Using Declarative Jenkins pipeline from SCM - Subversion - How to get svn Url? - jenkins

This looks like very basic question about Jenkins usage.
I have Jenkinsfile located in root folder of my Subversion repository tree. There are many branches (versions/tags) of the product - everywhere is the same Jenkinsfile. So far very basic setup, I suppose.
I need to provide some steps with current Subversion repository branch/url.
There are some similar questions like this or this, but none is working solution for Subversion.
pipeline {
agent { label 'master' }
stages {
stage("test") {
steps {
echo "Start pipeline "
// commented-out = not working
//echo scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()
//echo scm
script {
println "Current svn url/branch: "//??? + scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()[0].getUrl()

It will be like this
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
steps {
script {
def s = checkout scm;
if (s.GIT_URL != null) {
print s.GIT_URL
print s.GIT_BRANCH
print s.GIT_COMMIT
else if (s.SVN_URL != null) {
print s.SVN_REVISION_1
print s.SVN_URL
print s.SVN_URL_1
Note- This works fine with GIT and SVN, but a bit differently.


Job DSL plugin | Shared Library | Pipeline jobs | Github Hook not working

Please bear with me the description might be long but it might give a clean picture of the intent and issue.
I have used Job DSL Plugin to create a seeder job, which in turns creates two new Jobs. I have 2 separate repositories
For maintaining jenkins pipeline scripts.
For actual code to build.
First I have created a pipeline job in jenkins which in turns creates view and 2 jobs. Config shown below:
The Jenkinsfile given below uses Job DSL plugin api, reads the groovy script and creates the required 2 jobs.
node('master') {
checkout scm
jobDsl targets: ['dsl/seedJobBuilder.groovy'].join('\n'),
removedJobAction: 'IGNORE',
removedViewAction: 'IGNORE',
lookupStrategy: 'SEED_JOB'
seedJobBuilder.groovy creates a dsl pipeline job whose task would be to build the actual codebase.
listView('Build Pipelines') {
description('All build and deploy jobs')
jobs {
columns {
def buildCommerce = pipelineJob('build') {
properties {
githubProjectUrl("${projectRepo}") // url of actual code repo not the jenkins script repo
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
url("${pipelineRepo}") // jenkins script repo url
triggers {
Config of the above job created by Job DSL:
This job reads the pipelineBuildEveryDay groovy script, checkout the actual codebase and build and deploy.
The place where I am struggling is how do we trigger build on this second job through github hook or through ghprb. Since I don't want to manipulate manually the second job and the git url of the job is the script repo URL not the codebase URL. Is it possible to do this even? If yes what am I missing?
I have the webhook configured
pipeline {
libraries {
agent {
node {
label 'master'
options {
skipDefaultCheckout(true) // No more 'Declarative: Checkout' stage
stages {
stage('Crazy Build Pipeline') {
tools {
jdk 'java11'
stages {
stage('Prepare build name') {
currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.number}-build"
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
script {
checkoutRepository("${projectDir}", "${params.PROJECT_TAG}", "${params.PROJECT_REPO}")
stage('Run Tests') {
steps {
echo "Running test coming soon..."
// post build actions
post {
success {
echo "success"
failure {
echo "failure"
Well the suffering comes to an end. Posting this answer for anyone struggling with similar sort of issues.
Make sure you uncheck all other types of trigger, the only checked one should be pull request builder.
The part which screwed me was the Project URL. In my case in SCM part the github url was of the Jenkins-scripts repository URL not the URL of the codebase I want to build. So I tried to use my codebase repository URL in Github Project URL textbox.
But the real problem was using repository URL in the format 'https://code-base-repo-url.git' instead it should be 'https://code-base-repo-url'. Sounds stupid? Yeah I know!
Finally the complete Job config pipeline script if it helps:
def pipelineRepo = 'https://jenkins-script-repo'
def projectRepo = 'https://code-base-repo-url'
def projectTag = '${GIT_BRANCH}'
def buildCommerce = pipelineJob('build') {
properties {
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
triggers {
githubPullRequest {
triggerPhrase('build please')
extensions {
commitStatus {
completedStatus('SUCCESS', 'All is well')
completedStatus('FAILURE', 'Something went wrong. Investigate!')
completedStatus('ERROR', 'Something went really wrong. Investigate!')

is there any easy way to remove (clean) the pipeline ws, when using another node?

When using a jenkins pipeline, on an ephemeral node (e.g. fargate):
pipeline {
agent {
label 'build-swarm'
stages {
post {
always {
the ws cleanup [plugin][1] will try and remove the ws on the ephemeral node, which is pointless.
In an ideal world, we would use lightweight checkout on the controller, but because reasons this is not possible. So we have a fairly large repo checkout, that is not cleaned up.
This is the best thing I've managed to come up with:
pipeline {
node('master') {
folder = JOB_NAME.split('/')[0]
job = JOB_NAME.split('/')[1]
ws("${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/${folder}/jobs/${job}/workspace#script") {
stage('clean up ws') {
which seems to work, but feels very fragile. Am I missing something obvious?
If I got you right you need to run cleanWs() step before pipeline run. Use:
pipeline {
agent any
options {
// This is required if you want to clean before build
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Clean before build
// We need to explicitly checkout from SCM here
checkout scm
echo "Building ${env.JOB_NAME}..."

