Apache Jena Fuseki has clustering or Auto scaling support? - jena

We are using Apache Jena Fuseki (2.4), and I just thought of checking whether it has auto scaling, clustering, or other high availability options.
We have built all our services as micro services (stateless) and deployed in Docker and k8s environment with auto scaling enabled based on CPU and memory load. Although micro services are enabled with scaling, backend operations go through Fuseki, which acts as a single point of failure when "n" number of users are hitting the application.
In summary, the question is if Fuseki has any support for clustering or auto scaling?


How to make spring microservices scale

I have few independent spring boot REST API microservices sharing a common database. I'm new to devops and I'm quite confused about load balancing scaling etc. I just want depending on traffic volume the microservice which is getting the majority traffic should scale or launch multiple instances of it to distribute load and as traffic lowers it should scale down automatically. Please suggest me a way to do so. You can give me any docs or article so that I learn about this things; because kubernetes, kubectl, containers and pods these terms are going over my head.
it would be best if you used the built-in Kind called Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, or HPA.
it's basically a set of configuration rules, that scale up or scale down your application, based on the configuration you want, the most common rule is scaling based on CPU or MEMORY usage (if the pods get more requests, the pod use more CPU, but it's not the case all the time), you can read more about that in the docs.
if you want to scale tour application based on more complex metrics, you can use tools like keda,

How to collect messages (total number and size) between microservices?

I have a microservices based software architecture.
There is a php application which orchestrates the communication among microservices and the application's whole logic.
I need to simulate the communication between microservices as a graph.
There will be edges with weights , which will represent the affinities between microservices.
I am searching for a tool in order to collect all messages and their size.
I have read that there are distibuted tracing systems like Zipkin which i have already deployed, and could accomplish this task.
But, i cannot find how to collect the messages i want.
This is the php library i used for the instrumentation of my app
Any ideas about other tools or how to use Zipkin differently to achieve my goal?
Let me add to this thread my three bits. Speaking of Envoy, yes, when attached to your application it adds a lot of useful features from observability bucket, e.g. network level statistics and tracing.
Here is the question, have you considered running your legacy apps inside service mesh, like Istio ?.
Istio simplifies deployment and configuration of Envoy for you. It injects sidecar container (istio-proxy, in fact Envoy instance) to your Pod application, and gives you these extra features like a set of service metrics out of the box*.
Example: Stats produced by Envoy in Prometheus format, like istio_request_bytes are visualized in Kiali Metrics dashboard for inbound traffic as request_size (check screenshot)
*as mentioned by #David Kruk, you still needs to have Prometheus server deployed in your cluster to be able to pull these metrics to Kiali dashboards.
You can learn more about Istio here. There is also a dedicated section on how to visualize metrics collected by Istio (e.g. request size).

Spring Cloud Dataflow reducing cost of streams

I'm using Spring Cloud Dataflow local server and deploying 60+ streams with a Kafka topic and custom sink. The memory/cpu usage cost is not currently scalable. I've set the Xmx to 64m for most streams.
Currently exploring my options.
Disable embedded Tomcat server. I tried this once and SCDF couldn't tell the deployment status of the stream.
Group multiple Kafka "source" topics to a single sink app. This is allowed by Kafka but unclear if SCDF will permit subscribing to multiple topics.
Switch to using Kubernetes deployer. Won't exactly reduce the memory/cpu usage but distribute it across multiple machines. Haven't pursued this option because Kubernetes isn't used in my org yet. Maybe this will force the issue.
Open to other ideas. Might also be able to tweak Kafka configs such as max.poll.records and reduce memory usage.
First, I'd like to clarify the differences between SCDF and Stream/Task apps in the data pipeline.
SCDF is a lightweight Spring Boot app that includes the DSL, REST-APIs, and the Dashboard. Simply put, it serves as the orchestrator to define and deploy stream and task/batch data pipelines made of stream and task applications respectively.
The actual business logic, its performance, and the underlying resource consumption are at the individual Stream/Task application level. SCDF doesn't interfere with the app's operation, nor it contributes to the resource load. Everything, in the end, is standalone Boot apps - standalone Java processes.
Now, to your exploratory steps.
Disable embedded Tomcat server. I tried this once and SCDF couldn't tell the deployment status of the stream.
SCDF is a REST server and it requires the application container (in this case Tomcat), you cannot disable it.
Group multiple Kafka "source" topics to a single sink app. This is allowed by Kafka but unclear if SCDF will permit subscribing to multiple topics.
Again, there is no relation between SCDF and the apps. SCDF orchestrates full-blown Stream/Task (aka: Boot apps) into coherent data pipeline. If you have to produce or consumer to/from multiple Kafka topics, it is done at application level. Checkout the multi-io sample for more details.
There's the facility to consume from multiple topics directly via named-destination, too. SCDF provides a DSL/UI capability to build fan-in and fan-out pipelines. Refer to docs for more details. This video could be useful, too.
Switch to using Kubernetes deployer.
SCDF's Local-server is generally recommended for development. Primarily because there's no resiliency baked into the Local-server implementation. For example, if the streaming apps crash for any reason, there's no mechanism to restart them automatically. This is exactly why we recommend either SCDF's Kubernetes or Cloud Foundry server implementations in production. The platform provides the resiliency and fault-tolerance by automatically restarting the apps under fault scenarios.
From resourcing standpoint, once again, it depends on each application. They are standalone microservice application doing a specific operation at runtime, and it is up to how much resources the business logic requires.

