F# has a discrepancy between func `lambda` and `lambda` |> func - f#

I'm using the FSharpPlus library and there is a discrepancy between
#r "nuget: FSharpPlus"
open FSharpPlus
memoizeN (fun x y -> x,y) // error FS0073: internal error: recursive class hierarchy (detected in TypeFeasiblySubsumesType), ty1 = MemoizeN
(fun x y -> x,y) |> memoizeN // OK
Why does this happen, and is there a way to use the former?

It's not because of the lambda, this is kind of a corner type inference case.
F# type inference works from left to right, so in some cases it's not able to infer the correct type of a generic function, unless the type information of its argument is already inferred.
A simpler case could be this:
let x = (fun lst -> lst.Length) [0]


Why does F# require type placeholders for ToDictionary?

|> dict
// turn it into keyvaluepair sequence
|> Seq.map id
|> fun x -> x.ToDictionary<_,_,_>((fun x -> x.Key), fun x -> x.Value)
which fails to compile if I don't explicitly use the <_,_,_> after ToDictionary.
Intellisense works just fine, but compilation fails with the error: Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point
So, it seems, Intellisense knows how to resolve the method call.
This seems to be a clue
|> fun x -> x.ToDictionary<_,_>((fun x -> x.Key), fun x -> x.Value)
fails with
Type constraint mismatch.
The type 'b -> 'c is not compatible with type IEqualityComparer<'a>
The type 'b -> 'c' is not compatible with the type 'IEqualityComparer<'a>'
(using external F# compiler)
x.ToDictionary((fun x -> x.Key), id)
works as expected as does
let vMap (item:KeyValuePair<_,_>) = item.Value
x.ToDictionary((fun x -> x.Key), vMap)
I've replicated the behavior in FSI and LinqPad.
As a big fan of and avid reader of Eric Lippert I really want to know
what overload resolution, (or possibly extension methods from different places) are conflicting here that the compiler is confused by?
Even though the types are known ahead, the compiler's getting confused between the overload which takes an element selector and a comparer. The lambda compiles to FSharpFunc rather than the standard delegate types in C# like Action or Func, and issues do come up translating from one to the other. To make it work, you can :
Supply a type annotation for the offending Func
fun x -> x.ToDictionary((fun pair -> pair.Key), (fun (pair : KeyValuePair<_, _>) -> pair.Value)) //compiles
or name the argument as a hint
fun x -> x.ToDictionary((fun pair -> pair.Key), elementSelector = (fun (pair) -> pair.Value))
or force it to pick the 3 argument version:
x.ToLookup((fun pair -> pair.Key), (fun (pair) -> pair.Value), EqualityComparer.Default)
In your example,
let vMap (item:KeyValuePair<_,_>) = item.Value
x.ToDictionary((fun x -> x.Key), vMap)
you would explicitly need to annotate vMap because the compiler cannot find out what type the property exists on without another pass. For example,
List.map (fun x -> x.Length) ["one"; "two"] // this fails to compile
This is one of the reasons why the pipe operator is so useful, because it allows you to avoid type annotations:
["one"; "two"] |> List.map (fun x -> x.Length) // works
List.map (fun (x:string) -> x.Length) ["one"; "two"] //also works
The short answer:
The extension method ToDictionary is defined like this:
static member ToDictionary<'TSource,_,_>(source,_,_)
but is called like this:
The long answer:
This is the F# type signature of the function you are calling from msdn.
static member ToDictionary<'TSource, 'TKey, 'TElement> :
source:IEnumerable<'TSource> *
keySelector:Func<'TSource, 'TKey> *
elementSelector:Func<'TSource, 'TElement> -> Dictionary<'TKey, 'TElement>
But I only specified two regular parameters: keySelector and elementSelector. How come this has a source parameter?!
The source parameter is actually not put in the parenthesis, but is passed in by saying x.ToDictionary, where x is the source parameter. This is actually an example of a type extension. These kinds of methods are very natural in a functional programming language like F#, but more uncommon in an object oriented language like C#, so if you're coming from the C# world, it will be pretty confusing. Anyway, if we look at the C# header, it is a little easier to understand what is going on:
public static Dictionary<TKey, TElement> ToDictionary<TSource, TKey, TElement>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector
So the method is defined with a "this" prefix on a first parameter even though it is technically static. It basically allows you to add methods to already defined classes without re-compiling or extending them. This is called prototyping. It's kinda rare if you're a C# programmer, but languages like python and javascript force you to be aware of this. Take this example from https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html:
class Dog:
tricks = [] # mistaken use of a class variable
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def add_trick(self, trick):
>>> d = Dog('Fido')
>>> e = Dog('Buddy')
>>> d.add_trick('roll over')
>>> e.add_trick('play dead')
>>> d.tricks # unexpectedly shared by all dogs
['roll over', 'play dead']
The method add_trick is defined with self as a first parameter, but the function is called as d.add_trick('roll over'). F# actually does this naturally as well, but in a way that mimics the way the function is called. When you declare:
member x.doSomething() = ...
member this.doSomething() = ...
Here, you are adding function doSomething to the prototype (or class definition) of "x"/"this". Thus, in your example, you actually have three type parameters, and three regular parameters, but one of them is not used in the call. All you have left is to declare the key selector function, and the element selector function, which you did. That's why it looks weird.

