Receiving error "include could not find load file" for cmake - ios

Setting up swift-corelibs-xctest for Swift - Windows 10. When file CMakeLists.txt is called find_package is ran to look for FoundationConfig.cmake file
find_package(dispatch CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(Foundation CONFIG REQUIRED)
FoundationConfig.cmake is found but error "include could not find load file: #Foundation_EXPORTS_FILE#"
I'm pretty sure this is due to fact that Foundation file is in a different directory. I only need clarification as to what # Foundation_EXPORTS_FILE# means. I have been unable to find any reference to _EXPORTS_FILE.

Believe I found part of what I was lookin for here.
The other half of the problem was found here -
default search paths for CMake include() vs. find_package()
"include(#Foundation_EXPORTS_FILE#)" Was in reference to the two config files, which are not in the same location, also include() searches for files in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH --- message("Path- ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}")


fatal error: zbar.h: No such file or directory

I downloaded the zbar library and cloned the opencv-zbar repo in my home directory. Then I ran the following command $cmake . which gave my the error
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "zbar_opencv" in directory /home/surabhi/opencv-zbar
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/surabhi/opencv-zbar/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
I then made two changes in my CMakeCache.txt as follows
//Path to a file.
//Path to a library.
because the were set to NOTFOUND.
It then gave me no errors
-- Found ZBAR: /usr/lib/
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/surabhi/opencv-zbar
But when I run make
It gives the error:
fatal error: zbar.h: No such file or directory
#include <zbar.h>
compilation terminated.
I don't understand why I get this error as It says Found ZBAR when I run cmake.
Thanks in advance
You need to do actually use the include dirs somewhere in your CMakeLists.txt so CMake knows that you actually want to use these include paths.
Or the more modern, recommended way:
target_include_directories(zbar_opencv PRIVATE ${ZBAR_INCLUDE_DIR})

CMake OpenCV 3.0.0 and building executables and libraries in Ubuntu

I have OpenCV 3.0.0 installed in /usr/local/opencv-3.0.0
I am trying to construct a CMakeLists file to build a library against this OpenCV 3.0.0. The CMakeLists.txt is as follows:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0016 NEW)
# compilation mode setup
#set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
# set OpenCV directories - CHANGE DEPENDING ON SYSTEM
set(OpenCV_PATH "/usr/local/opencv-3.0.0")
set(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${OpenCV_PATH}/include")
set(OpenCV_LIBS "${OpenCV_PATH}/lib/")
# set environment variables
set(OUTPUT_PATH "../Debug")
message(STATUS "Compiling in DEBUG mode")
set(OUTPUT_PATH "../Release")
message(STATUS "Compiling in RELEASE mode")
# compilation of executables
message(STATUS "configuring executables...")
add_executable(${OUTPUT_PATH}/mainTest ${SOURCES_PATH}/mainTest.cpp)
# compilation of libraries
message(STATUS "configuring libraries...")
add_library(${OUTPUT_PATH}/background_substractor ${SOURCES_PATH}/background_substractor.cpp)
# set linker options
target_link_libraries(${OUTPUT_PATH}/mainTest opencv_core opencv_highgui)
target_link_libraries(${OUTPUT_PATH}/background_substractor opencv_core opencv_highgui)
message(STATUS "cmake configuration complete")
It is a fairly simple Cmake file, however, I have the following problems/doubts:
1.-How can I know I am using OpenCV 3, and not other versions of OpenCV present in the system?
2.- When compiling the file background_substractor, its associated header file can not be located, although I have checked the path and it is correctly assigned in the set(INCLUDES_PATH "${SOURCES_PATH}/include"):
/home/alberto/STT_People_Tracking/Sources/background_substractor.cpp:3:36: fatal error: background_substractor.h: No such file or directory
#include "background_substractor.h"
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/../Debug/background_substractor.dir/Sources/background_substractor.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/../Debug/background_substractor.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
3.- Finally, and if I comment the header file, I have problems linking:
Linking CXX static library lib../Debug/background_substractor.a
/usr/bin/ar: lib../Debug/background_substractor.a: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [lib../Debug/background_substractor.a] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/../Debug/background_substractor.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
I have tried everything: Specifying the include files in the add_executable() and add_library() commands, I have checked paths and they are ok, etc etc.
Could anyone more experienced with CMake, give me a little hand?
Thank you very much in advance,
How can I know I am using OpenCV 3, and not other versions of OpenCV present in the system?
Your project should check that.
But usually projects just use find_package command for fill variables related to 3d-party library. This command perform all needed checks. In your case it could be
find_package(OpenCV 3 REQUIRED)
call, which fills OpenCV_LIBS and OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS variables automatically. This command, by default, search OpenCV installation in default paths, but you can adjust searching algorithm by using parameters to cmake (so, you needn't to change CMakeLists.txt when you build the project on other machine). E.g., this way
cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=/usr/local/opencv-3.0.0 <source-dir>
you can specify precise installation path of OpenCV.
When compiling the file background_substractor, its associated header file can not be located...
Cannot suggest anything aside from checking file existence
But this also can be a result of the 3d issue(see below).
Finally, and if I comment the header file, I have problems linking...
Your usage of CMake targets is incorrect. Unlike to make targets, which usually are files, CMake targets are simple names. By default, name of library/executable target determines filename of the library/executable file, produced by this target, but this can be changed. Directory, where resulted file will be located, can be adjusted using CMAKE_<TYPE>_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY variables, where <TYPE> can be ARCHIVE, LIBRARY or RUNTIME depending on target type.
Correct CMake script would be:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0016 NEW)
# compilation mode setup
#set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
# set OpenCV directories using find_package.
find_package(OpenCV 3 REQUIRED)
# set environment variables
set(OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Debug") # Use absolute path
message(STATUS "Compiling in DEBUG mode")
message(STATUS "Compiling in RELEASE mode")
# Set output directory for STATIC libraries and executables
# compilation of executables
message(STATUS "configuring executables...")
add_executable(mainTest ${SOURCES_PATH}/mainTest.cpp) # Use simple name as a target
# compilation of libraries
message(STATUS "configuring libraries...")
add_library(background_substractor ${SOURCES_PATH}/background_substractor.cpp) # Use simple name as a target
# set linker options
# Command below is no-op: OpenCV libraries enumerated using absolute paths
# link_directories(${OpenCV_LINK_DIRECTORIES})
target_link_libraries(mainTest ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # Variable OpenCV_LIBS contains OpenCV libraries needed to link with
target_link_libraries(background_substractor ${OpenCV_LIBS})
message(STATUS "cmake configuration complete")