Build stages in Jenkins only when specific files are changed but use a function

I want to update my Jenkins pipeline in way that certain stages are only build when some specific files are changed (git is already integrated in the pipeline). I found a promising solution on this site, which would go like this for my use case (this code run successful):
stage("TEST STAGE 1") {
when {
anyOf { changeset "*dir1/*"; changeset "*dir2/*"; changeset "*somefile" }
steps {
// Do stuff
But I have more stages (TEST STAGE 2 and TEST STAGE 3) which should also be triggered only when these files are changed. To avoid writing the same code over and over (which would be bad practice), I implemented a function (I got the code from here):
def runStage(changeset) {
return {
changeset ==~ ("*dir1/*"||"*dir2/*"||"*somefile")
I call this function in the TEST stages (also TEST 2 and 3):
stage("TEST STAGE 1") {
when {
expression{ runStage(changeset) }
steps {
// Do stuff
But now my pipeline fails when entering the first TEST stage. I get this error:
hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: changeset for class: WorkflowScript
Do you have an idea what I am doing wrong?
I found a solution.
This is my function:
def runStage() {
script: 'git log -2 --name-only --oneline --pretty="format:"',
returnStdout: true
echo "Current changeset: ${CHANGE_SET}"
return (CHANGE_SET ==~ "(.*)dir1(.*)|(.*)dir2(.*)|(.*)somefile")
I call it in my pipeline stage like this:
stage("TEST STAGE 1") {
when {
expression { runStage() }
steps {
I would have prefered using changeset in the when block instead of git log, but it looks like it can't be done for my case.

Jenkins multibranch pipeline postbuild only on specific branch (declarative)

How can you create a pipeline that does its stages on every branch, but the postbuild action only on specific branches.
I have seen the when {branch 'production'} option, but it seems to me, that this only works for stage blocks and not for post blocks.
Is there a way to do something like
pipeline {
agent { any }
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
bat script:"echo build"
post {
always {
when {
branch 'production'
bat script:"echo publish"
the if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'production') seems to be only for scripted pipelines
Conditional post section in Jenkins pipeline has an answer: use script and if inside the post condition.
post {
always {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'production') {
// I have not verified whether your step works here;
// conditional emailext works as expected.
bat script:"echo publish"

Job DSL to create "Pipeline" type job

I have installed Pipeline Plugin which used to be called as Workflow Plugin earlier.
I want to know how can i use Job Dsl to create and configure a job which is of type Pipeline
You should use pipelineJob:
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
You can define the logic by inlining it:
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
echo 'logic'
stage('Stage 2') {
steps {
echo 'logic'
or load it from a file located in workspace:
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
Seed-job file structure:
\- productJob.groovy
\- productPipeline.jenkinsfile
then productJob.groovy content:
pipelineJob('product-job') {
definition {
cps {
I believe this question is asking something how to use the Job DSL to create a pipeline job which references the Jenkinsfile for the project, and doesn't combine the job creation with the detailed step definitions as has been given in the answers to date. This makes sense: the Jenkins job creation and metadata configuration (description, triggers, etc) could belong to Jenkins admins, but the dev team should have control over what the job actually does.
#meallhour, is the below what you're after? (works as at Job DSL 1.64)
pipelineJob('DSL_Pipeline') {
def repo = ''
triggers {
scm('H/5 * * * *')
description("Pipeline for $repo")
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote { url(repo) }
branches('master', '**/feature*')
extensions { } // required as otherwise it may try to tag the repo, which you may not want
// the single line below also works, but it
// only covers the 'master' branch and may not give you
// enough control.
// git(repo, 'master', { node -> node / 'extensions' << '' } )
Ref the Job DSL pipelineJob:, and hack away at it on to see the generated config.
This example worked for me. Here's another example based on what worked for me:
pipelineJob('Your App Pipeline') {
def repo = ''
def sshRepo = ''
description("Your App Pipeline")
githubProjectUrl (repo)
rebuild {
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote { url(sshRepo) }
extensions { } // required as otherwise it may try to tag the repo, which you may not want
If you build the pipeline first through the UI, you can use the config.xml file and the Jenkins documentation to create your pipeline job.
In Job DSL, pipeline is still called workflow, see workflowJob.
The next Job DSL release will contain some enhancements for pipelines, e.g. JENKINS-32678.
First you need to install Job DSL plugin and then create a freestyle project in jenkins and select Process job DSLs from the dropdown in the build section.
Select Use the provided DSL script and provide following script.
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage name 1') {
steps {
// your logic here
stage('Stage name 2') {
steps {
// your logic here
Or you can create your job by pointing the jenkinsfile located in remote git repository.
pipelineJob("job-name") {
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
If you are using a git repo, add a file called Jenkinsfile at the root directory of your repo. This should contain your job dsl.
