Implementing a joint that allows motion in curvilinear path - drake

I am building a two link system. The parent link is a curved object and the second link has a single degree of freedom to follow the curved length. I attempted to implement this with a prismatic joint but I can only define a linear path. How can I model this system in drake?

You could use a joint with more degrees of freedom and then use a controller (e.g. PD) to force it to track the curve you want. If you really only need 1 dof you could use two prismatic joints; if the object needs also to be able to rotate you could start with a planar joint (two translations and a rotation) and use the controller just to constrain one of the dofs.
It is also possible to create a new joint type that would have a single dof and follow a curved slot. That would require some engineering though. The basic theory is covered in this paper which Drake follows closely.


Reconstructing a non-planar polygon in 3D given a 2d projection and known polygon dimensions

I have a non-planar object with 9 points with known dimensions in 3D i.e. length of all sides is known. Now given a 2D projection of this shape, I want to reconstruct the 3D model of it. I basically want to retrieve the shape of this object in the real world i.e. angles between different sides in 3D. For eg: given all the dimensions of every part of the table and a 2D image, I'm trying to reconstruct its 3D model.
I've read about homography, perspective transform, procrustes and fundamental/essential matrix so far but haven't found a solution that'll apply here. I'm new to this, so might have missed out something. Any direction on this will be really helpful.
In your question, you mention that you want to achieve this using only a single view of the object. In that case, homographies or Essential/Fundamental matrices wont help you, because these require at least two views of the scene to make sense. If you don't have any priors on the shape of the objects that you want to reconstruct, the key information that you'll be missing is (relative) depth, and in that case I think those are the two possible solutions:
Leverage a learning algorithm. There is a rich literature on 6dof object pose estimation with deep networks, see this paper for example. You wont have to deal with depth directly if you use those since those networks are trained end to end to estimate a pose in SO(3).
Add many more images and use a dense photometric SLAM/SFM pipeline, such as elastic fusion. However, in that case you will need to segment the resulting models since the estimation they produce is of the entire environment, which can be difficult depending on the scene.
However, as you mentioned in your comment, it is possible to reconstruct the model up to scale if you have very strong priors on its geometry. In the case of a planar object (a cuboid will just be an extension of that), you can use this simple algorithm (that is more or less what they do here, there are other methods but I find them a bit messy, equation-wise):
//let's note A,B,C,D the rectangle in 3d that we are after, such that
//AB is parellel with CD. Let's also note a,b,c,d their respective
//reprojections in the image, i.e. a=KA where K is the calibration matrix, and so on.
1) Compute the common vanishing point of AB and CD. This is just the intersection
of ab and cd in the image plane. Let's call it v_1.
2) Do the same for the two other edges, i.e bc and da. Let's call this
vanishing point v_2.
3) Now, you can compute the vanishing line, which will just be
crossproduct(v_1, v_2), i.e. the line going through both v_1 and v_2. This gives
you the orientation of your plane. Let's write its normal N.
5) All you need to find now is the boundaries of the rectangle. To do
that, just consider any plane with normal N that doesn't go through
the camera center. Now find the intersections of K^{-1}a, K^{-1}b,
K^{-1}c, K^{-1}d with that plane.
If you need a refresher on vanishing points and lines, I suggest you take a look at pages 213 and 216 of Hartley-Zisserman's book.

How do I design a Animoji 3D model used by ARKit?