What's the difference between launching a docker container in App Engine vs Compute Engine?

Given that you can upload docker images to both the app engine and the Compute Engine, what's the real difference for a person that always contains their apps in docker?
According to a similar question the difference boils down to PaaS vs IaaS, but with a docker file you always specify the OS and runtime environment. So the only difference I see is you might end up over specifying on App Engine by giving a container.
Fundamentally, if you just want your app to scale seamlessly and quickly without much input, use App Engine Flex. If you want more control that you can configure in different ways using other Google products, consider an unmanaged instance group with Compute Engine.
Some history
It's worth noting that the ability to add Docker images to Compute Engine instances was an extremely recent development. And before that, App Engine Flexible was the new kid in town because we used to only have App Engine standard which definitely didn't allow you to use Docker as a base.
Key Differences
Here are the key differences in my experience:
App Engine is designed as a PaaS product and so you can customize scaling parameters in your app.yaml and App Engine reads those and takes over from you. It's technically true that you can do this using Compute Engine but it involves more configuration - you need to set up an instance group, a backend and a frontend. With App Engine, all of that is taken care of for you
You can't setup any load balancers or any peripheral services or products on top of App Engine. App Engine Flexible went quite a way further to give the user more control and more (sorry) flexibility. However, it doesn't allow unfettered integration with other services. Whereas with Compute Engine, you can setup an HTTPs load balancer, add your machines to different networks and subnets, set custom tags etc...
On an additional note, a more detailed explanation on the difference between App Engine and Compute Engine can be found here.
App Engine is PaaS service and managed service from google. It has options as dynamic instance and resident instance to achieve scaling. It has predefined runtime setup for the supported languages, we just need to execute the code. It supports execution of multiple versions of the applications simultaneously, so we can release the code changes for separate group of users. It's inherently support container environment, so the basic details like number of pods or nodes need no to provide. Even for the App Engine Standard if there is no load than the node count reduced to zero means no cost. App Engine Flexible requires at-least one up instance. Here the deployment can be done by a single command i.e. gcloud app deploy app.yaml
Compute engine is IaaS so developer needs to create a machine, setup the desired software's, setup the docker container environment. There will be no scaling, version management, traffic control,security, firewall, health monitoring and repair etc. So with compute engine it's really tough to achieve the capabilities provided by App Engine. The batter alternative is Kubernetes Engine.

Cloud computing: Learn to scale server up/down automatically

I'm really impressed with the power of cloud computing when it comes to the possibility to scale up and down your facilities depending on your load.
How can I shift my paradigm and learn to write my applications in that way? Write it once and forget(no matter of the future load) would be the best solution.
How can I practice my skills in that area?
Setup virtualization environment when I can add another VMs into the private cloud(via command line?) on some smart algorithms to foresee the load for some period of time?
Ideally I want to practice it without buying actual Cloud computing services and just on my hardware.
The only thing I want to practice here is app/web role and/or message queue systems scaling when current workers have too many jobs in queue. So let's rule out database scaling from the question's goal as too big topic.
One option I will throw out is to use a native Cloud execution framework. You might look at CloudIQ Platform. One component is CloudIQ Engine. It allows you to develop cloud native apps in C/C++, Java and .NET. You get the capabilities of scale up by simply adding workers to your cloud. The framework automatically distributes your applications to the new machine(s), and once installed, will begin sending work to them as requests come in. So in effect the cloud handles your queueing issue for you.
Check out the Download and Community links for more information.
You should try AWS- Amazon's offering a free tier that gives you storage, messaging and micro instances (only linux). you can start developing small try-outs without paying. writing an application that scales isn't that hard- try to break your flow into small, concurrent tasks. client-server applications are even easier- use a load balancer to raise\terminate servers by demand.
