Could I reuse scm for pipelineJobs created from a jenkins pipeline? - jenkins

In my jenkins pipeline script (Jenkinsfile) I am creating pipelineJob:s using the jobDsl step, like this:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('create pipelines') {
steps {
jobDsl scriptText: """
pipelineJob('myfolder/myname') {
definition {
cps {
The above code works fine, however I believe those jobs would be better off geting their Jenkinsfile from SCM instead.
There is the cpsScm variant, but how could I reuse the scm-info from the current pipeline so that I don't have to specify each parameter individually?
I would like something along the lines of:
// ...
// Note: this does not work, sadly :)
jobDsl scriptText: """
pipelineJob('myfolder/myname') {
definition {
cpsScm = ${scm}
// ...
So far I've come up with:
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {


Jenkins helm chart - job DSL issue

I have created a PipelineJob in Jenkins UI, which calls 2 other Jenkins jobs:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Trigger disable script approval") {
steps {
build job: 'Tools/Disable_Script_Approval'
stage("Trigger Jobs loading into Jenkins") {
steps {
build job: 'Tools/Seed_Job_Executor'
Then, I used xml-job-to-job-dsl plugin in order to get the job syntax in DSL:
pipelineJob("testLior") {
definition {
cpsScm {
"""pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Trigger disable script approval") {
steps {
build job: 'Tools/Disable_Script_Approval'
stage("Trigger Jobs loading into Jenkins") {
steps {
build job: 'Tools/Seed_Job_Executor'
}""" }
configure {
it / 'properties' / 'com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildSettings' {
I took the above code, and tried to use in JCasC configuration (we are running Jenkins with helm chart on top of EKS), and created this values file:
casc-jobs: |
- script: >
pipelineJob('DSL_Seed_Job') {
definition {
cpsScm {
'''pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Trigger disable script approval') {
steps {
build job: 'Tools/Disable_Script_Approval'
stage('Trigger Jobs loading into Jenkins') {
steps {
build job: 'Tools/Seed_Job_Executor'
So once I'm running helm upgrade I see that Jenkins pod fails to read the JCasC jobs configuration, and this error message appears:
2021-10-21 11:04:37.178+0000 [id=22] SEVERE hudson.util.BootFailure#publish: Failed to initialize Jenkins
while scanning a simple key
in /var/jenkins_home/casc_configs/casc-jobs.yaml, line 3, column 3:
pipelineJob('DSL_Seed_Job') {
could not find expected ':'
in /var/jenkins_home/casc_configs/casc-jobs.yaml, line 12, column 38:
... build job: 'Tools/Disable_Script_Approval'
What can be the cause for this error? I got the DSL syntax from the xml-job-to-dsl-job Jenkins plugin so I don't understand what am I missing here.
Thanks in advance,
You probably figured this out by now but it looks to me like a yaml indentation issue, I believe the block starting with "pipelineJob" should be indented like so:
- script: >
pipelineJob('DSL_Seed_Job') {

Skip Stages in Jenkins shared library based on repository

I have a common Jenkins shared library for all the repositories as below.
pipeline {
environment {
abc= credentials(’abc')
def= credentials(‘def’)
stages {
stage('Build') {
sh ‘docker build'
stage('Unit-test') {
sh ‘mvn test'
#Library('my-shared-library#branch') _
_publish() {
I have 10 Repository each has its own Jenkinsfile as shown above which refers to the jenkins shared library(vars/_publish.groovy). I have a condition here that I need to Pass. For few repository I want to skip the Unit test and just execute the build stage. For rest other repository I want both the stages. Is there anyone I can skip the particular stage based on the repository or repository name
Yes it's possible you can use when expression like this
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
when { expression { return repositoryName.contains('dev') } } <---------Add put your repository name 'dev' so whenever the repository names is ''dev' then execute this stage
steps {
script {
def repositoryName() {
def repositoryName = ['dev', 'test'] <----Add here the 10 repo name
return repositoryName
Here in my case repo names are dev and test so you can add yours accondigly
I would decorate my shared library and Jenkinsfile like this to achieve your scenario.
def call(body={}) {
def pipelineParams = [:]
body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
body.delegate = pipelineParams
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
echo "BUILD"
stage('unitest') {
when {
anyOf {
equals expected: true, actual: pipelineParams.isEmpty();
equals expected: false, actual: pipelineParams.skipUnitest
steps {
echo "UNITEST"
I am enabling my shared library to accept parameter from Jenkinsfile and with when{} DSL deciding whether to skip unitest stage or not
If your Jenkins file from the repo has below details, will skip the unitest stage
skipUnitest = true
below both scenario will run the unitest stage
skipUnitest = false