CMake Generated Eclipse CDT Project Does Not Have System Includes

My problem is similar with this:
I created a cmake project, and used
cmake .. -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
to create a Eclipse CDT4 project.
But in the CDT IDE, the standard include paths are not listed, and all STL or system build-in header files include directives are marked as "cannot be resolved", so the "Open Declaration" or other a lot of operation cannot be done.
However, I could compile it without any problems.
My co-worker also has a cmake project, but it's very complicated. The CDT project generated from his cmake project DOES have the system includes. But his cmake is way too complicated, and he told me that he didn't do anything special to include the system paths.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
My Main CMakeLists.txt:
CMake_Minimum_Required(VERSION 2.8)
# Some settings
CMake_Policy(SET CMP0015 NEW)
# Set the compiler and its version if needed
# Create the project
Project(MyProjectName CXX)
# Set the compiler
Set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/g++)
# Detect whether we are in-source
Message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source building is not allowed! Please create a 'build' folder and then do 'cd build; cmake ..'")
# Set the output dirs
# Add source subdirs to the build
# Add_Subdirectory(test EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
One workaround is to manually add these to the CDT IDE:
But it's not the solution.
I finally figured out that this line is causing the problem:
Project(MyProjectName CXX)
If we remove the optional paramter CXX, life is good.
Can anyone tell me why?

How to include OpenCV libraries in CMake Makefile

I hope you can help me.
I have a simple CMakeLists.txt in order to build my project on Leopard 10.5.8.
I'm using CMake 2.8.1 and at the moment this is the code:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
MESSAGE(STATUS "./src: Going into utils folder")
MESSAGE(STATUS "./src: utils folder processed")
link_directories (${DIR}/src/utils)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(sample sample.cpp)
MESSAGE(STATUS "./src: exiting src folder")
I need to add OpenCV libraries on my project.
When I use Eclipse I set the include path to /opt/local/include
and the libraries path to: /opt/local/lib and then I specify the libraries name such as_ opencv_core, opencv_imgproc, opencv_video.
Can you tell me how to add these information in the CMakeLists.txt file, please?
I've read some information in the official cmake FAQ but i wasn't able to solve my problem.
Please, help me.
Thanks a lot.
You need to add the library names in the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command, but you need to add them without the lib prefix. For example:
include_directories(${DIR}/headers /opt/local/include)
link_directories (${DIR}/src/utils /opt/local/lib)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(sample sample.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(sample opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_video ${EXTERNAL_LIBS})

How to Integrate Qt4 qm files into binary using cmake and QRC?

