Build trigger don't get saved in Jenkins - jenkins

We have a nighly build that triggers build of many different projects to verify external testing like contracts and such to avoid triggering such tests on every checkin.
However lately we have encountered a problem, if you open a build configuration and enter any parameter or build triggers and then saves the configuration. Once you save it gives no indication as to an error or anything but if you open it again its not there, no build trigger or parameter gets saved.
We have managed to isolate it to pipeline build, freestyle builds still works.
We installed Blue Ocean recently and are not wondering if it somehow changes how a pipeline job definition is saved. It seems a bad decision if Blue ocean hinders such a basic setting but still. We haven't been able to create a pipeline job throught blue ocean either since our job isn't triggered by any SCM and blue ocean requires that.


Jenkins: How to keep specific builds longer?

I have a declarative pipeline that executes almost regularly.
Upon specific condition (evaluated during the job run) I'd like to keep the job longer than usual.
Usual runs I keep for one week.
If condition 1 is true I want to keep the build for up to a month.
If condition 2 is true, I want to keep the build for up to six months.
Can Jenkins do something like that out of the box, or can it do it by adding some plugin?
So I found a solution to this job: Jenkins out of the box cannot do what I was searching for. However Jenkins can run plugins. Not finding any plugin that would satisfy my need I started creating my own. Here are the highlevel steps if someone wanted to do the same:
follow the Jenkins Plugin development tutorial. From that you have a plugin with a build step and a build action
modify the build action to store the information about the two conditions, or even better the resulting keep period.
modify the build step so the information can be set from freestyle builds or pipeline steps.
create a BuildDiscarder that reads the information from the action and honors it before triggering a delete

Should branch indexing for Multibranch Pipeline jobs be triggered automatically by webhooks?

I've set up a number of Multibranch Pipeline jobs in Jenkins (running 2.46.2 LTS, Branch API 2.0.8, GitHub Branch Source 2.0.5, and Pipeline Multibranch 2.14) and have just noted that branch indexing -- and thus any cleanup of old branches -- does not appear to be triggered by the webhook calls from GitHub. It only appears to be triggered if someone manually clicks the "Scan Repository Now" link, or if the job configuration in Jenkins is re-saved. I'm using the timestamp shown in the "Scan Repository Log" page as an indication of when the branch indexing occurs.
It seems that new branches or changes to existing ones are being detected correctly and built, so the webhooks from source control (GitHub) are working, but was surprised that this wasn't also triggering the branch indexing and thus the old branch cleanup. I just can't tell from the documentation whether this is correct and expected behavior or if something is incorrect in my setup.
I note that the help text for the "Periodically if not otherwise run" setting says:
Some kinds of folders are reindexed automatically and immediately upon receipt of an external event. For example, a multi-branch project will recheck its SCM repository for new or removed or modified branches when it receives an SCM change notification. (Push notification may be configured as per the SCM plugin used for each respective branch source.) Such notifications can occasionally be unreliable, however, or Jenkins might not even be running to receive them. In some cases no immediate notification is even possible, for example because Jenkins is behind a firewall and can only poll an external system.
This trigger allows for a periodic fallback, but when necessary. If no indexing has been performed in the specified interval, then an indexing will be scheduled. For example, in the case of a multi-branch project, if the source control system is not configured for push notification, set a short interval (most people will pick between 15 minutes and 1 hour). If the source control system is configured for push notification, set an interval that corresponds to the maximum acceptable delay in the event of a lost push notification as the last commit of the day. (Subsequent commits should trigger indexing anyway and result in the commit being picked up, so most people will pick between 4 hours and 1 day.)
This certainly implies that indexing of a Multibranch Pipeline job should be re-triggered by branch events (e.g., pushes from GitHub via webhook), but the timestamp on my indexing log seems to belie that.
So, is what I'm observing the intended behavior? If so, and I want a regular cleanup of old branches, do I need to select the "Periodically if not otherwise run" checkbox under "Scan repository triggers"? Or is there something wrong with my setup, which is preventing it from working as intended?
According to the official documentation:
By default, Jenkins will not automatically re-index the repository for branch additions or deletions (unless using an Organization Folder), so it is often useful to configure a Multibranch Pipeline to periodically re-index in the configuration.
I depend on "Periodically if not otherwise run" for 1) cleanup of branches and 2) creation of container jobs for brand new repos (i use "Bitbucket Team/Project", the bitbucket version of "Github Organization", which basically creates a multibranch pipeline for every repo in your organization). I have "Periodically if not otherwise run" set to run once a day for each project.
It does seem like these things could work via webhook, but they do not in my experience.

Jenkins Pipeline Builds: Viewing Workspace in the UI

We are now experimenting with multi-branch Pipeline builds. The main advantage of the feature is that it allows us to automatically create new Jenkins jobs whenever a new branch is created.
However, it also is a bit more difficult to implement than the old way of selecting how to do the build using the UI. Plus, certain features seem to be missing.
For example, in Jenkins Freestyle jobs, we are able to use the Jenkins UI to browse through the workspace, download individual files, and even wipe out the workspace. We found this helpful when builds went awry or if the developer needed a particular built asset that wasn't archived.
I've noticed in the Jenkins Pipeline jobs the UI no longer offers access to the workspace. I know I can archive the workspace, but I really don't want to save it -- especially for each and every build. I simply want to be able to browse the workspace or clean it out if something is causing problems with the build process.
Is there a way to get back this feature via the pipeline? I don't want to archive the workspace for each build (space issues), but I do want to be able to see what the workspace looks like if there are problems.
Freestyle Job with Workspace UI
Pipeline Job. No ability to browse Workspace
You can see your work space in three simple steps:
First, go to the build run you are interested in and click “pipeline steps”.
Then click “allocate node: start”. If you have multiple nodes, you’ll need to do this more than once.
Then you click the workspace link. (it appears on the left pane).
You can also click on Build Artifacts on build page:

Build every branch but only those newly pushed to

I want to have Jenkins CI test every branch but not all existing one, solely the ones which received a recent push.
I have set up a GitHub web hook which triggers new builds. This works fine for the branch specifier set to master. Now I tried ** so every branch is built.
The problem: on the first push it tries to build every branch, which is simply too much and would take ages. Is there a way to limit this?
There is no configuration which supports the feature you are requested and since it looks like there is no plugin yet. Your best shot would be to implement your own plugin that can specify a certain date threshold for branches.
Having said that, to solve your problem I would simply:
Empty the shell script for your job
Trigger a new build
Set your shell script again
This way all remote branches get checked out, run and marked as successful within no time due to the empty shell script. After re-enabling your actual shell script you are good to go.

Jenkins Promoted Builds -- promotion UI missing?

I have set up an awesome Jenkins server and am now trying out the Promoted Builds plugin, but am having trouble getting it to do anything. I want to set up manual promotion so that I can click a button and copy the artifacts (using the Copy Artifacts plugin) to another server. My promote config looks like:
And when I click promote on a build, I get:
...which is not so useful. There doesn't seem to be a "do stuff!" button.
It seems like it should look more like this:
...but it doesn't. What have I got wrong?
I got the same problem and I noticed that if a build was run when the job didn't have any promotion set up, then the result is what you have. Try to re-run the job now, after setting the promotions and it will be enabled (at least it did for me).
