WebView2: Is it possible to prevent a cookie in a response from being stored - microsoft-edge

I am using WebView2 and am looking to stop cookies from being stored when they are received in responses to third-party resource requests.
WebView2 exposes the CoreWebView2.WebResourceResponseReceived event which initially looked promising. However, the documentation states:
There is no guarantee about the order in which the WebView processes the response and the host app's handler runs. The app's handler will not block the WebView from processing the response.
Hence it is not possible to modify the response or delete the cookie in this event handler. I guess you could record the response and delete it 'later', but this seems like it could be awkward to do reliably.
Is there a way to block or reliably delete cookies received in a response when using WebView2?

There's currently no way to intercept and modify web responses.
I imagine as a workaround you might try like you suggest of running some code asynchronously later like during the corresponding NavigationCompleted event to remove the cookie using the CoreWebView2.CookieManager APIs.
Another work around might be to use the WebResourceRequested event to intercept requests, use the GetDeferral method on the eventargs to get a deferral while you perform the web request yourself in native code, receive the response in native code, modify the response as you like, and then provide that modified response back in the WebResourceRequested eventargs and complete the deferral. However this has the drawback that you would need to convert the WebView2s web resource request and response objects back and forth between the request and response objects of whichever HTTP stack you use.
Otherwise, you can file your feedback as a feature request on the WebView2 Feedback github project.


Rails API, microservices, async/deferred responses

I have a Rails API which can handle requests from the clients. Clients use that API to perform analysis of their data. Client POSTs the data to API, API checks if that data have been analysed before. If so API just respond with analysis result. If the data haven't been analyzed before API:
Tells client that analysis started.
Establishes the connection with analyzing microservice.
Performs asynchronous (or deferred or i don't know) request to the analyzing microservice and waiting for response. The analysis takes much time so neither the API nor the microservice should be blocked while doing it.
When the response from analyzing microservice is returned API hands it to the client.
The main issue for me is to set up things such way that client could receive somehow the message "Your data had been sent to analysis" right after he performed the request. And then when analysis will be done client could receive its result.
The question is what approach I have to use in that case? Async responses, deferred responses, something else? And what known solutions could help me with that? Any gems?
I'm new to that stuff so I'm really sorry if I ask dumb questions.
If using HTTP you can only have one response to every request. To send multiple responses, i.e. "work in progress", then later the "results", you would need to use a different protocol, e.g. web sockets.
Since HTTP is so very common I'd stick with that in combination with background jobs. There are a couple of options which spring to mind.
Polling: The API kicks off a background jobs (to call the microservice) and responds to the client with a URL which the client can ping periodically for the result. The URL would respond with some kind of "work in progress" status until the result is actually ready). The URL would need to include some kind of id so the API can lookup the background job.
The API would potentially have two URLS; /api/jobs/new and /api/jobs/<ID>. They would, in Rails, map to a controller new and show action.
Webhooks: Have the client include a URL of its own in the request. Once the result is available have the background job hit the given URL with the result.
Either way, if using HTTP, you will not be able to handle the whole thing within a request/response, you will have to use some kind of background processing (so request to the microservice happens in a different process). You could look at Sidekiq, for example.
Here is an example for polling:
URL: example.com/api/jobs/new
web app receives client request
generates a unique id for the request, SecureRandom.uuid.
starts a background job (Sidekiq) passing in the uuid and any other parameters needed
respond with URL such as example.com/api/jobs/
background job
sends request to microservice API and waits for response
saves result to database with uuid
URL: example.com/api/jobs/UUID
look in database for UUID, if not found respond that job is "in progress". If found return result found in database.
Depending on what kind of API you use. I assume your clients interact via HTTP.
If you want to build an asynchronous API over HTTP the first thing that you should do: accept the request, create a job, handle it in the background and immediately return.
For the client to get the response you have to 2 options:
Implement a status endpoint where clients can periodically poll the status of the job
Implement a callback via webhooks. So the client has to provide a URL which you then call after you're done.
A good start for background processing is the sidekiq gem or more general ActiveJob that ships with Rails.