I have a Qt4 CMake project and I'd like to integrate the QM files for i18n into the output binary. These are the rules I have so far for generating the TS and QM files:
I tried the following to add the QM files to the executable:
add_executable(myapp ${myapp_SRCS} ${myapp_MOC_SRCS} ${myapp_RCC_SRCS} ${QM})
This is the initialization from main.cpp:
QTranslator qtTranslator;
qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));
QTranslator appTranslator;
appTranslator.load("myapp_" + QLocale::system().name());
However, strings mypp shows that the translations are not going into the binary.
Update: I added each qm file to a i18n/translations.qrc:
<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
<qresource prefix="/resources">
<file> ... .qm</file>
and using
QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(myapp_QM_RCC_SRCS i18n/translations.qrc)
and adding myapp_QM_RCC_SRCS to the executable dependencies.
But this fails during build time thanks to the fact that CMake does a shadow build (building outside the source dir) but parses the QRC files for dependencies expecting the referenced files relative to the QRC file (nice feature but there's no make rule how to build the QM file at that location). The QM files are in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} (where they belong using shadow building) but expects it in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} (where non-generated files should be - so both locations would be correct, depending on situation).
I had the exact same problem. I came up with the following solution:
Create a QRC file that contains only the expected QM files, and give it a different prefix so it won't conflict with your other resources:
<qresource prefix="/translators">
Add a CMake rule to copy the QRC file to the output directory and then another rule to run the resource compiler:
# Change 'myapp_en' to be the base file name of the qrc file.
SET( trans_file myapp_en )
SET( trans_srcfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${trans_file}.qrc)
SET( trans_infile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${trans_file}.qrc)
SET( trans_outfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qrc_${trans_file}.cxx)
# Copy the QRC file to the output directory, because the files listed in the
# qrc file are relative to that directory.
OUTPUT ${trans_infile}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${trans_srcfile} ${trans_infile}
MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${trans_srcfile}
# Run the resource compiler (rcc_options should already be set). We can't
# use QT4_ADD_RESOURCES because the qrc file may not exist yet.
OUTPUT ${trans_outfile}
ARGS ${rcc_options} -name ${trans_file} -o ${trans_outfile} ${trans_infile}
MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${trans_infile}
DEPENDS ${qm_files}
# Add compiled resources to executable dependency list
ADD_EXECUTABLE( ${APP_NAME} ... ${trans_outfile} )
Use ${Qt5Core_RCC_EXECUTABLE} instead of ${QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE} if you use Qt 5.
I have found a very simple way to do it in CMake 3.0 (and, maybe, earlier) without ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and other complications.
First, you should create a QRC file with all .qm files listed ( thanks, the_fly_123 ):
<qresource prefix="/translators">
Then you can copy this QRC file into the output directory using configure_file and use standard Qt routines to build and add it:
# Change lang.qrc to the name of QRC file, created on the previous step
set(lang_qrc "lang.qrc")
configure_file(${lang_qrc} ${lang_qrc} COPYONLY)
qt5_add_translation(myapp_QM ${myapp_TRANSLATIONS})
qt5_add_resources(myapp_QM_RC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${lang_qrc})
Then include ${myapp_QM_RC} in add_executable along with other sources.
Note: For Qt4 replace all qt5_ prefixes with qt4_
My solution is to generate ts.qrc XML file with compiled translations from scratch and then complie it with app.
Here is example:
file(GLOB QRC_FILES *.qrc)
file(GLOB TS_FILES ts/*.ts)
# Option for updating translations
option(UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS "Update source translation ts/*.ts files (WARNING: make clean will delete the source *.ts files. Danger!)" OFF)
qt4_create_translation(QM_FILES ${TS_FILES})
# Compiling translations *.ts -> *.qm
qt4_add_translation(QM_FILES ${TS_FILES})
# Create translations QRC file - ts.qrc
file(WRITE ${TRANSLATIONS_QRC} "<RCC>\n\t<qresource prefix=\"/ts\">")
foreach(QM_FILE ${QM_FILES})
get_filename_component(QM_FILE_NAME ${QM_FILE} NAME)
file(APPEND ${TRANSLATIONS_QRC} "\n\t\t<file alias=\"${QM_FILE_NAME}\">${QM_FILE_NAME}</file>")
file(APPEND ${TRANSLATIONS_QRC} "\n\t</qresource>\n</RCC>")
# Compiling *.qrc files
qt4_add_resources(QRC_SRCS ${QRC_FILES})
# Add compiled resources to executable dependency list
add_executable(${APP_NAME} ... ${QRC_SRCS})
File tree:
/ - source code root
/rc.qrc - contains app icons etc.
/ts/appname_*.ts - application translations
/build - build root
/build/appname_*.qm - compiled translations
/build/ts.qrc - translations rescources
/build/Release/qrc_rc.cxx - compiled icon etc. resources
/build/Release/qrc_ts.cxx - compiled translation resources
Files in ts dir initially generated by lupdate tool.
You need to use Qt resources system to include your translation directly into your application binary. Use QT4_ADD_RESOURCES macro to do this. There is some example how to use it:
