Captions on multiple polaroid images with ImageMagick - imagemagick

So I have several images on which I want to put a logo and afterwards I want to make polaroids. I tried this and it works but now I also want to put captions with the filename and the image resolution on every polaroid and this won't work. I hope you understand what I want to do as English is not my first language.
let a=0
for i in *.JPG; do
let a=a+1;
convert $i Logo.png -gravity SouthEast -geometry 600x380+50+50 -composite -caption "%c %f\\n%wx%h" -gravity center -pointsize 38 -bordercolor snow -background black +polaroid -resize 640x ./done/pictures-$a.png


Merge two Imagemagick convert commands

I'm trying to Create a thumbnail from GIF 1st command and then merge another image on top of it 2nd command.
1st command:-
convert -thumbnail 398x398 -auto-orient -quality 85 giphy.gif[0] output.jpg
2nd command:- convert -size 1920x1080 xc:none output.jpg -blur 5x4 -composite out1.png -gravity center -composite outfinal.png
I've tried using like this but didn't work out:
convert -thumbnail 398x398 -auto-orient -quality 85 giphy.gif[0] output.jpg | convert -size 398x398 xc:none output.jpg -blur 5x4 -composite out1.png -gravity center -composite outfinal.png
Image extracted from gif:-
2nd image:
Final output as merge two images :
Thank you:)
This is a pretty easy way to do it:
convert -gravity center background.jpg -blur 5x4 \
\( yinyang.png -resize 130x78\! \) \
-composite result.jpg
I put a spurious -resize 130x78\! in there so you can see where to do extra operations that only affect the little "yin yang" picture in the middle - you can obviously remove it.
Maybe I can explain the logic... the first line of the command deals with the background, the second line deals with the overlay. So, first, load up the background picture and make all the edits you want to it, i.e. blurring. Then start some "aside-processing" in parentheses which loads up the "yin yang" and applies some edits to that exclusively without affecting the background image. Then, when you are happy with the overlay, exit the parentheses and take the result of the "aside-processing" and overlay it on top of the background. It overlays into the centre because I set the gravity beforehand.
Hope that helps.
Added in response to your comment... if you want to do the extraction as well, just do that in the "aside-processing":
convert -gravity center \
giphy.gif[0] -thumbnail 398x398 -auto-orient -blur 5x4 \
\( yin yang -resize 300x100\! \) \
-composite result.jpg

Is there anyway to batch create 30+ logos but change text on each one?

I need to create 30+ logos in a similar style to this:
Only thing that changes will be the top text, i.e Manchester -> Newcastle
I have to do this many time and as such would love to know if there is anyway to automate it.
Kind regards,
Personally, I would do it with ImageMagick at the command line like this:
convert -pointsize 72 -background none -fill "rgb(254,203,54)" \
label:"LEEDS" -resize 170x30! base.png +swap \
-geometry +40+0 -composite result.png
And then do all 30 of them in a simple loop:
convert -pointsize 72 -background none -fill "rgb(254,203,54)" label:"$city" -resize 170x30! base.png +swap -geometry +40+0 -composite "$city.png"
Note that there are other words not necessarily visible on StackOveflow's white background.
ImageMagick is installed on most Linux distros and is available for macOS and Windows.

