Why oauth doesn't permit token in body multipart/form-data - oauth-2.0

The rfc explicitly requires that token is passed in body only if content type is form-url-encoded
What the reason behind it? Why not permit multipart?
This poses a problem for file uploads where the browser sets the content type to multiparty/form-data
The most common solution is to pass the token in the query string, which is insecure for logs or appearance in history.

The preferred method is to use the Authorization header to send the access token. The body and URL variants are in the spec to enable OAuth to clients which cannot, for some reason set the HTTP header value. In order to limit the possibilities the server would have to process the standard limits usage to only form-url-encoded. You can read some more about the problems that can arise from this in this answer: Why do we prefer Authorization Header to send bearer token to server over other techniques like URL encoding
In short - it would have been much more complicated for the resource servers in order to support receiving an access token using different content-types. I believe this the main reason behind this decision (although there might be some security implications I'm not aware of).
so generally, the best solution would be to pass the token in an Authorization header, instead of the body or URL.


How can I discover the issuer of an opaque access token?

I'm using OpenID Connect to control access to my REST API. One of the things I need to do when servicing a request is get the OIDC UserInfo based on the access token in request's Authorization: Bearer ... header.
To this point I've been working with JWTs and this works fine. I'm looking at expanding this to work with opaque tokens as well.
My strategy has been based on my understanding of the OpenID Connect Discovery spec, section 4:
Extract the iss from the access token.
Discover the userinfo endpoint by getting ${iss}/.well-known/openid-configuration and querying the JSON for userinfo_endpoint.
HTTP GET the userinfo_endpoint, passing the access token as an Authorization: Bearer ... header.
This works fine for opaque tokens... except for step 1. Currently, I have to know who the issuer is via an out-of-band mechanism because I don't know how to get the issuer from the opaque token (which, to be honest, makes sense given that it's opaque). I see a few possibilities:
Maybe I'm just supposed to know who issued it and my question is misguided.
Maybe the best thing to do is try a list of known issuers and see if one of them works.
Maybe there's a mechanism for discovering the issuer of the opaque token. (The spec refers to WebFinger, but that doesn't seem like it fits my use case.)
Maybe there's something I haven't considered...
Thanks all for any help.
The standard mechanism for dealing with opaque tokens is via introspection. Also the preferred option is for there to only be a single type of access token - issued by your Authorization Server (AS), which sits alongside your APIs.
The introspection result can be a claims payload or a JWT. It is common to plug in an API gateway, as in this article, so that the gateway makes the actual introspection call. The gateway should then cache results for subsequent calls made with the same access token.
An opaque token is typically a GUID or something similar, and the issuer value is not stored in the token - it is instead stored in the issuing Authorization Server's back end state. The only way to determine the issuer is to try to introspect the token.
Aim to avoid using foreign access tokens in your APIs as in the following examples. This can make it difficult to control data added to tokens and token lifetimes:
User signs in with Google - then API uses Google access tokens
User signs in with Microsoft - then API uses Microsoft access tokens
It is preferred instead to use 'federated login capabilities' of your Authorization Server, leading to the following cleaner result, and fewer issues:
User signs in with Google - then API uses your AS access tokens
User signs in with Microsoft - then API uses your AS access tokens
Answering my own question:
You cannot discover anything from an opaque token alone.
An opaque token could be anything, even just a UUID that serves as a key to a database table in the Authorization Server. The only way anything can be obtained with such a token is by calling the introspection endpoint.
(Even if there is anything encoded in the opaque token, the only way it should be decoded is by calling the introspection endpoint.)
To that extent, my original question was somewhat misguided in that I was attempting to decode something that doesn't intrinsically express its encoding. It's rather like trying to use a pointer without knowing what it points to. Indeed, I've found a number of places where the term "reference token" is used to mean "opaque token."
Thanks to Gary Archer for some helpful feedback.

Custom authorization via HTTP headers in Ruby on Rails

I have 2 internal Rails services, which need to speak to each other.
I need an advice how to make it secure enough and with minimum effort.
Currently service A sends Authorization HTTP header to service B, which contains secret token. Simple HTTP Token-based method, nothing special. But I also need somehow to communicate a user token, so service B will know, which user is talking to it.
My current solution is following:
send Authorization Token token=blabla user_token=blabla2
use existing in Rails methods to parse it
identify user by provided user_token
inspired by this StackOverflow post
Amazon way with something like: Authorization: MY-APP-V1 Token=blabla Credential=user_token, but I need custom parser for it.
Custom HTTP header like X-USER-TOKEN, but seems like RFC is not in favor of this idea.
Your proposal or suggestion
Thank you very much for any help.
I'm curious as to why the user token is not enough, can you elaborate on this?
But assuming you want to continue with the double-token approach, something like JWT could be used to encode the user token with the secret token. That way you will just have 1 token and can send it simply as Authorization: Bearer xxxxxx.

Why does JWT need to be sent as a Bearer Token header?

