Neo4j database will not load in my desktop application on windows - neo4j

Please I am trying to access the Neo4j database via its browser. I have used both bolt//:localhost:7687 and http//:localhost:7474, and Username: "neo4j" and Password:"neo4j" but with no success. I can't even start a database instance.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Neo4j on my computer; I have updated Powershell on my Windows 8.1 computer, yet I keep getting an error message whenever I try to run the Movie database in the desktop.
I have also looked into the log.log file, but can't seem to find anything other than that I should update Powershell, which I have done.
I have corresponded with a relations officer at Neo4j, over 30 emails, and still I can't access Neo4j database.
Could it have anything to do with my web browser? I use Mozilla Firefox.
Because I am unable to successfully connect to Neo4j database, I can't call the api in R Studio and run cypher queries.
Does Neo4j have a web version, which I could use, since the desktop version isn't working?
Please does anybody have any idea or advice on what I could do to resolve this problem? I am really exasperated right now.


How can I get neo4j to connect to local demo?

I have neo4j installed (& the conf file says that authentication is off.)
I start the movie demo --- and am told to connect to the server.
When I type
:server connect
with No Authentication
the browser tells me that there is a graph waiting for me but then gives the message "Unable to extract host form undefined."
If you simply want to run the movie demo, you might prefer to use the free Neo4j sandbox rather than Neo4j Desktop. It runs in a web browser and there is nothing to install.
If you prefer to use Neo4j Desktop, confirm that your database has started.

Neo4j remote access from windows using putty

I installed Neo4j 3.2.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 and I tried to access it remotely using putty (from my windows-based computers). Without uncommenting anything in neo4j.conf, I can access Neo4j using the source port I defined in putty. Then, after connecting with the initial password "Neo4j" in the section saying "Connect to Neo4j Database access requires an authenticated connection.", I gets the famous error "ServiceUnavailable: WebSocket connection failure. Due to security constraints in your web browser, the reason for the failure is not available to this Neo4j Driver. Please use your browsers development console to determine ...".
So, after googling, I uncommented:
The interesting thing is that I tried to install Neo4j on my laptop (locally) and it worked and when I used its "bolt://..." database access password on my remote access "bolt://..." database access it works.So, I'm not sure what is going on here, can someone help?

OLE DB provider for Teradata 15.10.04?

I'm setting up a brand new system and decided to install TTU 15.10.04 (my old machine had TTU 14). When I run my apps, I get this error:
The 'TDOLEDB' provider is not registered on the local machine.
I used to get this error on earlier versions, but all I had to do was make sure my app was running in 32-bit mode. After checking everything multiple times and not being able to isolate the problem, I searched for the OLE DB installation folder on my new machine, but have not been able to find it. So I checked my old machine and found that it was installed here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradata\Client\14.00\OLE DB Provider for Teradata
I have no such equivalent folder on my new machine. The only thing I have is OLE DB Access Module, but I am sure that's not it. I have concluded that I do not have the OLE DB provider installed at all and cannot seem to find out where to get it. It's as if it has disappeared. Any help would be great
You can download the teradata oledb provider for ttu15 HERE
Hope this helps

Linkurious will not connect to neo4j

I have just downloaded Linkurious v1.2.7 on Windows 7
Neo4j is v2.2.0-M02 running on the same localhost.
Neo4j works without issue. I have a .NET WebService project that can query the HTTP endpoint at http://localhost:7474/db/data without problem.
Linkurious is installed correctly (presumably). I have modified the graphdb.json file with the localhost url and username and password for Neo4j.
after some troubleshooting Linkurious can see that the Neo4j database is running but it throws the error:
"The graph database Rest API did not respond. Please check its connection settings & log trace."
I am not seeing any activity from linkurious in the neo4j console.log.
Anyone have any leads for me? I was hoping to work through the weekend to get this project done.
as Christophe Willemsen indicated, Linkurious 1.2.7 does not yet work with Neo4j 2.2.0.
You can now access a new version called Linkurious Starter that fully supports Neo4j 2.2.0. Go to to download it.
Let me know if it solves your issue!

Starting Neo4j Server failed: Component was successfully initialized, but server failed to start

I was given a graph db I must open with Neo4j. Installed community version Neo4j-2.2.0-M02 on Win7 Ultimate laptop successfully. When I tried to start the server, after pointing to the graph db, I get the following error:
Starting Neo4j Server failed:
Component org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#325ce05c was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see attached cause exception.
Logged in as windows local admin. Windows FWall is off. There's no antivirus SW installed on the machine. Local admin has full perms on entire root drive. When I point to the default db, Neo4j server starts normally and I can browse http://localhost:7474/ without a problem.
Any lead will be appreciated.
The aforementioned error message was the result of using a Neo4j version different to the one the graph db was originally developed. In particular, the original graph db was developed in ver 2.0.4 Community that due to my lack of knowledge I was trying to run on an installation of Neo4j ver. 2.2.0-M02 (for development only).
The code owner enlightened me to the fact and an attempt to bring up the graph db on ver. 2.0.4 Community was successful.
Thanks for your support.
Delete the folder "c:\Users\Yourname\MyDocuments\Neo4j"
I removed the plugins that were loaded from <NEO4J_HOME>/plugins as they were also loaded from under <DATABASE_HOME>/plugins
