How compile uic with PySide6 - pyside6

I want to compile uic to PySide6 but I don't find how to install pyside6-uic tool. Where can I install pyside6-uic? I downloaded PySide6 but command pyside6-uic doesn't work.
There is a reference here in the title:

Step 1. If you installed PySide6
a. In a venv then go to your venv's folder.
b. Globally then go to your python installation folder.
Step 2. Go to Lib then site-packages then PySide6.
Step 3. Copy uic.exe ( or uic if the file extension are hidden) create a folder called bin and paste what you've copied inside it.
To compile ui files from:
QtDesigner: From the top menu select Form -> View Python Code... then click on the save icon (floppy disk) from the newly opened window.
Command Prompt: pyside6-uic.exe mainwindow.ui >
PowerShell: pyside6-uic.exe mainwindow.ui -o

If you using virtual environment, when you install pyside6 with pip in the virtual environment there is a folder named Scripts there is the pyside6-uic.exe tool.
if you have install pyside6 globally in your system and you use visual studio code you can use the extension PySide2-vsc then when you installed you can go to preferences > settings and search the PySide2-vsc extension settings then look for the "Command to compile a .ui file into python". Then you can use that feature with right-click on .ui files.

I could solve this issue to add this Path to my %PATH% Variable on windows.

The pyside6-uic tool is supposed to be installed automatically when installing the Python package.
Check if uic is in PATH
When using loadUiType, the Qt documentation (here) states that :
The internal process relies on uic being in the PATH. The pyside6-uic
wrapper uses a shipped uic that is located in the
site-packages/PySide6/uic, so PATH needs to be updated to use that if
there is no uic in the system.
But even then, I got the following error :
Cannot run 'pyside6-uic': "execvp: No such file or directory" -
Exit status QProcess::NormalExit ( 255 )
Check if 'pyside6-uic' is in PATH
For me, pyside6-uic was not located in site-packages/PySide6/uic. When reinstalling the module with pip, I noticed this message :
WARNING: The scripts pyside6-assistant, pyside6-designer, pyside6-genpyi,
pyside6-linguist, pyside6-lrelease, pyside6-lupdate, pyside6-rcc and pyside6-uic are
installed in '/Users/<user>/Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning,
use --no-warn-script-location.
So make sure to add the right directory to your $PATH variable.
Once it's done, you will be able to use the pyside6-uic command to generate a Python class from a UI file :
pyside6-uic mainwindow.ui >
Loading a .ui from code
You can also load a .ui file from your code using either:
loadUiType (doc page) :
This function generates and loads a .ui file at runtime, and it
returns a tuple containing the reference to the Python class, and the
base class.
or QUiLoader (doc page):
enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces
at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in
plugin paths
from PySide6.QtUiTools import QUiLoader
ui_file = QFile("mainwindow.ui")
loader = QUiLoader()
window = loader.load(ui_file)
Generally speaking, use absolute paths to access your UI files. Relative paths are susceptible to errors.


MSIX: Set Installation Path

How to change the MSIX installation path??
Referred this url - ""
Always installer package is created in default location "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps"
Need to set the installer location to different location.
The installation path of an MSIX package cannot be changed. All the files you have included in your package are installed inside an app-specific folder under "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps<your app>\".
This is a design decision from Microsoft. Only for MSI/EXE installers you can change the install path.
If you want to add files in other folders too, you need to copy them the first time your application is launched. For that, you have multiple options. You can write your own code inside your application to copy the files in other folders or you can use tools like Advanced Installer to do it for you.
To understand more about MSIX and how files outside of the installation path can be managed I recommend this article/presentation I wrote last month.

Haskell, create stack or cabal file from source directory

In Haskell: Given an existing directory tree (with sub-directors) of source files.
Is there a way to get a .cabal or .stack file, created automatically, with all the necessary dependents (references to the import files that are embedded inside the source file) embedded in the command file,with no need to manualy editing the command file.
In other words, get a command file that I will be able to run "straight out of the box" without the regular methods of stack new/stack build etc,commands?
cabal init will create a file that lists all the modules in your sourcedir for you. But you will still need to provide the package dependencies yourself. This is because a module Foo.Bar.Baz may come from multiple packages -- hence the package you intend to import must be explicitly specified.

Xcode .bundle and .dylib

Is there a way to combine .bundle and .dylib into one file. I have written a tweak and a preference bundle for it. How do I have them to be installed as one?
you have to pack all the tweak files in a DEB package
for example create a directory named Tweak
and inside it create another directory named DEBIAN in debian directory create a text file called control
inside control
Package: com.example.tweak
Name: Tweak
Version: 1.0
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Author: Sull <>
Description: Example description here.
Maintainer: Sull <>
Section: Tweaks
*When done editing your control file, go to the end of the last line and press the enter/return key, now save the file. You always have to go to the last line and press enter or you'll run into errors when building.
as you said you have a Preferences bundle and a Dylib so the Tweak directory should look like this
now run the command dpkg -b /Tweak in terminal
Assuming the Tweak folder is in root
You can ignore these warnings they are completely normal.
warning, Tweak/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined fieldName'
warning, Tweak/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined fieldAuthor'
warning, Tweak/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined fieldSponsor'
dpkg-deb: ignoring 3 warnings about the control file(s)
there will be a file named Tweak.deb you can install it to the iPhone via terminal or apps like iFile

Using LibGit2Sharp in the Mono ASP.NET MVC project on Ubuntu

I've created ASP.NET MVC project in MonoDevelop on Ubuntu.
Using Nuget, I added LibGit2Sharp package, but it doesn't have libgit2 library compiled for linux environment.
Then I downloaded libgit2 sources and compiled them.
Now I have, but when I put it into the bin folder of my mvc project, I get System.DllNotFoundException git2-06d772d
When I create Console project and put into the bin folder of this project, application works fine.
Shared objects are not loaded when they are next to a particular file, but when their directory is in the library load path. The operating system sets a few paths that are valid for all programs, but if you have your library elsewhere, you need to specify the directory yourself.
Exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the dir of the library will let the library loader know what other paths you expect to load a library from. E.g. if you built libgit2 with the libgit2sharp script you might run
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/libgit2sharp/libgit2/build
in the console to let the OS know that any program you start from that shell where to find libgit2.
It's common for mono-based apps to provide a script for the user to run which sets up the environment before calling mono to start the actual .exe with the program.

Usage of local dart library

I have created some local libraries in my dart lib directory.
These libraries are visible in dart packages for each newly created folder in the web directory. However, when I attempt to access them using the dart's package nomenclature eg package:reg/name.dart, the system always generates an error.
I think I am missing something.
I have read but this did not help me either.
You need to ensure that the name you're using as the package matches that in pubspec.yaml.
Eg. if in pubspec.yaml you havename: my_app and your file is at lib\my_library.dart then you need to use import 'package:my_app/my_library.dart';.
