Testing exceptions in Dart - dart

When writing tests around code that will throw an exception, how can Dart/Mockito(or anything else) avoid throwing a real exception?
For example, these tests should both pass and detect the thrown exception - but Dart throws a real exception in the 1st test so only 'It receives a Todo' passes.
void main() {
test('It throws an exception', () async {
final client = MockClient();
when(client.get(Uri.parse('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1'))).thenAnswer((_) async => http.Response('', 404));
expect(await fetchTodo(client, 1), throwsException);
test('It receives a Todo', () async {
final client = MockClient();
final jsonString = '''
"id": 1,
"userId": 1,
"title": "test",
"completed": false
when(client.get(Uri.parse('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/2'))).thenAnswer((_) async => http.Response(jsonString, 200));
expect(await fetchTodo(client, 2), isA<Todo>());
and the mocked get method(based on mockito's generated code - I get the same results when using #GenerateMocks([http.Client]) in my test file.
class MockClient extends Mock implements http.Client {
Future<http.Response> get(Uri url, {Map<String, String>? headers}) {
return super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#get, [url], {#headers: headers}), returnValue: Future.value(http.Response('', 200))) as Future<http.Response>;
class Todo {
int id;
int userId;
String title;
bool completed;
Todo(this.id, this.userId, this.title, this.completed);
Future<Todo> fetchTodo(http.Client client, int id) async {
final response = await client.get(Uri.parse('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/$id'));
if(response.statusCode == 200) {
return Todo(1, 1, 'Test', true);
}else {
throw Exception('Failed to fetch resource');
Test run report:
00:00 +0: It throws an exception
00:00 +0 -1: It throws an exception [E]
Exception: Failed to fetch resource
test/test.dart 49:5 fetchTodo
00:00 +0 -1: It receives a Todo
00:00 +1 -1: Some tests failed.

Your problem is that you do:
expect(await fetchTodo(client, 1), throwsException);
expect() is a normal function, and function arguments are evaluated before the function is invoked. (Dart is an applicative-order language.) You therefore must wait for fetchTodo to complete before calling expect() (and before expect can try to match against the throwsException Matcher).
As explained by the throwsA documentation (and this applies to the throwsException Matcher too), it must be matched against a zero-argument function or a Future. You do not need to (and should not) await the call to fetchTodo.
Also, since you're calling an asynchronous function, the expectation cannot be checked synchronously, so you'll also need to use expectLater instead of expect:
await expectLater(fetchTodo(client, 1), throwsException);


What the consequence does await introduce the program in dart?