I want to create an Animoji in my APP. But when I contact with some designers they didn't know how to design an Animoji 3D model. Where can I find a solution for reference?
Solution I can thought is create many bones on face of 3D model, And when I get blendShapes of ARFaceAnchor, which contain the detail information of face expression, then I use it to update bone animations of partial face.
Thank you for reading. Any advises is appreciated.
First, to clear the air a bit: Animoji is a product built on top of ARKit, not in any way a feature of ARKit itself. There's no simple path to "build a model in this format and it 'just works' in (or like) Animoji".
That said, there are multiple ways to use the face expression data vended by ARKit to perform 3D animation, so how you do it depends more on what you and your artist are comfortable with. And remember, for any of these you can use as many or as few of the blend shapes as you like, depending on how realistic you want the animation to be.
Skeletal animation
As you suggested, create bones corresponding to each of the blend shapes you're interested in, along with a mapping of blend shape values to bone positions. For example, you'll want to define two positions for the bone for the browOuterUpLeft parameter such that one of them corresponds to a value of 0.0 and another to a value of 1.0 and you can modulate its transform anywhere between those states. (And set up the bone influences in the mesh such that moving it between those two positions creates an effect similar to the reference design when applied to your model.)
Morph target animation
Define multiple, topologically equivalent meshes, one for each blend shape parameter you're interested in. Each one should represent the target state of your character for when that blend shape's weight is 1.0 and all other blend shapes are at 0.0.
Then, at render time, set each vertex position to the weighted average of the same vertex's position in all blend shape targets. Pseudocode:
for vertex in i..<vertexCount {
outPosition = float4(0)
for shape in 0..<blendShapeCount {
outPosition += targetMeshes[shape][vertex] * blendShapeWeights[shape]
An actual implementation of the above algorithm is more likely to be done in a vertex shader on the GPU, so the for vertex part would be implicit there — you'd just need to feed all your blend shape targets in as vertex attributes. (Or use a compute shader?)
If you're using SceneKit, you can let Apple implement the algorithm for you by feeding your blend shape target meshes to SCNMorpher.
This is where the name "blend shape" comes from, by the way. And rumor has it the built-in ARFaceGeometry is built this way, too.
Simpler and Hybrid approaches
As you can see in Apple's sample code, you can go even simpler — breaking a face into separate pieces (nodes in SceneKit) and setting their positions or transforms based on the blend shape parameters.
You can also combine some of these approaches. For example, a cartoon character could use morph targets for skin deformation around the mouth, but have floating 2D eyebrows that animate simply through setting node positions.
Check-out the 'weboji' javascript library on gitHub. The CG artists we hired to create the 3D models get used with the workflow in minutes. Also, it could be an interesting approach to avoid proprietary formats and closed ecosystem issues.
Screenshots of a 3D Fox (THREE.JS based demo) and a 2D Cartman (SVG based demo).
Demo on youtube featuring a 2D 'Cartman'.

Project a 2D point from one camera view onto the corresponding 2D point in another camera view of the same scene

I'm using open cv in C++ in multi-view scene with two cameras. I have the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for both cameras.
I would like to map a (X,Y) point in View 1 to the same point in the second View. I'm am slightly unsure how I should use the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices in order to convert the points to a 3D world and finally end up with the new 2D point in view 2.
It is (normally) not possible to take a 2D coordinate in one image and map it into another 2D coordinate without some additional information.
The main problem is that a single point in the left image will map to a line in the right image (an epipolar line). There are an infinite number of possible corresponding locations because depth is a free parameter. Secondly it's entirely possible that the point doesn't exist in the right image i.e. it's occluded. Finally it may be difficult to determine exactly which point is the right correspondence, e.g. if there is no texture in the scene or if it contains lots of repeating features.
Although the fundamental matrix (which you get out of cv::StereoCalibrate anyway) gives you a constraint between points in each camera: x'Fx = 0, for a given x' there will be a whole family of x's which will satisfy the equation.
Some possible solutions are as follows:
You know the 3D location of a 2D point in one image. Provided that 3D point is in a common coordinate system, you just use cv::projectPoints with the calibration parameters of the other camera you want to project into.
You do some sparse feature detection and matching using something like SIFT or ORB. Then you can calculate a homography to map the points from one image to the other. This makes a few assumptions about things being planes. If you Google panorama homography, there are plenty of lecture slides detailing this.
You calibrate your cameras, perform an epipolar rectification (cv::StereoRectify, cv::initUndistortRectifyMap, cv::remap) and then run them through a stereo matcher. The output is a disparity map which gives you exactly what you want: a per-pixel mapping from one camera to the other. That is, left[y,x] = right[y, x+disparity_map[y,x]].
(1) is by far the easiest, but it's unlikely you have that information already. (2) is often doable and might be suitable, and as another commenter pointed out will be poor where the planarity assumption fails. (3) is the general (ideal) solution, but has its own drawbacks and relies on the images being amenable to dense matching.

What method to use(in OpenCV) to associate markers to proper bone structure?

