Convert docker image into Cloud Foundry droplet - docker

Is there a simple way of converting my docker image to a cloud foundry droplet ?
What did not work:
docker save registry/myapp1 |gzip > myapp1.tgz
cf push myapp1 --droplet myapp1.tgz
LOG: 2021-02-13T12:36:28.80+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Exit status 1
LOG: 2021-02-13T12:36:28.80+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR /tmp/lifecycle/launcher: no start command specified or detected in droplet

If you want to run your docker image on Cloud Foundry, simply run cf push -o <your/image>. Cloud Foundry can natively run docker images so long as your operations team has enabled that functionality (not a lot of reason to disable it) and you meet the requirements.
You can check to see if Docker support is enabled by running cf feature-flag and looking for the line diego_docker enabled. If it says disabled, talk to your operations team about enabling it.
By doing this, you don't need to do any complicated conversion. The image is just run directly on Cloud Foundry.
This doesn't 100% answer your question, but it's what I would recommend if at all possible.
To try and answer your question, I don't think there's an easy way to make this conversion. The output of docker save is a bunch of layers. This is not the same as a droplet which is an archive containing some specific folders (app bits + what's installed by your buildpacks). I suppose you could convert them, but there's not a clear path to doing this.
The way Cloud Foundry uses a droplet is different and more constrained than a Docker image. The droplet gets extracted into /home/vcap overtop of an Ubuntu Bionic (cflinuxfs3 root filesystem) and the app is then run out of there. This your droplet can only contain files that will go into this one place in the file system.
For a Docker image, you can literally have a completely custom file system.
So given that difference, I don't think there's a generic way you can take a random docker image and convert that to a droplet. The best you could probably do is take some constrained set of docker images, like those build from Ubuntu Bionic, using certain patterns, extract the files necessary to run your app, stuff them directories that will unpack overtop of /home/vcap (i.e. that resembles a droplet), tar gzip it and try to use that.
Starting with the output of docker save is probably a good idea. You'd then just need to extract the files you want from the tar archive of the layers (i.e. dig through each layer, which is another tar archive and extract files), then move them into a directory structure that resembles this:
where ./deps is typically where buildpacks will install required dependencies, ./.profile.d/ is where you can put scripts that will run before your app starts and ./app is where your app (most of your files) will end up.
The staging_info.yml, I'm not 100% sure is required, but basically breaks down to {"detected_buildpack":"java","start_command":""}. You could fake the detected_buildpack setting it to anything and then start_command is obviously the command to run (you can override this later though).
I haven't tried doing this because cf push -o is much easier, but you could give it a shot if cf push -o isn't an option.


Why do docker containers rely on uploading (large) images rather than building from the spec files?

Having needed several times in the last few days to upload a 1Gb image after some micro change, I can't help but wonder why there isnt a deploy path built into docker and related tech (e.g. k8s) to push just the application files (Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml and app related code) and have it build out the infrastructure from within the (live) docker host?
In other words, why do I have to upload an entire linux machine whenever I change my app code?
Isn't the whole point of Docker that the configs describe a purely deterministic infrastructure output? I can't even see why one would need to upload the whole container image unless they make changes to it manually, outside of Dockerfile, and then wish to upload that modified image. But that seems like bad practice at the very least...
Am I missing something or this just a peculiarity of the system?
Good question.
Short answer:
Because storage is cheaper than processing power, building images "Live" might be complex, time-consuming and it might be unpredictable.
On your Kubernetes cluster, for example, you just want to pull "cached" layers of your image that you know that it works, and you just run it... In seconds instead of compiling binaries and downloading things (as you would specify in your Dockerfile).
About building images:
You don't have to build these images locally, you can use your CI/CD runners and run the docker build and docker push from the pipelines that run when you push your code to a git repository.
And also, if the image is too big you should look into ways of reducing its size by using multi-stage building, using lighter/minimal base images, using few layers (for example multiple RUN apt install can be grouped to one apt install command listing multiple packages), and also by using .dockerignore to not ship unnecessary files to your image. And last read more about caching in docker builds as it may reduce the size of the layers you might be pushing when making changes.
Long answer:
Think of the Dockerfile as the source code, and the Image as the final binary. I know it's a classic example.
But just consider how long it would take to build/compile the binary every time you want to use it (either by running it, or importing it as a library in a different piece of software). Then consider how indeterministic it would download the dependencies of that software, or compile them on different machines every time you run them.
You can take for example Node.js's Dockerfile:
Which is based on Alpine:
You don't want your application to perform all operations specified in these files (and their scripts) on runtime before actually starting your applications as it might be unpredictable, time-consuming, and more complex than it should be (for example you'd require firewall exceptions for an Egress traffic to the internet from the cluster to download some dependencies which you don't know if they would be available).
You would instead just ship an image based on the base image you tested and built your code to run on. That image would be built and sent to the registry then k8s will run it as a black box, which might be predictable and deterministic.
Then about your point of how annoying it is to push huge docker images every time:
You might cut that size down by following some best practices and well designing your Dockerfile, for example:
Reduce your layers, for example, pass multiple arguments whenever it's possible to commands, instead of re-running them multiple times.
Use multi-stage building, so you will only push the final image, not the stages you needed to build to compile and configure your application.
Avoid injecting data into your images, you can pass it later on-runtime to the containers.
Order your layers, so you would not have to re-build untouched layers when making changes.
Don't include unnecessary files, and use .dockerignore.
And last but not least:
You don't have to push images from your machine, you can do it with CI/CD runners (for example build-push Github action), or you can use your cloud provider's "Cloud Build" products (like Cloud Build for GCP and AWS CodeBuild)

How can I save any changes of containers?

If I have one ubuntu container and I ssh to it and make one file after the container is destroyed or I reboot the container the new file was destroyed because the kubernetes load the ubuntu image that does not contain my changes.
My question is what should I do to save any changes?
I know it can be done because some cloud provider do that.
For example:
ssh ubuntu#POD_IP
mkdir new_file
after reboot I have
ssh ubuntu#POD_IP
ls shows nothing
But I want to it save my current state.
And I want to do it automatically.
If I use docker commit I can not control my images because it makes hundreds of images. because I should make images by every changes.
If I want to use storage I should mount /. but kubernetes does not allow me to mount /. and it gives me this error
Error: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: '/var/lib/kubelet/pods/26c39eeb-85d7-11e9-933c-7c8bca006fec/volumes/': invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid specification: destination can't be '/'
You can try to use docker commit but you will need to ensure that your Kubernetes cluster is picking up the latest image that you committed -
This is going to create a new image out of your container which you can feed to Kubernetes.
Ref -
Update 1 -
In case you want to do it automatically, you might need to store the changed state or the files at a centralized file system like NFS etc & then mount it to all running containers whenever required with the relevant permissions.
K8s ref -
Docker and Kubernetes don't work this way. Never run docker commit. Usually you have very little need for an ssh daemon in a container/pod and you need to do special work to make both the sshd and the main process both run (and extra work to make the sshd actually be secure); your containers will be simpler and safer if you just remove these.
The usual process involves a technique known as immutable infrastructure. You never change code in an existing container; instead, you change a recipe to build a container, and tell the cluster manager that you want an update, and it will tear down and rebuild everything from scratch. To make changes in an application running in a Kubernetes pod, you typically:
Make and test your code change, locally, with no Docker or Kubernetes involved at all.
docker build a new image incorporating your code change. It should have a unique tag, often a date stamp or a source control commit ID.
(optional but recommended) docker run that image locally and run integration tests.
docker push the image to a registry.
Change the image tag in your Kubernetes deployment spec and kubectl apply (or helm upgrade) it.
Often you'll have an automated continuous integration system do steps 2-4, and a continuous deployment system do the last step; you just need to commit and push your tested change.
Note that when you docker run the image locally in step 3, you are running the exact same image your production Kubernetes system will run. Resist the temptation to mount your local source tree into it and try to do development there! If a test fails at this point, reduce it to the simplest failing case, write a unit test for it, and fix it in your local tree. Rebuilding an image shouldn't be especially expensive.
Your question hints at the unmodified ubuntu image. Beyond some very early "hello world" type experimentation, there's pretty much no reason to use this anywhere other than the FROM line of a Dockerfile. If you haven't yet, you should work through the official Docker tutorial on building and running custom images, which will be applicable to any clustering system. (Skip all of the later tutorials that cover Docker Swarm, if you've already settled on Kubernetes as an orchestrator.)

Intro to Docker for FreeBSD Jail User - How and should I start the container with systemd?