how do i place a 4 * 6 image on a letter page at the top

I am using imagemagick to convert files and reposition them, i have a 4 * 6 png which i need to position on a letter canvas on the top half of the page.
I have the below command which i am using, but its confusing. can anyone suggest how i can achieve what i want.
this is what i have tried, can any one guide me on this.
convert -rotate -270 -page Letter me-9370120111400937899958.png on-9370120111400937899958.pdf
I have also tried this, but the overlayed image is not moving and is stuck to the bottom
%x{convert -page Letter -rotate -270 "/var/folders/rp/rk2q4l7j4ds_w37vwvgx46tr0000gn/T/a8.png" -geometry +50+50 "/var/folders/rp/rk2q4l7j4ds_w37vwvgx46tr0000gn/T/a8.pdf"}
I have tried reading on this link but could not figure out.
Updated Answer
It occurred to me later that you may have meant this:
convert -page letter -gravity north \( a.jpg -background yellow -splice 0x10 \) a.pdf
Obviously change yellow to none and increase the 0x10 to 0x20 to move further down the page, and add -rotate 90 before the splice maybe.
Original Answer
Not sure exactly what you mean, but I think this will get you started. Let's try some options. I will make the canvas yellow so you can see it and the file you want to position on top will be red.
So let's try some options...
First, let's move the image across to the right by zero pixels and down from the top-left by 40 pixels - the default position (or gravity) is NorthWest so we are positioning relative to that.
convert -size 612x792 xc:yellow a.jpg -geometry +0+40 -composite result.jpg
If you want the image centred, use -gravity north and position relative to that - a little closer to the edge this time maybe:
convert -size 612x792 xc:yellow -gravity north a.jpg -geometry +0+10 -composite result.jpg
If you want the background rotated:
convert -size 792x612 xc:yellow -gravity north a.jpg -geometry +0+40 -composite result.jpg
If you want just the overlay rotated, do that in "aside processing":
convert -size 612x792 xc:yellow -gravity north \( a.jpg -rotate 90 \) -geometry +0+40 -composite result.jpg
If you want the canvas white, change yellow to white. If you want the canvas transparent, change yellow to none.

How to blend + translate simultaneously with Imagemagick (or some other scriptable software like Photoshop)?

How can I blend AND translate at the same time ?
Something like this : but in such a way that the images are transparent.
I was trying :
composite -blend 90 -page +0+0 input01.jpg -page +500+0 input02.jpg -resize x400 outputSimpleMosaicBlend01.
but this did not work.
So if I have two input images:
Then how can I get an image that looks like the composite image below ?
Any suggestions how to do this programatically (not manually) with ImageMagick ? Or some other tools ?
I would like to create several thousands of composite images like that (for an animation) and I would like to automate the process.
The problem is that I can find examples that overlay images and that translate images but I cannot find examples that do these two operations simultaneously.
This is the main goal of this question, to give such code/script examples, how to do that with image manipulation tools like ImageMagick programmatically.
Things that I tried and did not work:
convert a.jpg -geometry +100+0 b.jpg -compose blend -composite result.jpg
I tried
convert -background none a.jpg -geometry +100+0 b.jpg -compose blend -composite result.jpg
too which gives the same result.
I got this :
with this
convert -background none input01.jpg input02.jpg -geometry +1200+0 -compose blend -define compose:args=50 -composite result.jpg
It's getting close ! Thanks Mark!
A slightly different way of doing this is to set the width of the output image using -extent and then to overlay the right hand image using -gravity East to align it to the right edge - seems a fraction more intuitive to me - but go with whatever works for you!
convert a.jpg -background white -extent 2800x \
\( b.jpg -resize 150% -alpha on -channel A -evaluate set 50% +channel \) \
-gravity east -composite result.jpg
Thanks to Snigbo, the following command :
convert input02.jpg \( input01.jpg -resize 150% -alpha Opaque -channel A -evaluate Multiply 0.5 +channel -set page +1200+30 \) -background White -layers merge a.jpg

imagemagick: center and resize multiple images an keep original filename

Good morning,
I'd like to center and resize multiple images in a folder with different aspect ratios and keep the filename. The following is nearly what I like to have (it works perfect for the particular picture), but there I have to name every specific pic.
convert -size 100x100 xc:black -gravity center originalpic.jpg -thumbnail 300x300 -composite newpic.jpg
I tried to work with * to keep the original file name and to process every file in the folder but without success. Does anybody know how to do that?
Thank you!
Use the mogrify command to work with multiple files.
mogrify -size 100x100 xc:black -gravity center -thumbnail 300x300 -composite *.jpg
Another way would be to iterate over the images in bash and use the same name as output to overwrite:
for f in *.jpg
do convert -size 100x100 xc:black -gravity center $f -thumbnail 300x300 -composite $f
I think I got it for me in general:
First size down to the height you want, e.g. to 364px:
mogrify -resize x364 *.jpg
And then, e.g. you want to get a dimension of 546x364px, this:
mogrify -extent 546x364 -gravity center *.jpg
But at image with original size of 512x768 background is getting filled with white color, so I tried
mogrify -extent 546x364 -gravity center -background black *.jpg
mogrify -extent 546x364 -gravity center -fill black *.jpg
but background is still white :-(
