Is there an equivalent of the following code which is in python, in Lua?
print('o'*3) #=> "ooo"
The Lua equivalent of this would be...?
string.rep('o', 3)
local my_string = 'o'
(when you use this syntax, literal expressions such as 'o' must be in parentheses. 'o':rep(3) is not valid syntax)
I want to convert this python code to lua .
for i in range(1000,9999):
if str(i).endswith('9'):
I've come this far ,,
for var=1000,9000 then
if tostring(var).endswith('9') then
print (var)
but I don't know what's the lua equivalent of endswith() is ,,, im writing an nmap script,,
working 1st time with lua so pls let me know if there are any errors ,, on my current code .
The python code is not great, you can get the last digit by using modulo %
# python code using modulo
for i in range(1000,9999):
if i % 10 == 9:
This also works in Lua. However Lua includes the last number in the loop, unlike python.
-- lua code to do this
for i=1000, 9998 do
if i % 10 == 9 then
However in both languages you could iterate by 10 each time
for i in range(1009, 9999, 10):
for i=9, 9998, 10 do
for var = 1000, 9000 do
if string.sub(var, -1) == "9" then
-- do your stuff
The X problem of how to best port your code to Lua has been answered by quantumpro already, who optimized it & cleaned it up.
I'll focus on your Y problem:
What's the Lua equivalent of Python endswith?
Calling string functions, OOP-style
In Lua, strings have a metatable that indexes the global string library table. String functions are called using str:func(...) in Lua rather than str.func(...) to pass the string str as first "self" argument (see "Difference between . and : in Lua").
Furthermore, if the argument to the call is a single string, you can omit the parentheses, turning str:func("...") into str:func"...".
Constant suffix: Pattern Matching
Lua provides a more powerful pattern matching function that can be used to check whether a string ends with a suffix: string.match. str.endswith("9") in Python is equivalent to str:match"9$" in Lua: $ anchors the pattern at the end of the string and 9 matches the literal character 9.
Be careful though: This approach doesn't work with arbitrary, possibly variable suffices since certain characters - such as $ - are magic characters in Lua patterns and thus have a special meaning. Consider str.endswith("."); this is not equivalent to string:match".$" in Lua, since . matches any character.
I'd say that this is the lua-esque way of checking whether a string ends with a constant suffix. Note that it does not return a boolean, but rather a match (the suffix, a truthy value) if successful or nil (a falsey value) if unsuccessful; it can thus safely be used in ifs. To convert the result into a boolean, you could use not not string:match"9$".
Variable suffix: Rolling your own
Lua's standard library is very minimalistic; as such, you often need to roll your own functions even for basic things. There are two possible implementations for endswith, one using pattern matching and another one using substrings; the latter approach is preferable because it's shorter, possibly faster (Lua uses a naive pattern matching engine) and doesn't have to take care of pattern escaping:
function string:endswith(suffix)
return self:sub(-#suffix) == suffix
Explanation: self:sub(-#suffix) returns the last suffix length characters of self, the first argument. This is compared against the suffix.
You can then call this function using the colon (:) syntax:
str = "prefixsuffix"
assert(not str:endswith"prefix")
When I use saxon9-he (version for XPath in an application on Net Framwork, there is an error "net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Can not compare xs: untypedAtomic to xs: decimal".
This occurs when XPathSelector evaluates an expression using the "Evaluate" method.
The expression itself looks like this: matches ($ var1 / text (), '^ [0-9] {1,2} . [0-9] {2} $') or ($ var1 eq 100.0).
Variable "var1" is set in XPathSelector by the SetVariable method as XdmNode.
I ask you to suggest a possible way out of this situation.
The "=" operator converts an xs:untypedAtomic operand to the type of the other operand. The "eq" operator does not.
The reason for this is to make "eq" transitive, so it works sensibly for indexing, grouping, etc.
So you should either do a manual conversion:
xs:decimal($var1) eq 100.0
or use the "=" operator:
$var1 = 100.0
By the way, you're welcome to ask Saxon questions either here or on the Saxon forums, but please don't ask the same question on both: it wastes everyone's time.
I understand Lua does not have PCRE. How can I convert this into Lua?
# Quote shell chars
$a =~ s/[\002-\011\013-\032\\\#\?\`\(\)\{\}\[\]\^\*\<\=\>\~\|\; \"\!\$\&\'\202-\377]/\\$&/go;
# quote newline as '\n'
$a =~ s/[\n]/'\n'/go;
Is there a general converter that can convert any PCRE into Lua?