We're currently migrating room server to the cloud for reliability, but our provider doesn't have the FreeBSD option. Although I'm prepared to pay and upload a custom system image for deployment, I nontheless want to learn how to start a application system instance using Docker.
in FreeBSD Jail, what I did was to extract an entire base.txz directory hierarchy as system content into /usr/jail/app, and pkg -r /usr/jail/app install apache24 php perl; then I configured /etc/jail.conf to start the /etc/rc script in the jail.
I followed the official FreeBSD Handbook, and this is generally what I've worked out so far.
But Docker is another world entirely.
To build a Docker image, there are two options: a) import from a tarball, b) use a Dockerfile. The latter of which lets you specify a "CMD", which is the default command to run, but
Q1. why isn't it available from a)?
Q2. where are information like "CMD ENV" stored? in the image? in the container?
Q3. How to start a GNU/Linux system in a container? Do I just run systemd and let it figure out the rest from configuration? Do I need to pass to it some special arguments or envvars?
You should think of a Docker container as a packaging around a single running daemon. The ideal Docker container runs one process and one process only. Systemd in particular is so heavyweight and invasive that it's actively difficult to run inside a Docker container; if you need multiple processes in a container then a lighter-weight init system like supervisord can work for you, but that's usually an exception more than a standard packaging.
Docker has an official tutorial on building and running custom images which is worth a read through; this is a pretty typical use case for Docker. In particular, best practice is to write a Dockerfile that describes how to build an image and check it into source control. Containers should avoid having persistent data if they can (storing everything in an external database is ideal); if you change an image, you need to delete and recreate any containers based on it. If local data is unavoidable then either Docker volumes or bind mounts will let you keep data "outside" the container.
While Docker has several other ways to create containers and images, none of them are as reproducible. You should avoid the import, export, and commit commands; and you should only use save and load if you can't use or set up a Docker registry and are forced to move images between systems via a tar file.
On your specific questions:
Q1. I suspect the best reason the non-docker build paths to create images don't easily let you specify things like CMD is just an implementation detail: if you look at the docker history of an image you'll see the CMD winds up being its own layer. Don't worry about it and use a Dockerfile.
Q2. The default CMD, any set ENV variables, and other related metadata are stored in the image alongside the filesystem tree. (Once you launch a container, it has a normal Unix process tree, with the initial process being pid 1.)
Q3. You don't "start a system in a container". Generally run one process or service in a container, and manage their lifecycles independently.

The best way to create docker image "offline installer"

I use docker-compose file to get Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana stack. Everything works fine,
docker-compose build
command creates three images, about 600 MB each, downloads from docker repository needed layers.
Now, I need to do the same, but at the machine with no Internet access. Downloading from respositories there is impossible. I need to create "offline installer". The best way I found is
docker save image1 image2 image3 -o archivebackup.tar
but created file is almost 2GB. During
docker-compose build
command some data are downloaded from the Internet but it is definitely less than 2GB.
What is a better way to create my "offline installer", to avoid making it so big?
The save command is the way to go for running docker images online.
The size difference that you are noticing is because when you are pulling images from a registry, some layers might exist locally and are thus not pulled. So you are not pulling all the image layers, only the ones
that you don't have locally.
On the other hand, when you are saving the image to a tar, all the layers need to be stored.
The best way to create the Docker offline Installer is to
List item
Get the CI/CD pipeline to generate the TAR file as build process.
Later create a local folder with the required TAR files
Write a script to load these TAR files on the machine
The same script can fire the docker-compose up -d command to bring up the whole service ecosystem
Note : It is important to load the images before bringing up the services
Regarding the size issue the answer by Yamenk specifically points to the reason why the size increases. The reason is docker does not pull the shared layers.

How to make docker image of host operating system which is running docker itself?

I started using Docker and I can say, it is a great concept.
Everything is going fine so far.
I installed docker on ubuntu (my host operating system) , played with images from repository and made new images.
I want to make an image of the current(Host) operating system. How shall I achieve this using docker itself ?
I am new to docker, so please ignore any silly things in my questions, if any.
I was doing maintenance on a server, the ones we pray not to crash, and I came across a situation where I had to replace sendmail with postfix.
I could not stop the server nor use the docker hub available image because I need to be clear sure I will not have problems. That's why I wanted to make an image of the server.
I got to this thread and from it found ways to reproduce the procedure.
Below is the description of it.
We start by building a tar file of the entire filesystem of the machine (excluding some non necessary and hardware dependent directory - Ok, it may not be as perfect as I intent, but it seams to be fine to me. You'll need to try whatever works for you) we want to clone (as pointed by #Thomasleveil in this thread).
$ sudo su -
# cd /
# tar -cpzf backup.tar.gz --exclude=/backup.tar.gz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys /
Then just download the file into your machine, import targz as an image into the docker and initialize the container. Note that in the example I put the date-month-day of image generation as image tag when importing the file.
$ scp user#server-uri:path_to_file/backup.tar.gz .
$ cat backup.tar.gz | docker import - imageName:20190825
$ docker run -t -i imageName:20190825 /bin/bash
IMPORTANT: This procedure generates a completely identical image, so it is of great importance if you will use the generated image to distribute between developers, testers and whateever that you remove from it or change any reference containing restricted passwords, keys or users to avoid security breaches.
I'm not sure to understand why you would want to do such a thing, but that is not the point of your question, so here's how to create a new Docker image from nothing:
If you can come up with a tar file of your current operating system, then you can create a new docker image of it with the docker import command.
cat my_host_filesystem.tar | docker import - myhost
where myhost is the docker image name you want and my_host_filesystem.tar the archive file of your OS file system.
Also take a look at Docker, start image from scratch from superuser and this answer from stackoverflow.
If you want to learn more about this, searching for docker "from scratch" is a good starting point.
