How to remove caches on Travis CI? - docker

I cached a docker image on travis-ci. The docker image is created from a dockerfile. Now my dockerfile changed, and I need to remove caches and rebuild the docker image. How can I remove the caches on travis-ci?
My current .travis.yml looks like this:
language: C
- docker
- docker_cache
- |
echo Now loading...
if [[ -f "$filename" ]]; then
echo "Got one from cache."
docker load < "$filename"
echo "Got one from scratch";
docker build -t $IMAGE .
docker save -o "$filename" $IMAGE
- docker run -it ${IMAGE} /bin/bash -c "pwd"
- IMAGE=test04

Per the docs there are three methods:
Using the UI: "More options" -> "Caches" on the repo's page
Using the CLI: travis cache --delete
Using the API: DELETE /repos/{}/caches
That said, Docker images are one of the examples explicitly called out as a thing not to cache:
Large files that are quick to install but slow to download do not
benefit from caching, as they take as long to download from the cache
as from the original source
In your example it's not clear what's involved in the pipeline beyond that Dockerfile - even if the file itself hasn't changed, any of the things that go into it (base image, source code, etc.) might have. Caching the image means you may get false positives, builds that pass even though docker build would have failed.


Why is docker build not showing any output from commands?

Snippet from my Dockerfile:
FROM node:12.18.0
RUN echo "hello world"
RUN psql --version
When I run docker build . I don't see any output from these two commands even if they are not cached. The documentation says that docker build is verbose by default. Why am I not seeing the output from commands? I used to see them before.
The output while building:
=> [7/18] RUN echo "hello world" 0.9s
The output I am seeing after building finishes:
=> CACHED [6/18] RUN apt-get install postgresql -y 0.0s
=> [7/18] RUN echo "hello world" 6.4s
=> [8/18] RUN psql --version 17.1s
The Dockerfile is created from node:12.18.0 which is based on Debian 9.
Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d.
The output you are showing is from buildkit, which is a replacement for the classic build engine that docker ships with. You can adjust output from this with the --progress option:
--progress string Set type of progress output (auto, plain, tty). Use plain to show container output
(default "auto")
Adding --progress=plain will show the output of the run commands that were not loaded from the cache. This can also be done by setting the BUILDKIT_PROGRESS variable:
If you are debugging a build, and the steps have already been cached, add --no-cache to your build to rerun the steps and redisplay the output:
docker build --progress=plain --no-cache ...
If you don't want to use buildkit, you can revert to the older build engine by exporting DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 in your shell, e.g.:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build ...
docker build ...
Just use this flag --progress=plain after build.
For example:
docker-compose build --progress=plain <container_name>
docker build --progress=plain .
If you don't want to use this flag every time, then permanently tell docker to use this flag by doing:
Here is the official documentation when you type docker build --help.
--progress string Set type of progress output (auto, plain, tty). Use plain to show container output (default "auto")
In Docker 20.10 i had to use the --no-cache flag, too. Otherwise cached output is not shown.
docker build --progress=plain --no-cache .
As an alternative to specifying the --progress=plain option, you can also permanently disable the "pretty" output by setting this env variable in your shell config:
Do 2 things
Instead of docker build . use this
docker build . --progress=plain
Add random junk to your RUN command every build (this tricks docker into thinking it hasn't seen the command before, so it doesn't use the cached version)
Example. If your command is RUN ls use this instead RUN ls && echo sdfjskdflsjdf (change the sdfjskdflsjdf to something else each time you build).
Why this works
I tried other answers and they all presented problems and imperfections. It's highly frustrating that Docker doesn't have some simple functionality like --verbose=true.
Here's what I ended up using (it's ludicrous but it works).
Suppose you want to see the output of ls command, this won't work docker build .
RUN ls
but this will print the output docker build --progress=plain:
RUN ls
now try again, it won't print! - that's because docker caches the unchanged layer, so the trick is to alter the command each time by adding some nonsense to it && echo sdfljsdfljksdfljk, and changing the nonsense each time docker build --progress=plain:
# This prints
RUN ls && echo sdfljsdfljksdfljk
# Next time you run it use a different token
RUN ls && echo sdlfkjsldfkjlskj
So each and every time, I mash the keyboard and come up with a new token. Stupifying. (note that I tried something like && openssl rand -base64 12 to generate a random string, but docker realises the code hasn't changed that doesn't work).
This solution is highly inferior to genuine docker support for printing output to console.
If your error looks something like this:
#7 0.584 /bin/sh: 1: / not found
it's telling you the error is in line number 1. you are running into windows line endings
I was using VS code and I solved it pretty easily by converting the file from CRLF to LF using VS code.
just click on the CRLF button in the bottom right corner of the editor and save the file.
everything should work fine when you build the image now.

