I made columns that simply lists all the schools for each student under a date column header. I only need to count the schools - I don't want to see any student data. I have a form that needs to be submitted to the state and there is a cell with the date we are submitting. I want to use an IMPORTRANGE to go to the other spreadsheet and find the column where the date matches the form date and pull back the count of schools in that column. I tried using INDEX/MATCH, etc., and while I have those working on the form for other data already on my spreadsheet - I can't seem to get them to work on the 'outside' spreadsheet. Any help is appreciated! I'm attaching an example spreadsheet with more explanation. I hope it's clear. Thank you.
Example Document
ztiaa has provided a good solution. I will suggest another which pivots the data differently. I feel that having the dates go across columns is going to quickly become unwieldy. So this approach leaves the dates running down the right side with the schools running as column headers. My solution also includes exceptions such as snow days, as those will likely be important to see at a glance as well. Just be careful to use the same notation for such exceptions. For instance, always use "snowday" (not, eg., "snow day") or "prep day" (not, e.g., "prep").
In Sheet1, use IMPORTRANGE to bring in the data exactly as you have it listed in your sample sheet (i.e., dates at top, school names or exceptions under each date header).
Then, in a new sheet, place the following formula in cell A1:
=ArrayFormula({QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(FILTER(Sheet1!1:1&"~"&INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!1:1<>"")),"~",1,0),"Select Col1, COUNT(Col1) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1 PIVOT Col2 FORMAT Col1 'mmm dd'"),TRANSPOSE({"District Totals",MMULT(SEQUENCE(1,ROWS(Sheet1!A2:A),1,0),IF(FILTER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!1:1<>"")="",0,1))})})
This assumes that the first sheet is, in fact, named Sheet1. If it is not, you'll need to change every instance of that sheet name in the formula.
It will probably further aid visual ease if you freeze Row 1 and Column 1 (View > Freeze > 1 row / 1 column).
ADDENDUM (after seeing realistic copy of OP's sheet)
=ArrayFormula({TRANSPOSE(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(FILTER(Sheet1!1:1&"~"&INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")),"~",1,0),"Select Col1, COUNT(Col1) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1 PIVOT Col2 FORMAT Col1 'mmm dd'"));{"District Totals",MMULT(SEQUENCE(1,ROWS(Sheet1!A2:A),1,0),IF(FILTER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")<>"",1,0))}})
If you prefer to see the name of the exception (e.g., "snowday") rather than the count of 1 for each exception in the "District totals" line:
=ArrayFormula({TRANSPOSE(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(FILTER(Sheet1!1:1&"~"&INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")),"~",1,0),"Select Col1, COUNT(Col1) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1 PIVOT Col2 FORMAT Col1 'mmm dd'"));{"District Totals",IF(MMULT(SEQUENCE(1,ROWS(Sheet1!A2:A),1,0),IF(FILTER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")<>"",1,0))=1,FILTER(Sheet1!2:2,Sheet1!2:2<>""),MMULT(SEQUENCE(1,ROWS(Sheet1!A2:A),1,0),IF(FILTER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")<>"",1,0)))}})
If you want exceptions (e.g., "snowday") to always appear at the bottom instead of in alphabetical order within the school-name list:
=ArrayFormula({TRANSPOSE(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(FILTER(Sheet1!1:1&"~"&IF(REGEXMATCH(UPPER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A))),INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A))),,"‡")&INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")),"~",1,0),"Select Col1, COUNT(Col1) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null AND Col2 <> '‡' GROUP BY Col1 PIVOT Col2 FORMAT Col1 'mmm dd'"));{"District Totals",IF(MMULT(SEQUENCE(1,ROWS(Sheet1!A2:A),1,0),IF(FILTER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")<>"",1,0))=1,FILTER(Sheet1!2:2,Sheet1!2:2<>""),MMULT(SEQUENCE(1,ROWS(Sheet1!A2:A),1,0),IF(FILTER(INDIRECT("Sheet1!2:"&ROWS(Sheet1!A:A)),Sheet1!2:2<>"")<>"",1,0)))}})
Try this out
=ArrayFormula({query(split(flatten(text(A1:E1,"mmm/d")&"❄️"&A2:E),"❄️"),"select Col2, count(Col2) where not Col2 matches '|Snowday' group by Col2 pivot Col1");{"District Total",transpose(MMult(transpose(N(filter(A2:E,not(RegexMatch(A2:E2,"Snowday")))<>"")),sequence(rows(A2:E))^0))}})
Let´s say I have this set of dummy data in a .gsheet spreadsheet which Sheet is called Sheet11:
I need to get the following output:
which means that I´d be selecting column A corresponding to the projects, counting the users in column B where the Billable is equals TRUE, and then grouping by A and last ordering by the column counted B.
Applying the query formula =query(Sheet11!A1:C13,"select A,count(B) where C=TRUE group by A order by count(B) desc",1), I am getting this:
It counts all the users assigned to project1 and all assigned to project2, I´d need to get the count of unique users for both projects.
How could I apply some kind of unique like in SQL?
