Multiple queries by date in the same row in google sheets - google-sheets

I need to sum the daily sales of each product ASIN. Sounds easy but I can`t do it.
On the left, you can see the data. At the right, the empty table that I need to create.

=QUERY(K2:M; "select K,sum(M) where M is not null group by K pivot L")

Use an IF statement on the columns that you want summed.
For your example, it would be something like this:
in Cell P2
=IF($L2 = P$1, $M2, 0)
This translates to
If ((the text in column L row 2 = the text in p1), take the units from column m row 2, else take 0)
The $ are there to indicate you always want that column/row. So we always want to evaluate column L at the start and Row 1 in the comparison.
Then at the last row of the sheet you have a SUM function for the column
or whatever the end is
Working example here:


Using Google Sheets ARRAYFORMULA to Concatenate Series of Item Based from Lowest to Highest Values per Row

I have a table with three Columns:
Column A: name of Item,
Column B: Lowest value of series,
Column C: the Highest value of series.
enter image description here
What I want to achieve is:
Generate series of item sequence from lowest number to highest number per row
So Apple 7 9 will yield: "Apple_7", "Apple_8", "Apple_9"
Concatenate/Join such sequence per row into Column D
"Apple_7, Apple_8, Apple_9"
"Berry_3, Berry_4, Berry_5, Berry_6, Berry_7, Berry_8"
Doing it all using one Arrayformula, so that new row added can be automatically calculated.
Here is example sheet:
I tried in Column D:
arrayformula(textjoin(", ",true,arrayformula(A3:A&"_"&sequence(1,C3:C-B3:B+1,B3:B,1))))
Apparently, the sequence function only take value from Column B and join it in first row.
Any help will be appreciated.
Try below BYROW() formula (see your file, harun24hr sheet).
Here A3:INDEX(A3:A,COUNTA(A3:A)) will return a array of values as well cell reference from A3 to last non empty cell in column A (Assume you do not have any blank rows inside data). If you have blank row, then you have to use different approach. See this post by #TheMaster
Then LAMBDA() will apply TEXTJOIN() and SEQUENCE() function for each cell of B as well as C column.
SEQUENCE() will make series from start to end number and by concatenating A column and will generate your desired strings.
Finally TEXTJOIN() will join all those strings with delimiter to a single cell.
LAMBDA(x, a, {x; JOIN(, LAMBDA(i, f, u, i&"_"&SEQUENCE(1, u-f+1, f)&";")
(a, OFFSET(a,,1), OFFSET(a,,2)))})), "offset 1", ))

Google Sheets - get value from above

I'm trying to work out a function in a Google Sheets cells to look at a column then search current row and "above" the current row to find a non number value (text).
I have data that in two columns B (item code or category) & C (item description).
I need another column to contain the categories for each item - column D. I'm looking for a formula for this column, ideally an Arrayformula as the data can change, there can be multiple items per category, some might be only 1 item, some might be 100 items per category. The arrayformula in column D will get the category from column B if it is not a number.
B column - categories and item codes, C column - item descriptions, target is D column a copy of the categories from column B.
I've tried this numerous times and usually give up, do it manually but it becomes teadious quickly. Looking forward to any help that might come from this! thanks.
In D2 try
=Arrayformula(if(isnumber(B2:B), vlookup(row(B2:B), filter({row(B2:B) , B2:B}, istext(B2:B)), 2), B2:B))
and see if that works?
Try in D1

How do I use minifs with arrayformula so it autopopulates whole column?

Google sheets user here.
I am using the formula minifs to return the lowest match (out of multiple possible match). Is there a way I can use arrayformula as well to auto-populate an entire column so I don't need to copy the same formula to an entire column?
Sample data below:
Column D and J are data manually inputted. Column I is the formula(s).
Essentially what I want to do here is:
Look at Column D - sees the name "Tom"
Sees that "Tom" has 3 scores 100, 90, 70 in Column J
Formula slaps "70" back into Column I because that is the lowest score
Repeats logic for "John" and "Mary"
Note: The actual data type for column J and I is a date instead of a number. But it is easier to illustrate the problem this way.
So I can do this elegantly with the formula: =minifs(J:J,D:D,D2) and D3,D4,D5,D6...etc.
However, I will have to manually drag the formula to the entire column. This is a problem because my colleagues often insert rows in between (and forget to copy n paste the formula to Column I), is there a way I can auto-populate the entire column like I could with an arrayformula?
Assuming your data are A2:C, you can get the min or max of each row by this way: (you can also add a condition in query)
=query(transpose(query(transpose(A2:C),"select " & "min(Col"&arrayformula(textjoin("),min(Col",,row(A2:C)-1))&")")),"select Col2")

Google Sheets - how to get the first and the last value?

Thank you for your time!
I am trying to make a trade journal in Google Spreadsheets.
What I want is the entry price and exit price of the trades,
Which are cell C10 and cell C11 in the screenshot image below.
I just manually typed the correct value - 960 and 2200.
Fortunately, the entry price for C10 is always what's in cell H2,
Because the first input will always be "Buy" in column F.
However I'm stuck finding the exit value.
I want it to find the last non-zero value of column H, only when column F contains "Sell".
What formula can I write?
enter image description here
You can do it with a combination of
Query for entries in column H where F is equal to "sell" and H is not 0.
From the retrieved subset of data, get the one with the last index (by counting the total amount of indices with COUNTA).
Sample formula:
QUERY(F2:H, "select H where (F = 'sell' and H <> 0)"),
QUERY(F2:H, "select H where (F = 'sell' and H <> 0)")
You can also do it without QUERY() (even though it is a really cool function).
Find last row number where "Sell" appears in Column F and the corresponding value in Column H is non-zero. Since the row number monotonically increases, MAX() always gives us the last occurrence. If the row says "Buy" instead, or the value is 0, then IF() returns -1. We cannot use 0 because INDEX() evidently returns the whole range if we do that.
Use that row number as an index for column H to get the corresponding value. If no valid value was found, we get a #NUM error, which you can handle with IFERROR() if you'd like.
Note: we can't use a VLOOKUP() and approximate match because Action is unsorted.

