Firebase Functions iOS: Response Was Not a Dictionary - ios

I have built and deployed a firebase function that returns Hello World when called and deployed it to Firebase functions
exports.helloWorld = (req, res) => {
let message = req.query.message || req.body.message || 'Hello World!';
res.status(200).send('{"Message":"Hello fromn Firebase"}');
However When I call it from iOS through firebase functions it returns an internal error that 'response was not a dictionary'. Passing a value through does not affect it
functions.httpsCallable("getCampaign").call {(result, error) in
if let error = error as? NSError{
switch FunctionsErrorCode(rawValue: error.code) {
case .internal:
print("Internal error \(error.localizedDescription)")
print("Error \(error.localizedDescription) \(error.code) \(error.domain)")
I assume that this is most likely because iOS is expecting a dictionary to be returned, how can I change this so it allow a string to be returned. Thanks for your help.

You're mixing two types of Cloud Functions:
HTTP functions, which are called with GET or POST HTTP calls from within your Swift code.
Callable functions, which are calling using the firebase-functions SDK in your Swift code.
Your Cloud Functions code is written using the first, while the Swift code is using the second. The two types of Cloud Functions can't be matched.
So you will either have to conver the Cloud Functions to be declared as shown in writing callable Cloud Functions, or use a standard HTTP call in your Swift code.


IOS app to display values via BLE from an ESP32

I have an ESP32 Battery monitor system (BMS) whose status I want to view on an iPhone, there are about 100 values to be monitored with a maximum update rate of once per second. I also needs to be able to send settings to the BMS occasionally.
Blynk seemed to be the perfect app to do this but the new version 2.0 doesn't support BLE! Does anyone know a similar app that could do this?
Have you tried setting the ESP32 up as a web server and creating an API based on the values? Using this instead of bluetooth allows you to view the values from anywhere with internet connection, and is easier to implement and use across different platforms
You can do this by implementing code into the ESP32, so that when you make http requests, it returns with a value, just like any other API would. Then in Xcode where you are building your IOS app you can make http requests to the web server and retrieve values
for example, in the ESP32 you can do something like this (assuming you are using the Arduino IDE to program it):
server.on("/value", [](AsyncWebServerRequest * request))
String value = "value"
request->send(200,"text/plain", value)
This YouTube video shows you this in more detail:
Then, in Xcode you can implement something along the lines of:
func loadData() async {
guard let url = URL(string: "http://IP-address-of-esp32/path-of-value", ) else {
print("Invalid URL")
do {
let (data, _) = try await url)
// process data here with the 'data' variable
} catch {
print("Invalid Data")
//Be aware that this is asynchronous when calling it
This person also explains it in more detail in a YouTube video:
Now, since you have a web server and API set up on your ESP32, and a method of retrieving the values in your IOS app, you can go on and use the values to build the app to your liking.
Good Luck!

Alamofire Network error exceptions handling

I am currently developing an application for iOS. Most of the features that I wanted implemented I have already finished, but there is one feature in particular that I really need to have - Network Errors handling.
So for example: A user is trying to refresh his data inside my application. Instead of my app crashing or simply not doing anything, I would love for that exception to be caught, identified and then display a corresponding message on screen using AlertDialogs. for example:
Network Error - title;
Unreachable host, please check your network connectivity and try again - Message;
OK - button;
I was able to have this working in my Android application and it's quite useful, however, I am quite new to Swift and iOS development, so, please help me out here and point me in the right direction.
I am currently using latest Alamofire for sending HTTP Requests, here is my example of HTTP Request that I have implemented inside my application.
func loadProfile() {
let url = Constants.profileURL
let headers: HTTPHeaders = ["Cookie": "username; password"]
AF.request(url, method: .post, headers: headers).response {response in
if let data =, let dataString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
if dataString.contains(Constants.loginSuccess) {
//Do something
Alamofire's DataResponse (and all response types) contain the Result of serialization. You can use that value to check whether serialization, and the request in general, succeeded or failed. You can then pass the result value to completion handlers to be dealt with as you wish.

Google Places Api Error in Swift 3

Google Places Api
I am implementing google place api in my project. I have implemented everything but google Api returns the following error:
Current Place error: The operation couldn’t be completed. An internal
error occurred in the Places API library. If you believe this error
represents a bug, please file a report using the instructions on our
community and support page
It was working earlier but suddenly it stops. I found nothing in any other answer that could be helpful for me.
This my code to call the Api:
GMSPlacesClient().currentPlace(callback: {
(placeLikelihoods, error) -> Void in
guard error == nil else {
print("Current Place error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
Any Help would be appreciated!!
Make sure that you have given place_id instead of id.
This solved my issue
According to the GMSPlacesClient reference ( you should be accessing the shared instance of the client, so in Swift 3 your code above should be
GMSPlacesClient.shared().currentPlace(callback: {
(placeLikelihoods, error) -> Void in
guard error == nil else {
print("Current Place error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")

Offline sync with Azure App Service

I try to upgrade an objective-c project to Swift. I'm using Azure App Service with a .NET backend to store data from my mobile app (iOS) in the cloud. I just downloaded the quickstart for Swift project from the azure portal and followed the steps in the tutorial to enable offline sync functionality. However inserting an item in the table is not working. I am using the following code to store a new item in the backend
var table : MSSyncTable?
self.table!.insert(item) {
(result) in
let syncItem = result.0
let error = result.1
if error != nil {
print("Error: " + error!.localizedDescription)
Stepping through the code at runtime revealed that error is nil so everything should be working fine, but I am not getting a new entry in my table storage.
Does anybody have experience with Azure App Service and Swift and can help me with this?
Because you are using the sync table, the actual operations to send and receive data from the server are explicit. These are represented by the pushWithCompletion:error: method on the sync context (for sending data up to the cloud), and the pullWithQuery:query:queryId:completion: method on your MSSyncTable.
Note that push automatically occurs when you pull as well.
I would expect the code to look something like:
var table : MSSyncTable?
self.table!.insert(item) { result in
let syncItem = result.0
let error = result.1
if error != nil {
print("Error: " + error!.localizedDescription)
table!.pushWithCompletion() { error in

wsdl2swift get only nil as result, connection Result is OK

I am using to create an iOS Swift JSON Client who is calling an asmx-WebService.
Everything works great, i can build the connection, receive the result JSON-String inside the response XML, and it is printed inside the libraries "makeSoapConnection"-Function.
But if i call
let client = SyedAbsarClient()
let gam = GetAllBla()
gam.cpMyId = "12"
client.opGetAllBla(gam){(response: GetAllBlaResponse?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
i only get "nill"
As mentioned on the website, the utility is still under progress, For now, it returns the actual xml response that you can parse