Why is the follow code valid? I thought there should be compile-time errors. I thought the return in the body return an int(value 1). If not, it must be returning a Future, which does not comply to the return type either. What has happened with the await?
void longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(
Duration(seconds: 3),
If I assign the await part to a variable, like the following, the compiler starts to complain, which is obvious and easy to understand. But why doesn't the code above complain?
void longRun() async {
var foo = await Future.delayed(
Duration(seconds: 3),
return foo;
Keep studying I've found more confusing thing: all the following versions work. They seem identical, wired.
void longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Future<void> longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Future<int> longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Future longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Future longRun() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
void longRun() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
This is mostly about the behavior of =>, not about await. Normally () => 1 can be thought of as shorthand for () { return 1; }, but that's actually an oversimplification.
=> is allowed for void functions as a convenience so that people can write things like:
bool functionWithSideEffect() {
print('Some side effect');
return true;
void foo() => functionWithSideEffect();
int _someValue = 0;
set someValue(int value) => _someValue = value;
even though these aren't legal:
var foo() {
// error: A value of type 'bool' can't be returned from the function 'foo'
// because it has a return type of 'void'.
return functionWithSideEffect();
set someValue(int value) {
// error: A value of type 'int' can't be returned from the function
// 'someValue' because it has a return type of 'void'.
return _someValue = value;
The crux of your confusion is that () => 1 either could be int Function() or void Function(), and type inference picks different things given different constraints.
When you do:
void longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(
Duration(seconds: 3),
then type inference works outside-in, propagating the void return type of longRun through the unconstrained, returned expression. The Future.delayed call is inferred to be Future<void>.delayed and the () => 1 callback is inferred to be void Function(). (Arguably a void async function returning Future<void> could be treated as error.)
In contrast, when you do:
void longRun() async {
var foo = await Future.delayed(
Duration(seconds: 3),
return foo;
now type inference runs in the other direction (inside-out): foo has no explicit type, so it does not constrain the right-hand-side. Therefore () => 1 is instead assumed to be int Function(), which causes Future.delayed to be inferred to be Future<int>.delayed and foo to be inferred as an int. Since foo is an int, attempting to return it from a function declared to return void is an error.
Future<void> longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
You've changed longRun's return type from void to Future<void>. async functions usually should return a Future but may also return void to be fire-and-forget. The only difference from version 1 is that callers can now wait (fire a callback) when longRun completes. () => 1 is still inferred to be void Function().
Future<int> longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Same as version2 except longRun returns Future<int> instead of Future<void>. Now () => 1 is inferred to be int Function().
Future longRun() async {
return await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
longRun's return type is now Future, which means Future<dynamic>. () => 1 is inferred to be dynamic Function().
Future longRun() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Same as version4 except there is no explicit return statement. Now the Future.delayed expression is no longer constrained by longRun's return type, and inference will flow inside-out; () => 1 is assumed to be int Function().
void longRun() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2), ()=>1);
Same as version5 except that longRun returns void and is a fire-and-forget function. Callers cannot be notified when longRun completes.
(Note that in the above, when I write () => 1 is inferred to be int Function() or void Function(), it really should be FutureOr<int> Function() or FutureOr<void> Function(), but that's not the important part.)
Pre-emptively addressing some potential follow-up questions:
Why is:
void longRun() async {
int f() {
return 1;
return await Future<void>.delayed(
Duration(seconds: 3),
okay, but:
void longRun() async {
return await Future<void>.delayed(
Duration(seconds: 3),
// info: Don't assign to void.
() {
return 1;
generates an analysis complaint? Both versions are legal because substituting a Future<U> for a Future<T> is legal when U is a subtype of T. When T is void, U can be anything; the value can just be ignored. (In Dart, partly for historical reasons when it didn't always have a void type, void actually means that the value cannot be used and not that there is no value. void x = 42; is legal, but attempting to read the value of x would be an error. This is why the "Don't assign to void" analysis complaint isn't categorized as an error.)
In the second version that uses an anonymous function, the tighter locality of the return statement allows the analyzer to perform more extensive checks.

Difference between throwing and returning a Future.error

Minimal reproducible code
Future<void> foo() async {
final fooError = Future.error('FooError');
return Future.error(fooError);
Future<void> bar() async {
await Future(() {});
throw Future.error('BarError');
void main() {
foo().catchError((e) => (e as Future).catchError(print)); // Error is NOT handled.
bar().catchError((e) => (e as Future).catchError(print)); // Error is handled.
As you can see, BarError is handled but not the FooError. AFAIK, when you mark a method async and use throw, the error is wrapped in a Future.error(...). But my first code doesn't work.
Future.error() creates a Future that completes with an error during a future microtask. This means that if the created Future doesn't have a listener when the microtask is executed, it's considered unhandled and will cause the program to terminate. I'm not 100% sure what's triggering the microtask to be executed, but the microtask queue is always executed and drained until it's empty before executing the next event in the isolate's event loop.
However, those details aren't terribly important. To fix this issue, update your example to not wrap your Future.error('FooError') with another Future.error(...), things work as expected:
Future<void> foo() async {
return Future.error('FooError');
Future<void> bar() async {
await Future(() {});
throw 'BarError';
void main() {
foo().catchError(print); // Error is now handled.
bar().catchError(print); // Error is handled.