I am adding JWT Auth for a completely new frontend to a legacy Rails backend.
Upon HTTP request, it seems most sources suggest I send the token back to the server via Bearer Header.
Why? What is the additional value of sending via header (bearer or basic). What can't I simply pass the JWT back to the server via .json and authenticate the token from there.
What benefit does an Authorization header give me, and moreso, what does a Bearer Authorization header give me?
I can of course simply follow everyone's example, but want to understand why. The bearer docs are verbose and hard to understand what I'm gaining over simple sending the JWT as part of the data in the request.
Thank you.
You can technically send a json body on each request with the JTW but that would be non standard behaviour (for instance, GET requests should not have a body via the spec).
A more standard way would be to provide an Authorization HTTP header.
The Authorization header is not specific to JWTs and its role is to specify an auth scheme between the client and the server.
Another way would be to include the JWT inside a cookie but that would make the behaviour browser specific while the HTTP header can be sent by virtually any HTTP client.
Bear in mind that contrary to Auth cookies which are sent by the browser automatically the Authorization header needs to be set by the client explicitly.

Why do I need to follow the OAuth spec/guidelines?

I feel silly even asking this question, but am at the limits of my understanding, and am hoping someone can provide some context.
I'm looking at the following (https://stormpath.com/blog/token-auth-for-java/) which states:
The access_token is what will be used by the browser in subsequent requests... The Authorization header is a standard header. No custom headers are required to use OAuth2. Rather than the type being Basic, in this case the type is Bearer. The access token is included directly after the Bearer keyword.
I'm in the process of building a website, for which I'll be coding both the back-end REST service, as well as the front-end browser client. Given this context, why do I need to follow any of the guidelines given above? Instead of using the access_token, Authorization and Bearer keywords, what's stopping me from using any keywords I like, or skipping the Bearer keyword entirely in the header? After all, as long as the front-end and back-end services both read/write the data in a consistent manner, shouldn't everything work fine?
Are the keywords and guidelines given above merely best-practice suggestions, to help others better understand your code/service? Are they analogous to coding-styles? Or is there any functional impact in not following the above guidelines?
Given this context, why do I need to follow any of the guidelines given above?
Because they are standardized specifications that everyone is meant to conform to if they want to interact with each other.
Instead of using the access_token, Authorization and Bearer keywords, what's stopping me from using any keywords I like, or skipping the Bearer keyword entirely in the header?
Nothing, except that it won't be OAuth anymore. It will be something custom that you created for yourself that noone else will understand how to use, unless you publish your own spec for it.
After all, as long as the front-end and back-end services both read/write the data in a consistent manner, shouldn't everything work fine?
Who is to say that you alone will ever write the only front-end? Or that the back-end will never move to another platform? Don't limit yourself to making something custom when there are open standards for this kind of stuff.
Are the keywords and guidelines given above merely best-practice suggestions, to help others better understand your code/service?
No. They are required protocol elements that help the client and server talk to each other in a standardized manner.
Authorization is a standard HTTP header used for authentication. It has a type so the client can specify what kind of authentication scheme it is using (Basic vs NTLM vs Bearer, etc). It is important for the client to specify the correct scheme being used, and for the server to handle only the schemes it recognizes.
Bearer is the type of authentication that OAuth uses in the Authorization header. access_token is a parameter of OAuth's Bearer authentication.
If you use the Authorization header (which you should), you must specify a type, as required by RFCs 2616 and 2617:
Authorization = "Authorization" ":" credentials
credentials = auth-scheme #auth-param
auth-scheme = token
auth-param = token "=" ( token | quoted-string )
So, in this case, Bearer is the auth-scheme and access_token is an auth-param.
Are they analogous to coding-styles?
Or is there any functional impact in not following the above guidelines?
Yes. A client using your custom authentication system will not be able to authenticate on any server that follows the established specifications. Your server will not be able to authenticate any client that does not use your custom authentication system.

No browser is sending Authorization info in header

I'm looking at this and this and it would appear 'easy' to send the credentials in the URL. For example:
This is all well and good but it doesnt work. I've turned fiddler on and for Chrome the Authorization header isnt sent. It appears to exhibit the same behaviour for other browsers (i've got a breakpoint on the server and no Authorize header turns up for Firefox,Safari or IE either)
How to make it better?
Stumbled across this while researching various basic auth implementations.
Browsers generally only send basic auth if they receive a 401 challenge response from the server (more on basic auth protocol). If the endpoint in question accepts both authenticated and non-authenticated users, then a browser-based request will likely never be prompted for the auth parameters.
The easiest way to test this type of setup is to send a curl request (which sends the authentication parameters regardless) to your server endpoint and validate receipt of the authorization header:
curl 'http://gooduser:secretpassword#www.example.com/webcallback?foo=bar'
OK so after much searching and experimenting the approach
does work.
However one needs to be careful to ensure that the secret password DOES NOT contain any special characters. Use a password containing only letters and numbers and a hypen(if you must) and it should work.