You can use subselect:
=query(query(A1:C13,"select A,B, count(B) where C=TRUE group by A,B",1),"SELECT Col1, COUNT(Col2) GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY COUNT(Col2) desc")
I have a list of data on one sheet. A second sheet is used to display who's done what, like a dashboard. I've been given an array formula to generate the data that looks up the employee's name, and displays it if they are present on the list for a course completed. If so, a "yes" is listed on the dashboard under the corresponding course number. I cannot figure out what I need to change the REGEXREPLACE with to present the date column from the data list instead of "yes". I'm aware REGEXREPLACE only works for text values, and dates aren't - even changing the date column to text seems to matter not.
Here is a working example of the current array formula:
Here is the formula used:
QUERY({TRIM('Form Responses 1'!B2:G)}, "select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1 pivot Col6"), MATCH(F2:P2,
QUERY(QUERY({TRIM('Form Responses 1'!B2:G)}, "select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1 pivot Col6"), "limit 0", 1), 0), 0))&"", "\d+", "yes")))
In the above example, I need the Date Completed from col D on the Form Responses sheet.
Here is a first attempt that might help you.
This is a straightforward query, that pulls the dates, and pivots to have the employee names on the left, and the course names on the top.
But it doesn't try to match up data with an existing list of employees - it just lists all of the employees that have submitted a form. So if you want to see all employees, with blank rows for those who haven't submitted a form, this won't work for you.
The formula, in A2,is:
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({'Form Responses 1'!B2:G}, "select Col1,max(Col3) where Col1<>'' group by Col1 pivot Col6 order by Col1"))
See tab Sheet1-GK, added to your sample sheet.
Let me know if this helps, or if you need something different.
To limit the result to a specific list of courses, use the following modification:
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({'Form Responses 1'!B2:G},
"select Col1,max(Col3) where Col1<>''
and Col6 matches '" & TEXTJOIN("|",1,F2:2) & "'
group by Col1 pivot Col6 order by Col1 "))
Here, the list of desired courses to report on is in F2:2, where you had them originally, but this list could be kept anywhere, even on another tab. If you name the range where you place it, that can simplify this formula a bit. For now, you could just hide row 2. I've grouped it, on the left, to hide it. Use the [+] to reveal it again.
I'm trying to merge two datasets in order to insert default rows for missing data. The use case is that I have a list of dates and attendance numbers for training sessions on those dates, but if I have no records at all for a training session then it's missing from the list.
In my sheet at the moment I have a two column set of dates and attendance numbers, and in another sheet I have worked out all the Wednesdays and Fridays (training days) between the start and end dates of all the sessions we have data for.
Is there a way to merge the two datasets together so that the zero attendance for each session is the base set and then I merge in the rows for which I have data? I've tried using some of the query command but if I specify two datasets using {Sheet1!A1:A,Sheet2!B1:B} I get array errors.
The attendance information is currently gathered with a query like this:
=QUERY({Records!A2:B}, "SELECT Col1, COUNT(Col2) WHERE (Col1 IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY Col1 ASC LABEL Col1 'Session Date', COUNT(Col2) 'Skaters'") where the Records sheets is just date and names.
If I update it to read from two datasets (=QUERY({Records!A2:B, Scratch!B2:B}, "SELECT Col1, COUNT(Col2) WHERE (Col1 IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY Col1 ASC LABEL Col1 'Session Date', COUNT(Col2) 'Skaters'")then I get a REF error of Function ARRAY_ROW parameter 2 has mismatched row size. Expected: 982. Actual: 999. Seems fair, as it's created misaligned dataset, rather than merging based on the date column.
I'm probably treating the spreadsheet a bit too much like a database, and while I would be more comfortable dropping into the script editor to resolve this I'm trying to learn a few spreadsheet techniques.
Records looks like this:
| 2018-05-04 | Bob |
| 2018-05-04 | Fred |
| 2018-05-12 | Bob |
So no-one took attendance on the 9th, and so the stats are skewed as Bob gets a misleading 100% attendance record.
I do not understand the details of what you are trying to do but since it seems to involve combining one list of just dates and at least two lists of dates and names offer the following example:
The formula is:
=ArrayFormula(query({Sheet1!B1:C20;Sheet2!E1:F20;Sheet3!I1:J20},"select * where Col2 is not NULL order by Col1 "))
I have a sheet that has 2 columns - id and comment. In a new sheet I need a formula that is set up like the following: First column is the id, the second column is the frequency of the id and the third column is a list of all the comments associated with that id.
Currently I got the first two columns working with the following formula but don't know how to add the third column (list of comments):
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(IF({1,1},TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(CONCATENATE('Oct. 2017'!C:C&CHAR(9)),CHAR(9))))&"","select Col1, count(Col2) group by Col1 order by count(Col2) desc label Col1 'ID', count(Col2) 'Frequency'",0))
Assuming your formula populates A1 onwards and your sheet with two columns is called Oct. 2017 please try in C1 and copied down to suit:
=join(", ",filter('Oct. 2017'!D:D,'Oct. 2017'!C:C=A1))