Return type of void async function in Dart

In Dart, if you have an async function that doesn't return anything, should it return Future<void> or simply void? Both seem to work, but why?
void foo() async {
Future<void> bar() async {
void main() async {
await foo();
await bar();
Compiles with no errors or warnings and prints
In your code, both functions foo() and bar() are not returning anything so any function return type is valid for both functions eg:
void/T/Future<T>... foo() async {
Future<void>/T/Future<T>... bar() async {
and here,
await foo();
await bar();
await just waits till the execution of these async functions is complete. As there is no return type, await has no purpose here(redundant) so this is and should not be a compilation error.
The difference is that Future<void> gives you information of the execution of the function like when the execution is complete and it also allows you to specify what to do when the function is executed by using bar().then(...) and bar().whenComplete(...).
While foo() function return void and void does not hold as such any info like Future<void>. If you try to await bar() it will convert that Future object from Future<void> to void.
Future is just a container, with await returns the values once the async "tasks" are completed. Without await, Future objects give you information about the execution of the function from which they are returning.
Thanks to the other answers - they were a little unclear to me so I'm just going to add some clarifications after experimenting on DartPad:
It is never an error or even a warning! to not return a value from a function, irrespective of the return type. This madness is presumably inherited from Javascript.
If you don't return from a function it implicitly returns null. Except in these cases:
If the return type is void, it does not return a value (and using the result of the expression is a compiler error).
If the function is async:
If the return type is void, you cannot use the result of the function, however you can still await it but you cannot use the result of the await expression, or use any methods of Future.
If the return type is Future<void> it returns an instance of Future<void>. You can await it, and call methods of Future, e.g. .then((void v) { ... });. However you cannot use the result of await (because it is void).
If the return type is Future<T> it returns an instance of Future<T> that resolves to null.
So basically, if you want to allow callers to use Future methods, you need to annotate the return type as Future<void>. If you merely want them to be able to await the function, you only need void. However since you probably don't know in advance I suspect it is a good idea to always use Future<void>.
Here's an example that demonstrates the possibilities:
// Compilation error - functions marked async must have a
// return type assignable to 'Future'
// int int_async() async {
// }
void void_async() async {
Future<void> future_void_async() async {
Future<int> future_int_async() async {
int int_sync() {
void void_sync() {
Future<void> future_void_sync() {
Future<int> future_int_sync() {
void main() async {
// print('${void_async()}'); // Compilation error - expression has type void.
print('future_void_async: ${future_void_async()}');
print('future_int_async: ${future_int_async()}');
// print('${await future_void_async()}'); // Compilation error.
await future_void_async();
future_void_async().then((void v) {
await void_async();
// void_async().then((void v) { // Compilation error.
// print('ok');
// });
print('await future_int_async: ${await future_int_async()}');
print('int_sync: ${int_sync()}');
// print('${void_sync()}'); // Compilation error - expression has type void
print('future_void_sync: ${future_void_sync()}');
print('future_int_sync: ${future_int_sync()}');
It prints
future_void_async: Instance of '_Future<void>'
future_int_async: Instance of '_Future<int>'
await future_int_async: null
int_sync: null
future_void_sync: null
future_int_sync: null
A Future is simply a representation of an Object that hasn't completed the underlying function, and thus is a "promise" for later use. When you use Future<void>, there's no Object to return anyways, so it doesn't matter whether you use void or Future<void>. (The function doesn't return anything, so the return type is a placeholder anyways.)
Future<void> can be used for listeners, and to check when things are complete, as can every Future. This means that you can use Future's listeners to check for completion or errors in running your Future<void> async function, but not your void async function. Thus, in some cases, it's better to give Future<void> than void as the return type.

Dart await removes then?

Do await remove "then"?
Why is it that when using then in the following is causing this error:
// Error: [dart] The method 'then' isn't defined for the class 'String'. [undefined_method]
Modified code from here
import 'dart:async';
Future<void> printDailyNewsDigest() async {
var newsDigest = await gatherNewsReports();
// Error: [dart] The method 'then' isn't defined for the class 'String'. [undefined_method]
// print(newsDigest);
main() {
printWinningLotteryNumbers() {
print('Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]');
printWeatherForecast() {
print("Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny.");
printBaseballScore() {
print('Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0');
const news = '<gathered news goes here>';
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);
// Imagine that this function is more complex and slow. :)
Future<String> gatherNewsReports() =>
Future.delayed(oneSecond, () => news);
await doesn't "remove" then, but it allows to write async code in a more convenient syntax as with then and kind of replaces then.
await is then rewritten back to then by the compiler.
await postpones the execution of the following code until the result of the awaited async operation is completed and returns the result value.
The result value is not a Future anymore and therefore then() is not available.

