How would you go about pausing and resuming a UIDynamicAnimator's physics simulation? There is no way to programmatically pause and resume. There is a "paused" state when all items are at rest however I am am looking for something different. For example, I'd like to have an item being pulled by a gravity field, then press a pause button to pause the simulation, and then press a resume button and have the simulation resumed as if nothing happened. The item maintains it's trajectory, velocity, etc.
My hunch is that I have to somehow save the item's physics properties, remove the dynamic behaviors, and then add the dynamic behaviors back to mimic the saved physics properties from before. Is this the right approach?
You can do this only by removing all behaviours using removeAllBehaviors().
To restart the simulation you have to add each behavior
I have a scene in my game view controller but i want to kill it when the player dies. This is because when the player restarts the game the fps decreases as the previous scenes are still running. My game runs on being repetitive and so there are multiple places where functions are called every point second. This is why the fps keeps decreasing. How can i input a method to kill the scene.
I previously used the code removeAllChildren() but that didn't cover it and the reason why was i needed the code removeAllActions() as well
This seems like such a basic concept but there is really no good answer.
I currently have a pretty basic setup, in my game's scene, I have an enum gameState which is currently either inGame or gamePaused.
I have my button set up, and I have it so pressing simply toggles gameState.
Then, to make it work, I have two separate update methods: One for when gamePaused, one for when inGame.
This works for 95% of my game, as the updates in my game can be pretty readily started and stopped without any issues. There are some issues I cannot tackle though.
First and foremost are actions. I use SKActions for a bit of my project (some movement, scaling, fading...) and this method does NOT pause them. This can be catastrophic in certain points. Secondly, this doesn't handle particles, physics, and a few other things that are not directly associated to my update methods.
The only clue I have is self.view.paused = YES, but that isn't going to work either.
First off, this DOES fix my actions, particles, and physics problem... kinda. But This question suggests that SKActions aren't actually PAUSED by this, but actually STOPPED completely. Is this true? If it is, then it won't work smoothly either because my actions are thrown out of whack.
Also, pausing the view seems to do what it says: stop everything. EVERYTHING. Newbie question here, but how am I supposed to get any code to run at that point? It's all cut off. Is this where I need subViews? I have never used a subView yet, but it sounds like its what I want in this case.
Simply put, there are a lot of unanswered questions for me, and I don't know how to proceed. I'm hoping there's some 'standard procedure' for pausing in Sprite Kit, but with pausing the view halting actions I truly have no idea where to proceed.
Should I move away from using actions? Is my idea of a pause subView sound?
I don't want to babble, all I want to know is how you go about pausing in your average Sprite Kit project. Additional info provided upon request.
Pausing a node will pause (not stop) the node's actions, and i suppose pause will also be applied to all children of the paused node in the same way. All other unpaused nodes will continue to run their actions to completion.
You should have a "game layer" node with all game nodes in them that you want to pause, and then just pause that "game layer" node. Then have a "pause game menu" node where you add all the pause menu stuff you need which will continue to function normally even if the game layer is paused.
Be very sure you do not use performSelector or NSTimer or GCD or any other scheduling methods besides actions or the scene's update: method because those will not adhere to a node's paused state.
Pausing the view effectively freezes everything in it, pausing the scene according to some will not pause the update: calls - but I have not verified this myself. If this were the case you can always check inside the update method whether a given node that you send a message to is paused and if so, decide not to send certain messages to that node.
I just called a map function on all children of the scene and set the paused property to true{($0 as SKNode).paused = false}
By setting it to true you can easily undo the freeze.
Better use a for-loop to iterate over the children.
for node in self.children as [SKNode] {
node.paused = false
I can tell you what I did in my game:
Pause the SKView on -applicationWillResignActive: (or equivalent, using NSNotifications),
Un-pause the SKView on -applicationDidBecomeActive: (or equivalent, using NSNotifications),
For the actual game scene only, I set a boolean flag _isPaused when resigning active, and if it is true I just skip the -update: method (frame updates). (I also show the "paused" menu when the user resumes the app).
...But my game is a simple puzzle game, and there's no long actions that should continue past the pause/resume. I can not confirm right now that all actions are aborted, but I think it's not the case.
I also used{($0 as SKNode).paused = false} and it does work if you create a var layer of type SKSpriteNode and add it on top of the scene. But I also have an NSTimer I'm using to spawn sprites on the scene. Everything currently on the scene is paused, but sprites keep appearing and moving across the screen. It is not pausing the spawning.
I tried pausing the NSTimer when I call the above code by setting repeats to false, then setting it to true when I remove the layer but it doesn't work. I also tried self.scene?.view?.paused = true but that freezes everything and the layer I create does not even appear onscreen.
You need to set the delegate for the View!
func PauseGame(){
self.scene.view.paused = true
fun playGame(){
self.scene.pause = false
This function is work perfectly if you are not using the NSTimer to call a function. If you use NSTimer your view will pause perfectly but when you play the game again by play game functionality you see that all the functions that use the NSTimer function that runs in the back end and your screen full with your sprite-kits. So when you use NSTimer in the function you have to first pause the NSTimer functions also after that this function work perfectly.
//For Pause
func pauseGame() {
scene?.view?.paused = true
//For play.
func playGame() {
scene?.view?.paused = false
My game has a pause screen which doubles as the main title screen with high scores. It is semi-transparent so the user can see what state the game-round was in. They can see the last message such as "Win" or "Loss". In the case of an interruption or pause they see "Redo". My game already handles interruptions gracefully, saving state and restoring last round so that the user can try again.
Question; when the user closes the app (hits home button) or if the app is interrupted with an incoming phone call during game-play, when the app comes back into the foreground should I show the pause screen or should I take them back to the game? Another way to phrase this question would be, should the home button and the pause button behave virtually the same for game-play interruption? (I presume that if the user were in a sub-screen, non-game-play, they would be taken back to that sub-screen).
Question 2; What does it mean to pause? I believe all sounds should cease but can I get away with keeping some minimal animation going? I do know that if the app were to go into the background that the OpenGL ES 2 animation would have to cease. Do you think users would prefer to have no animations during pause? I question the extent to which battery life should influence the answer.
I think this is a very subjective question. I'll try to give you some input.
I would say the good rule of thumb is: Will it affect your game play if you don't pause the game? For example, if your game is a chess or sudoku game, it wouldn't really matter if you pause the game when the user exit to home screen. However if your game is an action game that each mili second is very important and will decide whether the user will win, then in that case you would need to pause the game.
What does it mean to pause: It depends on your implementation. It can be anything you want. You can even continue the animation in the background if you want. This is all up to you.
I want to pause the program until my button is press
I have pause my scene by Use [[CCDirector sharedDirector] pause]; sure that the screen is pause but my function is continue running until it end function
Do they have any function to wait for the press button action??
If you pause the CCDirector, it will drop the framerate to 4 fps - it does not stop the CCDirector from running game updates, nor will it halt the execution of the current method.
Note that the low framerate will affect touch detection and you may find it hard to activate any CCMenu button while CCDirector is paused.
These are just two reasons why CCDirector's pause method is a poor substitute for a real implementation of pausing your game. In principle, when you bring up the ingame (pause) menu, what should happen is that any game play object is simply not running any updates and pauses any currently running actions. Only the foreground menu remains running normally to receive user input.