How to plot a histogram of distribution of turtles on x-axis in netlogo - histogram

In my model, agents are moving. For instance,
breed [guys guy]
breed [infos info]
to setup
create-guys 50 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
create-infos 50 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
to go
ask guys [create-link-to one-of infos
if any? my-links [setxy mean [xcor] of link-neighbors mean [ycor] of link-neighbors ]]
I want to draw a histogram showing distribution of turtles that the
the both ends of the x-axis of the histogram represent min-pxcor and max-pxcor, while the y-axis of the histogram represents the number of turtles on that pxcor.
I've tried this one.
histogram [count guys-on patch pxcor pycor] of guys
But what I need is a mean of all the pycor at each pxcor.

If what you want is a histogram with the distribution of the count - x-axis as pxcor and y-axis as number of guys on patches with that pxcor, then you can do that with:
histogram [pxcor] of guys
because turtles have access to the variables of the patch where they are located.
I think that's what you want from your description. But then you ask about the mean of the pyxor, and I can't see how that is related.


MeshLab: Can I export quality histogram to external file?

Using MeshLab I get quality histogram of distances after applying Hausdorff distance between two mashes. I want to export the histogram to external file so I can analysis the histogram in external tool like python or MATLAB.
Can I do it? How?
You can do it easy if you use the filter "Distance from reference mesh" instead of "Hausdorff Distance". That filter will leave the distances stored as quality value on each vertex of the Measured mesh.
After that, you can save the mesh to plot the distances outside of meshlab. The recommended file format is PLY, and ensure "Quality" checkbox is checked and "Binary encoding" is not checked.
The output file has a 11 lines header and then a line per each vertex containing 4 numbers. First 3 numbers are the XYZ coordinates, and the last value is the quality (which is the distance you are looking for your plot)
0 -2 0 1.902114
0 2 0 1.902113
1 -2 0 1.701302
0.9848077 -2 0.1736482 1.714225
0.9396926 -2 0.3420202 1.722303
This method works not only with distances, but also with any value that meshlab can store as quality : curvature, distance to boundary, etc..

