-location plus camera-view to create a ray that intersects this geometry, to see what is hit first.
After rendering your scene, you read back a single pixel from the depth buffer. (The pixel that your mouse is over.) With the depth value you get back, plus camera info, you can reconstruct a corresponding 3D position in your world. Once you have a 3D location, you can query your world to see which object is the closest to this point, and you will have your hit.


Texture baking with 3Dsmax

I'm struggling with a texture-baking process with 3DSmax software. I have a white 3D mesh with 2 image textures. I'm trying to get a diffusemap (see target_diffuse_map.jpg). To do this, I exectue the following steps:
1) Affect image-texture1 and image-texture2 to face1 and face2 of the objet.
2) Clone the object to get the white colors when baking texture.
3) unwrap UVM.
4) Rendering Texture to obtain the diffuse map.
5) Projection of the texture + white colors on the cloned object.
Please, find these steps on this small video I made:
I obtain a bad sampled and weird diffuse map (please see obtained_diffuse_map.jpg). What I want is target_diffuse_map.jpg.
I'm I forgetting some steps?
Thank you for your help.
You need to either:
Add a small amount of "Push" in the Projection Modifier
Uncheck "Use Cage" in the Projection Options dialog, while setting a very small value for the offset
Projection Mapping works by casting rays from points on the cage towards corresponding model points on your mesh. You did not push the cage out at all, therefore rays are not well defined; rays are cast from a point toward a direction which is the exact same point. This causes numerical errors and z-fighting. The there needs to be some time amount of push so the "from" and "to" points of each ray are different giving them a well-defined direction to travel.
The second option, instead of using the cage defined in the projection modifier, is to use the offset method (you probably still need to apply projection modifier though). This method defines each rays as starting from a point defined by taking the model point of the mesh and moving outward by a fixed offset amount in the direction of the normal. The advantage is that for curved objects with large polygons, it produces less distortion because the system uses the smoothed shading normal at each point. The disadvantage you can't have different cage distances at different points of the model, for better control. Use this method for round wooden barrels and other simplistic objects with large, smooth curves.
Also, your situation is made difficult by having different parts of the model very close to each other (touching) and embedded within each other - namely how the mouth of the bottle is inside the cap and the cap it touching the base. For this case, it might make sense to break the objects apart after you have the overall UV mapping, run projection mapping separately on each one separately, and then combine the maps back together in an image editor.

Efficient frustum culling while using shaders

I'd like to know what's the most efficient way of doing frustum culling using the programmable pipeline. I mean, if I understand correctly, following the method described here: Geometric Aproach (by the way the only method described there that worked for me some time ago), functions like glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ...) are not valid anymore, as the final vertex position is computed in shader stage. Do I have to compute the frustum planes on the client side for every bounding box transformation I have to check before rendering?
The idea of frustum culling is to prevent polygons from being sent to the GPU in the first place, those polygons you already know that will be culled after the vertex shader. So idea is to prevent the vertex shader from transforming those polygons. Using shaders or not, the best way is to keep track of the frustum planes on client side, and traverse the scene graph (could be hierarchical tree or just a list) and cull objects that lay outside the frustum, and don't use glGetFloatv or it's equivalent it is not efficient as it will copy the data from the GPU. You can use feedback buffers instead.

How to batch sprites in iOS/OpenGL ES 2.0

I have developed my own sprite library on top of OpenGL ES 2.0. Right now, I am not doing any batching of draw calls; instead, each sprite has its own VBO/VAO of four textured vertices, drawn as a triangle strip (The VAO/VBO itself is managed by the Texture atlas, so identical sprites reuse the same VAO/VBO, which is 'reference counted' and hence deleted when no sprite instances reference it).
Before drawing each sprite, I'll bind its texture, upload its uniforms/attributes to the shader (modelview matrix, opacity - Projection matrix stays constant all along), bind its Vertex Array Object (4 textured vertices + four indices), and call glDrawElements(). I do cull off-screen sprites (based on position and bounds), but still it is one draw call per sprite, even if all sprites share the same texture. The vertex positions and texture coordinates for each sprite never change.
I must say that, despite this inefficiency, I have never experienced performance issues, even when drawing many sprites on screen. I do split the sprites into opaque/non-opaque, draw the opaque ones first, and the non-opaque ones after, back to front. I have seen performance suffer only when I overdraw (tax the fill rate).
Nevertheless, the OpenGL instruments in Xcode will complain that I draw too many small meshes and that I should consolidate my geometry into less objects. And in the Unity world everyone talks about limiting the number of draw calls as if they were the plague.
So, how should I go around batching very many sprites, each with a different transform and opacity value (but the same texture), into one draw call? One thing that comes to mind is to modify the vertex data every frame, and stream it: applying the modelview matrix of each sprite to all its vertices, assembling the transformed vertices for all sprites into one mesh, and submitting it to the GPU. This approach does not solve the problem of varying opacity between sprites.
Another idea that comes to mind is to have all the textured vertices of all the sprites assembled into a single mesh (VBO), treated as 'static' (same vertex format I am using now), and a separate array with the stuff that changes per sprite every frame (transform matrix and opacity), and only stream that data each frame, and pull it/apply it on the vertex shader side. That is, have a separate array where the 'attribute' being represented is the modelview matrix/alpha for the corresponding vertices. Still have to figure out the exact implementation in terms of data format/strides etc. In any case, there is the additional complication that arises whenever a new sprite is created/destroyed, the whole mesh has to be modified...
Or perhaps there is an ideal, 'textbook' solution to this problem out there that I haven't figured out? What does cocos2d do?
When I initially started reading you post I though that each quad used a different texture (since you stated "Before drawing each sprite, I'll bind its texture") but then you said that each sprite has "the same texture".
A possible easy win is to control the way you bind your textures during the draw since each call is a burden for the OpenGL driver. If (and I am not really sure abut this from your post) you use different textures, I suggest to go for a simple texture atlas where all the sprites are inside a single picture (preferably a power of 2 texture with mipmapping) and then you take the piece of the texture you need in the fragment using texture coordinates (this is the reason they exist in the end)
If the position of the sprites change over time (of course it does) at each frame, a possible advantage would be to pack the new vertex coordinates of your sprites at each frame and draw directly from memory (possibly over VAO. VBO could cost more since you need to build it each frame? to be tested in real scenario). This would be a good call pack operation and I am pretty sure it will bust the performances.
Consider that the VAO option could be feasible since we are talking about very small amount of data and the memory bandwidth should not represent a real bottleneck (each quad I guess uses 12 floats for vertex coordinates, 8 for textures and 12 for normals, 128 byte?), it shouldn't be a big problem over VAO.
About opacity, can't you play using an uniform to your fragment shader where you play with alpha? Am I wrong with it? It should work.
I hope this helps.

