I am trying to adapt Zack Akil's script to generate a Google Form from a Google Sheet using App Script, but one thing that I am struggling with is to make the sheet's input parsed as HTML. I generate a form based on my sheet, all the text on cells is placed in Forms as plain text, the HTML is not parsed (see figure below).
I pasted the script from Zack and I kindly ask you to point out where should I modify in order to have this parsed on the form.
function getSpreadsheetData(sheetName) {
// Return an list of objects (one for each row) containing the sheets data.
var arrayOfArrays = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName || 'Sheet1').getDataRange().getValues();
var headers = arrayOfArrays.shift();
return arrayOfArrays.map(function (row) {
return row.reduce(function (memo, value, index) {
if (value) {
memo[headers[index]] = value;
return memo;
}, {});
function create_ranges_for_data(form, data, data_section_name){
// loop throughh each row
data.forEach(function (row) {
// create a new question page
// add page title
// create number range input with the title being the document to be labeled
.setBounds(1, 10)
function make_form_using_column(column_name) {
// create a new Google Form document
var form = FormApp.create('Data labelling - ' + column_name)
desc = "Thank you for taking the time to label this data!";
var data = getSpreadsheetData();
create_ranges_for_data(form, data, column_name);
function gen_form(){
var COLUMN_TO_USE = 'Input text'
You can't use HTML text formatting. most sites block it because it poses a security risk. You might need to install an add-on or, like fullfine said, use bold text.
I'm pretty new to excel or google sheets. The work place, that I work at does not have anything stream lined.
I'm trying to create my own work book that I can refresh everyday I log in so that I can have a list of things that I need to work on for that day.
One of the functions that I would like to have is, whenever a new sheet is shared with me on Google Sheets, I want the URL for that sheet to populate in one of the cells in my workbook automatically and arranged based on timestamp.
I was trying to search for this on Google, but I read that: shared with me docs are not stored anywhere specifically.
Any help or pointing me in the right direction is highly appreciated.
It is easy to fetch the files that have been shared with you. For that, you can simply call the Drive API's Files: list method specifying in the q parameter the sharedWithMe attribute.
Afterwards, you can use the SpreadsheetApp class to gather a spreadsheet and insert data into it. In this case, you can simply make several calls of apendRow() to insert the results.
Finally, properties can be used to store the status of the script (last date checked), so that it can know where to resume from. In this case below, we'll be saving the date in the LAST_DATE property.
function myFunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID).getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
var lastDate = new Date(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('LAST_DATE'));
var currentDate = new Date();
var files = getFiles(lastDate);
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
var row = [
new Date(files[i].sharedWithMeDate),
files[i].owners.map(getEmail).join(', ')];
console.log('lastDate: %s, currentDate: %s, events added: %d', lastDate, currentDate, files.length);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('LAST_DATE', currentDate.toISOString());
function getEmail(user) {
return user.emailAddress;
function getFiles(lastSharedDate) {
var query = "sharedWithMe and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'";
var res = Drive.Files.list({
q: query,
orderBy: "sharedWithMeDate desc",
fields: "*",
pageSize: 1000
// `query` parameter cannot compare sharedWithMeDate, so we do it afterwards
return res.items.filter(function (i) {
return (new Date(i.sharedWithMeDate) > lastSharedDate);
You can set up the script to be ran periodically (i.e once a day, or more in case you'd need it) using Time-driven triggers.
I followed the example on this link https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns.render and was able to insert the hyperlink into the table. However, I could not make the label of the hyperlink dynamic. Here is my code:
render: function (data, type, row) {
var chipName = data.substring(data.length-6, data.length-1);
return 'chipName';
As you can see, I defined chipName as a variable and its value is from the data. However, with this code, the label for the hyperlink is always "chipName" instead of "ABB109", "ABB110" as expected.
Please help
That's because you are not concatenating chipName variable with the string.
The right code:
return '' + chipName + '';
I'm trying to create a dynamic HYPERLINK formula that will automatically create the link based on the sheet name in Column A, but I'm not sure how (or if it's possible) to get the URL of the sheet based on the name.
Here's the setup:
Single Google Spreadsheet with multiple tabs
Tab names: 1500, 1501, 1502, Consolidated
On the Consolidated tab, I have two columns: Column A is the Sheet Name, and Column B is a HYPERLINK formula, that when clicked should open the corresponding sheet.
Is there a way to programmatically get the URL for the sheet based on the sheet name in Column A? Perhaps I could use a script to populate Column C with the URL, then use the following formula: =HYPERLINK(C2,A2)?
Thanks for the help!
Surprised to see this as a top search on Google but with no answer.
Anyway, here's the method I found that works for me: combine Hyperlink with values from a different column using the &, a basic example is shown below:
If you are trying to automatically generate direct URL's to specific sheets based on their name, and do not want to use scripts, you are out of luck. Currently, the only way to link directly to specific sheets is by appending the correct gid number to the spreadsheet URL. A gid must be either copied manually from the active sheet's URL, or automatically extracted with a custom function, created using scripts.