Imbalanced dataset, size limitation of 60mb, email categorization

I have a highly imbalanced dataset(approx - 1:100) of 1gb of raw emails, have to categorize these mails in 15 categories.
Problem that i have is that the size limit of file which will be used to train the model can not be more than 40mb.
So i want to filter out mails for each category which best represent the whole category.
For eg: for a category A, there are 100 emails in the dataset, due to size limitation i want to filter out only 10 emails which will represent the max features of all 100 emails.
I read that tfidf can be used to do this, for all the categories create a corpus of all the emails for that particular category and then try to find the emails that best represent but not sure how to do that. A code snippet will be of great help.
plus there are a lot of junk words and hash values in the dataset, should i clean all of those, even if i try its a lot to clean and manually its hard.
TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency, Inverse Term Frequency. The idea is to find out which words are more representative based on generality and specificity.
The idea that you were proposed is not that bad and could work for a shallow approach. Here's a snippet to help you understand how to do it:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import numpy as np
## Suppose Docs1 and Docs2 are the groups of e-mails. Notice that docs1 has more lines than docs2
docs1 = ['In digital imaging, a pixel, pel,[1] or picture element[2] is a physical point in a raster image, or the smallest addressable element in an all points addressable display device; so it is the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen',
'Each pixel is a sample of an original image; more samples typically provide more accurate representations of the original. The intensity of each pixel is variable. In color imaging systems, a color is typically represented by three or four component intensities such as red, green, and blue, or cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.',
'In some contexts (such as descriptions of camera sensors), pixel refers to a single scalar element of a multi-component representation (called a photosite in the camera sensor context, although sensel is sometimes used),[3] while in yet other contexts it may refer to the set of component intensities for a spatial position.',
'The word pixel is a portmanteau of pix (from "pictures", shortened to "pics") and el (for "element"); similar formations with \'el\' include the words voxel[4] and texel.[4]',
'The word "pixel" was first published in 1965 by Frederic C. Billingsley of JPL, to describe the picture elements of video images from space probes to the Moon and Mars.[5] Billingsley had learned the word from Keith E. McFarland, at the Link Division of General Precision in Palo Alto, who in turn said he did not know where it originated. McFarland said simply it was "in use at the time" (circa 1963).[6]'
docs2 = ['In applied mathematics, discretization is the process of transferring continuous functions, models, variables, and equations into discrete counterparts. This process is usually carried out as a first step toward making them suitable for numerical evaluation and implementation on digital computers. Dichotomization is the special case of discretization in which the number of discrete classes is 2, which can approximate a continuous variable as a binary variable (creating a dichotomy for modeling purposes, as in binary classification).',
'Discretization is also related to discrete mathematics, and is an important component of granular computing. In this context, discretization may also refer to modification of variable or category granularity, as when multiple discrete variables are aggregated or multiple discrete categories fused.',
'Whenever continuous data is discretized, there is always some amount of discretization error. The goal is to reduce the amount to a level considered negligible for the modeling purposes at hand.',
'The terms discretization and quantization often have the same denotation but not always identical connotations. (Specifically, the two terms share a semantic field.) The same is true of discretization error and quantization error.'
## We sum them up to have a universal TF-IDF dictionary, so that we can 'compare oranges to oranges'
docs3 = docs1+docs2
## Using Sklearn TfIdfVectorizer - it is easy and straight forward!
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
## Now we make the universal TF-IDF dictionary, MAKE SURE TO USE THE MERGED LIST AND fit() [not fittransform]
X =
## Checking the array shapes after using transform (fitting them to the tf-idf dictionary)
## Notice that they are the same size but with distinct number of lines
print(X.transform(docs1).toarray().shape, X.transform(docs2).toarray().shape)
(5, 221) (4, 221)
## Now, to "merge" them all, there are many ways to do it - here I used a simple "mean" method.
transformed_docs1 = np.mean(X.transform(docs1).toarray(), axis=0)
transformed_docs2 = np.mean(X.transform(docs1).toarray(), axis=0)
[0.02284796 0.02284796 0.02805426 0.06425141 0. 0.03212571
0. 0.03061173 0.02284796 0. 0. 0.04419432
0.08623564 0. 0. 0. 0.03806573 0.0385955
0.04569592 0. 0.02805426 0.02805426 0. 0.04299283
0. 0.02284796 0. 0.05610853 0.02284796 0.03061173
0. 0.02060219 0. 0.02284796 0.04345487 0.04569592
0. 0. 0.02284796 0. 0.03061173 0.02284796
0.04345487 0.07529817 0.04345487 0.02805426 0.03061173]
## These are the final Shapes.
print(transformed_docs1.shape, transformed_docs2.shape)
(221,) (221,)
About Removing junk words, TF-IDF averages rare words out (such as number, and etc) - if it is too rare, it wont matter much. But this could increase a lot the size of your input vectors, so I'd advise you to find a way to clean them. Also, consider some NLP preprocessing steps, such as lemmatization, to reduce dimensionality.

Calculate total distance between multiple pairwise distributions/histograms

I am not sure about the terminology I should use for my problem, so I will give an example.
I have 2 sets of measurements (6 empirical distributions per set = D1-6) that describe 2 different states of the same system (BLUE & RED). These distributions can be multimodal, skewed, undersampled, and strange in some other unpredictable ways.
BLUE is my reference and I want to make RED distributed as closely as possible to BLUE, for all pairwise distributions. For this, I will play with parameters of my RED system and monitor the RED set of measurements D1-6 trying to make it overlap BLUE perfectly.
I know that I can use Jensen-Shannon or Bhattacharyya distances to evaluate the distance between 2 distributions (i.e. RED-D1 and BLUE-D1, for example). However, I do not know if there exist other metrics that could be applied here to get a global distance between all distributions (i.e. quantify the global mismatch between 2 sets of pairwise distributions). Is that the case ?
I am thinking about building an empirical scoring function that would use all the pairwise Jensen-Shannon distances, but I have no better ideas yet. I believe I can NOT just sum all the JS distances because I would get similar scores in these 2 hypothetical, different cases:
D1-6 are distributed as in my image
RED-D1-5 are a much better fit to BLUE-D1-5, BUT RED-D6 is shifted compared to BLUE-D6
And that would be wrong because I would have missed one important feature of my system. Given these 2 cases, it is better to have D1-6 distributed as in my image (solution 1).
The pairwise match between each distribution is equally important and should be equally weighted (i.e. the match between BLUE-D1 and RED-D1 is as important as the match between BLUE-D2 and RED-D2, etc).
D1-3 has a given range DOM1 of [0, 5] and D4-6 has another range DOM2 of [50, 800]. Diamonds represent the weighted means of BLUE and RED distributions.
Thank you very much for your help!
I ended up using a sum of all pairwise Earth Mover's Distance (EMD,, also known as Wasserstein metric) as a global metric of distance between all pairwise distributions. This describes the difference or similarity between 2 states of my system in an appropriate way.
EMD is implemented in python in package 'pyemd' or using scipy:

Plotting values onto a histogram in rails

I realize there are several histogram gems, but my question is a bit unique. I don't need a graph or image of any kind. My rails app has an algorithm that gives each user a score between 0 and 1. e.g. billybob's raw_score might be .00901 and frankiejoe's raw_score might be .00071.
Without going into why I want to do this, I'd like to plot these values on a histogram, then map the mean raw_score as 50% and the mean plus standard deviation at about 65% (the mean minus standard deviation at 35%), the mean plus 2 x standard deviation at 80% etc. So 15 percentile for each standard deviation unit.
I don't need the actual histogram chart/image, I just want their corresponding histogram values after being loaded onto a histogram. I am essentially converting the numbers into a more aesthetically pleasing score, e.g. billybob's histogram_score might now be .987 and frankiejoe's might be .471. For now, it's only dozens of users or scores, but I'd like ability to handle thousands of users/scores.
I'd like to store the converted value into my database. The numbers I have now are raw_score:decimal and I'll store them as histogram_score:decimal.
How might I do this in my rails app?
Thank you!
Figured this out. So the descriptive_statistics gem is going to accomplish this for me.
require 'descriptive_statistics'
data = [0.15, 0.25, 0.10, 0.05, 0.35, 0.10] {|score| data.percentile_rank(score)}
=> [66.66666666666666, 83.33333333333334, 50.0, 16.666666666666664, 100.0, 50.0]
In my case, I'm just looping through each user's raw_score and storing it as the percentile_score. Works great!

Kohonen SOM Maps: Normalizing the input with unknown range

According to "Introduction to Neural Networks with Java By Jeff Heaton", the input to the Kohonen neural network must be the values between -1 and 1.
It is possible to normalize inputs where the range is known beforehand:
For instance RGB (125, 125, 125) where the range is know as values between 0 and 255:
1. Divide by 255: (125/255) = 0.5 >> (0.5,0.5,0.5)
2. Multiply by two and subtract one: ((0.5*2)-1)=0 >> (0,0,0)
The question is how can we normalize the input where the range is unknown like our height or weight.
Also, some other papers mention that the input must be normalized to the values between 0 and 1. Which is the proper way, "-1 and 1" or "0 and 1"?
You can always use a squashing function to map an infinite interval to a finite interval. E.g. you can use tanh.
You might want to use tanh(x * l) with a manually chosen l though, in order not to put too many objects in the same region. So if you have a good guess that the maximal values of your data are +/- 500, you might want to use tanh(x / 1000) as a mapping where x is the value of your object It might even make sense to subtract your guess of the mean from x, yielding tanh((x - mean) / max).
From what I know about Kohonen SOM, they specific normalization does not really matter.
Well, it might through specific choices for the value of parameters of the learning algorithm, but the most important thing is that the different dimensions of your input points have to be of the same magnitude.
Imagine that each data point is not a pixel with the three RGB components but a vector with statistical data for a country, e.g. area, population, ....
It is important for the convergence of the learning part that all these numbers are of the same magnitude.
Therefore, it does not really matter if you don't know the exact range, you just have to know approximately the characteristic amplitude of your data.
For weight and size, I'm sure that if you divide them respectively by 200kg and 3 meters all your data points will fall in the ]0 1] interval. You could even use 50kg and 1 meter the important thing is that all coordinates would be of order 1.
Finally, you could a consider running some linear analysis tools like POD on the data that would give you automatically a way to normalize your data and a subspace for the initialization of your map.
Hope this helps.