Type inference wants explicit upcast sometimes even when flexible type is used for interface constraints?

I had expected that flexible type would minimize the need of explicit upcast, but
type IB =
abstract B : int
type A() =
interface IB with
member this.B = 1
let a = A()
let test (x) = x
let aa = [|a; a|]
let case1 = aa |> Array.map (fun (x: #IB) -> test (x.B))
let case2 = Array.map (fun (x: #IB) -> test (x.B)) aa
Here, there are warnings (less generic than type annotation) on the last 2 lines. The compiler is able to compile case2, but fails at case1, why is that?
It feels odd that the more detailed the compiler can infer, the more code I need to write.
#kvb pointed out there is a simple fix, just to refactor the lambda function into a non inline version.
let fix (x: #IB) =
test x.B
let case1 = aa |> Array.map fix
let case2 = Array.map fix
This works well.
Type inference in F# flows from left to right, so it's not too surprising that piping can break or fix things. However, it's almost always the case that having more type information earlier is helpful, so this result is a bit surprising. The warnings are a subtle indicator that you're doing something wrong. Flexible types seem like they ought to be applicable in many tricky situations, but there are really only a few places where they help. Array.map takes a function of some type 'a -> 'b for some particular 'a and 'b (though there's a little bit of nuance here, since the "particular" types could be type variables), so having a "more generic" argument like #IB -> int is not especially helpful; the compiler will pick some particular subtype of IB during compilation - this is what the warnings are attempting to communicate.
As I said, the different results you see on the different lines are due to the fact that type inference in F# works left to right. In the first case, the information about the type of aa flows into the type checking of the remainder of the expression and so when compiling the lambda the compiler knows that the only possible subtype of IB that will work is A, but because interface implementations are always implicit this causes a compile time error because A doesn't have a publicly available member B. On the other hand, in the second case, when the compiler's trying to check Array.map it doesn't yet know the type of the array it will be applied to, but can check the call in any case because regardless of the subtype it will support the interface method IB.B (implicitly upcasting the argument from whatever subtype of IB it has to just IB). Then when this is applied to aa the compiler specializes the implementation to A, but because of the implicit upcast this still works okay. Intuitively, it seems like the compiler ought to have been able to have inserted the same implicit upcast in the former case, but I think this is probably just a surprising result of the inference algorithm and not an actual bug.
Perhaps more surprising, one possible fix is to just use a let-bound definition (for either the lambda or even as a type-restricted version of Array.map) and skip the flexible type:
let f (x:IB) = test (x.B)
let g (f:IB -> int) = Array.map f
let d' = aa |> g (fun x -> test (x.B))
let d'' = aa |> Array.map f
let c' = g (fun x -> test (x.B)) aa
let c'' = Array.map f aa
So what's happening here? It turns out the compiler does something called "Implicit Insertion of Flexibility for Uses of Functions and Members" (section 14.4.3 of the spec for F# 3.1) which does exactly what you want.
type IB =
abstract B : int
type A() =
interface IB with
member this.B = 1
let a = A()
let test (x) = x
let aa = [|a; a|]
Here the compiler knows that aa is an array of A so type annotation in lambda is not needed but you have to cast x to the interface type because in F# interfaces are implemented explicitely (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173157.aspx):
let d = aa |> Array.map (fun x -> test ((x:>IB).B))
Here the compiler at the moment of compiling lambda doesn't know what a type of x is, so you need a type annotation telling that x is implementation of IB interface so you can refer to x.B property directly:
let c = Array.map (fun (x: #IB) -> test (x.B)) aa

What does "Unexpected type arguments" mean?

