DNS issue when using Docker - docker

From a Spring Boot application running on a docker container, I am trying to connect to Rabbit MQ, Storm and other services which are also running on a docker container. It is working fine when using IP address like x.x.x.x but the same is not working when using the DNS name for that IP. In the command prompt I am able to ping and get a successful response for the same DNS name. Requesting for your help and support in this issue.

You said that you can resolve DNS on the command line. If you mean the command line of the host machine (outside of of the docker container), then the issue is probably with the container's own DNS settings.
A container has it's own network settings. Take a look at the /etc/resolv.conf file being used by the Spring Boot container - this will show you that container's DNS settings.


Can't start minikube inside docker network

I'm trying to start minikube on ubuntu 18.04 inside nginx proxy manager docker network in order to setup some kubernetes services and manage the domain names and the proxy hosts in the nginx proxy manager platform.
so I have nginxproxymanager_default docker network and when I run minikube start --network=nginxproxymanager_default I get
Exiting due to GUEST_PROVISION: Failed to start host: can't create with that IP, address already in use
what might I been doing wrong?
A similar error was reported with kubernetes/minikube issue 12894
please check whether there are other services using that IP address, and try starting minikube again.
Considering minikube start man page
--network string
network to run minikube with.
Now it is used by docker/podman and KVM drivers.
If left empty, minikube will create a new network.
Using an existing NGiNX network (as opposed to docker/podman) might not be supported.
I have seen NGiNX set up as ingress, not directly as "network".

Unable to make Docker container use OpenConnect VPN connection

I have a VM running Ubuntu 16.04, on which I want to deploy an application packaged as a Docker container. The application needs to be able to perform an HTTP request towards a server under VPN (e.g. server1.vpn-remote.com)
I successfully configured the host VM in order to connect to the VPN through openconnect, I can turn this connection on/off using a systemd service.
Unfortunately, when I run docker run mycontainer, neither the host nor the container are able to reach server1.vpn-remote.com. Weirdly enough, there is no error displayed in the VPN connection service logs, which is stuck to the openconnect messages confirming a successful connection.
If I restart the VPN connection after starting mycontainer, the host machine is able to access server1.vpn-remote.com, but not the container. Moreover, if I issue any command like docker run/start/stop/restart on mycontainer or any other container, the connection gets broken again even for the host machine.
NOTE: I already checked on the ip routes and there seems to be no conflict between Docker and VPN subnets.
NOTE: running the container with --net="host" results in both host and container being able to access the VPN but I would like to avoid this option as I will eventually make a docker compose deployment which requires all containers to run in bridge mode.
Thanks in advance for your help
EDIT: I figured out it is a DNS issue, as I'm able to ping the IP corresponding to server1.vpn-remote.com even after the VPN connection seemed to be failing. I'm going through documentation regarding DNS management with Docker and Docker Compose and their usage of the host's /etc/resolv.conf file.
I hope you don't still need help six months later! Some of the details are different, but this sounds a bit like a problem I had. In my case the solution was a bit disappointing: after you've connected to your VPN, restart the docker daemon:
sudo systemctl restart docker
I'm making some inferences here, but it seems that, when the daemon starts, it makes some decisions/configs based on the state of the network at that time. In my case, the daemon starts when I boot up. Unsurprisingly, when I boot up, I haven't had a chance to connect to the VPN yet. As a result, my container traffic, including DNS lookups, goes through my network directly.
Hat tip to this answer for guiding me down the correct path.

docker images fail to start because of unknownhost exception while trying to communicate with external host

I have a spring boot service which runs fine as spring boot app. I have created docker image out of it using docker file. When the image start, application seems starting fine till a point when it try to resolve external host (I have couple fo external service configured based on profile and I am running in dev profile which will communicate with external service like consule , mysql etc). It throws unknownhost exception. Same application run fine and able to run and communicate with external services while running it as spring boot app/service in my local machine . It seems like the issue is between host and docker container not able to use dns of host. Any help, how can I resolve the issue ?
From the Docker documentation:
DNS services
By default, a container inherits the DNS settings of the Docker
daemon, including the /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf.You can override
these settings on a per-container basis.
Flag Description
--dns The IP address of a DNS server. To specify multiple DNS servers, use
multiple --dns flags. If the container cannot reach any of the IP
addresses you specify, Google’s public DNS server is added,
so that your container can resolve internet domains.
--dns-search A DNS search domain to search non-fully-qualified hostnames.
To specify multiple DNS search prefixes, use multiple --dns-search flags.
--dns-opt A key-value pair representing a DNS option and its value. See your
operating system’s documentation for resolv.conf for valid options.
--hostname The hostname a container uses for itself. Defaults to the container’s
ID if not specified.
See also:
Docker docs: Configure container DNS
java.net.UnknownHostException on Docker

How to send a request from inside a docker container to the outside hostname/port of this container?