How can I be informed if the request I'm processing has been canceled?

I'm working on a web server built on Indy's HTTP server, and I've found that if I click on a request in the browser, and then on another one before the first one is finished processing, it can cause all sorts of problems. But I can't find any way to determine whether I'm in a canceled request or not. Each request takes place inside its own thread, so setting the thread to Terminated would be a good way to check, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
Is there any way I can get Indy to inform me that the request it's currently processing has been canceled by the browser that sent it and that it's now trying to load something different instead?
The only way a web browser can cancel an HTTP request in progress is to close its connection to the server. When that happens, TIdHTTPServer will raise an exception the next time it tries to access the disconnected socket. Just let the exception pass into TIdHTTPServer for default processing so it can terminate the calling thread and clean up the socket. This is normal behavior.

HTTP GET more efficient that POST for web service?

I have been told that a POST in some way does a double send to the server but GET does not. It sounds a bit crazy to me though.
Basically I'm working on a web project where each client calls a web service every 2 seconds from many countries and possible bad internet connections. So we want to make the calls and responses as tiny as possible between JavaScript and ASP.Net.
Security is not a problem and basically the poll is just returning data. Login is required to use it anyway.
I have been told that a POST in some way does a double send to the server but GET dose not. It sounds a bit crazy to me though.
You have been told wrong. The only difference is that POST allows for sending larger amount of data to the server and of course the more data you send the slower it will be. But if you send the same amount of data there won't be any difference in terms of performance between a GET and POST request.
One important thing to note as well is that if you are calling this service from javascript GET requests might be cached by the client browser. So for example if you are calling the same url over and over again using an AJAX GET request you might get cached values and the server never hit. To workaround this issue you could append a random number in the query string which has no meaning for the server but which changes the url and avoids it being cached.
When sending thru ajax post, some developers may have inited post on form submit and a submit button click. Later when they press the send button, both actions get fired. This might be the experience that people who have told you double sending thing experienced.
Note: This double sending of POST is totally a developer's fault. HTTP POST method has nothing to do with it.

Can ServletFileUpload.parseRequest() only be called once per request?

I'm working a custom SpringSecurityFilter for my Grails application and I'm trying to use the commons upload library to process the request. I'm able to process the request in the filter but once it gets to my controller, none of the values are available.
Can the HttpRequest only be processed once by the upload library? I'm guessing it's cleaning up the temp files. Is there a way to keep them around so they can be processed again at the controller level?
I need to interrogate a form parameter for the security (due to the client I can't add it to the http headers) but once I get the value, it seems to wipe the request for further processing.
Yes. A Request can only be parsed once.
I saw this answer on Apache's FAQ page for FileUpload.
Question: Why is parseRequest() returning no items?
Answer: "This most commonly happens when the request has already been parsed, or processed in some other way. Since the input stream has aleady been consumed by that earlier process, it is no longer available for parsing by Commons FileUpload."
Reference: http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/faq.html

How to access AS3 URLLoader return data on IOErrorEvent

I'm writing an actionscript library for an api. I use a URLLoader object to load data from the api. The problem I'm having is that whenever the api returns an http status in the 400s, actionscript treats this as an io error. This is all find and good, however, it seems like there is no way to access any data that was returned if this is the case. Consequently, any helpful xml about the cause of the error that gets returned is lost. Is there any way around this? It makes the library kind of a pain, if there can't be any useful information for developers when the api returns an error. Thanks for any help!
You can't get access to the data in an event of a 400. You can get the status code, however, by adding a listener for the HTTP status event.
If you control the back-end code, there are a couple of workarounds:
One option is to have the backend respond with 200s even in error cases when talking to a flash client, but with a special error code so the client knows that the 200 response is actually an error.
Another option is to set a cookie on the client containing the error message. Flash can't natively access cookies, but you can call out to javascript using ExternalInterface to read the cookie, or optionally the client can do another hit to a special back-end controller that reads the cookie and responds with an error message.