I have the following code
module File1
let convert<'T> x = x
type myType () =
member this.first<'T> y =
convert<'T> y
member this.second<'T> ys =
|> Seq.map this.first<'T>
On the last 'T I get the error Unexpected type arguments. When for example I call let x = myType.first<int> "34" there are no warnings and everything works as expected. Leaving of the type argument gets rid of the warning and the program behaves as intended some of the time.
Can anyone explain what's going on here?
In short, you need explicit arguments for your method with type arguments. The error can be fixed by changing
|> Seq.map this.first<'T>
|> Seq.map (fun y -> this.first<'T> y)
The error is explained very clearly in this excellent answer, I won't repeat it here. Notice that the error message has been changed between F# 2.0 and F# 3.0.
You don't actually use 'T anywhere in type signatures, so you can just remove 'T without any trouble.
If you need types for querying, I suggest to use the technique in Tomas' answer above.
type Foo() =
member this.Bar (t:Type) (arg0:string) = ()
let f = new Foo()
"string" |> f.Bar typeof<Int32>

IntelliSense for F# in Visual Studio 2012 Trial

I keep running into the following problem:
(System.Console.ReadLine ()).Split [|'('; ')'|]
|> Array.filter (fun s -> not (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty (s)))
|> Array.map (fun s -> s.Split [|','|])
|> Array.map (fun s -> Array.map (fun t -> t.Trim ()) s) (* t.Trim () is underlined with a red squiggly line *)
The error associated with the red squiggly line is:
Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved.
But when the mouse pointer hovers over t, IntelliSense correctly says that t is of type string.
I can bypass the error by writing fun (t : string) -> [CODE], but I wonder why Visual Studio draws the squiggly line at all when it is already detecting the type of the variable correctly. Is this a simple bug in the trial build, or am I misunderstanding something about F#'s type inferencing?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
There is some gap between F# intellisense and F# type checker.
The type checker works from left to right in order. Your problem can be fixed be changing:
fun s -> Array.map (fun t -> t.Trim()) s
fun s -> s |> Array.map (fun t -> t.Trim())
Since type of s is available before using Array.map, the type checker is able to infer type of t.
This error usually occurs when using instance methods. You could replace these methods by static functions with extra type annotation and refactor to make your code more composable:
let split arr (s: string) = s.Split arr
let trim (s: string) = s.Trim()
|> split [|'('; ')'|]
|> Array.filter (not << System.String.IsNullOrEmpty)
|> Array.map (split [|','|])
|> Array.map (Array.map trim)

How do I define y-combinator without "let rec"?