Since you're open to using scripts, it looks like i found a detailed tutorial of how to do this. https://www.benlcollins.com/spreadsheets/index-sheet/
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Index Menu')
.addItem('Create Index', 'createIndex')
.addItem('Update Index', 'updateIndex')
// function to create the index
function createIndex() {
// Get all the different sheet IDs
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
var namesArray = sheetNamesIds(sheets);
var indexSheetNames = namesArray[0];
var indexSheetIds = namesArray[1];
// check if sheet called sheet called already exists
// if no index sheet exists, create one
if (ss.getSheetByName('index') == null) {
var indexSheet = ss.insertSheet('Index',0);
// if sheet called index does exist, prompt user for a different name or option to
else {
var indexNewName = Browser.inputBox('The name Index is already being used,
please choose a different name:', 'Please choose another name',
if (indexNewName != 'cancel') {
var indexSheet = ss.insertSheet(indexNewName,0);
else {
Browser.msgBox('No index sheet created');
// add sheet title, sheet names and hyperlink formulas
if (indexSheet) {
// function to update the index, assumes index is the first sheet in the workbook
function updateIndex() {
// Get all the different sheet IDs
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
var indexSheet = sheets[0];
var namesArray = sheetNamesIds(sheets);
var indexSheetNames = namesArray[0];
var indexSheetIds = namesArray[1];
// function to print out the index
function printIndex(sheet,names,formulas) {
sheet.getRange(1,1).setValue('Workbook Index').setFontWeight('bold');
// function to create array of sheet names and sheet ids
function sheetNamesIds(sheets) {
var indexSheetNames = [];
var indexSheetIds = [];
// create array of sheet names and sheet gids
+ sheet.getSheetId()
+ '","'
+ sheet.getSheetName()
+ '")']);
return [indexSheetNames, indexSheetIds];
Happy new year, folks,
Currently, I'm accessing and loading a Google Sheets worksheet using the following, default way:
URL metafeedUrl = new URL(SPREADSHEET_URL);
SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = service.getEntry(metafeedUrl, SpreadsheetEntry.class);
URL cellFeedUrl = ((WorksheetEntry) spreadsheet.getWorksheets().get(0)).getCellFeedUrl();
// Get entries as cells
feed = (CellFeed) service.getFeed(cellFeedUrl, CellFeed.class);
Then I work with it, etc. Everyting works just fine.
The problem:
I'm about to deploy the application and have it work with a Worksheet that has several hundred, if not thousand rows of cells. To me, the only relevant rows are usually the 100-200 bottom ones.
Is there a way to partially load a CellFeed, preferrably from the bottom up? Does the API provide such a way?
Looking at the API itself, you can do it with cell feed or list feed.
in cell feed, look at https://developers.google.com/google-apps/spreadsheets/#fetching_specific_rows_or_columns
you can specify there the minimum/maximum row/columns to get, and there is also a java example in there.
a more efficient way to get your data, is the row feed as it sends less bytes in return:https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/
with the undocumented "start-index' parameter so it only reads starting at that row.
I use this and works for the "old" and "new" sheets.
The first time you will need to get all rows (or attempt some sort of binary lookup to find the last spreadsheet row).
I have not used the java api library, it probably does not allow for that undocumented parameter. You can always do a url "get" directly from java or any language and use the spreadsheet api directly by https.
I got this tip a long time ago from here:
and use it on this github project (javascript ajax call example)
I don't know any CellFeed, but you can create an HTML feed that retrieves a number of ROWS from any Spreadsheet, then treat that HTML, would that work for you? What are the goals when retrieving the information?
function doGet() {
return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("form").evaluate().setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.NATIVE);
function getLastLines( numLines, ssId, sheetName ){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssId).getSheetByName(sheetName);
return JSON.stringify(sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() - numLines, 1, numLines, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues());
in form.html
<div id="arrayPlace"></div>
function changeDiv( res ){
document.getElementById("arrayPlace").innerHTML = res;
function getUrlParameter(sParam)
var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1);
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++)
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0] == sParam)
return sParameterName[1];
var numLines = getUrlParameter("numLines");
var ssId = getUrlParameter("ssId");
var sheetName = getUrlParameter("sheetName");
google.script.run.withSuccessHandler( changeDiv ).getLastLines( numLines, ssId, sheetName );
And the URL would have the additional parameters:
I'm using Sitecore 7.2 with MVC and a component approach to page building. This means that pages are largely empty and the content comes from the various renderings placed on the page. However, I would like the search results to return the main pages, not the individual content pieces.
Here is the basic code I have so far:
public IEnumerable<Item> GetItemsByKeywords(string[] keywords)
var index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index");
var allowedTemplates = new List<ID>();
IEnumerable<Item> items;
// Only Page templates should be returned
allowedTemplates.Add(new Sitecore.Data.ID("{842FAE42-802A-41F5-96DA-82FD038A9EB0}"));
using (var context = index.CreateSearchContext(SearchSecurityOptions.EnableSecurityCheck))
var keywordsPredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
var templatePredicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
SearchResults<SearchResultItem> results;
// Only return results from allowed templates
templatePredicate = allowedTemplates.Aggregate(templatePredicate, (current, t) => current.Or(p => p.TemplateId == t));
// Add keywords to predicate
foreach (string keyword in keywords)
keywordsPredicate = keywordsPredicate.And(p => p.Content.Contains(keyword));
results = context.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(keywordsPredicate).Filter(templatePredicate).GetResults();
items = results.Hits.Select(hit => hit.Document.GetItem());
return items;
You could create a computed field in the index which looks at the renderings on the page and resolves each rendering's data source item. Once you have each of those items you can index their fields and concatenate all of this data together.
One option is to do this with the native "content" computed field which is natively what full text search uses.
An alternative solution is to make an HttpRequest back to your published site and essentially scrape the HTML. This ensures that all renderings are included in the index.
You probably will not want to index common parts, like the Menu and Footer, so make use of HTMLAgilityPack or FizzlerEx to only return the contents of a particular parent container. You could get more clever to remove inner containers is you needed to. Just remember to strip out the html tags as well :)
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using Fizzler.Systems.HtmlAgilityPack;
//get the page
var web = new HtmlWeb();
var document = web.Load("http://localsite/url-to-page");
var page = document.DocumentNode;
var content = page.QuerySelector("div.main-content");