I'm trying to write a C++ program using Opencv library that will reconstruct 3d points from the corresponding 2d markers placed on human model.
But I've a question. How do commercial mocap(motion capture) industry figure out which markers belong to which bone structure?
What I mean by my last question is: lets suppose there are three markers placed on left upper arm. What method do they use to associate these three markers to left upper arm from frame to frame?
Because it could belong to right upper arm right or to any bones like front chest, femur etc.
So what process do they implement to differentiate between markers and place the right marker to proper bone structure?
Do they use optical flow, SIFT to track markers where in frame-1 the markers' are labelled for proper bones? But even if the mocap industry use this method, aren't these two methods very time consuming? I saw a video on you-tube. And there they associate and reconstruct markers in real-time.
Is it possible to kindly tell me what procedure commercial mocap industry follow to correspond points to individual parts of skeleton structure?
After all you need to do this because you have to write the xRot, yRot and zRot(rotation about x-y-z axis) of bones in .bvh file so that you can view the 2d motion in 3d.
So what's the secret?
For motion capture or tracking objects with markers in general the way to go is to keep track of the markers themselves between two frames and to keep track of the distance between the markers. A combination of this information is used to determine if a marker is the same as one close by to a marker in the previous frame.
Also these systems often use multiple cameras and have calibration objects where the position of markers is known and the correlation between the cameras can be determined. The algorithms to do this detection are highly advanced in these commercial mocap solutions.

Guiding a Robot Through a Path

I have a field filled with obstacles, I know where they are located, and I know the robot's position. Using a path-finding algorithm, I calculate a path for the robot to follow.
Now my problem is, I am guiding the robot from grid to grid but this creates a not-so-smooth motion. I start at A, turn the nose to point B, move straight until I reach point B, rinse and repeat until the final point is reached.
So my question is: What kind of techniques are used for navigating in such an environment so that I get a smooth motion?
The robot has two wheels and two motors. I change the direction of the motor by turning the motors in reverse.
EDIT: I can vary the speed of the motors basically the robot is an arduino plus ardumoto, I can supply values between 0-255 to the motors on either direction.
You need feedback linearization for a differentially driven robot. This document explains it in Section 2.2. I've included relevant portions below:
The simulated robot required for the
project is a differential drive robot
with a bounded velocity. Since
the differential drive robots are
nonholonomic, the students are encouraged to use feedback linearization to
convert the kinematic control output
from their algorithms to control the
differential drive robots. The
transformation follows:
where v, ω, x, y are the linear,
angular, and kinematic velocities. L
is an offset length proportional to the
wheel base dimension of the robot.
One control algorithm I've had pretty good results with is pure pursuit. Basically, the robot attempts to move to a point along the path a fixed distance ahead of the robot. So as the robot moves along the path, the look ahead point also advances. The algorithm compensates for non-holonomic constraints by modeling possible paths as arcs.
Larger look ahead distances will create smoother movement. However, larger look ahead distances will cause the robot to cut corners, which may collide with obstacles. You can fix this problem by implementing ideas from a reactive control algorithm called Vector Field Histogram (VFH). VFH basically pushes the robot away from close walls. While this normally uses a range finding sensor of some sort, you can extrapolate the relative locations of the obstacles since you know the robot pose and the obstacle locations.
My initial thoughts on this(I'm at work so can't spend too much time):
It depends how tight you want or need your corners to be (which would depend on how much distance your path finder gives you from the obstacles)
Given the width of the robot you can calculate the turning radius given the speeds for each wheel. Assuming you want to go as fast as possible and that skidding isn't an issue, you will always keep the outside wheel at 255 and reduce the inside wheel down to the speed that gives you the required turning radius.
Given the angle for any particular turn on your path and the turning radius that you will use, you can work out the distance from that node where you will slow down the inside wheel.
An optimization approach is a very general way to handle this.
Use your calculated path as input to a generic non-linear optimization algorithm (your choice!) with a cost function made up of closeness of the answer trajectory to the input trajectory as well as adherence to non-holonomic constraints, and any other constraints you want to enforce (e.g. staying away from the obstacles). The optimization algorithm can also be initialised with a trajectory constructed from the original trajectory.
Marc Toussaint's robotics course notes are a good source for this type of approach. See in particular lecture 7:
