executing a simple go .exe in a dockerfile - docker

I have the following dockerfile and everything works fine except for running the .exe
FROM golang:latest
# Set the Current Working Directory inside the container
WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/user/goserver
# Copy everything from the current directory to the PWD (Present Working Directory) inside the container
COPY . .
# Download all the dependencies
RUN go get -d -v ./...
# Install the package
RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o goserver .
# This container exposes port 8080 to the outside world
# Run the executable
CMD ./goserver
The problem is that it does not execute './goserver'. I need to manually go into the container and then execute it. Any idea what could be going wrong here ?

The problem is the way you are running the container.
By running the container with the following:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 goserver /bin/bash
you are overriding the command defined with CMD in Dockerfile to bin/bash command.
You can start the container in detached mode by running it as:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 goserver
Further, if you want to later exec into the container then you can use the docker exec command.


Docker run commands works but dockerfile not

I have a problem with running the image of Dockerfile. CLI commands work fine but when I use the Dockerfile I get an error from the localhost:
localhost didn’t send any data.
What I am doing is simple. By CLI:
docker run -d --name mytomcat -p 8080:8080 tomcat:latest
docker exec -it mytomcat /bin/bash
mv webapps webapps2
mv webapps.dist/ webapps
Which works fine.
My Dockerfile:
FROM tomcat:latest
CMD mv webapps webapps2 && mv webapps.dist/ webapps && /bin/bash
Build and run:
docker build -t myrepo/tomacat:1.00 .
docker run -d --name mytomcat -p 8080:8080 myrepo/tomacat:1.00
Doesn't work and show the above error.
Note: I am using mv command because I get 404 error!
Does anybody know the problem here?
When your Dockerfile has a CMD command, that runs instead of the command in the base image. With the tomcat image, the base image would run the Tomcat server; but with this Dockerfile, it's trying to run a bash shell instead, and without any input that just exits immediately.
To just moves files around, it's usually better to use COPY and RUN directives to set up the image once, rather than trying to repeat these steps every time you run the container. For this setup where the base image already has a reasonable CMD, you don't need to repeat it in your own custom Dockerfile.
FROM tomcat:latest
RUN mv webapps webapps2 && mv webapps.dist/ webapps
# no particular mention of bash; use the `CMD` from the base image
It's not uncommon for a base image to include some sort of runtime that needs to be configured, but for the base image's CMD to still be correct. In addition to tomcat, nginx and php:fpm work similarly; so long as their configuration files and code are in the right place, you don't need to repeat the CMD.

docker container stops after docker run

I have a docker file which when built and run stops. I am trying to run both client and server in one docker container. If there is any solution to use docker-compose, then that is already in place and working fine. Please advise how to keep the container up and running using docker run. Thanks!
Here is my docker file, package.json and screenshot of folder structure.
DockerFile contents:
FROM node:14.14.0-alpine
RUN apk update && apk add bash
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
CMD ["npm","run","prebuild"]
docker build: command:
docker build -t sample .
docker run command:
docker run -d -it --name sm -v `pwd`:/app sample

Copy with Dockerfile

I try to run the Angular app inside docker with Nginx:
$ ls
dist Dockerfile
FROM nginx
COPY ./dist/statistic-ui /usr/share/nginx/html/
Inside dist/statistic-ui/ all app files.
But COPY command doesn't work, Nginx just starts with default welcome page and when I check files inside /usr/share/nginx/html/ only default Nginx files.
Why COPY command doesn't work and how to fix it?
Run docker container
sudo docker run -d --name ui -p 8082:80 nginx
You need to build an image from your Dockerfile then run a container from that image:
docker build -t angularapp .
docker run -d --name ui -p 8082:80 angularapp
Make sure you include the trailing dot at the end of the docker build command.

Docker: Container should get access to directory of another container

I need to get access to a directory from docker container to another docker container.
In the first container I am running a nodeJS application and in the tests/e2e folder there are my e2e tests and the configuration for webdriverIO.
Also it I don't need a persistend volume - like I've done it so far. I just need the test files as long as both container are running.
$ docker run
--name app_stage
--volume tests:/app/tests
This is the Dockerfile to that application
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY . /app
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build
ENV NODE_ENV production
CMD next start
In the second container I'm running webdriverIO, which needs to get the tests and the configuration of the first container stored there in app/tests
$ docker run
--volumes-from app_stage
webdriverio wdio
But this is not working as I do not see the needed directory in the second container.
First, specify VOLUMEvariable in you dockerfile:
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY . /app
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build
ENV NODE_ENV production
VOLUME /app/tests
CMD next start
Use your first command to start app_stage container then start webdriverio container with the second command.

Docker add warfile to official Tomcat image

I pulled official Docker image for Tomcat by running this command.
docker run -it --rm tomcat:8.0
By using this as base image I need to build new image that contains my war file in the tomcat webapps folder. I created Dockerfile like this.
From tomcat8
ADD warfile /usr/local/tomcat
When I run this Dockerfile by building image I am not able to see Tomcat front page.
Can anybody tell me how to add my warfile to official Tomcat images webapp folder.
Reading from the documentation of the repo you would do something like that
FROM tomcat
ADD your.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
Then build your image with docker build -t yourName <path-to-dockerfile>
And run it with:
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 yourName
--rm removes the container as soon as you stop it
-p forwards the port to your host (or if you use boot2docker to this IP)
-it allows interactive mode, so you see if something get's deployed
Building on #daniel's answer, if you want to deploy your WAR to the root of tomcat, I did this:
FROM tomcat:7-jre7
RUN ["rm", "-fr", "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT"]
COPY ./target/your-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
It deletes the existing root webapp, copies your WAR to the ROOT.war filename then executes tomcat.
docker run -it --rm --name MYTOMCAT -p 8080:8080 -v .../wars:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ tomcat:8.0
where wars folder contains war to deploy
How do you check the webapps folder?
The webapps folder is within the docker container.
If you want to access your webapps container you could mount a host directory within your container to use it as webapps folder. That way you can access files without accessing docker.
Details see here
To access your logs you could do that when you run your container e.g.
docker run -rm -it -p 8080:8080 **IMAGE_NAME** /path/to/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh && tail -f /path/to/tomcat/logs
or you start your docker container and then do something like:
docker exec -it **CONTAINER_ID** tail -f /path/to/tomcat/logs
If you are using spring mvc project then you require server to run your application suppose you use tomcat then you need base image of tomcat that your application uses which you can specify through FROM command.
You can set environment variable using ENV command.
You can additionally use RUN command which executes during Docker Image buiding.
eg to give read write execute permissions to webapps folder for tomcat to unzip war file
RUN chmod -R 777 $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
And one more command is CMD. Whatever you specifying in CMD command it will execute at a time of container running. You can specify options in CMD command using double quotes(" ") seperated by comma(,).
CMD ["catalina.sh","start"]
(NOTE : Remember RUN command execute at a time of image building and CMD execute at a time of running container this is confusing for new users).
This is my Dockerfile -
FROM tomcat:9.0.27-jdk8-openjdk
RUN chmod -R 777 $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat
COPY target/*.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myapp.war
CMD ["catalina.sh","run"]
Build your image using command
docker build -t imageName <path_of_Dockerfile>
check your docker image using command
docker images
Run image using command
docker run -p 9999:8080 imageName
here 8080 is tomcat port and application can access on 9999 port
Try accessing your application on