In almost all examples, a y-combinator in ML-type languages is written like this:
let rec y f x = f (y f) x
let factorial = y (fun f -> function 0 -> 1 | n -> n * f(n - 1))
This works as expected, but it feels like cheating to define the y-combinator using let rec ....
I want to define this combinator without using recursion, using the standard definition:
Y = λf·(λx·f (x x)) (λx·f (x x))
A direct translation is as follows:
let y = fun f -> (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x));;
However, F# complains that it can't figure out the types:
let y = fun f -> (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x));;
C:\Users\Juliet\AppData\Local\Temp\stdin(6,33): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
'a -> 'b
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''a -> 'b'
How do I write the y-combinator in F# without using let rec ...?
As the compiler points out, there is no type that can be assigned to x so that the expression (x x) is well-typed (this isn't strictly true; you can explicitly type x as obj->_ - see my last paragraph). You can work around this issue by declaring a recursive type so that a very similar expression will work:
type 'a Rec = Rec of ('a Rec -> 'a)
Now the Y-combinator can be written as:
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = f (x rx)
f' (Rec f')
Unfortunately, you'll find that this isn't very useful because F# is a strict language,
so any function that you try to define using this combinator will cause a stack overflow.
Instead, you need to use the applicative-order version of the Y-combinator (\f.(\x.f(\y.(x x)y))(\x.f(\y.(x x)y))):
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = f (fun y -> x rx y)
f' (Rec f')
Another option would be to use explicit laziness to define the normal-order Y-combinator:
type 'a Rec = Rec of ('a Rec -> 'a Lazy)
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = lazy f (x rx)
(f' (Rec f')).Value
This has the disadvantage that recursive function definitions now need an explicit force of the lazy value (using the Value property):
let factorial = y (fun f -> function | 0 -> 1 | n -> n * (f.Value (n - 1)))
However, it has the advantage that you can define non-function recursive values, just as you could in a lazy language:
let ones = y (fun ones -> LazyList.consf 1 (fun () -> ones.Value))
As a final alternative, you can try to better approximate the untyped lambda calculus by using boxing and downcasting. This would give you (again using the applicative-order version of the Y-combinator):
let y f =
let f' (x:obj -> _) = f (fun y -> x x y)
f' (fun x -> f' (x :?> _))
This has the obvious disadvantage that it will cause unneeded boxing and unboxing, but at least this is entirely internal to the implementation and will never actually lead to failure at runtime.
I would say it's impossible, and asked why, I would handwave and invoke the fact that simply typed lambda calculus has the normalization property. In short, all terms of the simply typed lambda calculus terminate (consequently Y can not be defined in the simply typed lambda calculus).
F#'s type system is not exactly the type system of simply typed lambda calculus, but it's close enough. F# without let rec comes really close to the simply typed lambda calculus -- and, to reiterate, in that language you cannot define a term that does not terminate, and that excludes defining Y too.
In other words, in F#, "let rec" needs to be a language primitive at the very least because even if you were able to define it from the other primitives, you would not be able to type this definition. Having it as a primitive allows you, among other things, to give a special type to that primitive.
EDIT: kvb shows in his answer that type definitions (one of the features absent from the simply typed lambda-calculus but present in let-rec-less F#) allow to get some sort of recursion. Very clever.
Case and let statements in ML derivatives are what makes it Turing Complete, I believe they're based on System F and not simply typed but the point is the same.
System F cannot find a type for the any fixed point combinator, if it could, it wasn't strongly normalizing.
What strongly normalizing means is that any expression has exactly one normal form, where a normal form is an expression that cannot be reduced any further, this differs from untyped where every expression has at max one normal form, it can also have no normal form at all.
If typed lambda calculi could construct a fixed point operator in what ever way, it was quite possible for an expression to have no normal form.
Another famous theorem, the Halting Problem, implies that strongly normalizing languages are not Turing complete, it says that's impossible to decide (different than prove) of a turing complete language what subset of its programs will halt on what input. If a language is strongly normalizing, it's decidable if it halts, namely it always halts. Our algorithm to decide this is the program: true;.
To solve this, ML-derivatives extend System-F with case and let (rec) to overcome this. Functions can thus refer to themselves in their definitions again, making them in effect no lambda calculi at all any more, it's no longer possible to rely on anonymous functions alone for all computable functions. They can thus again enter infinite loops and regain their turing-completeness.
Short answer: You can't.
Long answer:
The simply typed lambda calculus is strongly normalizing. This means it's not Turing equivalent. The reason for this basically boils down to the fact that a Y combinator must either be primitive or defined recursively (as you've found). It simply cannot be expressed in System F (or simpler typed calculi). There's no way around this (it's been proven, after all). The Y combinator you can implement works exactly the way you want, though.
I would suggest you try scheme if you want a real Church-style Y combinator. Use the applicative version given above, as other versions won't work, unless you explicitly add laziness, or use a lazy Scheme interpreter. (Scheme technically isn't completely untyped, but it's dynamically typed, which is good enough for this.)
See this for the proof of strong normalization:
After thinking some more, I'm pretty sure that adding a primitive Y combinator that behaves exactly the way the letrec defined one does makes System F Turing complete. All you need to do to simulate a Turing machine then is implement the tape as an integer (interpreted in binary) and a shift (to position the head).
Simply define a function taking its own type as a record, like in Swift (there it's a struct) :)
Here, Y (uppercase) is semantically defined as a function that can be called with its own type. In F# terms, it is defined as a record containing a function named call, so for calling a y defined as this type, you have to actually call y.call :)
type Y = { call: Y -> (int -> int) }
let fibonacci n =
let makeF f: int -> int =
fun x ->
if x = 0 then 0 else if x = 1 then 1 else f(x - 1) + f(x - 2)
let y = { call = fun y -> fun x -> (makeF (y.call y)) x }
(y.call y) n
It's not supremely elegant to read but it doesn't resort to recursion for defining a y combinator that is supposed to provide recursion all by itself ^^
