Unable to create a debug Token or sign bar files - blackberry

The signing and debug token server has been down for more than a week and always getting "Error: Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://www.rim.net/Websigner/servlet/......" message.
Sadly, It is impossible to build and develop apps for BB10 devices without debug tokens.
Is there any other way to get a debug token or sign bar files ?
Note: I am using Momentics IDE
Thank you


Failing to get debug app check token for iOS

I'm closely following app check documentation in order to use debug token, however instead of seeing it logged out in the console I see following error (when running in debug simulator from xcode)
EDIT: Everything works as expected in testflight / real device build
EDIT 2: Created related github issue
[Firebase/AppCheck][I-FAA004002] Failed to exchange debug token to app check token: Error Domain=com.firebase.appCheck Code=0 "The server responded with an error:
- URL: https://firebaseappcheck.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/[my-project-id]/apps/1:[sensitive-data]:ios:[sensitive-data]:exchangeDebugToken
- HTTP status code: 403
- Response body: {
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "App attestation failed.",
Thus far I've implemented following steps, but had no luck
Enabled both attestation providers for my ios project (App Attest got enabled automatically when I added my team id)
Added FIRAppCheckDebugProviderFactory in my code i.e.
FIRAppCheckDebugProviderFactory *providerFactory = [[FIRAppCheckDebugProviderFactory alloc] init];
[FIRAppCheck setAppCheckProviderFactory:providerFactory];
[FIRApp configure];
Added -FIRDebugEnabled to my debug run launch arguments in schema
Added AppCheck capability to my target and set .entitlements App Attest environment to production
This was resolved upstream via addition to documentation
In short
The very first time app is installed / started it logs debug token
Once debug token is logged it should be added in firebase dashboard
After this all subsequent launches of the app reuse debug token that was logged initially
If initial token was not added to firebase console a 403 error will be thrown as app is using unverified token
You must also enable Manage Debug Tokens
, this link and pic can help you:

Apple Wallet Pass local development with http url

I finished setting up the webservice routes according to Apple documentation and I am able to sign and provide passes. Unfortunately I am experiencing the following problem. When I define the webServiceUrl as "https://localhost:5000/wallet/" the signing of the pass works as expected. I am then using the pass in the iOS Simulator where I have enabled the "Allow Http Services" in the developer settings but I am still getting the "An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made" error. Trying then to use http instead of https directly in the definition of the webServiceUrl in the pass.json file produces a signing error. Do you know which steps have to be made to be able to test pass updates locally?
The warning is telling you everything you need to know.
Change your webServiceUrl to http://localhost:5000/wallet/. The developer option means that you don't have to use https and the pass should still install on any device with "Allow Http Services" set.

Azure Mobile Apps Facebook Authentication stopped working

I'm using Azure Mobile Apps with the .NET SDK as a backend for my iOS app. The authentication done via Facebook. Yesterday out of nowhere (no code changes either on backend or app) the authentication with Facebook failed. The login inside the iOS client app is done via
self.client?.login(withProvider:"facebook", token: ["access_token" : FBSDKAccessToken.current().tokenString] ){ (user, error) in }
By calling this function I'm getting the following result, on the client.
Error Domain=com.Microsoft.MicrosoftAzureMobile.ErrorDomain Code=-1302 "You do not have permission to view this directory or page."
By inspecting the streaming logs of Azure Mobile Apps, I found out that the backend gets an Unauthorized 401.71 return back from calling the Facebook Graph API.
Streaming Log:
Microsoft.Azure.AppService.Authentication Verbose: 0 : Received request: POST https://XXXXXXXXXX.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/facebook
'w3wp.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'D:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\SMDiagnostics\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\SMDiagnostics.dll'. Skipped loading symbols.
'w3wp.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'D:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.ServiceModel.Internals\v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll'. Skipped loading symbols.
Microsoft.Azure.AppService.Authentication Verbose: 0 : Calling into external HTTP endpoint GET https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token.
Microsoft.Azure.AppService.Authentication Information: 0 : Sending response: 401.71 Unauthorized
I already tried cloning the Mobile App in Azure and creating a new Facebook App, without success.
for other users affected by this issue - I will quote the official answer from the MSDN Thread
Hotfix applied - App Restart Required
** UPDATE 3/28/2017 ** We're in the process of rolling out a rapid hotfix for affected apps worldwide. The hotfix mechanism will require
you to restart your app backend. You can do this using the Azure
Portal, the Azure Management CLI, or the App Service Mobile Companion
app for iOS and Android. Once restarted, please verify that your
Facebook logins are working again.
West US: Hotfix applied. Please restart your app. Other Regions:
I have the same problem, it stopped working yesterday without any code change.
I have tried to call the azure azure facebook authentication from rest client.
I get the same result as from the app, 401, and no additional information.
"access_token": "token Obtained after athorizing with facebook",
I have tried calling the facebook api from a rest client and it works.
My guess is that they changed something in azure web apps and broke the facebook authentification.
Please let me know if you find any solution.
This should be rolled out now. If you have any further questions see the MSDN thread from above: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/397f6952-57bf-4c28-b383-6bba08d28f9a/facebook-login-failures-with-app-service-authentication-authorization?forum=windowsazurewebsitespreview

Trigger.io: Android Issue Access Origin Policy

Trigger.io has just updated today and we found the new UI great! But when we run our Application to android Emulator, we suddenly found this issue:
[ERROR] XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://site.com/api/. Origin content://com.sample.android.app is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. -- From line 1 of null
[ERROR] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o -- From line 1 of
We are trying to access the api and then an error occured. It is working fine in Iphone but having a trouble in Android.
I hope trigger.io can address this issue please.
Trigger apps on Android are served via content:// urls which means they are not permitted to make requests to other domains, on iOS file:// urls are used so this restriction is not in place.
You have 2 options to fix this, either set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header sent by the server to *, or use forge.request.ajax to make the request. forge.request.ajax uses native code to make the request and so avoids any Javascript security limitations, more documentation is available here: https://trigger.io/docs/current/api/modules/request.html

Blackberry Signature Tool - Unable to Sign behind Proxy

I have the following dilemma. I was able to register my signing keys after many failure and attempt. But now to sign the application the signature tool gives the following error:
Status:"Failed-See Details"
Details:" General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable"
I am connecting through a proxy server but the signature tool is not prompting for my username and password.
I have upgraded to Windows 7 Professional 64bits - This is when the problem started.