Simple flat shading using Stage3D/AGAL

I'm relatively new to 3D development and am currently using Actionscript, Stage3D and AGAL to learn. I'm trying to create a scene with a simple procedural mesh that is flat shaded. However, I'm stuck on exactly how I should be passing surface normals to the shader for the lighting. I would really like to just use a single surface normal for each triangle and do flat, even shading for each. I know it's easy to achieve better looking lighting with normals for each vertex, but this is the look I'm after.
Since the shader normally processes every vertex, not every triangle, is it possible for me to just pass a single normal per triangle, rather than one per vertex? Is my thinking completely off here? If anyone had a working example of doing simple, flat shading I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm digging up an old question here since I stumbled on it via google and can see there is no accepted answer.
Stage3D does not have an equivalent "GL_FLAT" option for it's shader engine. What this means is that the fragment shader program always receives a "varying" or interpolated value from the output of the three respective vertices (via the vertex program). If you want flat shading, you have basically only one option:
Create three unique vertices for each triangle and set the normal for
each vertex to the face normal of the triangle. This way, each vertex
will calculate the same lighting and result in the same vertex color.
When the fragment shader interpolates, it will be interpolating three
identical values, resulting in flat shading.
This is pretty lame. The requirement of unique vertices per triangle means you can't share vertices between triangles. This will definitely increase your vertex count, causing increased delays during your VertexBuffer3D uploads as well as overall lower frame rates. However, I have not seen a better solution anywhere.

XNA Adding Craters (via GPU) with a "Burn" Effect

I am currently working on a 2D "Worms" clone in XNA, and one of the features is "deformable" terrain (e.g. when a rocket hits the terrain, there is an explosion and a chunk of the terrain disappears).
How I am currently doing this is by using a texture that has a progressively higher Red value as it approaches the center. I cycle through every pixel of that "Deform" texture, and if the current pixel overlaps a terrain pixel and has a high enough red value, I modify the color array representing the terrain to transparent. If the current pixel does NOT have a high enough Red value, I blacken the terrain color (it gets blacker the closer the Red value is to the threshold). At the end of this operation I use SetData to update my terrain texture.
I realize this is not a good way to do it, not only because I have read about pipeline stalls and such, but also because it can become quite laggy if lots of craters are being added at the same time. I want to remake my Crater Generation on the GPU instead using Render Targets "ping-ponging" between being the target and the texture to modify. That isn't the problem, I know how to do that. the problem is I don't know how to keep my burn effect using this method.
Here's how the burn effect looks right now:
Does anybody have an idea how I would create a similar burn effect (darkening the edges around the formed crater)? I am completely unfamiliar with Shaders but if it requires it I would be really thankful if someone walked me through on how to do it. If there are any other ways that'd be great too.
Sounds like you're good in the right way. But you're doing a lot of things by hand, which can also be done by just drawing sprites and applying the right formulas.
For example:
Suppose your terrain is saved into a giant texture in the alpha channel of the texture. 1 is terrain, 0 is nothing.
An explosion happens and the terrain has to be deformed. Update your texture easily by just drawing a black transparent sphere (or explosion area) onto your texture. The terrain is gone, because the alpha value is 0 of the black sphere. Your texture is now up to date, everything was done by the spriteBatch. And nothing had to be checked.
I don't know if you wanted a solution for this as well, but now you have one.
For the burn effect
Now that we have our terrain in a texture, we can do a post effect on the drawing by using a shader (just like you said). The shader obtains the texture's alpha channel and can now do different things to get our burn effect.
The first option is to do edge detection. Check a few pixels in all 4 directions and see if the pixel is at the edge. If so, it needs to do a burn by, for example, multiplying it with the distance to the edge (or any other function you like)
Another way is quite similar to the first one, but does it in two steps. First you do the same kind of edge detection, but you save the edges in a seperate texture. Now, when you are drawing your texture, you can overlay your edges. So it's quite the same as just drawing the ground at once.
The main difference for the second option is that you can also choose to just draw your normal ground and you are not adjusting the pixel in the ground texture on rendering.
I know this is a long story, but it is a nice technique. Have a look at toon shaders, they do edge detection as well, even though it is 3D.
Keywords: Toon shading, HLSL, Post effects, edge detection, image processing.
Recommended reading:
