electron-forge won't let me use NSIS - electron

I'm trying to make an application with a customizable installer through NSIS, but electron-forge always reverts to Squirrel.Windows.


How to use Electron with a specific version of Chromium?

I need make a project with Electron but I need to use Chromium version: 42.0.2289.1
Can I tell Electron to use a specific version of Chromium?

Electron - build an installer for Windows x64 on Mac

I am new to electron and trying to build a windows installer for the electron app using my mac. I am using electron-packager to package the app and then electron-wix-msi to build the installer. When the build installer steps are executed, the error Unable to read file info from exe. Falling back to packaging description. Error: spawn Unknown system error -86 is thrown. please see the full error message in the attached screenshot.
I would like to highlight that when I build an installer for macOS, it works. Should I understand that I can not build a windows installer using mac?
build_installer64.ts file:
You can't do that, you have to do this on the Windows platform.
I use GitHub Actions to build my app for each platform, code for Windows:
Optionally, you can also use a Windows virtual machine and repeat the same process in there.
Update, for those interested in doing this on Linux, building a EXE setup file seems to be possible. You'll need to have wine installed and use:
npx electron-builder build --win

How to create a Electron Standalone windows app

Is it possible to compile a electron app into a standalone Windows EXE. So no dependency files required. Also pass command line arguments to it?

is it possible to make a combined installer for an electron app and a python?

I have an electron application.
my app is using python for her living.
by using electron-packager and then electron-installer-windows
by the tutorial in https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-installer-windows
i made .exe(portable version) and .msi(installation version) files out of it.
the thing is, i want to give my clients 1 file (either msi or exe) that will let them use the application. (will install python and then automatically install my electron msi).
any suggestions?

Can electron-forge be used with Electron 3.0?

I would like to use some Electron 3.0 new APIs in my electron-forge application, but I am not finding any information of which electron version is electron-forge supporting?
I am currently running electron-forge 5.2.2.
Can anyone please help?
Well it seems actually that electron-forge is installing its own version of electron as part of dependencies of electron-prebuilt-compile. So you can't actually upgrade yourself.