Failing gitlab CI due to "no such file or directory"

I'm attempting to have my .gitlab-ci.yml file use an image off the Gitlab container registry. I have successfully uploaded the Dockerfile to the registry and I can pull the image from the registry on my local machine and build a container just fine. However, when using the image for my .gitlab-ci.yml file, I get this error:
Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)
standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"
I've seen a bunch of discussion about Windows EOL characters, but I'm running on Raspbian and I don't believe that's the issue here. However, I'm pretty new at this and can't figure out what the issue is. I appreciate any help.
.gitlab-ci.yml file:
- test-version
stage: test-version
- python --version
test.Dockerfile (which is in the registry as
ARG base_img="python:3.6"
FROM ${base_img}
# Install Python packages
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
Another thing to note is that if I change the image in the .gitlab-ci.yml file to just python:3.6, then it runs just fine. It's only when I attempt to link my image in the registry.
As you confirmed in the comments, is a private repository, so that one cannot directly use docker pull or the image: property with
However, you should be able to adapt your .gitlab-ci.yml by using the image: docker:latest and manually running docker commands (including docker login).
This relies on the so-called Docker-in-Docker (dind) approach, and it is supported by GitLab CI.
Here is a generic template of .gitlab-ci.yml relying on this idea:
- test-version
stage: test-version
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
# GIT_STRATEGY: none # uncomment if "git clone" is unneeded
# or better
- echo "$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" --password-stdin "$CI_REGISTRY"
- docker pull "$IMAGE"
- |
docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/build" -w /build "$IMAGE" /bin/bash -c "
export PS4='+ \e[33;1m(\$0 # line \$LINENO) \$\e[0m ' # optional
set -ex # mandatory
## TODO insert your multi-line shell script here ##
echo \"One comment\" # quotes must be escaped here
: A better comment
python --version
echo $PWD # interpolated outside the container
echo \$PWD # interpolated inside the container
## (cont'd) ##
- echo done
This leads to a bit more boilerplate, but this is generic so you can just replace the IMAGE definition and replace the TODO area with your own Bash script, just ensuring that the two items are fulfilled:
If your shell code contains some double quotes, you need to escape them, because the whole code is surrounded by docker run … " and " (the last variable "$CI_JOB_NAME" is a detail, it is optional and just allows one to override the $0 variable referenced within the Bash variable PS4)
If your shell code contains local variables, they need to be escaped (cf. the \$PWD above), otherwise these variables will be resolved prior running the docker run … "$IMAGE" /bin/sh -c "…" command itself.

echo to file in docker file fails when building from armhf/ubuntu in dind

I am using CI pipelines on Gitlab to build docker images for deployment to Raspbian. Since my builds need to access some private NPM packages, I include in the Docker file the following line which creates a token file using the value stored in environment variable $NPM_TOKEN:
RUN echo //$NPM_TOKEN > ~/.npmrc
This works fine when building from my usual image (resin/raspberrypi3-node). However one of my containers is built from armhf/ubuntu. When the above line is executed, the build fails with the following error:
standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"
The command '/bin/sh -c echo //$NPM_TOKEN >> ~/.npmrc' returned a non-zero code: 1
The build runs fine from docker build on my development machine (Windows 10) but not within the gitlab pipeline.
I have tried stripping down my docker and pipeline files to the bare minimum, and removed the environment variable and the tilde from the path, and this still fails for the ubuntu (but not the resin) image.
FROM armhf/ubuntu
RUN echo hello > world.txt
FROM resin/raspberrypi3-node
RUN echo hello > world.txt
image: docker:git
- docker:dind
- docker build -f Dockerfile.test.resin . # Succeeds
- docker build -f Dockerfile.test.ubuntu . # Fails
- master
I have searched for similar issues and have seen this error reported when running a .sh file which contained CRLF combinations. Although I am developing on Windows, my IDE (VS Code) is set up to use LF, not CRLF and I have checked all the above files for compliance.
As in here, try and use double-quotes for your echo argument:
RUN echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" > ~/.npmrc
And first, in your Dockerfile, do a RUN ls -alrth ~/ to check the accessibility/presence of the target folder.
That error was also reported in this thread (without any answer), with an example where the final version of the Dockerfile, as seen here, use this .gitlab-ci.yml.
The OP bighairdave confirms in the comments:
I copied the following from the example #VonC gave, and it worked:
DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://docker:2375"
- docker run --rm --privileged hypriot/qemu-register

Debug failed Docker builds on Gitlab CI and execute intermediate layers

I wonder how it would be possible to debug a Docker build by executing an intermediate build layer and run a debug container out of the layer to watch what is inside.
Because I found no answer anywhere, I created my custom solution, which works pretty well (see below).
I added a debug-failed-build job to my pipeline, which uploads the layer as docker image to a Gitlabs Docker registry:
.gitlab-registry-login: &local-registry-login
stage: build
- *local-registry-login
- docker build --pull -t "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" . | tee docker-build-debug.out
- docker-build-debug.out
when: on_failure
expire_in: 30 mins
stage: debug
- *local-registry-login
- DEBUG_LAYER=$(grep '\-\-\-> [0-9a-z]' docker-build-debug.out |tail -1| cut -b 7-)
- docker push "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}-failed"
when: on_failure
- build
How it works
The output of the Docker build is stored in a file which in case of failure is passed as an artifact to the debug-failed-build job. Here is an example how the output of a Docker build could look like (just a snippet):
Step 16/19 : VOLUME ["/sys/fs/cgroup"]
---> Using cache
---> a63a68682fcb
Step 17/19 : COPY --from=ansibleci-base /ansibleci-base /ansibleci-base
---> Using cache
---> 98fa646b73fb
Step 18/19 : RUN ln -s /ansibleci-base/scripts/ /usr/local/bin/run-tests && ln -s /ansibleci-base/ansible-plugins/ /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/
---> Running in 83116392053c
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/': No such file or directory
The expression behind the DEBUG_LAYER=... script command will extract the last layer id from the Docker build output (98fa646b73fb). The next command will give this layer an image name ready to upload to the registry and the final command will upload that image.
As an alternative to uploading the image you can also save the layer as file (with docker save) and store the saved image as compressed tar archive. Then you define this archife as Gitlab CI Artifact which you can download to your computer and docker load it there.

How to verify if the content of two Docker images is exactly the same?

How can we determine that two Docker images have exactly the same file system structure, and that the content of corresponding files is the same, irrespective of file timestamps?
I tried the image IDs but they differ when building from the same Dockerfile and a clean local repository. I did this test by building one image, cleaning the local repository, then touching one of the files to change its modification date, then building the second image, and their image IDs do not match. I used Docker 17.06 (the latest version I believe).
If you want to compare content of images you can use docker inspect <imageName> command and you can look at section RootFS
docker inspect redis
"RootFS": {
"Type": "layers",
"Layers": [
if all layers are identical then images contains identical content
After some research I came up with a solution which is fast and clean per my tests.
The overall solution is this:
Create a container for your image via docker create ...
Export its entire file system to a tar archive via docker export ...
Pipe the archive directory names, symlink names, symlink contents, file names, and file contents, to an hash function (e.g., MD5)
Compare the hashes of different images to verify if their contents are equal or not
And that's it.
Technically, this can be done as follows:
1) Create file md5docker, and give it execution rights, e.g., chmod +x md5docker:
dir=$(dirname "$0")
docker create $1 | { read cid; docker export $cid | $dir/tarcat | md5; docker rm $cid > /dev/null; }
2) Create file tarcat, and give it execution rights, e.g., chmod +x tarcat:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import tarfile
with, mode="r|*") as tar:
for tarinfo in tar:
if tarinfo.isfile():
print(, flush=True)
with tar.extractfile(tarinfo) as file:
elif tarinfo.isdir():
print(, flush=True)
elif tarinfo.issym() or tarinfo.islnk():
print(, flush=True)
print(tarinfo.linkname, flush=True)
print("\33[0;31mIGNORING:\33[0m ",, file=sys.stderr)
3) Now invoke ./md5docker <image>, where <image> is your image name or id, to compute an MD5 hash of the entire file system of your image.
To verify if two images have the same contents just check that their hashes are equal as computed in step 3).
Note that this solution only considers as content directory structure, regular file contents, and symlinks (soft and hard). If you need more just change the tarcat script by adding more elif clauses testing for the content you wish to include (see Python's tarfile, and look for methods TarInfo.isXXX() corresponding to the needed content).
The only limitation I see in this solution is its dependency on Python (I am using Python3, but it should be very easy to adapt to Python2). A better solution without any dependency, and probably faster (hey, this is already very fast), is to write the tarcat script in a language supporting static linking so that a standalone executable file was enough (i.e., one not requiring any external dependencies, but the sole OS). I leave this as a future exercise in C, Rust, OCaml, Haskell, you choose.
Note, if MD5 does not suit your needs, just replace md5 inside the first script with your hash utility.
Hope this helps anyone reading.
Amazes me that docker doesn't do this sort of thing out of the box. Here's a variant on #mljrg's technique:
docker create $1 | {
read cid
docker export $cid | tar Oxv 2>&1 | shasum -a 256
docker rm $cid > /dev/null
It's shorter, doesn't need a python dependency or a second script at all, I'm sure there are downsides but it seems to work for me with the few tests I've done.
There doesn't seem to be a standard way for doing this. The best way that I can think of is using the Docker multistage build feature.
For example, here I am comparing the apline and debian images. In yourm case set the image names to the ones you want to compare
I basically copy all the file from each image into a git repository and commit after each copy.
FROM alpine as image1
FROM debian as image2
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
RUN git config --global "" &&\
git config --global "Your Name"
RUN mkdir images
WORKDIR images
RUN git init
COPY --from=image1 / .
RUN git add . && git commit -m "image1"
COPY --from=image2 / .
RUN git add . && git commit -m "image2"
CMD tail > /dev/null
This will give you an image with a git repository that records the differences between the two images.
docker build -t compare .
docker run -it compare bash
Now if you do a git log you can see the logs and you can compare the two commits using git diff <commit1> <commit2>
Note: If the image building fails at the second commit, this means that the images are identical, since a git commit will fail if there are no changes to commit.
If we rebuild the Dockerfile it is almost certainly going to produce a new hash.
The only way to create an image with the same hash is to use docker save and docker load. See
We could then use Bukharov Sergey's answer (i.e. docker inspect) to inspect the layers, looking at the section with key 'RootFS'.