Flutter - Mockito behaves weird when trying to throw custom Exception

Trying to use Mockito to test my BLoC, the BLoC makes a server call using a repository class and the server call function is supposed to throw a custom exception if the user is not authenticated.
But when I am trying to stub the repository function to throw that custom exception, the test just fails with the following error:
sunapsis Authorization error (test error): test description
package:mockito/src/mock.dart 342:7 PostExpectation.thenThrow.<fn>
package:mockito/src/mock.dart 119:37 Mock.noSuchMethod
package:sunapsis/datasource/models/notifications_repository.dart 28:37 MockNotificationRepository.getNotificationList
package:sunapsis/blocs/notification_blocs/notification_bloc.dart 36:10 NotificationBloc.fetchNotifications
test/blocs/notification_blocs/notification_bloc_test.dart 53:48 main.<fn>.<fn>.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async scheduleMicrotask
test/blocs/notification_blocs/notification_bloc_test.dart 53:7 main.<fn>.<fn>
And this is what my BLoC code looks like: fetchNotifications function calls the repository function and handles the response and errors. There are two catchError blocks, one handles AuthorizationException case and other handles any other Exception. Handling AuthorizationException differently because it will be used to set the Login state of the application.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/datasource/dataobjects/notification.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/datasource/models/notifications_repository.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/utils/authorization_exception.dart';
class NotificationBloc {
final NotificationsRepository _notificationsRepository;
final Logger log = Logger('NotificationBloc');
final _listNotifications = PublishSubject<List<NotificationElement>>();
final _isEmptyList = PublishSubject<bool>();
final _isLoggedIn = PublishSubject<bool>();
Observable<List<NotificationElement>> get getNotificationList =>
Observable<bool> get isLoggedIn => _isLoggedIn.stream;
Observable<bool> get isEmptyList => _isEmptyList.stream;
NotificationBloc({NotificationsRepository notificationsRepository})
: _notificationsRepository =
notificationsRepository ?? NotificationsRepository();
void fetchNotifications() {
.then((List<NotificationElement> list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
} else {
.catchError((e) => _handleErrorCase,
test: (e) => e is AuthorizationException)
.catchError((e) {
log.shout("Error occurred while fetching notifications $e");
void _handleErrorCase(e) {
log.shout("Session invalid: $e");
This is what my repository code looks like:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/datasource/dataobjects/notification.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/datasource/db/sunapsis_db_provider.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/datasource/network/api_response.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/datasource/network/sunapsis_api_provider.dart';
import 'package:sunapsis/utils/authorization_exception.dart';
/// Repository class which makes available all notifications related API functions
/// for server calls and database calls
class NotificationsRepository {
final Logger log = Logger('NotificationsRepository');
final SunapsisApiProvider apiProvider;
final SunapsisDbProvider dbProvider;
/// Optional [SunapsisApiProvider] and [SunapsisDbProvider] instances expected for unit testing
/// If instances are not provided - default case - a new instance is created
NotificationsRepository({SunapsisApiProvider api, SunapsisDbProvider db})
: apiProvider = api ?? SunapsisApiProvider(),
dbProvider = db ?? SunapsisDbProvider();
/// Returns a [Future] of [List] of [NotificationElement]
/// Tries to first look for notifications on the db
/// if notifications are found that list is returned
/// else a server call is made to fetch notifications
Future<List<NotificationElement>> getNotificationList([int currentTime]) {
return dbProvider.fetchNotifications().then(
(List<NotificationElement> notifications) {
if (notifications.length == 0) {
return getNotificationsListFromServer(currentTime);
return notifications;
}, onError: (_) {
return getNotificationsListFromServer(currentTime);
The function getNotificationsListFromServer is supposed to throw the AuthorizationException, which is supposed to be propagated through getNotificationList
This is the test case that is failing with the error mentioned before:
test('getNotification observable gets error on AuthorizationException',
() async {
.thenThrow(AuthorizationException("test error", "test description"));
scheduleMicrotask(() => notificationBloc.fetchNotifications());
await expectLater(
notificationBloc.getNotificationList, emitsError("Error"));
And this is what the custom exception looks like:
class AuthorizationException implements Exception {
final String error;
final String description;
AuthorizationException(this.error, this.description);
String toString() {
var header = 'sunapsis Authorization error ($error)';
if (description != null) {
header = '$header: $description';
return '$header';
PS: When I tested my repository class and the function throwing the custom exception those tests were passed.
test('throws AuthorizationException on invalidSession()', () async {
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.error("Error"));
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(authorization));
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(ApiResponse.invalidSession()));
Above test passed and works as expected.
I am a new college grad working my first full time role and I might be doing something wrong. I will really appreciate any feedback or help, everything helps. Thanks for looking into this question.
You're using thenThrow to throw an exception, but because the mocked method returns a Future you should use thenAnswer.
The test would be like that:
test('getNotification observable gets error on AuthorizationException', () async {
// Using thenAnswer to throw an exception:
.thenAnswer((_) async => throw AuthorizationException("test error", "test description"));
scheduleMicrotask(() => notificationBloc.fetchNotifications());
await expectLater(notificationBloc.getNotificationList, emitsError("Error"));
I think you are using the wrong TypeMatcher class. You need to use the one from the testing framework and not the one from the Flutter framework.
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
class AuthorizationException implements Exception {
const AuthorizationException();
Future<List<String>> getNotificationList(int id) async {
throw AuthorizationException();
void main() {
test('getNotification observable gets error on AuthorizationException',
() async {
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<AuthorizationException>()));