Jenkins DSL Pipeline: delete a job from its pipeline

I have a Jenkins pipeline job that (among other things) creates another pipelineJob (to cleanup everything afterwards) using Job DSL plugin.
pipeline {
agent { label 'Deployment' }
stages {
stage('Clean working directory and Checkout') {
steps {
checkout scm
// Complex logic omitted
stage('Generate cleanup job') {
steps {
build job: 'cleanup-job-template',
parameters: [
string(name: 'REGION', value: "${REGION}"),
string(name: 'DEPLOYMENT_TYPE', value: "${DEPLOYMENT_TYPE}")
The thing is that I need this newly generated job to be built only once and then, if the build was successful, the job should be deleted.
pipeline {
stages {
stage('Cleanup afterwards') {
// cleanup logic
post {
success {
// delete this job?
I thought, that this can be done using Pipeline Post Action, but, unfortunately, I couldn't find any out-of-the-box solution for this.
Is it possible to achieve this at all?
You can achieve this using the post Groovy and then you will need to write some groovy code in order to delete the job:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import hudson.model.*
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Cleanup afterwards') {
// cleanup logic
steps {
node('worker') {
sh 'ls -la'
post {
success {
script {
jobsToDelete = ["<JOB_TO_DELETE"]
deleteJob(Hudson.instance.items, jobsToDelete)
def deleteJob(items, jobsToDelete) {
items.each { item ->
if (item.class.canonicalName != 'com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder') {
if (jobsToDelete.contains(item.fullName)) {
Tested both cases and work on Jenkins 2.89.4
You should do that all in one job instead of creating and deleting jobs. Use multiple stages for that, e.g. deploy test system, run tests / wait for tests to be finished, undeploy. No need for extra jobs. Example posted here: Can a Jenkins pipeline have an optional input step?

Creating Jenkins Pipeline inside Job DSL script

I can create pipelines by putting the following code into "Jenkinsfile" in my repository(called repo1) and creating a new item, through Jenkins GUI, to poll the repository.
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'maven:3-alpine'
args '-v /root/.m2:/root/.m2'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'mvn -B -DskipTests clean package'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'mvn test'
post {
always {
junit 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/*.jar', fingerprint: true
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sh 'echo \'uploading artifacts to some repositories\''
But I have a case where I am not allowed create new items through Jenkins GUI but have a pre-defined job which reads JobDSL files in a repository I provide. So, I need to create the same pipeline through JobDSL but I cannot find the corresponding syntax for all the things, for instance, I couldn't find 'agent' DSL command.
Here is a job DSL code I was trying to change.
pipelineJob('the-same-pipeline') {
definition {
cps {
node {
stage('prepare') {
steps {
sh '''echo 'hello''''
For instance, I could not find 'agent' command. Is it really possible to have the exact pipeline by using job DSL?
I found a way to create the pipeline item through jobDSL. So, the following jobDSL is creating another item which is just a pipeline.
pipelineJob('my-actual-pipeline') {
definition {
cpsScmFlowDefinition {
scm {
gitSCM {
userRemoteConfigs {
userRemoteConfig {
branches {
branchSpec {
browser {
gitWeb {
You can find the Jenkinsfile and my test repo here:

Job DSL to create "Pipeline" type job

I have installed Pipeline Plugin which used to be called as Workflow Plugin earlier.
I want to know how can i use Job Dsl to create and configure a job which is of type Pipeline
You should use pipelineJob:
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
You can define the logic by inlining it:
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
echo 'logic'
stage('Stage 2') {
steps {
echo 'logic'
or load it from a file located in workspace:
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
Seed-job file structure:
\- productJob.groovy
\- productPipeline.jenkinsfile
then productJob.groovy content:
pipelineJob('product-job') {
definition {
cps {
I believe this question is asking something how to use the Job DSL to create a pipeline job which references the Jenkinsfile for the project, and doesn't combine the job creation with the detailed step definitions as has been given in the answers to date. This makes sense: the Jenkins job creation and metadata configuration (description, triggers, etc) could belong to Jenkins admins, but the dev team should have control over what the job actually does.
#meallhour, is the below what you're after? (works as at Job DSL 1.64)
pipelineJob('DSL_Pipeline') {
def repo = ''
triggers {
scm('H/5 * * * *')
description("Pipeline for $repo")
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote { url(repo) }
branches('master', '**/feature*')
extensions { } // required as otherwise it may try to tag the repo, which you may not want
// the single line below also works, but it
// only covers the 'master' branch and may not give you
// enough control.
// git(repo, 'master', { node -> node / 'extensions' << '' } )
Ref the Job DSL pipelineJob:, and hack away at it on to see the generated config.
This example worked for me. Here's another example based on what worked for me:
pipelineJob('Your App Pipeline') {
def repo = ''
def sshRepo = ''
description("Your App Pipeline")
githubProjectUrl (repo)
rebuild {
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote { url(sshRepo) }
extensions { } // required as otherwise it may try to tag the repo, which you may not want
If you build the pipeline first through the UI, you can use the config.xml file and the Jenkins documentation to create your pipeline job.
In Job DSL, pipeline is still called workflow, see workflowJob.
The next Job DSL release will contain some enhancements for pipelines, e.g. JENKINS-32678.
First you need to install Job DSL plugin and then create a freestyle project in jenkins and select Process job DSLs from the dropdown in the build section.
Select Use the provided DSL script and provide following script.
pipelineJob('job-name') {
definition {
cps {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage name 1') {
steps {
// your logic here
stage('Stage name 2') {
steps {
// your logic here
Or you can create your job by pointing the jenkinsfile located in remote git repository.
pipelineJob("job-name") {
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
If you are using a git repo, add a file called Jenkinsfile at the root directory of your repo. This should contain your job dsl.