You may use
local a = "\002\003\004\005\006\007\008\009\010\011\012\\\n"
res, _ = a:gsub("([\002-\009\011-\026\\#?`(){}%[%]^*<>=~|; \"!$&'\130-\255])", "\\%1")
res, _ = res:gsub("\n", "'\n'")
See Lua code demo
Note that in Lua patterns, \ is not a special char, % is used to replace special chars (like [) and \ddd escapes reference the decimal, not octal codes.
How can I create a ruby regular expression that includes a unicode character?
For example, I would like to the character "\u0002" in my regular expression.
You can write /\x02/ :
"\u0002" =~ /\x02/
#=> 0
If you're not sure, you can just start from a string :"\u0002")
#=> /\x02/
Here's another example :
"☀☁☂" =~ /\u2602/
#=> 2
As mentionned by #TomLord in the comments, you can also specify a range. To check if a string includes a UTF-8 arrow :
"↹" =~ /[\u2190-\u21FF]/
#=> 0
I read a file:
local logfile ="log.txt", "r")
data = logfile:read("*a")
"(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2"
"\n[^\t]", "", x, re.S
Yes, logfile looks awful as it's full of various commands
How can I call gsub and remove i.e. "(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2" line from data variable?
Below snippet, does not work:
s='"(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2"'
data=data:gsub(s, '')
I guess some escaping needs to be done. Any easy solution?
local data = [["(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2"
"\n[^\t]", "", x, re.S]]
local s = [["(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2"]]
local function esc(x)
return (x:gsub('%%', '%%%%')
:gsub('^%^', '%%^')
:gsub('%$$', '%%$')
:gsub('%(', '%%(')
:gsub('%)', '%%)')
:gsub('%.', '%%.')
:gsub('%[', '%%[')
:gsub('%]', '%%]')
:gsub('%*', '%%*')
:gsub('%+', '%%+')
:gsub('%-', '%%-')
:gsub('%?', '%%?'))
print(data:gsub(esc(s), ''))
This seems to works fine, only that I need to escape, escape character %, as it wont work if % is in matched string. I tried :gsub('%%', '%%%%') or :gsub('\%', '\%\%') but it doesn't work.
Update 2:
OK, % can be escaped this way if set first in above "table" which I just corrected
:terrible experience:
Update 3:
Escaping of ^ and $
As stated in Lua manual (5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
A caret ^ at the beginning of a pattern anchors the match at the beginning of the subject string. A $ at the end of a pattern anchors the match at the end of the subject string. At other positions, ^ and $ have no special meaning and represent themselves.
So a better idea would be to escape ^ and $ only when they are found (respectively) and the beginning or the end of the string.
Lua 5.1 - 5.2+ incompatibilities
string.gsub now raises an error if the replacement string contains a % followed by a character other than the permitted % or digit.
There is no need to double every % in the replacement string. See lua-users.
According to Programming in Lua:
The character `%´ works as an escape for those magic characters. So, '%.' matches a dot; '%%' matches the character `%´ itself. You can use the escape `%´ not only for the magic characters, but also for all other non-alphanumeric characters. When in doubt, play safe and put an escape.
Doesn't this mean that you can simply put % in front of every non alphanumeric character and be fine. This would also be future proof (in the case that new special characters are introduced). Like this:
function escape_pattern(text)
return text:gsub("([^%w])", "%%%1")
It worked for me on Lua 5.3.2 (only rudimentary testing was performed). Not sure if it will work with older versions.
Why not:
local quotepattern = '(['..("%^$().[]*+-?"):gsub("(.)", "%%%1")..'])'
string.quote = function(str)
return str:gsub(quotepattern, "%%%1")
to escape and then gsub it away?
line = '"(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2"'
rx = '\"%(%\.%)%\n%(%\w%)\", r\"%\1 %\2\"'
print(string.gsub(line, rx, ""))
escape special characters with %, and quotes with \
Try s=[["(\.)\n(\w)", r"\1 \2"]].
Use stringx.replace() from Penlight Lua Libraries instead.
Implementation (v1.12.0):
Based on their implementation:
function escape(s)
return (s:gsub('[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%$%^%%%?%*]','%%%1'))
function replace(s,old,new,n)
return (gsub(s,escape(old),new:gsub('%%','%%%%'),n))