Can't create iOS simulator - ios

I am trying to create an iOS simulator with iOS 10 on iPad 2.
I went to the dialog which allows us to create new simulators, Then I entered the simulator's name
and the device "iPad 2" in my case.
Now, time to chose an operating system. Since iOS 10 wasn't available by default, I checked the download option on the left and downloaded the version I wanted.
I downloaded iOS 10 as shown below. :
But when I go back to select the OS I downloaded for my emulator, it doesn't even appear in the drop down.
The same goes for every other simulator I tried to create.
Please does someone know what is wrong ?

Max iOS for iPad 2 is iOS 9.x
Best option is to use a device.
If you really want an iPad 2 simulator, you'll need to use an older version of Xcode.


Simulator don't appearing in the list of available devices

I am need test project on older device iPhone 7 and 6 but I can't add simulator for running. I am open list of iOS Simulator press "Add Additional Simulator..." and I am selected device which I am want, but how Run this device if I am show this simulator after closing window.List of simulator
It's problem just fixed after one week without my manipulation, xcode updated and problem disappear.

iOS simulator version

I tried Appium iOS tutorial and ran the example successfully. I noticed the runs on iOS simulator with title "iPhone 6/iOS 8.2" on the top of the simulator.
However the title is "iPhone 6/iOS 9.0" when I run the app developed by myself from Xcode. I am wondering which part controls to use different version of iOS simulator?
When you install Xcode, you automatically get the most recent version of the simulators. However, if you would like to define additional simulators with older iOS versions, you can.
In Xcode, go to Window (on the tool bar), and select Devices. There, you can see a list of all of your current devices and all of your currently setup simulators. If you click the plus on the lower left corner of the screen, you'll get to this screen:
Here, you can select the device you'd like to use for the simulator and its iOS version. By default, you'll only have the most recent version of iOS, but if you'd like to add older versions, just select 'Download more simulators' and you'll be given the option to download older versions and use them for testing.
Once you've set up the new simulator, you'll be able to select it from the list of available devices to run your app on. Good Luck!

how to deploy and debug an iOS app on iPhone 4 using Xcode 6

I have an app which is crashing on iPhone 4 having 7.1 installed , i want to debug app on phone using xcode 6, is it possible(as it shows unavailable currently) ? if not what are the options I am left with ?
There is no option for an "iPhone 4 Simulator" in Xcode 6. But, if you use an iPhone 4S simulator with iOS 7.1, you can achieve the same effect, because with the same screen size and OS they are essentially the same for testing on the simulator. Also see this question for reference.
Of course, if you have a physical iPhone 4, you can also test on the actual device. Make sure that your Deployment Target under TARGETS AND the iOS Deployment Target under PROJECT are set to 7.1 or below. Your Base SDK can be set higher, but this means you will have to make sure that you are either not using features or classes that are unavailable in earlier versions of iOS, or do a version check and adapt your program accordingly. For example, UIAlertController was introduced in iOS 8, and will crash a device below that if it is invoked. So you might want to do a version check and use good old UIAlertView if the iOS device version is below 8. An issue like this is the most probable cause of your crash.
Also, if it's the first time you're using this device for development, don't forget to set it up by going to Window -> Devices, selecting your connected device, and pressing Use for development.
If you don't have the iOS 7.1 SDK and don't see it as a iPhone 4S (7.1) in the simulator selection, you need to download it by going to Preferences -> Downloads.

IOS-Simulator in Xcode does not show iPhone -like but regular window

It used to work properly, with 100% as well as 50%. Then I did not use the simulator for some time but only the console, having moved the simulator almost out of site. Now I need it but realize that instead of an iPhone surface just a regular window is shown, like in this thread:
XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone
I read lots of proposal I found on the web to this problem and followed the advices.
So I changed the size to 100%, tried different iPhone devices. And finally I deleted the Xcode application from the application folder and removed all remaining items by putting in the order
sudo /Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
into the terminal.
I downloaded Xcode again.
The problem is still there.
The very strange thing about it: It did work properly when I installed Xcode for the first time, about 6 weeks ago.
As far as I know it depends on the deployment target whether the simulator shows the iPhone frame or not. I think if you set iOS 7 as the target you won't be able to see the iPhone image around your app screen. (For example, I have never seen an iPhone image in the simulator for a 4'' device.)
Try changing the deployment target and play around with different devices under Hardware / Device in the simulator.
Here is a more detailed answer.
It's one of the replies to the question that you linked.
You better select your simulator and set Hardware -> Device -> iPhone
Note 1: If you want the simulator should looks like iPhone do not select the retina simulator.
Note 2: You must check the target version of you app in xcode it must be below 7.0
Note 3: Keep the scale of simulator always 100%.
Are you sure the current project you're working on is an iOS and not an OS X project? You can verify this be looking at the project's folder. If the app ist for OS X, there is most likely a .xib file. If it's a iOS project, there should be a storyboard file.
As the OS X apps use windows, like the one you described, this could be a hint.
I have found the solution for the problem I had (and other users as well):
At PREFERENCES / DOWNLOADS older versions of the iOS simulator are available. While at the moment the current version is 7.0 (beginning January 2014), versions 6.0 and 6.1 are being offered for download.
After downloading I could chose more devices than with version 7.0. Now also the non-Retina iPhone is available.
As a result, the iPhone surface is being displayed when set to 100% (at WINDOW - SIZE).
Thanks to everyone helping!

iPhone simulator not working since xcode5 upgrade

Ever since i upgraded to xcode5, the iOS simulator only displays as an iPad even though the project is targeted for iPhone. The Run button also shows it's set to iPhone and I've tried switching between the different iPhone types in simulator. But no matter what, my iPhone project opens as an iPad simulation. Anybody encounter this problem or know how to fix it?
I believe I've downloaded all the relevant libraries and tools from apple as well. I'll double check that now but I'm pretty sure I have all the accessory downloads up to date.
I found the answer! Due to the changes with resolution of the retina display, the simulator was loading without the bezel. Turns out the best way to solve this problem without a large screen or retina display is to deploy target in navigator=>General menu=> to iOS 6.1 and make sure iOS simulator=>Hardware=>Devices=>is set to iOS 6.1 as well.
Have you tried changing the simulator device? Go to iOS -> hardware -> devices?
Download the extra components/simulators..
If you find your iOS simulator is showing a large iPad like display since upgrading, it's because of the change in resolution for the retina display. In order to view the simulator as a regular looking iPhone follow these steps:
Deploy your project target for iOS 6.1 or earlier. In the navigator menu (far left), top folder (your project folder), click it. Make sure "General" is selected in the menu in the centre of the screen. In 'deployment Info' set it to iOS 6.1 and 'devices' to iPhone.
Open iOS simulator: Click 'XCODE' in the top left of the screen => Open Developer Tools => iOS Simulator.
In iOS simulator, go to => Hardware => Devices => select iPhone => iOS 6.1. Make sure not to select any of the hardware devices that are listed as retina displays, thats the major key.
Finally, make sure the deployment next to the run button is also showing 'iPhone iOS 6.1' AND NOT 'iPhone Retina...'
And enjoy seeing the iPhone simulator properly again! :)
