Webhook support for GitLab application - oauth

I am looking for general information on GitLab, specifically OAuth applications and Webhook
I have created my own application and I can register it with GitLab. However, as part of my application I also want to be able to receive webhooks when any events happen in the repo - specifically push events.
I can register webhooks separately from the Project -> Settings -> Webhooks menu. But my goal is that when users authorize the application, the webhook is automatically registered on their repositories.
Is there a way to do this? One thought I had was to register the webhooks using the GitLab API once the user completes the OAuth workflow, but I am yet to try it out.


Slack Oauth - how do I force my slack app to receive messages in a certain channel?

I'm building a Slack app and when I install the app in my workspace, during the Oauth flow it asks me what channel I want messages sent to. I then have to choose among all my channels in a select menu (one of which is my slack app) where to receive messages.
When I install something like the Jira Cloud Slack app, it does not ask me what channel I want to use to receive messages, it just installs the app and I receive messages in the Jira Cloud channel. I'd like to try to set up my slack app so the user does not have to select a channel, but instead the messages go automatically to the app channel (like Jira).
Does anyone know what settings (Oauth scopes maybe?) I need to make this happen?
Are you using Slack's incoming webhooks? Webhooks will require you to specify a channel, but using Sign in with Slack for auth (or just authenticating with their OAuth v2) does not. Also make sure that you're using Slack's most recent version of apps that include granular scopes -- not sure if the legacy apps work like this.

How to send pipeline changes(commits) notification to microsoft teams\skype using jenkins

I want to send pipeline changes(commits) notification to teams channel using Jenkins and notify all what changes have been deployed. I know about the office365 plugin in jenkins but the problem is it only tells the status of pipeline etc pass/fail/stopped.
P.S sending notification to skype would also work. Please help!!
This can be setup directly in teams through the connectors marketplace.
First click on the elipses of a channel you want the information to be posted to.
Search for jenkins and configure
From here you should be able to run through the configuration process supplying details as required.

Azure App Service Push - registration endpoint

Im trying to implement push notifications on Xamarin iOS project using Azure App Service Push, and I'm having problems with device failing to register.
The confusing part is this:
I've read https://adrianhall.github.io/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure/chapter5/concepts/
and it basically says that
The /push/installations endpoint is part of App Service Push - a feature of the Azure App Service resource. This exists on your .azurewebsites.net domain. It is not part of Notification Hubs.
However, according to this post:
.AddPushNotifications() (which actually adds /push/installations endpoint)is now deprecated:
You should use the App Service Push endpoint instead. In your ASP.NET Owin Startup class, you can remove the reference to .AddPushNotifications() from the configuration.
Details here:
If I understand correctly my App Service Mobile App, once connected to Push via Notification hub should expose some kind of endpoint for device registration but I find it unclear what that endpoint is and do i need to manually create it in mobile backend app?
.AddPushNotifications() is used to support the Azure Notification Hubs push registration endpoint via the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Notifications package, you could check the NotificationInstallationsController.cs under the previous package. And at this point, you need to specific the Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs.ConnectionString app setting with the value for the connection string to your notification hub.
While the App Service Push is a feature provided by Azure Portal, and you need to go to your app service and click "Settings > Push", then choose your notification hub for your app, more details you could refer to here.
For your mobile client, you could leverage the extension method GetPush for IMobileServiceClient under MobileServiceClientExtensions.cs and the PushHttpClient.cs to send requests against push/installations for you. For more detailed code snippet, you could refer to here. Also, you could refer to adrian hall's book about using the .InvokeApiAsync() method.

Slack integration on Bitbucket server

I cannot see Webhook function on Bitbucket server. The view is different from the Bitbucket on Cloud. The main goal of mine is i am trying to integrate Slack to get all updates from Bitbucket. Could anyone help me figure this out?
To do this you will need to install the 'Slack Notifications Plugin'.
BitBucket server works on a 'add additional functionality as you need it' model, whereas BitBucket cloud has to cater to a large number of possible user needs where users don't have admin to install the plugins themselves.
To setup: navigate to the custom integrations tab on the Apps admin page in Slack, then select 'Incoming Webhooks', 'Add configuration', choose a channel and hit add. You should now have a webhook URL copy this. (you can come back and change the appearance of your webhook user later on or edit it now)
Take the URL you copied, and go to the admin page for your repository in BitBucket server, click 'Slack settings'. Select the events you want to receive messages for, if you want to receive notifications for commits then tick the Push notifications option. Enter the channel name you want to post to including the # e.g. #git and paste in your Webhook URL. Save.
Now when you push a commit to BitBucket you should get a message in the specified Slack channel.
The official Bitbucket Server integration for Slack, developed by Atlassian, is now released with Data Center support. You can try it out right now.
Disclaimer: I work for Atlassian.

Push Notifications Using Notification Hub and .NET Web API as Backend

I am working on a project where I have implemented web API with asp.net identity to authenticate users. An iPhone app will be accessing this web API in order to perform several tasks like authorization using identity db, subscribe to groups etc.
I am going to publish this web API in windows azure and going to use Azure notification hub for sending the notifications. Now in my iPhone app the user can subscribe to one or more groups to get notified to that group events. i.e A user can subscribe to "Cricket" and "Math" group in order to receive the notifications of that groups. So these groups really becomes Tags for the notification hub.
Now my question is There are two ways to register device to notification hub.
1) using app itself
2) using the web API that I have created.
I want to follow the second approach. I want the users devices to be registered to notification hub through my web API.
How can I achieve that? I didn't found any satisfactory code snippet for this purpose. Can any one provide me better clarification or code snippet on this?
you can refer to the following link- http://www.ankitblog.com/2014/11/azure-notificationhub-sending-push.html and http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/845491/Azure-Notificationhub-Sending-Push-Notification-to for details of that. Its fairly simple
