Can anyone help to elaborate with example, I tried to do it but didn't understand the end-to-end workflow.
I wanted to learn how to use Zapier both personally and to provide clients with better support/information. Do you have any recommendations as to where to start? I looked on gitbook but could only find a sales pitch slide deck.
This isn't the best place for what you are trying to do, with that said your question may get removed but at the very least I can get you in the right direction.
Zapier Support Docs are useful for general knowledge.
Zapier also is really great about replying to questions (I've done it alot).
Stack Overflow is best for when you are stuck (especially with code).
How to get started:
First learn how to make some simple zaps, just login and open up the console to do something simple like 'New Google Sheet Row when New Gmail Message'. Then learn to use the Zapier Dev Tools. The Dev tools are what people struggle with as you are coding an API with node.js (the UI interface uses JavaScript which is easier to start with). So what you will need to do is create a successful connection and test it out. Here is a simple tutorial.
Learn by doing, and when you get stuck, come here and we can give you a hand.
I am trying to track the page speed of certain urls of my project on each merging of the pull requests in Github and output the results of report in HTML format or JSON file. On the CI side, I am going to use Jenkins. I have no prior knowledge on performance testing. I want to know about the best approach to automate the speed test, integrate it with Jenkins and output the result.
On researching over the internet, I noted few possibilities which could be done to achieve this goal.
Installing "Page Speed Insights (psi) node package", creating the script that uses the psi for fetching the speed of certain pages, generating the test reports for use with Jenkins. (Referred to this link by Oxagile)
Performance testing using Jmeter and integrating with Jenkins.
Performance analysis using LightHouse. (Referred to this link by Timo Stollenwerk)
Choosing the right approach is very important. Therefore, I would be very grateful if anyone can suggest me different approaches and thus the right one to use(with examples if possible)in my case to achieve this goal.
Thank you in advance.
After quite a bit of research, I found out that is the best solution for achieving this goal. It is a complete web performance tool that helps us to measure the performance of the website. It is best for running in the continuous integration to find web performance regressions on commits and monitoring them in production and alerting on regressions.
Does anyone knows how to get traceability matrix report in JIRA Cloud instance? Several good plugins there but all are only supported to the server instances, not for the cloud ? I have already installed QMetry JIRA plugin for test cases, if anyone tried a different solution for traceability matrix reports other than using a plugin, it would help me.
Looks like there are a few options that you could test for your need!
All-in-One Reports for JIRA
Traceability Matrix and Link Graph
Custom reporting with Midori
Not just these, there are quite a few custom approaches on getting this done, by implementing your own code on the results that you gain from JQL's instead. There is this page on Atlassian, that you must go through to get some hints and pointers for your implementation, or to choose from something that already exists.
Check this discussion!
Hope this helps!
At my workplace, I've been tasked to look into some metrics that the Jenkins tool provides and somehow pull them programatically and display them in some presentable format. The metrics that I need to pull are:
How many unit tests are passing? Failing? Skipping? The total % of passing?
How many integration tests are passing? Failing? Skipping? The total % of passing?
How many acceptance tests are passing? Failing? Skipping? The total % of passing?
How long does it take to execute the test? Make the build?
What is the number of tests executing in pipelines?
... the list goes on
Now I have a very small 1000 ft understanding of Jenkins, and an even smaller understanding of the steps that I need to take to make this program come to life. I am an intern with not much programming experience either, but after some research, I learned that I can navigate through the Jenkins API by adding '.../api' to the link that I want to find API elements for, and I know that I'm going to need to develop a plugin. Aside from that I don't have much direction at all. I don't know what environment I need to develop these plugins (Maven? Never heard of it)... I don't know what languages are supported (I only know C++, Java, and JS)... I don't know how to even install a plugin or get to the plugin on the Jenkins site. I feel like I'm drinking from a firehose with this task and need some guidance.
Does anyone have good guides, advice, tips, tricks, videos... anything that might help me get started on Jenkins plugin development? Any insight into how I might solve this problem too would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much.
First of all there are tools out there which generates HTML reports. You can start there.
For example: MSTest report (.trx) can be converted to HTML by TRXER
and can be published using the HTML Publisher Plugin
However if you're into building your own plugin use NetBeans (I have tried it; and it works)
But creating Jenkins graphs you have to google and see.
I am thinking to put automated regression tests in place for page load times. We have few deployment scenarios and I think we could use jmeter with Jenkins/hudson integration, but I am not sure how to go about it and what are the best practices to implement it.
Can you suggest what could be the approach to implement such regression test?
Are there any better alternative if not jmeter?
You can do that either with JMeter or with Grinder.
Performance Plugin will do the trick for you:
Please check this answer
You can also use Plot Plugin to visualize any data you want, for example you can define your own key performance metrics (KPIs).
You can find more details Plotting arbitrary data for repository.