I need to Trigger a Jenkins job when a new folder copied completely to a directory - jenkins

I need to trigger a jenkins job when a build(folder) copied completely to a directory. Here build folder copy will take some time. My requirement was to wait until folder copy complete and jenkins job should trigger.

It can be done in a various way, Take a look at my example
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
stage('copy') {
steps {
sh """
cp -r /path/from/copy /path/to/copy
stage('other') {
steps {
rcho "I will run after copy stage is done"
// you can take advantage of post DSL for your scenario as well
post {
success {
echo "I will run when job is success"
failure {
echo "I will run when the job is fail"


Run unit tests and make unit test report available within jenkins

Newbie to jenkins.
Experimenting to run unit tests (not even sure if the step to run is correct)
and also need to make a report available within jenkins (any suggestions how i can make this possible?)
pipeline {
agent any
stage("Build") {
steps {
echo 'Building the appication...'
stage ('Unit test') {
steps {
sh 'npm run test'
stage ("Deploy") {
steps {
echo 'Deploying the appication...'
Use for example xunit tool (can be invoked on post actions or simply as step) to record a report from tests.
Here is the documentation:
To create a report with npm run test command you have to define it in package.json of the project or wherever the command is defined
Rwmeber also to add script { after steps { in the stage where you call Bash script

How to make Jenkins execute pipeline steps from the remote root directory?

I created a simple pipline in Jenkins. The remote root directory of my agent is set to my project root path. But when I test, where I am during the build (e.g. by defining a step like sh 'pwd'), I see, that the directory, my steps are executed from is the $WORKSPACE directory (/path_to_remote_root_directory_of_the_agent/workspace/jenkins_project_title). That means, I cannot just start neither my unit tests like sh 'vendor/bin/phpunit ./test/Unit', nor other tasks, that I usually run from the project root folder.
I'm pretty sure, that I simply configured something incorrectly and that in the normal case scripts like this
pipeline {
agent {
label 'devvm-slave-01'
stages {
stage('Prepare') {
steps {
sh 'composer install'
stage('Checkstyle') {
steps {
sh 'vendor/bin/phpcs --report=checkstyle --report-file=`pwd`/build/logs/checkstyle.xml --standard=PSR2 --extensions=php --ignore=autoload.php --ignore=vendor/ . || exit 0'
checkstyle pattern: 'build/logs/checkstyle.xml'
work as expected without any crude workarounds for paths.
What am I doing wrong and how to get it working correctly?
From the section "agent" of the "Jenkins Handbook"'s chapter "Pipeline Syntax":
agent { node { label 'labelName' } } behaves the same as agent { label 'labelName' }, but node allows for additional options (such as customWorkspace).
So, the solution is the using of the node and its customWorkspace option:
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'devvm-slave-01'
customWorkspace '/path/to/my/project'

What are the #tmp folders in a Jenkins workspace and how to clean them up

I have a Jenkins pipeline, for a PHP project in a Docker container. This is my Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent any
steps {
sh 'docker-compose up -d'
sh 'docker exec symfony composer install'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'docker exec symfony php ./bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=\'reports/coverage/coverage.xml\' --coverage-html=\'reports/coverage\' --coverage-crap4j=\'reports/crap4j.xml\''
stage('Coverage') {
steps {
step([$class: 'CloverPublisher', cloverReportDir: '/reports/coverage', cloverReportFileName: 'coverage.xml'])
post {
cleanup {
sh 'docker-compose down -v'
After running the pipeline, the var/lib/jenkins/workspace folder contains 4 folders (assuming my project name is Foo):
What are these, and how do I clean them up? cleanWs does not remove any except the first of them after the build.
EDIT: This is not a duplicate of this question because
That question does not answer my question: what are these files.
The answers to that question suggest using deleteDir, which is not recommended when using Docker containers.
There is an opened Jenkins issue about deleteDir() not deleting the #tmp/#script/#... directories.
A workaround to delete those:
post {
always {
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}#tmp") {
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}#script") {
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}#script#tmp") {
There is also a comment on the issue describing what #tmp is:
It [#tmp folder] contains the content of any library that was loaded at
run time. Without a copy, Replay can't work reliably.
folders were created because the agent was defined 2 times. Once it was defined at the top level inside the pipeline block. And once inside the stage called build.
The working folder of stage 'build' is the Foo#2 folder.

Jenkins pipeline, how can I copy artifact from previous build to current build?

In Jenkins Pipeline, how can I copy the artifacts from a previous build to the current build?
I want to do this even if the previous build failed.
Stuart Rowe also recommended to me on the Pipeline Authoring Sig Gitter channel that I look at the Copy Artifact Plugin, but also gave me some sample Jenkins Pipeline syntax to use.
Based on the advice that he gave, I came up with this fuller Pipeline example
which copies the artifacts from the previous build into the current build,
whether the previous build succeeded or failed.
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
stage("Zeroth stage") {
steps {
script {
if (currentBuild.previousBuild) {
try {
copyArtifacts(projectName: currentBuild.projectName,
selector: specific("${currentBuild.previousBuild.number}"))
def previousFile = readFile(file: "usefulfile.txt")
echo("The current build is ${currentBuild.number}")
echo("The previous build artifact was: ${previousFile}")
} catch(err) {
// ignore error
stage("First stage") {
steps {
writeFile(file: "usefulfile.txt", text: "This file ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} is useful, need to archive it.")
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'usefulfile.txt')
stage("Error") {
steps {
Suppose you want a single file to from previous build, you can even use curl to place file in workspace before mvn invocation.
stage('Copy csv') {
steps {
sh "mkdir -p ${env.WORKSPACE}/dump"
sh "curl http://<jenkins-url>:<port>/job/<job-folder>/job/<job-name>/job/<release>/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/dump/sample.csv/*view*/ -o ${env.WORKSPACE}/dump/sample.csv"
You Can Use Copy Artifact Plugin
For configuration visit https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Copy+Artifact+Plugin

Pass variables between Jenkins stages

I want to pass a variable which I read in stage A towards stage B somehow. I see in some examples that people write it to a file, but I guess that is not really a nice solution. I tried writing it to an environment variable, but I'm not really successful on that. How can I set it up properly?
To get it working I tried a lot of things and read that I should use the """ instead of ''' to start a shell and escape those variables to \${foo} for example.
Below is what I have as a pipeline:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent { node { label 'php71' } }
environment {
// Package dependencies
stage('Install dependencies') {
steps {
sh '''
echo Skip composer installation
#composer install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction
// Unit tests
stage('Unit Tests') {
steps {
sh '''
echo Running PHP code coverage tests...
#composer test
// Create artifact
stage('Package') {
steps {
echo 'Create package refs'
sh """
mkdir -p ./build/zpk
VERSIONTAG=\$(grep 'version' composer.json)
REGEX='"version": "([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)"'
if [[ \${VERSIONTAG} =~ \${REGEX} ]]
/usr/bin/zs-client packZpk --folder=. --destination=./build/zpk --name=${env.packageName}-${env.packageVersion}.zpk --version=${env.packageVersion}
echo "No version found!"
exit 1
// Publish ZPK package to Nexus
stage('Publish packages') {
steps {
echo "Publish ZPK Package"
sh "curl -u ${env.nexus_username}:${env.nexus_password} --upload-file ./build/zpk/${env.packageName}-${env.packageVersion}.zpk ${env.nexus_endpoint}/repository/zpk-packages/${groupId}/${env.packageName}-${env.packageVersion}.zpk"
archive includes: './build/**/*.{zpk,rpm,deb}'
As you can see the packageVersion which I read from stage Package needs to be used in stage Publish as well.
Overall tips against the pipeline are of course always welcome as well.
A problem in your code is that you are assigning version of environment variable within the sh step. This step will execute in its own isolated process, inheriting parent process environment variables.
However, the only way of passing data back to the parent is through STDOUT/STDERR or exit code. As you want a string value, it is best to echo version from the sh step and assign it to a variable within the script context.
If you reuse the node, the script context will persist, and variables will be available in the subsequent stage. A working example is below. Note that any try to put this within a parallel block can be of failure, as the version information variable can be written to by multiple processes.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
environment {
agent {
docker {
image 'alpine'
reuseNode true
stages {
stage('Collect agent info'){
steps {
echo "Current agent info: ${env.AGENT_INFO}"
script {
def agentInfo = sh script:'uname -a', returnStdout: true
println "Agent info within script: ${agentInfo}"
AGENT_INFO = agentInfo.replace("/n", "")
stage("Print agent info"){
steps {
script {
echo "Collected agent info: ${AGENT_INFO}"
echo "Environment agent info: ${env.AGENT_INFO}"
Another option which doesn't involve using script, but is just declarative, is to stash things in a little temporary environment file.
You can then use this stash (like a temporary cache that only lives for the run) if the workload is sprayed out across parallel or distributed nodes as needed.
Something like:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('first stage') {
steps {
// Write out any environment variables you like to a temporary file
sh 'echo export FOO=baz > myenv'
// Stash away for later use
stash 'myenv'
stage ("later stage") {
steps {
// Unstash the temporary file and apply it
unstash 'myenv'
// use the unstashed vars
sh 'source myenv && echo $FOO'