Lookup value based on latest matching criteria

Below is an example of a table I have, what I am trying to do is get the value in the value column for a specific criteria based on the last occurrence (not including today's date).
So in the example below I want to find the value for the last occurrence of 'A', which is 12.
I think this can be done using an Index-Match, I just can't get my head around it though.
For example
Todays Date: 15/12/2013
|Date | Criteria | Value
|12/11/2013 | A | 3 |
|16/11/2013 | B | 6 |
|27/11/2013 | C | 7 |
|3/12/2013 | A | 12 |
|5/12/2013 | B | 8 |
|15/12/2013 | A | |
I would also like to add that this formula will be in a different sheet to the table above. The sheet reference in the formula also needs to be dynamic, it will draw the sheet name from another cell.
I would use this formula:
This formula assumes that your data is in the columns A,B,C and for every "A" value in the Criteria column, the Date is different. (If that's not the case, then this formula won't work, see below.
Let's look the formula inside from outside:
filter(A:A,B:B="A",C:C<>"") - This will result with the dates where there is an "A" in the Criteria column, and where the Value column is not empty.
arrayformula(match(filter(A:A,B:B="A",C:C<>""),A:A,0)) - In this step we basically find the row number in which those dates are present. The match function will search for the dates (counted in step 1). The arrayformula is needed because there will be more results.
max(arrayformula(match(filter(A:A,B:B="A",C:C<>""),A:A,0))) - This will find the maximum row number (The maximum row number which contains an "A" in the Criteria column)
index(C:C,max(arrayformula(match(filter(A:A,B:B="A",C:C<>""),A:A,0))),1) - Finally, we use the INDEX function to navigate to the value, which has the maximum row number.
Now, if you want this formula to work on another sheet, you should write, instead of for example:
=index(C:C,... => =index(Data!C:C,...
Assuming that your data is in your Data worksheet.
If you want to this sheet to be dynamic, it's a bit tricky. Let's assume, that you're getting the value of the sheet name from the G1 cell. Then you should write:
This is not so pretty as you should do this for every occasion when it occurs in that long formula (described earlier). Instead you can do some pre-work.
Let's write this to your H1 cell: =concatenate(G1,"!C:C") - If in the G1 cell the sheet name is "Data", then the H1 cell should contain: Data!C:C, similarly you can add to the
H2 cell: =concatenate(G1,"!A:A"),
H3 cell: =concatenate(G1,"!B:B")
Now you can write (and that's the final answer for your question I think):
=index(indirect(H1),max(arrayformula(match(filter(indirect(H2),indirect(H3)="A",indirect(H1)<>""),indirect(H2),0))),1) - where H1,H2,H3 will reference to your Data sheet's columns.
I hope it helps.
Use the following formula to accomplish that.
B1:D6, // data
"SELECT D // select
WHERE // where clause
C = 'A' AND // first criterium
D IS NOT NULL // second criterium
ORDER BY B DESC // order by
LIMIT 1, // limit
0" // headers
for copy/paste
The clue to the formula is the usage of the ORDER BY and the LIMIT options within the QUERY formula. The WHERE clauses will prepare the result in the first place. Next, column B (the dates) is ordered descendingly (highest first). The LIMIT option sets the amount of rows to be displayed at 1.
I've created an example file for you: Lookup value based on latest matching Criteria
I appreciate this is a slightly old question, but there is a way that I achieved the goal of filtering an array which I found both more conceptually straightforward, and also more generally applicable than the other answers I have seen, using vlookup's definitional ability to pick the first matching value in an array.
Assuming sample data:
A...B...C...D...E, created by a google form
A is the form entry date
B, C and D are entries from a list (let's assume they are e.g. product name, geography, and sales date)
E is the value
If a new value is entered for a particular product, in a geography, on a date, then I want this to be used in preference to the older version of that same data.
If, in your form, you create three new columns:
F Unique test
G Test cells combined
H Unique cells
Then in column G, you create a combination of all the cells you want to test on (in this case B, C and E)
cell G2: "=arrayformula(B2:B & char(9) & C2:C & char(9) & D2:D)"
The next column is a restatement of the cells you want to filter based on (in this case the date in A)
cell H2: "=arrayformula(A2:A)"
And then finally in column F we actually undertake the test:
cell F2: "=arrayformula(A2:A=vlookup(G2:G,sort({G2:H},2,false),2,false))"
Breaking that down, the vlookup (vlookup(G2:G,[RANGE],2,false) compares the data in G2, G3...Gn with a [RANGE], which is a virtual array consisting of two columns, G and H, pre-sorted according to cell H in descending order.
i.e. For any unique value of G (the combination of test data) the vlookup will return the largest value of H
The last part is a simple comparison to the original data (A2, A3... An) to return TRUE or FALSE based on whether it is the latest version of the unique value.
A final step if needed would be to create a new sheet with "=filter('Form Responses 1'!A:E,'Form Responses 1'F:F=TRUE) to recreate the data without the older versions.
Hope this helps.