I have a web application running inside a php:7.1.8-apache docker container. The application has port 80 inside the container and port 8080 outside of it.
One part of the application sends requests to itself, but uses the outside hostname/port (for example to http://outsidehostname.local:8080).
This doesn't work because the port and the hostname does not exist inside the container.
I already tried the --hostname flag, but this doesn't solve the problem with the different port inside and outside of my container. So I am looking for a different solution.
The hostname (outsidehostname.local) comes from the host os (in my case macos). I am using dnsmasq to resolve all *.local hostnames to
Is there any way to configure docker so that this request works without changing the behavior of the application?
In docker you have various options to set hostnames that can be resolved from container to container: When to use --hostname in docker?
This doesn't work because the port and the hostname does not exist inside the container.
Why not? Where does this outside hostname come from?
Hostnames that cannot be resolved by docker could be resolved by other DNS servers configured on OS or network level. In general how a hostname will be resolved is not a trivial question and you first need to understand how / where your outside hostname is defined and resolved.
The hostname (outsidehostname.local) comes from the host os (in my case macos). I am using dnsmasq to resolve all *.local hostnames to
This explains your problem: log in to your running container (assuming it's Linux based) using docker exec -it <containerId> /bin/sh then inside the container if you try to look up outsidehostname.local you should see that outsidehostname.local cannot be resolved because there is no such DNS info inside the container OS. If it could be resolved to, your next problem would indeed be the wrong port.
Basically running the webserver inside the container defeats the purpose of running your own OSX DNS resolver outside the container. I don't know enough about your use case to really suggest a good solution, but for Linux based images you can always edit /etc/hosts or /etc/resolv.conf.

Can't connect to ASP.Net site in Docker for Windows

I am having difficulty connecting from the host to an ASP.Net website running in a Windows container on Docker. I can connect to a website running in a Linux container without any problem.
I have tried connecting to both localhost and to the IP port assigned to the container but in both cases I just get a timeout error.
I have tried several ASP.Net examples which are already pre-built along with trying to build my own custom image. In every case I get the same timeout error. I have also tried uninstalling and re-installing docker but that didn't change anything.
I am running Windows 10 Pro and Docker Community Edition Version 17.03.1-ce-win12 (12058)
Ultimately I was able to completely reset my container network using a customized older version of the Microsoft Vitualization cleanup scripts. https://github.com/Microsoft/Virtualization-Documentation/tree/live/windows-server-container-tools/CleanupContainerHostNetworking This reset my container network and everything is now working as expected.
When the published port/s for a container are defined using the EXPOSE directive in the container's Dockerfile, the -P argument must be used with the docker run command in order to "activate" those exposed port/s.
It is not possible for a Windows container host to access containers that it is running using localhost, or its external host IP address. Access containers running on a given host, A, by using the IP address of A from a second host, B. Alternatively, you can use the IP address of a container directly.
So there are a few nuances with ensuring that the proper firewall rules are created, and your containers are actually accessible on their published port/s.
For instance, I'll assume that your ASP.Net containerized application is defined by a container image, which was defined by a Dockerfile. If so, you probably defined the published port for the image/app using the Dockerfile EXPOSE directive. In this case, when you actually run the container you need to "activate" that published port using the "-P" argument to the docker run command.
For example, if your container image is web_app, and the Dockerfile for that image included the line, EXPOSE 80, then when you go ahead and run that image you need to do something like:
C:\> docker run -P web_app
Once the container is running, it should be available on container port 80. You can then go ahead and view the app via browser. To do that you have two options:
You can access the app from your container host, using the container IP and port
Find the container IP using docker network inspect nat, then looking for the endpoint/IP address that corresponds with your container.
You can also fund the container IP by running docker exec <CONTAINER ID> ipconfig, where <CONTAINER ID> is the ID of your container.
You can get the ID of your container and the exposed port for your container by running docker ps on the container host.
You can access the app from another host machine, using the container host IP and host port
You can find the IP address of your host using ipconfig.
You can identify the host port upon which your app is exposed, by running docker ps from the host. Then, under PORTS you'll see a mapping of the form<HOST PORT>-><CONTAINER PORT>/TCP. In this mapping <HOST PORT>, is the port upon which your app is available on the host.
Once you have the IP address of your container host, and the port upon which your app is available on the host, you can use that information to access your app from a browser on a separate host.
NOTE: Today you cannot access a container in this way from its own host--currently a Windows container host cannot access the containers it is running, despite whether localhost, or the host IP address is used.
